Chapter 4: Dragon Eye part I

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The following morning, Hiccup awoke with a beautiful blond Viking in his arms. He smiled, Astrid looked so peaceful asleep, a tiny smile across her pretty face and her blond hair splayed out over the pillow and furs, Hiccup tucked in a stray hair behind her ear and kissed her sweet lips. "Astrid. Time to get up my love." Said woman stirred and awoke, the two smiled warmly at each other and kissed passionately.

"Mmm good morning." She purred, Hiccup smiled and drew circles on her shoulder blade with his finger. "Good morning, I trust you slept well?" She smiles widely and pecked his lips before answering her husband. "Slept like a baby." Hiccup smirked and nodded, he rose from bed and stretched out his stiff limbs, Astrid licked her lips as she took in every little detail about Hiccup's body, he wasn't flexing his muscles at all, years to pushing his body to the limit has gifted him with clean, cut and lean muscle.

His hair was like a lions mane, that is until he tied it back into his man bun, he walked toward a bowl of water and grabbed a cloth and wiped his face clean, Astrid got up too and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Will you join me for a bath?" Hiccup asked, she chuckled lightly and nodded. "Let's go."

Thankfully there were hot springs on Dragons Edge and thankfully near Hiccup's hut. Once the two entered the spring, they both sighed pleasantly, Astrid grabbed soap and began scrubbing her dirty husband. "Last night was amazing don't get me wrong, but you reek of sweat and sex." Astrid said while scrubbing her husbands back, Hiccup nodded in agreement and closed his eyes as Astrid continued to scub his armpits and other body parts.

Once Hiccup was clean, he returned the favor to his wife. He ran his hands through her blond locks to remove any knots, there were none. So Hiccup scrubbed her armpits, neck and breasts. "Astrid?" She turned her head to look at her husband. "We've never actually seen what's beyond Berks borders, who knows? Maybe we'll find Dagur and Cutthroat and get payback." Astrid considered his words before agreeing. "We can get going as soon as we're ready." He smiled and kissed her passionately while massaging her breasts, she moaned at the sensations, but slapped his hands off, she shook her head. "Not out here babe, once we're behind closed doors." Hiccup rolled his eyes but nodded in understanding.

After their bath, they dried off with furs serving as towels, once dried they got back in their tunics, leggings and armor, heading back to the outpost hand in hand.

(Hours later)

The gang all set out beyond the Archipelago borders. It was night when they reached the fog bank once they found a graveyard of ships. There were so many, some Berserker, Outcast, there were even some Hooligan ships and several other ships that Hiccup didn't recognised.

"I knew it. I knew there was more." He said, disbelieving the fact that he didn't explore here years past.

"Some of the ships? I've never seen anything like them before." Astrid said in wonder.

"Some of the ships may come from outside the Archipelago." Asbjorn noted. "Okay, everyone fan out. If you see anything, send a signal." Hiccup ordered, causing everyone to hum in confirmation.

They all then split up and began exploring, but it was like finding a needle in a haystack and the dragons were extremely nervous.

This was proven when Shade looked around nervously.

"It's all right, Shade. Nothing to worry about." Astrid assured.

Asbjorn was having the same problems with Blaze. "Easy, boy." He said patting Blaze on the side. "Just a bunch of broken down ships." He cooed at his nervous dragon.

Hiccup meanwhile had found the ship the ship that stood above the rest. It indeed looked menacing and it was more of a dreadnaught than a ship, there were strange markings across the bow and on its sail and on the deck he saw cages made of a strange metal.

"That's one helluva ship." He murmured to himself in awe. Hiccup and Toothless landed on the deck and seagulls scattered and squawked. Astrid and Shade landed on deck too to join their boys. "This boat is definitely not from the Archipelago." Hiccup said as they explored the ship.

"You're right look at those carvings, the design of the sail." Astrid said. "I've never seen anything like this." The two looked at each other and smiled then continued exploring.

Hiccup then examined the cages on the deck. They were made by an unknown metal and had strange writing on them.

"Look at this metal." Hiccup investigates it. Toothless sniffed the cage and growled. "Come on, bud it's just an empty cage."

He then jumped when something shot out of the cage. It was a seagull which flew off. Toothless looked at Hiccup smugly. "Okay, now—now it's an empty cage."

Astrid and Shade chuckled. As they reached the hatch that would lead them below deck. Toothless looked as though he wanted to be anywhere, but here.

"Come on, bud. Don't you want to see what's down below?" Hiccup asked.

Toothless just growled at the hatch.

"That's not a good sign." Astrid said.

"All right, fine." Hiccup sighed as he bent down to the hatch. "Guess I'm going alone."

However, the moment he touch the hatch he tripped a trick wire and a rope tied around his leg. Before he knew it the rope was pulling him across the deck with the attention of throwing him over board. "HICCUP!" Astrid screamed in horror.

Fortunately, Toothless fired a plasma blast that burnt the rope, freeing Hiccup.

"You all right?" Astrid asked while rushing to her husbands side. "I'm fine." Hiccup assured and looked over the side. "But nobody goes to this much trouble unless there's something on this boat that they don't want found."

"Agreed, but let's be careful." Astrid suggested as they walked back to the hatch.

They opened the hatch and looked down the dark room below them. They saw a ladder that lead below deck and Hiccup grabbed a lamp and Toothless lit it.

"Okay, guys, watch your step."

Hiccup climbed the ladder down first, which was a good thing, because the moment he placed his metal leg on the floorboard a bear trap sprung and clamped itself in his prosthetic.

"Glad you went first." Astrid said in relief. "Hey, one of the benefits of a metal leg, I suppose." Hiccup said pulling the bear trap open.

They then walked down the dark corridor with only Hiccup's Inferno as light. They soon reached the brig and found the prison cells made of the same metal from the cages above.

Toothless sniffed the air and felt slightly uneasy.

Hiccup looked at Astrid, Shade and Toothless. "Okay, let's just take this nice and..."

Toothless then then approach one of the prison cells and for some strange reason looked upset, Shade approached and nuzzled Toothless' face as a gesture of comfort. Hiccup and Astrid approached the cell to see what was up. And once they saw what was bothering him, because inside the cell was the bones of a dragon.

They looked at the other cells and found they were for dragon bones as well. Toothless whimpered and Hiccup bent down to comfort him.

"I'm sorry you had to see this, bud." He said patting Toothless' head. "Whoever commanded this ship was certainly no friend of dragons."

"Why capture them?" Astrid asked in confusion. "Why not just kill them?"

"That's a good question, I don't think will find the answer here." Hiccup said getting up.

However, the moment Astrid set foot on one of floorboards they could hear metal clinking. Astrid had just set off a booby trap, they looked up and saw crossbows aiming towards them and before they knew it there you were firing arrows at them.

Hiccup raised his NightShade shield, to shield them, but Toothless and Shade protected their humans with their wings. The arrows just bounced off, leaving both Night Furies unharmed.

"All right, come on! Toothless! Shade! Astrid! Let's go!" Hiccup yelled.

They ran for their lives as more arrows shot towards them, but once they reach the other side of the room the arrows stopped firing. Hiccup used shield to block them and Astrid knocked a few away with her NightShade battle axe.

Then they noticed a bright shiny door directly in front of them.

"The commander's quarters." Hiccup said, he then turned to his wife and the two Night Furies. "Stay close, guys."

Once they reached the door, Hiccup looked at them. "Okay, so here's the plan—" Toothless just blasted open the door with a plasma blast and Hiccup just added him. "I like yours better."

They entered into the commander's quarters and found the commander is still there or what was left of him, he was nothing more than a pile bones. In his quarters they noticed more dragon skulls decorating the room and on the desk in front of them they saw the commander clutching a strange cylinder and a book which the guest was the ships logbook.

"What is that thing?" Hiccup asked aloud while staring at the strange cylinder.

"Maybe the logbook and give some ideas." Astrid said while she grabbed the logbook. She opened it up found that it was written in a strange language.

"Anything useful?" Hiccup asked walking over.

"Hard to tell, it's not written in Norse." Astrid said studying the strange letters. "Whoever the commander was? He wasn't a Viking."

"Well whatever it is, if it's on the ship, it's no good for dragons. Which means we're not leaving it for Dagur or Cutthroat to find."

"Agreed." Astrid said placing the logbook in her satchel tied to Shades saddle.

Hiccup removed the commander's hand of the strange cylinder, as quickly and as less contact as possible. He lifted it off its pedestal carefully, having a feeling he was about to sent off another booby trap, but nothing happed.

Hiccup looked relieved. "Huh. Well, that wasn't too—" Next second a large axe stuck the table where his right hand had been a second ago. "Giant axe! Guys, run!"

They didn't need to be told twice, but their path was blocked when spikes popped out of the floor ahead of them. Toothless and Shade grabbed their riders and jumped over the spikes.

At once arrows fired upon them again, but Hiccup shielded them with his shield and they managed to get to the ladder and climbed back onto the main deck. They then quickly slammed the hatch shut.

"Alright, I think we got what we came here for, lets go back to Berk and see if anyone over there knows what we found." Astrid said while gulping in air. Hiccup nodded and clipped the strange cylinder object on his belt and climbed on Toothless.

"Agreed. Let's ride."

A few hours later at Berk, Hiccup had shown the strange cylinder to Gobber, who was trying to open it, but with ever little success.

Now they had a better look they saw the strange cylinder resembled a tube-like device with metal rings around it. The one closest to the opening is shaped like a dragon's mouth. The rest of the device is woody brown in colour and it has small ancient scribbles and symbols on it.

The Dragon Riders watched at Gobber struggled to get it open.

"Have you ever seen anything like this Dragon Eye before?" Hiccup asked.

"Dragon Eye?" Tuffnut asked puzzled. "How do you know it's called a Dragon Eye?"

"Because I named it." Hiccup said simply.

"You have to admit it's a lot better than strange cylinder." Fishlegs said.

"Agreed." Asbjorn simply said.

Hiccup nodded his head and turned to Fishlegs. "Have you managed to translate the logbook yet?" He asked curiously.

"No, it's very tough to decipher." Fishlegs said. "But from what I have translated it seemed like the commander you told us about was selling dragons to someone."

"To who?" Hiccup asked.

"I'm afraid that's the only thing I've been able to decipher so far." Fishlegs said in an apologetic tone.

Hiccup sighed in understanding and turned to Gobber, who was still struggling trying to open the newly named Dragon Eye.

"Can you open it, Gobber?" Astrid asked.

"Ha Ha! Can I open it? I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook." He scoffed. "Can I open it? Ha!" He then looked back at the Dragon Eye. "I think it's gonna to be—"

Suddenly they heard clicking sounds from Dragon Eye telling them that Gobber had activate some kind of mechanism. Before they knew what a dart shot out from one of its ends and struck Tuffnut.

"Ugh. What is that?" He asked staring down at the dart. "That looks like a—" He then collapsed face first on the ground and Ruffnut laughed at her brothers misfortune.

"Well, that was... something, maybe." Gobber shrugged and continue to pry open the Dragon Eye.

Fishlegs looked quite worried and Hiccup had the same thought. "Gobber, maybe you shouldn't—"

"Trust me. I'm—"

Before they knew it gas began to leak out of the Dragon Eye and at that moment Tuffnut woke...?

"It's all right, I'm okay." He said as the gas headed towards him. "I got hit with something, but now—" He then inhaled the gas. "No, scratch that."He then collapsed back onto the floor and began to seize ferociously.

"Yeah, I'm thinking we should probably go get Gothi." Said Hiccup.

Moments later they were at Gothi's hut. She created a potion and had forced it down Tuffnut's throat, who stopped shaking instantly, but now he felt terrible itch on his teeth and began scratching.

"My teeth are itching. My teeth are itchy." He said scratching his teeth uncontrollably.

Gothi then wrote something in the dirt and Gobber began to translate.

"She says: 'That's a good sign. Means it's working'." He read.

Tuffnut wasn't too happy as he constantly scratching his teeth.

"Thank you, Gothi. We really appreciate this." Hiccup said, the elder smiled at Hiccup and nodded.

Gothi then noticed Gobber, who was still fiddling with the Dragon Eye. She then saw what looked like a keyhole embedded in it and recognised the marking. At once she backed away as though she seen a ghost.

"Gothi, are you okay? What is it?" Hiccup asked looking concerned.

Gothi then showed her the scar on her forearm, it was identical to the slot in the Dragon Eye. Before Hiccup could say anything, she walked away.

"Her—her scar—it matches the keyhole." Hiccup gasped.

"Yeah, and it looked like a dragon bite mark if you ask me." Fishlegs noted.

"But it wasn't from any dragon bite mark I've ever seen before." Asbjorn said.

"Yeh both right. But she does not talk about it." Gobber said.

"She doesn't like to talk about anything Gobber." Fishlegs reminded.

"Oh, that's why she writes in the dirt with a stick." Tuffnut said, who was still scratching his teeth. "I thought that was just... like... her thing."

"Yeah, like when Snotlout was a woman repellent." Ruffnut snickered.

"Maybe we could use the stick to itch my teeth."  Tuffnut suggested.

Gobber then saw Hiccup, Asbjorn and Fishlegs leaving. "Were you going?" He asked.

"After her." Hiccup said. "We have to find out what kind of dragon made that scar. It could be the key to open the Dragon Eye."

"Hold on." Gobber caught up to the young adults. "I have ways of making her talk. Well... scribble, anyway."

Later that night at Gothi's hut, Gobber opened a cooking pot in front of Gothi containing his homemade yak noddle soup. Hiccup, Asbjorn and Fishlegs just stared bewildered as Gothi licked her lips.

"It's the old bats weakness, isn't it?" Gobber said while weaving the steam towards Gothi. "Come on. Ya know yeh can't resist Gobber's homemade yak noodle soup."

A minute later Gothi began gulping down the entire pot and sat on a chair rubbing her stomach.

"I've never seen her eat something so fast." Asbjorn said in disbelief.

"Yeah, she downed that like a yak in a heatwave." Fishlegs said in agreement. He then looked at his two friends. "That makes sense, right?"

Hiccup however was more focused on Gothi. "Now, tell me about this bite mark." He said, Gothi began to write in the dirt and Gobber read aloud: "I was a turkey neck—" Gothi then whacked him with her staff. "Ow! 'Teenager.' Sorry." Gothi continue to write. "'I had a longing ter climb Glacial Island ter find pure glacial water known for its healing properties. So, I went with two vegetables.'" Gothi whacked him again with a staff. "Ow! 'Vikings.' Sorry. I'm a bit rusty." Gothi shook her head and continued to write. "'We had only been at the summit for a few hours, when were hit by a terrible snowstorm. That's when it attacked. It was vicious, relentless and impossible ter see in the white-out. The Snow Wraith. It bite my arm and tossed me into a snow bank, but then it left me alone, I was the only survivor.'" Gothi had paused stuck in her memory and then continue to write. "'I'll never know why it didn't finish me off that day. I left knowing only one thing—that I never wanted ter smooch that dragon again.' Smooch—" Gothi whacked him on the head again. "Ow! 'See! Never wanted ter see it again.'"

Gobber then looked at Gothi. "You know, yeh drawing ain't what it used ter be, old woman," he said. Gothi raised her staff again and Gobber quickly added, "but yeh swing, as strong as ever."

"Gothi, at two from the Snow Wraith is the key to unlocking the Dragon Eye." Said Hiccup. "You have to help us find it."

Gothi wrote something in the dirt and Gobber looked at it and then stared at her. "I can't say that ter him. He is the chief's son," he said.

Gothi rubbed out her previous message and wrote a new one, one that Gobber was willing to translate.

"'She says, no way she's ever going back. And besides, Berk needs her'." Gobber read. He then looked back at them. "It's true. She's the best healer we've got. No offence son."

"None taken." Asbjorn shrugged, he was not trained as a warrior but as a healer too, over the years he learned healing his fellow tribesman and dragons from harm. "I could always cover for you." He suggested.

"No."  Hiccup said. "I need you with us in case things go bad. Gobber could take over."

"Hiccup, Gobber is a veteran Viking warrior, good parental figure, good dragon dentist, good weapon-maker."  Asbjorn said while counting them off his fingers.

"So you're saying he can be a good healer?" Hiccup asked. "Nope, not even a little. I don't even need a vision to tell you that Gobber as a healer won't end well." Asbjorn stated.

"Well, I'm afraid were going to have to take that risk." Hiccup said.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Gobber grumbled while rolling his eyes. "I've watched Gothi work so many times, I know this place like the back of my hand." Raising his hook prosthetic. The moment he realised his mistake he quickly traded it with his proper hand.

Gothi didn't look convinced, Hiccup was about to say something, but Asbjorn stopped him.

"Maybe it's better if you let me do the talking." He suggested. Hiccup nodded knowing that Asbjorn had much better experience with Goth than he did.

Asbjorn bent down to Gothi. "Gothi, I've consider you like my grandmother and I know that you still remember the viciousness of the Snow Wraith. But you also remember how it was to be my age— to want to explore, to need to see what else is out there. To get answers to questions we haven't even asked yet."

Hiccup then picked up the Dragon Eye. "And this will help us do all that." He said. "But only—only if you help us unlock it."

Gothi looked at the two boys pondering and then nodded in agreement.

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