Happily Ever After

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Two weeks later, it was the day of the royal wedding. Hugo was really excited to get married. Caleb, who was the best man, couldn't be any happier for his stepbrother. Pretty soon, the wedding started.

Caleb walked down the aisle with his father, and the Mother of the Bride. Then Maria held onto her son's arm and walked him down the aisle.

Finally, everyone stood up and turned around—and they all gasped when they saw the beautiful bride. Hugo was surprised to see Sapphire like this. When the song "Here Come the Bride" played, the bride walked down the aisle while holding onto her father's arm. Pretty soon, Sapphire's father shook his future son-in-law's hand, and put his daughter's hand into Hugo's.

"Good marrow," the minister announced. "We are gathered here today to bind Sapphire and Prince Hugo. If anyone has a reason why these two should not be together, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nobody spoke, so the ceremony continued.

The minister asked Hugo, "Do you, Prince Hugo, take Sapphire to be your wife?"

"I do," Hugo smiled.

The minister turned to Sapphire and asked her, "Do you, Sapphire, take Prince Hugo to be your husband?"

"I do," Sapphire smiled.

Caleb handed over the rings. Sapphire slipped on ring on Hugo's finger, and Hugo slipped the other ring on Sapphire's.

Finally, the minister said, "By the power vested in me by the kingdom of Cariza, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Hugo and Sapphire kissed, and everyone clapped. Now they were husband and wife.

As the newlyweds exited the palace, everyone tossed rice and flower petals. Sapphire tossed the bouquet, and Maria caught it. The bride and groom got into the coach and waved to the crowd.

It was even better than Hugo ever dreamed. He got married to someone he loved, and he had reconciled with his stepfather and stepbrother. He did not think this could get any better. The groom and his bride rode off to the sunset, and they lived happily ever after.

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