Chapter 19: The Eevees Are Gone

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  As they were walking trough the town, there was a loud wailing! "What is that? Who is that?" Asked Stacy covered her ears. "I don't know." Said Raina putting her arms over her head. As they ran on trying to find out who was, "There!" Shouted Raina pointing to the spot where the wailing was coming from. As they tried to pull the heavy rocks, they saw "Chester!" They said together "What are you doing here?" He asked looking really embarrassed that he just got saved by two girls he hated so much. "Well, at the moment, we were saving a big baby under large rocks," Raina said looking at him with her eyebrows raised. "I was not crying." He said definitely. "It was my Pokemon, that was yelling." "Yeah, right." Said Raina her eyebrows still raised. "What type of Pokemon do you have Chester?" Asked Stacy out of nowhere. Chester blushed "Um, well, it is not a very good Pokemon." He said quickly. "What is it?" Asked Stacy in a calm tone. "It's a Charizard, all right!" He yelled. "And you said that you had a bad Pokemon?" Stacy exclaimed. "That is a very good Pokemon, just not now, you have to wait until it evolves." Said Raina her eyebrows were still raised. "Oh, yeah, what Pokemon do you have?" He asked. "I have an Eevee and so does my sis-..." Raina started to say but was caught off by a scream that came from Stacy. "Whats the matter?" Raina yelled as she turned around. "The Eevee's are gone!" She wailed. "What?" Asked Raina. Stacy held out two Pokemon not Eevees, they were a Sylveon, and an Espeon. "Um, sis?" Raina said taking the Sylveon out of Stacy's grip. "Wha- what?" Stacy cried. "These are our Eevee's." Said Raina "They just evolve." "Th-they ar- are?" She said choking. "Yes!" Raina, Jack, and Chester said at the same time. Stacy was so shocked that they all yelled at her, that she fell over backward.

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