Chapter 18: The Damage Is Done

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 As they went up the hole that Jack made, they released everyone that He, had caught. And then the light shone so brightly that, everyone closed their eyes, the light was so shocking! As they walk towards Raina's and Stacy's town, they saw everything that they had burned. "How did we turn into dragons anyway?" Asked Stacy. "Well, I guess, in all the excitement, we forgot to hold hands." Said Raina. "Yes, that must be it," Said Jack trying to fit in. "I can't believe, we did all of this, I mean when we are dragons, can't we have some self-control?" Asked Stacy, still amazed. "Yea, I know." Said Raina, "I did not know what would happen, because we have never turned into dragons before, have we?" Said Stacy, still looking at everything they did. "Do you think that they will, know the dragons were us?" Asked Raina. "Nah, they won't know because you never told them before, did you?" Said Jack. "I guess you're right, I am just scared what we will find when we go in." Said Raina and Stacy together. "I'll be there with you if they are mean to you" Said Jack, who was now holding hands with Raina. Raina who did not seem to mind just held his hand more tightly. Finally, the long walk was over and they made it into the town. It was not as bad as they thought it would be, some of the little wooden houses were burned and firemen were running left to right, "Umm, should we say something?" Asked Stacy. "I don't know what if they think it might be us? I mean, we were not there when *we* attacked the town and forest, were we?" Raina said knowingly. "Yes, I guess you're right." Said Stacy "Hey I just remembered, where are our Pokemon?" "Oh, um, when you and Raina were climbing out of the hole I made, I got your Pokemon!" Said Jack holding out their pokey balls. "Why did you not give them to us earlier?" Aske Raina as she took her Eevee. "Well, I forgot." Said Jack, who was looking very sorry.   

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