Chapter 10: Meet the Doctors

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Back in Tracy's room, Lydia looks over all the drawings Tracy had pinned to her wall. Pictures of dark shadows. Figures moving in the darkness. Kira and Edward pace behind her.

"Okay, wait a second. Her dad was just trying to help her, right?" Kira says.

"So was her psychiatrist." Lydia adds. "And maybe that's why she was at the school. She was looking for someone else who was just trying to help."

"Yeah, and Oh, maybe it was you?" Kira says. Lydia turns to eye her. "Or not. Since that would mean she wants to kill you."

"No, you're right. I was trying to help. But...So was someone else." Lydia's eyes widen in realization. "My mother. What if Tracy went to the school looking for her?

"Where is she now?"

Lydia sighs, "On a date." She mutters.


At the Sheriff's station, Sheriff was just coming out of the office to apologize to his date.

"Thanks for meeting me here, it's been a hectic day at the station. I probably shouldn't even be..." Sheriff stops and was suddenly speechless. Wow, she was beautiful.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't have to cancel again." Ms. Martin smiles.

"Me too." Sheriff smiles.

They chuckle and Sheriff blushes at how awkward this was but, happy this happened. He turns to see his deputy at her desk...with her head down.

"Clark?" He asks in confusion and walks towards the desk, to face her. " What the hell are you doing?"

"I can't move." Deputy Clark mutters.

Ms. Martin frowns when she sees another deputy lying over the receptionist desk. Clear substance drips from the lamp near him.

Sheriff jumps in surprise when the doors open wide and Lydia, Kira and Edward comes running in.

"Mom, she's coming. Tracy's coming for you." Lydia says.

"What? What do you mean for me?"

Edward looks up slowly, his eyes widening at the sight. He pulls Kira and Lydia back to protect them. They both look up and see Tracy, hanging upside down on the wall with her tail swinging around, hissing at them. She was half transformed as a kanima, looking down at them with her reptilian glowing eyes.


Liam goes into the hole that Mason fell into and looks for the pendant he found a few days ago. It had to be here. It had to be. He shines his light every inch, but he couldn't find it.

"Why isn't it here?" Liam mutters in confusion.

"She probably came back for it." Brett says.

Liam shakes his head and hops out of the hole.

"I don't think this is the only one." He says.

"What do you mean?" Brett asks, confused.

"It was closer to the bridge. Much closer." Liam says as Mason looks behind them for the bridge, but they were too far from it.

"This is a different hole." Liam states.

"Then who crawled out of this one?" Mason asks, his eyes widening.

Liam is startled when he feels his cell vibrate. He opens his messages and sees a text from Josie.

"It's Josie. Tracy isn't a werewolf. She's a Kanima. What's a Kanima?" He asks, Brett who had a scared look.

"It means your friends are in big trouble." He says.

"She says that Scott, Stiles, and Deaton are still at the vet...paralyzed. We need to get over there. Now." Liam says and the three of them start running for the car."


Breathing heavily while sitting in his cell, Donovan wasn't feeling so good. He just felt weird...all over. His eyes blinked black horizontally. He felt a twitch in his eyes. His ears wouldn't stop hurting. He kept hearing the hissing sounds of the dread doctors. Was he going crazy?

A gunshot is sound from the office, making Donovan jump off the bench and to the bars to see what's happening.

Tracy hisses and pushes Sheriff over the desk, striking him with her tail. He falls hard on the floor as his body begins to lock up on him. He groans in pain as he tries to move, but he couldn't.

Tracy hops on the desk, crouching and growling.

Ms. Martin gasps and hides into a corner.

"Kira, look out!"

Kira gets out her sword and Edward takes out his two swords. Both on each side of the Tracy. Tracy flips off the desk, Edward dodges her tail. Kira swipes her sword in the air, taking her fight stand with Edward. Tracy growls as her eyes glow. Tracy makes the first swipe. Edward and Kira both fights her, dodging every move.

Lydia presses herself against the wall and looks over to her mom, "Mom, run! Run!" She shouts.

As soon as Ms. Martin takes off running, Tracy places her attention on Lydia and goes after her, stabbing her into her abdomen.

Lydia screams in pain, "No!"

Ms. Martin gasps and turns to the scream, "Lydia! Lydia!" She calls out.

Lydia groans and falls to the floor, clutching her bloody side.

Edward rushes to her, pressing his hand on to her side, keeping pressure on it. Kira fights harder with Tracy. She hops on to the desk, swiping her sword in the air and feels the fox taking over. The fire of the fox covering her body like a protective armor.

Tracy snarls at her. Kira jumps off the desk and with a powerful swipe, she cuts Tracy's tail off. Tracy yells in pain and runs off to the basement. Kira fights inside to take control, but it was so powerful.

Lydia gasps at the sight, Edward was both proud, yet scared for his mate. The fox was showing so much power.

She struggles to push it back. After a while, she sighs in relief as the fox is pulled back, but it took a lot of her energy. Edward jumps up and catches her before she could fall.


At the vet, Liam, Mason, and Brett runs into Theo on the way. Liam eyes Theo cautiously, "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I heard that Tracy was taken here. I figured Scott could use more help." Theo says.

"Werewolf?" Mason asks.

"And then some." Liam mutters.

The four of them head inside and see Scott and the others struggling on the floor. Theo helps Scott up off the floor.

Groaning, Scott could finally feel the use of his legs a little, "How did you find us?"

"'Cause you work here. I heard about Tracy, I've been looking for you." Theo says.

Liam and Mason help Stiles to the table, Stiles let out a loud groan as he holds on to the table, panting.

"We lost her." Scott says.

"And Malia and Josie." Stiles groans out.

"Josie? She's out there where Tracy is?" Theo asks.

"She's following Malia. She says she'll text us when she finds her."

Brett helps Deaton up on the table.

"I can help." Theo says.

"This is Theo?" Deaton asks.

"Let me help. It doesn't have to mean I'm part of the pack. Or like you've accepted me or anything like that. It just means I can help catch this girl." Theo says.

Scott sighs, thinking about whether or not to trust him.

"Scott. I can help you." Theo says.

Scott looks at him, he had no choice.

Scott's cell vibrates.

"It's Josie." He says.

'Scent led to the police station. Tracy took Ms. Martin to the basement. Malia went to find her, but Lydia is hurt! So is Sheriff Stilinski.'

Stiles eye's widen and he tries to run but falls on the floor. He grunts loudly and struggles to run out the door.


Malia and Josie walk into the station, seeing a blood trail. Josie gasps when they find the Sheriff paralyzed on the floor.

"Careful." He says softly.

"Malia..." Lydia says from the office.

Malia and Josie walk into the office and sees Lydia bleeding on the floor with Edward pressing down on it with with Kira.

"Lydia?" Malia gasps.

"Okay. Hey, it's not as bad as it looks." Kira assures them.

"Malia. Listen...Tracy...She thinks...She thinks she's asleep. She thinks she's dreaming.
It's a night terror." Lydia says as she lies paralyzed on the floor.

"I...I don't know what that..." Malia mutters, shaking her head.

"She...She's not dreaming. She's not asleep. Get her to understand." Lydia says softly.

"Malia! Josie!" Sheriff says. "Basement. They're in the basement." Sheriff says.

"They?" Josie asks, confused.

"Tracy...And my mother." Lydia says.

Josie grabs her Malia's arm, getting her attention, "Go to the basement, try and talk to her. I'll text Scott. Go!" She says.

Malia nods and goes into the basement. She slowly walks down the hall, following a trail of mercury. Black goo and mercury. She walks cautiously, with her claws out. Ready for anything.

She finally sees Tracy, dragging an unconscious Ms. Martin.

Tracy growls and throws Ms. Martin across the room. Malia cracks her neck, transforming into her coyote, growling loudly at Tracy. She takes a few swipes at Tracy, dodging Tracy's claws. Malia grabs a hold of her but Tracy manages to use the wall as leverage, turning to throw Malia against a shelf. Malia growls and kicks Tracy in the chest, attacking her again. Finally, she wins over, throwing Tracy hard to the floor, trapping her arms and pressing her knee into Tracy's throat, cutting off her air.

Suddenly, Tracy's eyes go back to normal, along with her claws, but her face was still covered in scales. Malia frowns as she pushes back the coyote. She could see Tracy coming back.  She quickly lets go, Tracy turns over, grabbing her neck, coughing for air.

Tracy crawls away, but turns to look around her.  Where was she? What...what happened?

"Tracy? Tracy." Malia says, getting her attention.

Tracy slowly gets up to her feet, confused and scared.

"No, no, no. Look at me. You're not dreaming. This is real. All...All this is real. You get it? You get that? You're not dreaming, Tracy." Malia says.

Tracy looks down at her hands, seeing her reptilian skin.

"What...What's happening to me?" Tracy asks.

Malia was about to answer till the surgeon emerges from the shadows, stabbing Tracy in the neck with a large syringe.

Malia runs to help but the pathologist grabs her head and presses her into the wall, gripping her neck.

Tracy groans and gags as mercury pours out of her mouth.

Malia tries to fight, but the doctor was too strong.

Josie runs down the hall and sees Malia held back. She calls the wind, but the Geneticist comes from the shadows and grabs her by the neck, pressing her against the wall. Whimpering, she tries to make him let her go, but he was so strong.  She tries to call forth her powers, she couldn't.  It was like something was forcing her to hold back her powers.  It even hurt a little.  She couldn't do anything but hold on to the doctor's wrist and try to yank him away. 

The surgeon looks over to the pathologist, tilting his head.

"Her condition is terminal." He says, as he jerks the needle back and Tracy falls on to the floor....dead.

The Surgeon looks over to Josie, hissing, clicking noises come from him. He walks slowly to her. The pathologist holds Malia tighter, making her yelp.

The Surgeon reaches out and tilts her head from side to side. He drops his hand slowly and backs up, like he was in shock.


Josie frowns in confusion and yelps when the doctor drops her.

Malia was roughly let go and slides down the wall as the doctors suddenly leave out the back...into the shadows. Malia kept looking back and forth towards Tracy's body and at where the doctors came from. They were so strong. She was terrified.


"Hey! Can someone let me out of here? Hey! Come on, Gabe. Let me out, come on." Donovan shouts from his cell. He could hear weird noises coming from all around, he wasn't sure if it was in his head or was it real?

He turns towards the door when he hears footsteps. He sees the doctors approaching him. He backs away as they draw closer and closer to him. The surgeon lifts his hand to the card reader and the cell door opens.

Whimpering, he backs away as far as he could as the walk towards him.


Scott, Stiles, and Theo runs into the station and stop when they see the blood trail. They walk into the front and see the deputy helping the Sheriff up to his feet. Scott runs to help him, but Stiles could only keep his eyes on the blood. He follows the trail and sees Lydia bleeding on the floor, groaning in pain. He moves to help, but Theo pushes him back, yanking his belt off to create a tourniquet.

Deaton comes in and sees the tail on the ground, he takes off his jacket and hides it.

"Scott." He calls for him. Scott runs to his aid and sees the tail hidden under the jacket.

Ms. Martin slowly comes from the basement and sees the trail of blood. She looks around and realizes it was Lydia's blood. Tears form in her eyes as fear for her daughter filled her heart.

She rushes towards the trail and sees her daughter groaning in pain as Theo tightens the tourniquet. She grabs Stiles' arm in shock and pushes him away to tend to Lydia.

Scott sees the trail, but another trail leading towards the basement. He could smell Tracy, Malia, and Josie.

"Stiles." Scott calls. He could see Stiles frozen in place as he looks down at Lydia. "Stiles. Stiles, come on."

The sound of the siren of the ambulances were in the air.

Lydia tried to put on a brave face for him.

Ms. Martin strokes her head, "It's okay. She's all right." Theo says.

"Tracy. Stiles, I'm fine. Help Tracy." Lydia says, pain laces her voice.

"Stiles. Go." Edward says.

"Come on, Stiles." Scott says as Sheriff and Deaton follow them down to the basement.

They run as fast as they could, first thing they see is Josie sitting in the hallway, whimpering in terror.

"Josie?" Scott asks as he slowly moves to her.

She couldn't stop looking at where the doctors came from.

"What's wrong with her?" Sheriff asks.

Deaton squats down and checks her vitals, "She's in shock."

Scott looks up and sees Malia standing over Tracy's body. He gets up and runs towards them.

Malia quickly turns, holding up her hands, "It wasn't me." Her voice shakes.

Scott didn't believe her at all.

Sheriff wraps his jacket around Josie, making sure she was warm enough.

Stiles rushes to them along with Deaton. Sheriff slowly helps Josie up, holding her close to him.

"What the hell happened to her?" Scott says.

"There were these people...They had masks. Um, there...There were...Three of them. I think there were three." Malia stutters.

"What...What are you talking about?" Stiles shakes his head in disbelief.

"They were strong, Stiles. They had a weapon. Stiles, I didn't do this." Malia says, as her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Okay." Stiles says slowly, but he held doubt as well.

"No." Josie whispers.

Everyone looks over to her.

"They came for her. Just like she said. They came...for her." She whispers.

"Who?" Sheriff says.

Josie whimpers as a tear fell, "I couldn't stop them. It was like they...they weren't part of our reality. grabbed me. Another...held Malia down. I tri...tried to call the elements, but it was like something was holding me back. Like keeping me chained. He killed her. He killed her...right in front of us." Josie sobs.

Sheriff holds her tight as she sobs and shakes in his arms, "Wait, Josie....let me see your neck." He says.

Scott stands up as Sheriff pushes her neck to the side, they all could see a large hand print. But it was too large to be a human hand.

"See! I told you." Malia exclaims.

Sheriff lets Scott takes her into his arms, he rubs her back in comfort, letting her breathe him in to calm her down, using his body heat to keep her warm.

Deaton kneels down and exams Tracy's body.

"She's not changing back. We're going to need to get her out of here."

"What, hey...Absolutely not. This is a crime scene.  We call the coroner." Sheriff states.

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail." Deaton points out.

"I don't care...

"You should. Unless you're prepared to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills." Deaton says.

Sheriff looked like he was ready to have a stroke or a breakdown. His face just gets so red.

"Dad, he's right." Stiles says in defeat.

"Maybe at the clinic we can figure out how to change her back, then call  the coroner?" Scott suggests.

"There's a line...There is a line that we have to draw." Sheriff stutters as he paces the room.

"Dad, you've already crossed it. More than once."

"Sheriff, please. Let me help. I've dealt with things like this before." Deaton says. Pleading the sheriff to listen.

Frustrated with the whole thing, he knew he had no choice, "Just do it fast."

Theo comes down and skids to a halt when he sees Tracy's body on the floor.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Long story. Can you take Josie to the hospital? She's in really bad shock." Scott says.

Theo looks at her with worry, but nods, "Sure." He slowly takes Josie into his arms as Scott moves to help carry Tracy out the back.

Josie whimpers and holds on to Theo tightly, "It's ok. I got you." He whispers as he walks her up the stairs where the paramedic were.

"I'll come by to check on her." Scott calls out.

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