Chapter 30: Rescue

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(Drago's fortress)

Astrid and Mala felt as though their backs were literally on fire and the pain was excruciating. When Valka denied Drago's request at ten, Mala was panting heavily, but Astrid smiled through her tears and steeled herself for the next round. As the whip lashed into their backs, they tried desperately not to lose consciousness, instead trying to focus on anything but the pain. Astrid quickly filed through her memories and found what she was looking for.


The whips came down and she and Hiccup were making love for the first time, that made her smile slightly at just how good that felt.


She gave birth to Stoick, her second child and certainly not the last.


This wasn't working, she could hear Mala and herself screaming.


Valka was telling them to stop and that she would tell Drago what we desired.

"No." Astrid whispered hoarsely. "Only ten left." She wheezed out, Valka quieted instantly and sobbed as they raised the whip again, but Astrid was out of it before the instrument of pain even came down.

(Hours later)

Enyo woke up from slumber, unable to block out the screams of Mala and Astrid being tortured. The young woman got on her feet, strapped on her armor, strapped on her knives on her thighs, bow and quiver around her back and sword strapped to her hip. She tied her hair into a pony tail and walked down to the cells, she then saw Drago and his men walked into the area followed by Valka with the baby on her back. Her breath stilled when she saw that between Valka and a large soldier, Astrid and Mala were being half carried, half dragged back to their cells.

Valka's eyes were swollen from crying, but remained quiet until after she helped lay Astrid down on her stomach. Wondering why, Enyo stood up and walked over. The sight made her cringe in disgust; the stench alone didn't bother her, but she stood firm and she was thankful that she had a strong stomach. She grimaced as she leaned closer. Astrid's back was covered in lash marks; torn skin and muscle showing, the back section of her shirt had been shredded and bits and pieces had borrowed themselves into her skin. Valka demanded she stay in Astrid's cell if Drago wanted her to live. He nodded and left, leaving her to demand water, bandages, a knife and several herbs from the guards. They quickly provided all but the herbs and Valka got down to business.

"What do you want?" Valka spat out upon seeing Enyo, the young woman rolled her eyes, and whistled, moments later a soldier arrived with Eira in tow, the little girl ran to her grandmother and hugged her tightly, the soldier locked the door once Eira was in the cell. Valka breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Enyo, who had herbs on her, she unlocked Mala's cell and dragged the woman to the same cell with the others.

"I'm saving your friend, she'll die without treatment." Enyo simply said, Valka couldn't figure out why she was tending to Mala, but now wasn't the time to think that, Astrid needed attention now. Valka removed Astrid's armor and cut away her shirt, gently extracting the bits of fabric that had been driven into her flesh. Then after washing her back as well as she could, Enyo handed her herbs, once they were applied Astrid shrieked in agony, Valka shushed her while mumbling an apology, she then rolled yards of linen strips around Astrid's torso before taking one of Hiccup's long, loose moss green tunics they had packed in case of fleeing and tugging it slowly over her head. Valka returned the knife to the soldier at the cell and asked quietly for more clean water.

"Shhh." Valka soothed. "Try not to move Astrid."


"Yes, now don't move. It'll only make it worse."

Astrid, as usual, didn't listen and sat up. Her face blanched and she quickly turned and threw up on the stone floor before collapsing. She winced and squeezed her eyes in pain. The room was spinning and she was completely okay with passing out again. Enyo finished patching up Mala and she sighed before looking down at Eira, the little girl looked at the warrior and said. "Thank you." Enyo blinked in surprise before nodding in acknowledgement, then she left the cell.

Eira gently tugged Valka's tunic, the older woman looked at her granddaughter. "Grandma Val, is my father coming to rescue us?" The girl asked, Valka smiled stroked the little girls cheek. "Believe me sweetheart, he's coming for us and he's going to kick these bad men's butts." She said while winking at her, causing Eira to giggle while nodding.

(Eret's ship)

After hours of waiting, Eret, who was asleep felt something on his knee, he opened his eyes to see the Terror he sent out hours ago, the little dragon tilted its head to the side, Eret snickered and pulled the message off its leg and fed it a fish, the dragon snatched the fish out of the air and started eating. Eret unfolded the message and read to himself.

"Eret, my forces are minutes away from Drago's fortress, Mammoth was willing to pull our allies ships, the Bogs and Wing Maidens are to set Valka's Bewilderbeast free, while you distract them with offering Drago Dramillions, the Shadow Wing and Meatheads will attack. Once my 'swarm' and Mammoth join the fight, I'm tasking you, Calus and Artemis to get my family back, while the rest of us cause chaos."

Good luck,

Eret hummed in acknowledgement and grabbed the attention of his crew. "Alright lads, listen up! The cavalry is minutes away, our job is grab their attention long enough with the illusion of us trying sell these Dramillions so that the Shadow Wing and the Meatheads can begin the first stage of the attack, drawing attention away from the ladies trying free Valka's Bewilderbeast, understood?" Everyone nodded in understanding, Eret smiled and put on his coat and said.

"Let's do this."

(Drago's fortress—main gate)

Soldiers walked along the massive walls, with bows and crossbows in hand; ready shoot anything that wasn't their own, they spotted Trappers, draped in fur coats and capes; desperately trying to keep the cold at bay, but with these men, were dragons they've never seen before. One of the soldiers turned to comrade and said. "Get Krogan, he's gonna want to see this." The soldier nodded and ran down the stairs to get his superior.

Soldiers on the ground came up to the Trappers and inspected their bounty. "Never seen these dragons before. How'd you boys find them?" The solider asked, Eret stepped up and answered the soldiers question. "Well we were out on an island West of here and ran into them, these dragons are capable of multiple attacks, making them perfect for practice." The soldiers looked impressed and began talking amongst themselves.

"Is that so Eret son of Eret?"

All the air left Eret's lungs as he saw Krogan, wrapped in his black cloak and looking menacing, the man stopped until he was arms length of the former Trapper. "Explain yourself. Where have you been?" Krogan demanded, Eret cleared his throat and spoke. "Me and my men have been out looking for these rare and extremely valuable dragons to Drago, where else would we be?" Krogan grunted and inspected the Dramillions, the dragons snarled at the man; he had the stench of dead dragons on him.

Krogan then looked back at Eret and curled his lips and spoke darkly. "Legates Cato said the last time he saw you, you seemed... upset." Damn. Krogan is cunning, it's only a matter of time before he reports this to Drago and the man may end him and his crew. "In fact, you seemed so upset that you'd even go to the Dragon Master and side with him to bring us all to our end."

Before Eret could blink, a knife was at his throat, the soldiers on the wall had their bows aimed at Eret's group, while the soldiers on the ground around Krogan drew their weapons and held their shields up and Eret's crew had their weapons ready and the Dramillions were ready to fire.

"How did you know?" Eret breathed out, Krogan snarled, his knife pressing into the former Trappers throat. "I had one of my best Flyers tail you and your crew, now I will let Drago decide your fate." But before Krogan could do anything else, a series of explosions sent soldiers near the gate flying and burning to a crisp. Everyone looked up to see the Shadow Wing in bomber formation, its Small Shadows unleashed a torrent of explosive molten lava, causing soldiers to raise their shields and try shooting them out of the sky.

Eret knocked the knife out of Krogan's hand, he then head butted him and kicked him square in the chest, causing the menacing man to somersault backwards and draw out a sword.

The sounds of war cries filled the air, Drago's soldiers spotted enemy ships approaching, the Meatheads unleashed waves of flaming catapults and arrows; obliterating and cutting down anyone in the flaming projectiles path.

"Sound the damn alarm! NOW!!!" Krogan shouted to the soldiers on the wall, once the alarm sounded, Eret and his crew bolted back to their ship while Dramillions shot anyone attempting to follow them, they then followed Eret's men. Eret whistled and Skullcrusher landed next to his rider, the man turned to his men. "You lads clear out, I'm going to join Calus and Artemis to rescue Hiccup's family. Wait for us." Eret's crew nodded and urged the Dramillions to follow them back to their ship.

(Drago's fortress—alpha domes)

Camicazi and a group of her best Bogs made their way to the alphas domes, while the Wing Maidens kept watch from the sky. The Viking women spotted Valka's Bewilderbeast, it had cuffs locked on its tusks and chains bolted to the walls, the dome surrounding this Bewilderbeast was dragon proof. Cami analyzed the metal, she whistled for one the Bogs to bring her a bag, which was full of Changewing acid. "Alright ladies, lets set this big guy free yeah?" The women nodded and got to work.

The sounds of battle could be heard, and thankfully no soldiers were in the area, Atali flew down to Cami who was still melting the cage. "We're clear, I guess Drago's forces are all focusing on the front." The leader of the Wing Maidens said, Cami turned to her ally and grunted in acknowledgement, after a few more seconds, the last bar fell and the Bewilderbeast looked up at these humans, he sniffed them, he purred gently since he smelled they've befriended dragons.

Before they could do anything else, a Bog got shot in the arm by an arrow, she screamed in pain, they looked up to see soldiers and Flyers on approach. "Take them down!!" A Flyer captain shouted, the soldiers charged crossing blades with their enemies, Atali turned to Cami and yelled out. "We'll cover you, free him!" Cami nodded and jumped down and landed on the Bewilderbeasts tusk. "Hang in there big guy, you're almost free." The massive dragon gave her a smile and nodded, she then got to work on the cuff on the right tusk.

(Drago's fortress— cell blocks)

Valka heard explosions and war cries outside the window bars, a smile crept across her face. Hiccup. He'd have to hurry, or else Drago would dangle them out to try and convince Hiccup to stand down. Mala groaned in agony, before she could sit up, Valka stopped her. She told her if she stood up, she'd reopen the wounds or worse, Mala nodded and stayed still.

Screams and explosions filled the hallway and a soldier was sent flying and splayed out on the floor, his body a burnt corpse. Valka grasped the bars and gasped in joy to see Calus, Artemis and Eret, while their dragons kept watch. "Valka!" Calus places a hand on Valka's through the bars, the man gasped in horror to see Mala and Astrid with bandages wrapped around them and blood staining the bandages.

"Skullcrusher! Take down those bars!" Eret said with urgency, the Rumblehorn nodded and charged the cell, the dragon bit the bars and with a powerful tug, he ripped the bars out of its moorings. Eret gasped upon seeing the two blond women, he muttered a "bloody hell" before coming over to Valka. "How do you want to do this? The soldiers will be back soon." Valka nodded and told Eret to carefully grab Astrids legs, while she would grab her arms.

Once they loaded Astrid on Skullcrusher, they started to load Mala on top of Winter until they heard soldiers shouting. "Hurry up!! The intruders are freeing our leverage!!" That was Drago. They needed to speed up the rescue. Valka and Eret lifted Mala up, the blond woman screamed in pain but soon relaxed as they put her on Winter, Valka climbed on Celest and sat behind Artemis.

The voices of soldiers and Drago were getting closer. "Hurry." Valka said, Calus nodded, Winter charged up a super charged plasma bolt and blew open a dragon sized hole in the cell wall. Just as they took off, Drago and his soldiers came sprinting toward them, and they made it out just in time.

"GO!! GET THEM!!!" Drago roared, the soldiers blew horns and several Flyers arrived and the soldiers jumped on the Flyers Singetails and pulled out bows and equipped quivers full of arrows on their backs. Once they were equipped, they chased their prisoners.

Drago huffed in rage and headed down toward the battlefield, his army of man and armored dragons marched behind him, Krogan and his Flyers provided air support and the warlords muddy Bewilderbeast marched along side them.

The final battle has finally arrived.

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