Chapter 9: What is Tracy?

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This has got to be my longest chapter ever for this series...

(Josie's outfit for the day ^^^^)

Still in shock that her hearing has miraculously has come back, Josie couldn't explain it at all.  When Scott came back from hunting Donovan, he was confused with why everyone was looking at Josie in shock till Stiles told him.

"Dude, she can hear.  It just came back all of the sudden."  He says.

Scott looks over to Josie who was listening to...everything.  She laughs, covering her mouth as she cries happy tears.  Scott walks over to her and holds on to her hands, "You can hear me?"

She laughs again, smiling big, "So that's what you sound like normally."

Scott smiles big and hugs her tight, he was unbelievably happy for her, but concerned at the same time. 

Sarah was about to have a heart attack after finding out.  Josie surprised her by actually calling her at the hospital.  She could hear her mom crying happily.  How was this possible?  She had to figure it out before it could go away.  She didn't want it to go away.  Finally, a life without hearing aids or signing. 

Scott stayed over with her, and all they did was just talked all night, mostly about what happened. .  And a little bit of playing.  It excited her to finally hear him moan.  Really hear him.  And she did...a lot.  Scott wasn't complaining though. 

Josie managed to get at least 2 hours of sleep with Scott.  Fizgig hops on the bed, licking them both away.  Barking excitedly. 

The next day before School started, Josie and Scott meets up with the others at the buses, she was surprised to see Mason there.  And Mason looked surprised to see her as well.

"You too?!" He exclaims.

"Liam, you finally told him?"  She asks.

Liam nods meekly.

"About time." She laughs at his surprised look. 

"So, what is Josie?  Is she a werewolf too?  A coyote?  What?"  Mason asks.

"She's an anchor.  A living being that has the powers to calm a supernatural being and apparently humans, too, just recently.  And she's an elemental.  She controls the elements." Liam explains.

Mason's jaw dropped, "Do me." He beckons her to him.  "You..your comfort power, let me see." He stutters excitedly.

She looks over to Scott and asks.  Scott laughs and nods.  Josie reaches over to hug Mason and lets him feel the comfort wash over him.  He sighs in content.  "Wow."

Scott growls lowly that makes Mason jump off her quickly, "Dude, I'm gay."  He throws his hands up in surrender. 

Scott shakes his head, "Sorry.  Um, mate thing." 

"Mate?"  Mason asks.

"Josie is Scott's mate.  And Edward is mine as well.  Mate means a soul-mate.  You're other half.  It can get intense sometimes." Kira smiles small.

Finally, Lydia arrives and she wasn't too happy.  She starts pacing as soon as she gets there.  She explains about Tracy, what happened when she went to see her mom a few days ago. 

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping.  It was a real disorder.  It was night terrors."  Lydia says.

"Well, now she's the night terror.  Especially since no one can find her." Stiles says.

Everyone looked like they didn't get much sleep last night.  Josie didn't, but she was too wired to sleep.

"Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..."  He looks over to Mason  who stood next to him, carrying an excited look.  he could smell it all over him  "Except for you."

"Oh.  I'm sorry.  This is all just mind-blowing."  Mason chuckles. "You're a Kitsune."  He points at Kira. "I don't even know what that is." 

"I'm still learning."  Kira says.  "And Edward is one, too."

Mason laughs excitedly.

"Liam, we said you could tell him.  Not invite him to the inner circle."  Stiles says sarcastically.

"Uh, I'm in the inner circle?"  Mason asks.

"No."  Liam and Stiles both say.

Scott drops the subject, "Guys, look, back to Tracy.  She's just one lone wolf.  We can find her."

"One lone serial-killing wolf."  Malia says.

"Uh, she only killed one person, you know.  The other two were mauled."  Stiles says.

"All right, what do we do when we catch her?"  Josie says.

"I say we put her down."  Malia says.

No one seemed to disagree with that.

"Intense." Mason says.

"Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first.  We'll figure out the rest later."  Scott says.

"Another thing, what are we gonna do about Josie?  I mean, hearing loss doesn't be cured overnight. It doesn't even have a cure." Lydia says.

"We could go to Deaton." Josie shrugs. 

"We'll go see him after school." Scott agrees and takes her hand in his. 


Donovan sits impatiently in his cell at the Sheriff's station as Sheriff sits in front of him a few feet away.  Donovan keeps his head down, not making any eye contact with anyone but the floor.

"I want my lawyer."  Donovan says, tapping his foot.

"Your lawyer's dead."  Sheriff points out.

"I want another lawyer." 

Sheriff sighs,  "I know you saw something.  Tracy killed her father and badly wounded two officers.
One girl against three grown men.  No matter how unbelievable you think it's going to sound, I promise you can tell me."  He says, calmly and politely.

"I like that tone of voice, Sheriff."  Donovan scoffs.  "It's nice.  Makes you seem like someone who wants to help." He says, keeping his eyes on the floor.

Hissing sounds and a high pitched toned filled Donovan's head, hurting his ears, "Ow."  He grips the side of his head in pain.  Then sighs, as it stops, putting his hand down.

"I want a new lawyer."  Donovan states, finally looking up at Sheriff.

Sheriff sighs in defeat and gets up to leave the cell, but Parrish stops him when they were standing outside the cells.

"I've got an answer to why we couldn't find Tracy last night.  She was in the hospital."  Parrish says.

"Doing what?" Sheriff asks.

"Killing her psychiatrist."  Parrish says.

Sheriff shakes his head and starts to walk off with Parrish following him, "Let Scott know, but tell him I don't want them getting into it yet."

"Shouldn't we be putting him on the payroll?"

"I'm starting to wonder."


In the hallways of the school, Stiles caught up with Malia and shows him his phone that contained the picture he showed Scott and Josie. 

"Now, I wanted to show you first, but considering my lack of self-control..." Stiles stutters.

"My mother did this?"  She asks with a hard face.

"Yeah.  Yeah.  Braeden said these guys were bad.  You know, really bad."   

"So they deserved it?"

Hesitant, he nods, "Yeah, I'm not sure anyone deserves that, per se."

Malia swallows a hard lump, "I guess we know one thing now.  She's good at her job."

In biology, Mrs. Finch passes out the test grades from the surprise test a few days ago.

"Nice to see where your priorities are, Scott."  She places Scott's test on his table.  An 86.  He smiles big, proud of himself. 

"And Josie," She smiles and places Josie's test down. 98. Josie smiles big.  "Keep it up you two, and you will be one of the rare ones who make it in this class.  Scott, since you have such a good grasp of the subject, how about you lead us in a review of last night's reading."

"Uh Sure."  Scott stutters and flips the pages in his book.

Liam suddenly pops up in the door, waving at Scott and Josie. 

"Scott?"  Mrs. Finch says.

"Sorry, just looking for the page."

Liam waves again, impatiently.


"Yeah, one sec.  Sorry."


Scott points at his ear to Liam to signal him to talk.

"She's here."  Liam whispers as he hides behind the door. "She's in History class right now.  Tracy. 
She's here."

In history class of the sophomores, Tracy sits at her usual desk with her hair over her face, breathing heavily as she grips the desk tightly.

Tracy felt like she was losing her sanity, she couldn't tell what was real anymore. Her mind felt warped. The classroom seemed like a blend of the laboratory to her. She grips the desk tighter till it cracks in the middle.

Hayden jumps at the sound and looks over to her.

"Hey. Are you all right?" She asks.

Tracy never made a sound, besides her heavy breathing.

"Are you even supposed to be in this class?" Hayden asks again. She looks down in confusion and sees Tracy's dirty bare feet.

Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off. Liam takes his hand off the handle and hides.

"No rushing, please. I'm sure it's just a drill." Mr. Yukimura says as the classroom begins to empty.

Hayden notices that Tracy wasn't moving, "Hey, we need to go." She says. But, Tracy never got out of her seat. "Are you all right?" She looks closer at Tracy.

Slowly, Scott, Liam and Josie walk into the classroom with Mr. Yukimura.

"Tracy." Scott says.

Tracy looks up and sees the Doctors in the classroom with her. She gasps and snaps her hand out to grab Hayden's arm. Gripping it tight as her claws dig into her skin. Hayden groans in pain.

"Tracy." Josie says.

"Tracy." Scott walks slowly towards her.

"Tracy, let go. Tracy." Josie says.

"Hey, you're hurting me." Hayden whimpers.

The doctors were coming closer...and closer in her mind.

As Josie was near enough, Tracy snaps her eyes to her causing her to jump in fright. Josie knew she could feel the comfort she was sending, to calm her enough to let Hayden go.

"Tracy, let her go." Scott says.

"They're coming." Tracy finally speaks, letting go of Hayden. Hayden grips her bloody wrist in pain.

Tracy looks over to Scott and the others. "They're coming for all of us."

She falls face first on to the floor and as she lies there, silver goo pours out of her mouth, making a large puddle near her head.

Scott picks her up and rushes her out the classroom. Stiles and Malia runs towards them, following along with Josie in tow.

"She wasn't even supposed to be in our class. Where are they taking her?" Hayden asks.

"Uh..." Liam turns back to see the others leaving him alone. "The hospital, I guess." He turns back to her.

Hayden grips her wrist, he looks at her in concerned, "Do you need help getting to the Nurse's Office?" He asks.

"I think I'll make it." She says bitterly and runs to the girls restroom.

She holds the wound under the tap and washes the blood away but, the wound was gone. Healed. She frowns and exams her wrist. She couldn't explain how her wound somehow healed so fast.

Liam runs into Lydia, Kira, and Edward in the hallway.

"They're taking her to the Animal Clinic?" Kira asks.

"Yeah, to see if Deaton can figure out what's wrong with her." Liam says.

"What's wrong with her is that she killed two people. Her father and, according to Parrish, her psychiatrist." Lydia says.

"Isn't there anyone else we can talk to? Does she still have her mom? Any family?" Kira asks.

No one could think of anything.

"Alpha." Edward speaks up. "If she's a werewolf, she has an Alpha, right?"

"Anyone know if a new one's moved into Beacon Hills?" Lydia asks.

"No, but there's an old one. One of the oldest." Kira says. "We know her."

Liam sighs, "And her pack."

Liam heads to the field and meets up with Mason to talk to Brett. They both watch him from the behind the bleachers.

"So, he's a werewolf too?" Mason asks.

"Yup." Liam says, annoyed.

"This just gets better and better." Mason says as he eyes Brett with lust.


Deaton frowns as he exams Tracy. Recording her vital signs. He checks her eyes.

"Pupils dilate under normal conditions." He says.

Tracy's breathing hasn't changed since they brought her here. Nothing but heavy breaths.

Deaton checks her pulse, "Heart rate is 250."

He pulls her shirt a little over her shoulder, "Evidence of an allogeneic skin graft on the right shoulder."

He eyes her mouth, seeing the goo drip from her lips, "Now, this silvery substance at her lips is not something I've seen. It almost looks like mercury."

Tracy's body suddenly jerks, causing everyone to look at her nervously.

"Uh.." Stiles was more nervous.

"Can't you just give her a shot of something?" Malia asks.

"She doesn't look to be in any pain." Deaton says, shaking his head.

"I meant a shot to kill her." Malia says obviously.

Stiles' stress goes up again.

"I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowns on such measures." Deaton says.

"Malia, you know we're not going to do that." Scott says.

"How do you know she's not going to kill us?" Malia asks.

Stiles points at her and Josie nods, "She makes a decent point." Josie says.

"Either way, eventually I'm going to have to let my dad know she's here." Stiles adds.

"Agreed. And while I may argue against euthanasia, I'm not opposed to a little..." He grabs a bottle with mountain ash. "Extra security." He opens it and flings it into the air as it spreads itself a straight line.


Lydia, Kira, and Edward heads to Tracy's house to find anything that could tell them about Tracy.

"Hold on." Kira stops them as they reach the bedroom door. "Isn't this like a crime scene or something?"

"No." Lydia shakes her head and opens the door, seeing that it was a crime scene. "Maybe." She waves it off and goes in the room. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay, so what are we looking for?" Edward asks.

"I am not sure. I'm mostly just following a feeling." Lydia shrugs as she moves to turn the lamp on.

"Your feelings usually lead to dead bodies." Kira points out.

"Well,...let me know if you find one." Lydia says simply.

Edward and Kira had worried looks.


"So that's what Mountain Ash is." Josie says, impressed.

Stiles couldn't take his eyes off the barrier. Malia frowns in confusion and follows his eyes. Along with Deaton.

"Don't worry, Stiles. Tracy won't be able to cross a line of Mountain Ash. She's not going anywhere."

"Yeah, that's kind of what I'm afraid of." Stiles says nervously.

"Well, you, Josie, and I will be able to get out of here no problem." He assures Stiles, then looks at Scott and Malia. "You two. Not so much."

Malia frowns again, she didn't understand what he meant till she put her hand up and felt the protective barrier block her.

"Weird." Malia says.

"Scott, would you mind holding her down. I'm going to be trying a few more invasive tests." He says as he grabs a scalpel.

Scott and Stiles hold her down. Josie stood behind her head and places her hands over Tracy's head. She sighs and lets the powers flow.

Tracy sighs in content and her breathing slows, but it was still a little fast. Everyone watches Deaton take the scalpel and drags it across Tracy's skin, but the blade wouldn't cut. Deaton tries to do it more forcefully, but the blade broke. He holds it up in shock.

"I think you're gonna need a bigger blade." Stiles says.

Deaton rolls his eyes.


Liam and Mason shows Brett a picture of Tracy, asking him if he knew if she was part of his pack.

"Cute. But never seen her." He shakes his head.

"Could Satomi have turned her without you knowing?" Liam asks.

"After the dead pool, Satomi's not exactly doing much recruiting." Brett says as he gathers his stuff together.

"That's how it works? Alpha werewolves just go around biting people?" Mason asks, trying to take all this information in.

"Or you can be born, like me and my sister. Satomi took us in after our family died in a fire."

Liam fades out of the conversation as he eyes Tracy's picture, seeing a very familar necklace around her neck. The leaf pendant.

"Guys, I think I just found something."


Kira searches under Tracy's bed and finds a box. Gifts and personal items belonging to Tracy. She find a dream-catcher with a note attached to it.

"Hey, look at this." She says.

Edward and Lydia stops and walks over to her.

"'Remember, TracyBear, it only works if you believe it. Hope this helps. Love, Dad.' This is beyond depressing." She says sadly.

"He was just trying to help her." Lydia says.

"Why would she go after him like that?" Edward asks.

"I guess she wasn't in control of herself." Lydia says.

"But it wasn't even a full moon." Kira states.

"Maybe a werewolf with night terrors is worse than a..." Lydia stops and looks at the dream-catcher, examining it. "You know, there are cases of people who accidentally murdered their entire family while in a night terror. They had no idea what they were doing. It's called a homicidal somnambulism." Lydia explains.

"So if Tracy's killing people she doesn't really want to kill, she might not actually be awake." Kira says.

"She's still in a night terror."


Deaton exams Tracy still, turning her head to the side and sees her neck. Her skin moved weirdly. Like it was breathing.

"Now, this is interesting." Deaton scrunches his face up. Malia moves closer towards him, watching.

Scott feels his phone vibrate and moves to other side of the room with Stiles and Josie.

"What's up?" Stiles asks.

"It's my mom. It's about the driver of the prison transport. She's saying he's awake and talking." Scott explains.

Deaton reaches to touch Tracy's neck, but jumps when her skin moves again.

"Malia, help me turn her over, please." He says.

Josie's cell vibrated this time, she reads a message from her mom, "My mom says the driver didn't have stroke or heart attack. Says it was more like his body just locked up."

"Like he was paralyzed." Stiles says, finally figuring it out. "I think I know what she is."

"Do you care to enlighten the rest of us? Because this doesn't look too good." Deaton says as they had Tracy on flipped over with her shirt open, exposing her back. Tracy's spine was swaying back and forth. Deaton pokes it a few times, trying to figure out what the hell that is.

Suddenly, her back splits open, spraying black ooze on Scott, Deaton and Josie. Josie shouts in surprise, spitting out the black ooze from her mouth.

Something was moving inside of Tracy's body. It looked like a tail, with spikes. Suddenly, the tail bursts from her back, swiping at Stiles and Deaton causing them to fly back. Tracy hops up into a crouch, her tail swings and hits Malia. She turns to Scott and swipes him, scratching him. Tracy hisses at Josie. Josie flings her hands out, calling the wind to her aid, causing Tracy to fly back into the wall.

Tracy gets up, growling lowly at Josie and before Josie could call the wind again, Tracy runs towards her, scratching her arm and throwing her against the wall, knocking her out in the process.

Tracy hisses and runs out the door, the ash breaking before she could walk over it.

Everyone groans in pain as they fall to the floor, their bodies locking up on them. Paralysis sets inside them.

"It wasn't a werewolf." Stiles groans as he lies flat on the floor.

"Kanima." Scott says.

"Hey, Deaton, how the hell did she get through the Mountain Ash?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know. It's a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross." Deaton says.

"Scott did it." Stiles says.

"Once, but it almost killed me." Scott points out.

"We should've killed her." Malia groans.

"Meanwhile, she's probably on her way to killing someone else." Stiles says.

Scott looks over to where Josie was lying and sees her out cold.

"Josie. Josie, are you ok?" He asks.

"What's wrong with Josie?" Deaton asks.

"I think Tracy knocked her out." Scott says. "Josie!" Scott speaks louder.


"Listen, everyone. We need to concentrate. Scott and Malia, you two will probably be able to move long before Stiles, Josie, and I can. But you need to focus." Deaton says.

"Focus on what?" Malia asks, panting as she panics.

"Healing." Scott says.

"That's right." Deaton says.

"I don't know how to tell my body to heal." Malia panic goes up.

"Malia, calm down. It's okay..." Stiles says but Malia's panicked voice cuts him off.

"I can't calm down. I can't move."

"It won't last long. We're going to be okay." Scott assures her. "Doc, how do we focus?" Scott asks.

"Think of a body part. Your hands, your feet, even just the tips of your fingers. Imagine them moving. See it in your mind and your body will follow." Deaton says.


Meanwhile, Liam, Mason, and Brett search off into the woods to find the hole Liam fell in.

"Sure you know where you're going?" Brett asks.

"I know where I am." Liam says.

"So do I. Middle of nowhere." Brett says sarcastically.

Mason follows in toll till Brett and Liam hear a loud thudding. They turn and see that Mason was gone, but they see a hole.

"Guys?" Mason calls out and they walk towards the hole, seeing Mason down at the bottom, rubbing his head. "I think I found it."

"See the necklace?" Liam asks.

Mason gets his cell light and looks around the dirt, "No, I don't see it."

Brett reaches down and easily pulls Mason out. Mason bushes himself off but looks down and sees something that catches his attention. He squats down to look at the hole closely and the dirt.

"Liam, I...I thought you said this was a sinkhole." He says.

"It's a hole. What's the difference?" Liam shrugs.

"I mean, look at all these handprints and look at all this dirt." Mason points out.

They all squat down and sees what Mason is talking about. The dirt was protruding outward than inward. 

"She didn't fall in here." Brett says.

"She was buried." Liam says.

"Intense." Mason says, nodding.


Meanwhile, at the vet...

"Okay. I'm pretty sure I just felt my right leg move. Uh, yep, definitely felt it. Like a twinge, spasm, something." Stiles says.

Deaton looks up, seeing no movement from Stile's legs, "I'm going to have to disagree. And I think I hold an informed opinion."

Josie starts groaning.

Scott moves his eyes to her, "Josie, are you ok?"

Josie winces, "Oh, did that suck!" She slowly sits up to a sitting position. Scott's eyes widen in shock as well as Malia and Deaton look at her in confusion.

Josie whines in pain and rotates her neck, "Where are you, you ugly bitch?" She snarls as she gets up to her feet. But, stops when she sees Tracy is gone and everyone was on the floor, looking at her in shock. "What?"

"Didn't Tracy cut you?" Deaton asks.

Josie looks at her her, seeing the deep wound, "Yeah, she got me good. Why?"

"You're not suppose to be standing." Malia says.

"What?! Josie's not paralyzed?" Stiles asks in confusion.

"Why should I be?" She asks.

"Kanimas carry a venom in their claws and tail that paralyzes their victims. Doc, how can Josie not be paralyzed?" Scott asks.

"I think she could be immune. As much as I want to figure it out as well as you all do, but I think we should focus on moving first. Josie, you could help. Go to the drawer near me and grab a scalpel." Deaton says.

Josie does as he says and grabs one.

"Now, go to Malia and stab her." Deaton says.

"WHAT?!" Josie and Malia exclaims.

"Malia and Scott need to get the venom out of their systems and the only way to do that..." Deaton says.

"Is to heal." Scott says.

"And to heal, you need pain." Deaton says. 

"Why can't she stab Scott?" Malia asks.

"She'll hurt herself.  The bond is making us share pain."  Scott says. 

Breathing heavily, she watches Josie look at her with a scared apologetic look.  "Just do it before I change my mind."  Malia says. 

Josie grips the scalpel tight, "Just don't hate me."  Taking a deep breath, she lifts the blade, aiming for Malia's leg and jams it into her flesh. 

Malia shouts in pain, growling as her eyes shined blue.  Josie takes the blade out, throwing it away.

"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry."  Josie repeats.

Suddenly, Malia's hand begins to twitch.

"Malia."  Scott says in surprise.

"It's working.  Keep going.  Keep moving."  Deaton says.

Malia groans and starts to move her legs.  The stab wound begins to heal. Josie helps her get to her feet.

"What's happening? I can't see.  What's happening?"  Stiles says.

She begins to walk, but almost falls till Josie catches her. 

She gives Josie a nod to let her go and she did.  Malia could finally stand on her own and she begins to try to run.  She catches herself against the table, panting.

"Malia? Malia, wait for us."  Stiles says.

"There's no time."  Malia says.

"Look, she's not a werewolf."  Stiles says.

"But she has a scent.  I can find her."  Malia says.

"Malia."  Scott calls for her attention.  "Save her."

Malia grunts and begins to make it to the door.

"Josie, go with her."  Scott says.

"What about you?"  She asks.

"I'll be fine.  Just text me when you find Tracy." He says.

"Yeah, we'll be fine.  Don't worry about us."  Stiles says sarcastically.

"I'll text Liam and tell him to come, ok?"  She says.

"Yeah, that's fine."  Stiles mutters.

Josie runs and follows Malia.

"Ugh! My nose itches!" Stiles whines.

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