Chapter 5: Dragon Eye part II

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(Normal pov)

The next morning, Hiccup and his friends set off to Glacial Island. It took a while, but finally the island came into the distance, and it was massive. "Look at the size of that island." Hiccup gasped.

"Oh! The Book of Dragons mentions the Snow Wraith, but doesn't have any information on it." Fishlegs said.

"The only thing we do know is that at its part of the Strike Class." Asbjorn clarified.

"Can you believe this? A brand-new dragon," Fishlegs said excitedly. "It's been so long, I've forgotten what this feeling is." The twins just stared at him. "Sorry. Excited about the new dragon."

"You mean the Dragon that single-handedly wiped out Gothi's entire search party." Astrid reminded.

"That would be correct. So worth the long flight." Fishlegs said in a giddy tone.

"Are you holding up alright back there Gothi?" Asbjorn asked. The elder nodded her head and pointed where they needed to go with her staff.

"Hiccup! She says down there!" Asbjorn shouted over the rising winds, Hiccup nodded and the riders descended on the icy mountain.

As soon as they landed on the island where Gothi's expedition was attacked. Hiccup ordered the riders to put on their heavy winter gear. Once everyone was shielded from the unforgiving winds they got to work.

Asbjorn got off Blaze and extended a hand for Gothi, as she reached for it and he lifted her gently off the Titan Wing Night Fury and placed her on the ground with ease, the elder smiled in thanks at Asbjorn for being gentle, since age was taking its toll on her.

Suddenly the wind began to pick up and snowflakes began to fall. The wind then got a lot stronger and the temperature began to drop.

"Alright, we should work fast to find this Snow Wraith. Because we're not leaving until we do." Hiccup shouted firmly over the winds.

"Let's split up so we can cover more ground." Astrid suggested.

"Good idea." Hiccup agreed. "Dragon call if you come across anything." Soon everyone were on their dragons and took off, not noticing that a drag with ice blue eyes was staring at them as they left.

(Minutes later)

"Anybody find anything?" Hiccup asked hopefully.

"All we found was some scattered yak bones." Ruffnut said casually.

"I didn't see anything, but I had this weird feeling that something was watching me." Fishlegs said in a paranoid tone.

"Fishlegs is right, something may be watching us, we just haven't found it yet." Asbjorn said.

Gothi then pulled her head towards Asbjorn's and at once Tuffnut gasp in horror.

"Aah. Two heads!" He gasped. Then Scorn rolled his eyes, his riders intelligence was definitely not the sharpest.

Astrid and Asbjorn hopped off their dragons and approached Hiccup. The wind was picking up and the temperature was dropping even faster and they could see a storm was coming.

"Hiccup, maybe we should get out of here." Astrid suggested while clutching her heavy jacket and her hood was blowing in different directions. "That looks like a huge storm."

"She's right, we could come back another day." Asbjorn said.

"No. We should dig in here and wait for the Snow Wraith to show itself." Hiccup firmly said. "Remember, it likes to attack when you can't see it."

"Great. Just great." Fishlegs muttered. the snow storm had hit its height making it impossible to see anything within a few yards. They had set up tents, but the wind was getting stronger.

"Use your dragons as extra protection from the wind!" Hiccup yelled.

Suddenly one of the tents was destroyed and they heard something that sounded similar to a dragon roar.

"It's the Snow Wraith!" Fishlegs yelled and hid in his tent. "I'm gonna be okay, I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna be okay."

Suddenly his tent was destroyed.

"Hold your ground and fire back!" Hiccup ordered.

"Fire at what?" Asbjorn asked.

"He's right, we can't see it." Astrid pointed out just as another tent was destroyed.

Hiccup could see their point and is not a change of tactics. "Take cover!" He yelled.

They all ran in opposite directions and then something blasted Fishlegs into the air. It also caused snow to fall on top of Hiccup and Toothless, and Asbjorn landed in a snowbank.

Within his snowbank, Hiccup saw the Snow Wraith itself.

"Whoa." He muttered.

It had snowy white scales with blue highlights, which were mainly around its wing frames, legs, face and tail spikes. It possess two legs and a broad wings. It had two prominent tusks protruding from its lower jaw. Also, it had a long ledge under its chin that seemed to be thick eyebrows. Its long tail was covered with spikes and a thick, fleshy tongue with black bumps on it. It also had two claws on its feet.

It slowly made its way to Asbjorn, who was still trapped in the snowbank. It sniffed around and roared in his face, but mysteriously it left him alone.

Hiccup and Toothless had managed to stick their heads out of the snowbank and look directly at the Snow Wraith. "Toothless, warning shot." Hiccup ordered. Toothless fired a plasma blast past the Snow Wraith, but it did not look afraid. Shade and Scorn, who still had their riders on top of them, and were assisted with Blaze, all three of them fired their super heated plasma attack straight at it. This caused two things, one of them was that the Snow Wraith flow away and the other was a more snow fell on top of Asbjorn.

The three dragons kept on attacking the Snow Wraith with their breath attacks, but their attacks were attacking the snowbank Hiccup and Toothless were trapped in.

"Cease fire! Cease fire!" Hiccup yelled.

The Snow Wraith flew past Shade, knocking her over slightly and causing Astrid to fall off. Fortunately, she managed to grab hold of the side of the glacial.

"Shade!" Astrid yelled.

Shade at once slammed her tail into the side of glacial. This allowed Astrid to climb on her and climb back up to safety.

Hiccup and Toothless had finally free themselves from the snowbank and turned to face the Snow Wraith.

"All right, I've had just about enough of this dragon, bud." Hiccup said and looked at Toothless. "Do your thing."

Toothless roared in hope to uses his echolocation ability and he spotted the Snow Wraith instantly, which was flying overhead.

"Toothless, now! Multiple blasts!" Hiccup ordered.

Toothless then began firing a barrage of plasma blast that the Snow Wraith, but it was able to dodge them, barely. However, it clearly had enough and flew away, disappearing into the snowstorm.

"I think it's gone." Hiccup said. He then looked around for the other Riders. "Everybody okay? Everybody here?"

Fishlegs helped Astrid up, who gave him the thumbs up. "What do you mean by here?" Ruffnut asked. "Hiccup. Satisfy my curiosity." Asbjorn started, who had managed to free himself from the snowbank and was brushing the snow off of him. "How exactly is your plan to get a Snow Wraith tooth? Take it out of one of our cold dead bodies?"

"If all goes well, it'll be Ruffnut's dead body." Tuffnut joked. "And the Wraith tooth."

Hiccup then saw Gothi approaching them. "Hold on, quiet. Gothi want to tell us something." He said. Gothi then began to write in the snow and Asbjorn approached her to translate. "She says, 'we should have when left when we had the chance'." He read. Then they heard the Snow Wraith roar in the distance.

"Okay, that thing was gnarly." said Tuffnut. Hiccup looked at Astrid still worried about her fall over the cliff edge. "Astrid, are you okay?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yep, I'm fine babe." She smiled and pecked Hiccup's nose, causing him to shiver as her cold lips came in contact with his skin.

"Hiccup, you know I want a shot at this as badly as you, but maybe we should get out of here. We're just sitting ducks in the storm." Fishlegs stated.

"He's right, that dragon knows where we are at all times even if we're in a blinding snowstorm." Asbjorn chimed in.

"Wait a minute. What did you just say?" Hiccup asked.

"They're saying were sitting ducks. I thought you were the smart one H." Tuffnut said.

Hiccup then look to the snowbanks where he, Toothless and Asbjorn have been trapped in and began muttering to himself.

"Sitting ducks. Yes, yes! Yes, that's exactly what we need to be." He said excitedly.

"Excuse me?" Astrid asked in confusion. Hiccup then turned and faced them. "What if we could make the Snow Wraith think it sees us when we are not here?"

"You can make yourself invisible?" Tuffnut gasped in amazement and turned to look at Ruffnut. "Why does he do all the cool stuff? I just have to sit here with you as a sister."

"Will you two be quiet for ten seconds?" Asbjorn growled, his patience wearing thin.

"Tuff's not that far off." Hiccup said. "Look, the Snow Wraith didn't have any trouble seeing us until Asbjorn got buried in the snow. And Gothi said it couldn't find her when she fell into a snowbank."

"I think I know what you're getting at." Fishlegs said. "You think it has a similar ability as Toothless."

"Exactly." Hiccup nodded. "I believe it can see body heat in the same way Toothless can find things with sound. We'll use this to our advantage to confuse it. Then, while it's distracted, we'll net it and get that tooth."

"And you are sure it will work?" Astrid asked questionably.


"Of course not." Astrid snickered while shaking her head.

"Figures that the first time in years we do and investigate a new dragon that we end up falling one of your crazy plans." Asbjorn said while crossing his arms.

Hiccup ignored this comment. "All right, gang, let's get to work." He said.

(Hours later)

A few hours later they had set up dummies of themselves. The Dragon Riders themselves were hiding in an ice cave but gave them a perfect view of the dummies.

"Alrighty." Hiccup muttered to himself. "Now, if I'm right when we light these on fire, the Snow Wraith will think they're us and attack. Then we'll have the drop on it." Everyone nodded at the plan. "All right, Toothless, light 'em up." Hiccup ordered.

Toothless then blasted the dummies with his plasma blasts. The moment they made contact base at the dummies alight.

The Dragon Riders just stood there in silence waiting for the Snow Wraith. Ten minutes passed and still there was no sign of the Snow Wraith. Fishlegs then leaned towards Hiccup. "Hiccup, I don't know if this—"

"Wait, look!" Hiccup yelled.

They all stared and saw the Snow Wraith had just appeared. It began to circle around the dummies just as Hiccup predicted.

"Okay, next time it comes in, we go." Hiccup said. The Snow Wraith then soared over the dummies again, taking out Asbjorn's and he took it pretty hard.

"Wow, glad that was just a dummy and not me, cause that looked like it'd hurt like hell." Asbjorn snickered to himself. Then he saw the Snow Wraith behind Toothless flying down at them. "Toothless, look out!" Toothless ducked out of the way as the Snow Wraith passed over them and disappeared in the snowstorm.

"If you can see our body heat, then we are waging an easier target out here." Hiccup said. They then moved towards the dummies, which was still burning.

"This should even the yard is a little." Hiccup said. "It won't be able to make is out within the heat of these fires." He then looked at Toothless. "Do your thing, bud."

Toothless began roaring in order to track down the Snow Wraith within the snowstorm, but found nothing.

"Easy, bud. Nothing," Hiccup said confused. "Where is he?"

Unknown to them the Snow Wraith was flying down towards them.

"Keep going bud." Toothless continued to roar. They were so busy trying to find the Snow Wraith, but they didn't notice that it landed behind them. With their backs turned the Snow Wraith made its way towards them.

"Keep going, keep going." Hiccup said, not knowing the danger behind them. "Keep going. Keep going."

Then they have the Snow Wraith roar and turn to find it right behind them. Suddenly Gothi appeared out of nowhere and charged at the Snow Wraith.

"Gothi, no!" Hiccup yelled.

Gothi then began whacking the Snow Wraith with her staff. Hiccup and Toothless just stared as Gothi gave it a beating, but then it grabbed her staff and began flailing around.

"Toothless, plasma blast!" Hiccup ordered. "And careful not to hit the crazy little woman with the staff."

Toothless fired several carefully aimed plasma blasts at the Snow Wraith, hitting it in the side. It then tossed Gothi away and was about to attack Toothless, when a fire blast appeared out of nowhere.

Soon the Dragon Riders and their dragons charged straight towards the Snow Wraith and soon they had it completely surrounded. They then began blasting it with their plasma attacks and they slowly closed in on it.

"Okay, we have him surrounded. Let's get that tooth!" Hiccup yelled over the howling winds.

However, the Snow Wraith saw that he could not win this fight and flew off and it disappeared into the snowstorm.

"No! We can't lose him." Hiccup said.

"Actually, he lost us." Said Tuffnut.

Hiccup was about to climb onto Toothless, but Astrid stopped him. "Hiccup, we should get out of here while we can." She said rubbing his arm.

"She's right, that thing won't fall for the same trick twice." Asbjorn said.

"Not yet. This isn't over." Said Hiccup firmly. Gothi then tapped him on his shoulder. "Not now, Gothi." He looked back at the others. "Gang, we came here for a Snow Wraith tooth and—" Gothi kept on tapping him on his shoulder. "I said in the minute, Gothi." He then looked back at the riders. "And were not—" He was starting to get annoyed with Gothi, who continuously tapped on the shoulder. "Gothi! Without—" He stopped when Gothi showed him her staff which had a Snow Wraith tooth embedded in it. "Oh, a tooth. A tooth!"

(Later that day)

It was late in the afternoon when they returned to Berk. They were all standing in front of the Forge, where Gobber was standing.

"So, Gobber, how was it being Gothi?" Hiccup asked. "Please tell me you didn't kill anyone." Asbjorn pleaded.

"Well, I didn't get ter wallop anyone with my staff, but—"

"Gobber! Gobber!" Agnar yelled running to the Forge. "I must have more of a potion you made me earlier."

"So, it killed your stomach ailment, did it?" Gobber said proudly.

Agnar then vomited all over the ground. "Far from it." He wheezed. "But it did cure something else." He then removed his helmet. "It's made my hair grow back!"

Everyone stared and saw a single hair going out of his skull.

"Hey, congrats, Agnar." Tuffnut said patting him on the back. "You look so..." He stopped when Agnar vomited again. "...good."

"Well, at least you only got one of the side effects." Gobber said cheerfully. At that moment Agnar farted and the smell was terrible.

"Well, Gobber, just whip up some more that potion for him." Hiccup said waving the smell away.

Gobber slightly uneasy. "Uh, well, it was very complicated, and I'm retired." He said. "Goith, why don't you take this one?"

Gothi glared at him and then whacked him with a staff, before taking Agnar away.

Asbjorn then leant on the table and smirked at Gobber. "You really have no idea what was in that potion, do you?"

"Nope, not a drop." Gobber admitted. He then gave Hiccup the Snow Wraith tooth. "But here's yeh key."

Hiccup then fitted the tooth into the keyhole in the Dragon Eye and turned the keyhole. Everyone watched in excitement, but nothing happened.

"We almost died for that?" Ruffnut grumbled.

"No, there's gotta be more to it than this." Hiccup said examining the Dragon Eye more closely. "It just doesn't make any sense."

"Welcome to my world, sister." Tuffnut said while scratching his teeth. "Nothing makes sense and you got itchy teeth."

Later that night, Hiccup was in his room still fiddling with the Dragon Eye, but still found nothing and he was getting tired.

"All right. That's it, I'm calling it a night." He said yawning and place the Dragon Eye his desk. "Maybe tomorrow."

He went and sat on his bed and Toothless he did his slab, and then he noticed something. The Dragon Eye was reacting to Toothless' fire and it was showing some strange symbols.

He got up and grabbed the stall and the Dragon Eye, and placed in front of Toothless.

"Toothless, come here." He said. Toothless wandered over to him. "Do that again, bud. Give me a low flame."

Toothless shrugged and did what he was told, and created a low flame. The moment he did the Dragon Eye reacted and produced images and strange writing on the wall.

"Whoa." Hiccup said in amazement. "This... changers... everything."

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