Chapter 31: Final battle part I

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(Normal pov)

Drago and his army marched out the front gate to be greeted by an ocean of Viking warriors, a swarm of dragon riders, and they laid eyes on Mammoth. The Titan Bewilderbeast. A true king of dragons— earned through years of sacrifice, battle and compassion, this giant was ready to end the muddy Bewilderbeast who stands for cruelty and slavery to both species.

Eret, Calus and Artemis came into view and were being chased by Flyers, before the Flyers could continue shooting, Cloudjumper came out of no where and bulldozed into a Flyer that nearly shot down Skullcrusher. Valka smiled jumped on her dragons back, Cloudjumper purred in relief to see his rider unharmed, Valka scratched her dragons head. "It's good to see you too Cloudjumper." They then heard the familiar whistle of Toothless, Hiccup sighed in relief seeing his family.

"Daddy!!" Hiccup flew toward Winter, where Eira and Astrid were, Hiccup hugged his daughter and gasped in horror seeing Mala and Astrid's back wrapped and blood stains. "Mom, Calus, and Artemis take them back to Berk, I'll return once we finish this." They nodded and flew home, Eret turned toward Hiccup and bowed his head. "Eret, regroup with your men, I'll call upon you when you're needed." Eret nodded and urged Skullcrusher to head back to his ship.

Hiccup and Toothless landed behind their forces and they stared down Drago. Hiccup slid off Toothless and scratched the dragons head, he then drew out Inferno and pointed it at Drago. "I'm going to make you bleed for kidnapping my family you son of a bitch!" Hiccup snarled out in fury that his enemy hurt both Mala and his wife. The warlord scoffed as he slowly walked forward and pointed his bull-hook at Hiccup and boomed out. "You forget I'm still immortal boy! You cannot kill me." Drago's army raised shields and drew their weapons, while the armored dragons readied to fire as were the Flyers.

Drago swung his bull-hook and pointed it toward Hiccup's Viking allies. The muddy Bewilderbeast roared and all the armored dragons charged and began to fire. Hiccup climbed back on Toothless and yelled. "Fall back!" Everyone made a tactical retreat away from the fortress so they could have more space. The armored dragons were pressing their attack; sending Vikings flying into the air and sadly killing handfuls of them. However Mammoth roared at them to stop.


The armored dragons stopped to look at the Titan alpha, Mammoth roared at the muddy Bewilderbeast.

::Trial by combat! Right now! Face me!::

The muddy Bewilderbeast made its way to Mammoth and roared, while baring its teeth at the Titan.

::As you wish, old one::

The two Bewilderbeast slammed their tusks together, their massive spikes began vibrating; meaning that they would fight to the death to declare who was worthy of becoming the true king of dragon kind.

Hiccup and his swarm soon laid eyes on Krogan and his Flyers, the hooded man snarled, he drew his axe out and pointed it at Hiccup. "Kill them all." The Flyers used their whips and feet to urge their Singetails to engage their enemy. Hiccup drew out his shield and Inferno and urged his swarm to engage. Night Furies landed perfect kill shots at the Flyers, sending them crashing down into the icy waters or plummeting into the snow. The Flyers regrouped and their Singetails unleashed a flurry of their own attacks, causing the swarm riders to back off.

The Flyers pressed their attack, though Hiccup and Toothless were shooting down every Flyer in sight, the Singetails plummeted down to battlefield either dead or gravely wounded. That's when Hiccup locked eyes with Krogan, the two readied themselves for a fierce battle. "You're all mine Dragon Master!" Krogan growled before charging, Hiccup loaded an arrow in his crossbow and fired, the sharpened steel pierced Krogan's chest, causing the man to yell in pain and pull it out.

Krogan urged his Singetail to charge, the Singetail fires scarlet shots from its mouth and tail but Toothless counter attacks both and then makes a break to the sky, Krogan urges his dragon to pursue. "Get them!!" Krogan yells at his Singetail, how it begins resisting the higher altitude and falters. Hiccup urged Toothless to fire a high intensity plasma bolt, once fired, Krogan raises his axe to protect himself. Guess how that turned out? His axe bursts into pieces and Krogan falls to his death, his Singetail racing to catch its master. Instead, the Singetail takes the deathblow, it breaks its neck and Krogan lands on its body before the dead dragon crushes Krogan's leg.

Krogan roars in agony, he feels his bones break under the weight of his dead dragon, he tries pushing the Titan Wing off, but to no avail. The man turns around to see Hiccup and Toothless land, Hiccup nocks another arrow in his shield and aims at Krogan, the man closes his eyes and mumbles. "No." Before the arrow is fired, whistling through the air and...


Hiccup looks in shock to see Enyo with her sword outstretched and the arrow he fired cut in two. The woman's Triple Stryke covers Enyo as she saves her companions life. "You're not dead yet." She says as she cuts the Singetails back open; blood pouring out of the wound, but it gives Krogan a chance to crawl backwards, Enyo grabs her companion by his chest, he groans in pain as it shoots all across his leg. Enyo helps him on her dragon, she hands Krogan her bow and quiver and says. "Make your shots count." The man grunts in acknowledgment and Enyo urges her Triple Stryke to fly.

Before Hiccup and Toothless can follow, they're cut off by Flyers covering them, so they regroup with their swarm riders. "We'll get them later, lets give our allies cover!" The other riders nod and join their leader.

(Drago's fortress—alpha domes)

Cami moved to the next cuff that held down Valka's Bewilderbeast, it took an entire jar of Changewing acid to burn off one cuff, and Cami needed to hurry, her Bogs were struggling to hold off the Flyers even with the Wing Maidens help. A Bog rushed to the dome and looked down to see Cami working on the next cuff. "Cami? How's it looking?" She asked with urgency, Cami continued pouring the acid on the cuff. "And... done!!" Once the cuff broke, the Bewilderbeast rose to its hind legs and stared down the Flyers for five seconds and then unleashed a wave ice on them; freezing them to death, as they fell down their frozen corpses shattered.

The group of Bogs, Cami, and the Wing Maidens bowed down before the Bewilderbeast and Atali spoke up. "Great King, Hiccup Haddock III and his forces fight for and with dragons everywhere. We humbly ask if you'd aid us in our fight." The Bewilderbeast smiles and growls gently.

::I will gladly aid you in defeating the one who calls himself Dragon-God. He's a parasite I wish to personally destroy. Come::

The Bewilderbeast lowered his head, and the group of women climbed up its tusks and made it up to its head of spikes to hold on to, the Bewilderbeast charged the wall and smashed it to rubble, he was ready to join the fight.


Hiccup and his forces cheered as they saw Valka's Bewilderbeast smash through the walls and join them. Drago's eye twitched, his anger at a boiling point, he roared while swinging his bull-hook. The muddy Bewilderbeast stopped fighting Mammoth to see Valka's Bewilderbeast a second too late before he got bulldozed, he collapsed into the snow; the white powder lifted off the ground by the sheer force of the fall. Seizing the opportunity, both Valka's Bewilderbeast and Mammoth drove their tusks into Drago's alpha through the gut and the back; their horns piercing flesh, muscle and bone, killing the evil alpha in seconds.

"NO!!!!" Drago roared, his eyes wide with disbelief, his one weapon to control the dragons was killed in combat. Both Mammoth and Valka's Bewilderbeast roared triumphantly over the corpse of the evil alpha, Hiccup and his forces cheered triumphantly, both Bewilderbeasts snarled as they turned their attention to Drago and his army, Hiccup and Toothless hovered between the two alphas. "It's over Drago! Surrender now! This is your one and only warning!" Hiccup demanded, however, Drago huffed and puffed in rage, he then shot back.

"It's not over while I'm still breathing boy!!" The warlord placed his bull-hook in his mouth while he held his arm out, Legates Cato swooped in and pulled Drago up on Brutus, Drago's army of man and dragons retreated back to their fortress, while Enyo, Krogan and the Flyers and Cato's men covered their retreat, causing Hiccup's forces to stay put for the time being.

Hiccup's Viking allies gave battle grunts; telling their foes they aren't weak and they could fight even without dragons aid. Hiccup shouted to his forces.

"We regroup and set up camp! Drago and his army will have time to regroup and gather their strength. But we have two Bewilderbeasts, at dawn tomorrow, we end Drago Bludvist's tyranny once and for all!!"

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