Chapter 8: Date with Fate

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(Josie's Outfit for the day  ^^^^^)

At the Sheriff's station, while the deputies prepared for Donovan's transport, Sheriff was getting ready for his first date since his wife's passing. 

Josie fixes his tie while he holds up a mirror and frets about his hair.

"Oh, I should've got a haircut."  Sheriff says, smoothing his hair.

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut."  Stiles says.

Sheriff rolls his eyes.

"I think you look great."  Scott says.

"Well, thank you, son I should have had."  Sheriff says, smiling.

That surprised Scott.  Stiles looked hurt.

Brushing his shoulders, Josie gave him a thumbs up, "Good to go.  And this is coming from a woman, I think you look very handsome, Sheriff."  Josie smiles.

Sheriff chuckles and smiles, "Never let this one go, Scott." He says, looking over to him.

Scott chuckles and pulls her into his arm, "Never." 

Sheriff sighs in frustration, "Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea."  He starts yanking the tie off but Stiles stops him.

"What, Dad Dad, it's one date, okay? The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman.  Or man."

"It's a woman, Stiles."  Sheriff chuckles.

"Okay."  Stiles says.  Kinda doubtful about it.

"A very beautiful woman."  Sheriff adds.

Josie smiles at how cute he was.

"What beautiful woman, by the way?" Stiles asks, eyeing him.

"None of your business.  Either one of you." Sheriff says.  "Except Josie.  Her I trust to keep it a secret." Sheriff points at her.

She zips her lips and locks it, throwing away the key.

Sheriff laughs and gives her a thumbs up.  She returns one.

Stiles looks at her in disbelief then to his dad.

"I want to know."  He says.  "Jojo?"  Stiles turns to her.

She gives him the 'no' sign.

"Please?"  He pouts, giving her a puppy look. 

She laughs and places her hands over his cheeks, mushing his face.  "No.  Drop it." She gives his cheek a little tap.

Stiles groans, pouting to the floor. 


Donovan comes out, being escorted by deputies and his lawyer, Mr. Stewart, Tracy's father, follows them.

"I'll be blunt.  It's not what I was hoping for, but the DA's offer is still pretty reasonable."  Mr. Stewart says.

"What's reasonable?"  Donovan asks. 

"Talk in the van, guys.  Let's go." The female deputy says, but Donovan gets out of her grip and faces his lawyer.

"No! Just tell me.  What's reasonable?" Donovan asks, frustrated.

"Mr. Stewart, are we going to have trouble with your client?"  Parrish asks.

Mr. Stewart sighs, "No, Deputy."  Then, he turns to Donovan, having a look of sympathy.  "They want you for three to five.  So, why don't we get in the van and discuss a plea bargain that gets you out in two." 

Fueling in anger, "Stilinski!"  Donovan shouts.

The three of them perk up at the shouting, Josie follows their eyes. 

"Stilinski! I'm going to kill you."  Donovan shouts as the deputies grab him.

Sheriff walks out of the office along with Stiles, Scott, and Josie following him behind.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory." Sheriff scoffs. Parrish frowns at this information. "Deputies, escort the prisoner out."

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window. I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead. And when you look at me and you ask me why, remember right now. Because this is why." Donovan says simply.

For a moment of silence, some had disbelief looks, others were worried. Then, Stiles opened his mouth.

"Wow, that was awesome. That was awesome. That was great. We do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know. Okay, you know what? It's fine. You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny, little cell, you know...Just stuck there, forever-..." Josie slaps her hand over his mouth to shut him up.

Donovan scoffs a laugh then tries to get out of the deputies grips and run at Stiles, but the deputies got him first.

"Get him out of here!" Sheriff shouts.

"What's the hell's an Anger Expression Inventory?" Scott asks.

Josie removes her hand from his mouth, "It's a test you take when you're applying to become a deputy." He says.

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" Josie asks in disbelief.

"At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience." Stiles sighs.


The deputies loaded him up on the transport van and headed towards their destination.

"Well done." Mr. Stewart says from the passenger's seat as he looks over to Donovan through the gated screen. "Threatening the Sheriff in front of his entire department. And his son. I'll be lucky to get you three to five decades. You realize that?" He says furiously.

Donovan looks down, angry and disappointed.

The driver started to feel funny as he drove.

Mr. Stewart looks over to him, "Do you mind slowing down? I don't think this kid's in any rush to get to prison." He says sarcastically.

The driver groans as his hand starts to hurt, he lets go of the wheel, trying to shake off the feeling, but he couldn't.

"You all right?" Mr. Stewart asks, concerned.

"No. My hand, I Uh, I think I'm having a..."

They make a fast, sharp turn that makes them shout in surprise. The van started to go faster.

"Whoa! All right, all right. Slow down."

"What the hell's going on?" Donovan shouts.

"I can't! I can't..." The driver shouts in pain.

"He's having a heart attack!"

"My legs! I can't move my legs! No. No. Grab the wheel. Grab the wheel." The driver shouts, instructing Mr. Stewart.

Mr. Stewart takes the wheel, but he couldn't reach the breaks.

"Can you hit the brake?" Donovan asks as he and the guard are being tossed around in the back.

"No" Mr. Stewart shouts.

Donovan looks up and sees 3 holes on the roof, dripping with some sort of ooze. A drop falls on the guard's shotgun.

"What's happening?" He shouts.

"I got the wheel! Let go of the wheel!" Mr. Stewart shouts as he tries to drive the van for him, but he kept scraping the side of the car against the beams and paved walls, causing sparks to burst on the metal.

"Get off the road!" The guard in the back shouts.

"Go for the brake! Go for the brake!" The driver shouts.

"Get off the road!"

"Hit the brake. Hit the brake! Hit my brake!"

Mr. Stewart finally gets the brake and the van comes to a screeching halt, making everyone jerk from their seats.

Panting in relief, everyone sighed that they were safe. But, the driver wasn't moving. Just staring into space.

The guard slowly looks up as they start to hear thuds on the roof of the van.

"There's something on the roof."

They couldn't see what it was, but they heard it. Hissing, growling. Snarling.

Mr. Stewart looks around, then when he looks into the window on the driver's side...


There she was, standing by the driver's door, snarling with her lip twitching.

Suddenly, she punches through the window, clawing the driver in the process. Blood splattered all over Mr. Stewart.

"Holy...!" Donovan shouts in surprise.

The guard grabs his shotgun and starts shooting her.

Everything slows down to Mr. Stewart when the guard shot as his daughter...he couldn't believe he was shooting his innocent daughter...his little girl.

"Tracy! Tracy! Tracy! Tracy!" He shouts.

The guard continues to shoot, but nothing seemed to have affected her. She managed to get into the van and attack the guard. Donovan bursts out of the van, still cuffed and freaking out as Tracy attacks the guard. All you could hear was the gunshots.

Mr. Stewart slowly gets out of the van, jittery and covered in blood. He slowly turns around and sees his daughter, blood splashed a little on her. Her teeth were sharp, abnormal.


"Don't worry, Daddy.  I won't let anything happen to you.  Ever..." Her eyes glow bright yellow. "Again."

Donovan ran as fast as he could, from the distance, he could hear Mr. Stewart screaming. Panting in fright, he tries to run faster, but it was hard to run with shackles on. He trips and falls, then slowly looks up and sees the Surgeon standing before him, walking slowly towards him, carrying a drill of some kind.

He gets up and turns but the other doctors were there. The pathologist grabs him and holds his head still as the surgeon comes up from behind with the drill. He brings it to his head and drills into his ear. Donovan screams in pain, he couldn't move as they drilled into his head, filling it up with silver substance that covered his eyes as it filled his body.


Scott, Josie, and Stiles get into the jeep and Stiles tries to start the jeep.

"Oh." He groans in frustration and grunts as he tries to start it.

He sees Scott looking over to him, "It's anxiety." He says as he turns the ignition again, nothing.

"What is?" Scott asks.

"The chemo signals? Oh, I'm well aware of how you all monitor my emotional state. Yeah." The engine fails again and Stiles punches the wheel.

Scott and Josie frown at him, Stiles sighs as he feels Josie placing a hand on his shoulder, relaxing him.

"You okay?" She asks.

Stiles sighs again and turns to both of them, getting his cell out, "All right. I got this from Braeden a few hours ago. That's the first real bit of information we've gotten on the Desert Wolf in months."

Scott looks at the picture and his eyes go wide, "The Desert Wolf did this?"

Josie looks over his shoulder and covers her mouth in shock.

"Yeah. And I'm the one who's been pulling on this thread." Stiles says

"Maybe you should stop." Scott says.

Stiles shakes his head, "No, it's not up to me."

Stiles tries again and finally the jeep starts.

Josie looks over to Scott, worry in her eyes. He takes her hand into his, giving her a small reassuring smile.


In the middle of an empty road, Malia sits in her new car that her dad recently got her. She adjusted her mirrors to make sure she could see everything clear.

"Okay. Hands on the wheel, at 10:00 and 2:00." Kira instructs as she sits in the back with Edward and Lydia sits in the front passenger's seat.

"Actually, the recommended position is now 9:00 and 3:00. At 10:00 and 2:00, a deployed airbag could break your thumbs." Lydia points out.

"Mine would heal." Malia shrugs.

"Save your strength." Lydia says sarcastically. "And try not to destroy your beautiful new car."

Malia sighs and puts her hands on 9 and 3, flashbacks of the accidents swarm through her mind as she starts the car. The rumbling of the car made her remember of seeing her family in the flipped car, blood pouring from their skin.

She shakes herself out of those thoughts and slowly press down on the gas pedal. The car begins to move.

"All right. Just ease into it. Good, good, okay. There you go." Kira says.

"Please shut up." Malia says as she nervously drives.

"No problem. Shutting up." Kira holds her hands up in surrender and feels Edward rubbing her back in comfort. She smiles at him, loving his touch.

Her smile drops when Malia starts to lean on the other lane

"Uh...Other way." Kira mutters.

"Other way. Uh, other way." Edward says. "I may not be from here, but I'm pretty sure you're suppose to be on the right lane."

Malia drives them off the road now.

"We are now off the road, this is not the road." Lydia says.

"Other way." Kira waves her hand to the right.

"Malia, please go the other way." Edward says as his eyes widen that they were headed towards a tree.

"What is that? What is beeping?" Malia asks as the car starts to beep in alarm.

"The car's telling you not to run into the tree." Lydia says as she starts to panic, reaching out to grip the wheel, but she didn't want Malia to break her arm or whatever. "Turn the wheel."

"Malia!" They all shout.

Malia turns the wheel to miss the tree by inches.

They all sigh in relief, "And try to stay on the actual road." Kira says.

Malia keeps turning the wheel till she's making circles on the road.

"Okay, sure." Kira mutters, going along with it.

"Uh, this is called a U-turn." Edward says.

Malia shrugs, "They said, 'Turn the wheel."

The tires squealed as they kept turning and turning.

Lydia purses her lips in irritation, "Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas..."

Malia did.

"Whoa!" Kira shouts as she's forced back against the seats, but Edward catches her and holds her as they start to go faster.

"Okay, just turn up here." Lydia directs. Malia makes a fast sharp turn, "No, no, no, slowly, slowly. Go." Malia makes another sharp turn that has Edward and Kira rocking back and forth in the backseat.

"Hmm." Kira sighs as they start to drive normally.

"Anybody want to tell me where we're going?" Malia asks.

"The school. We can finish with parking practice in the lot." Lydia says.

Edward and Kira frowns when they see the city coming up as they go by the street lights.

"Lydia, we're actually heading downtown." Kira says.

"What?" Lydia asks and sees that they are.

"If we want to go to the school we should do a U-turn. Shouldn't we?" Edward asks.

"No." Lydia says as she starts to strongly feel the need to go downtown. It builds every second they get closer. "Keep going."

"You sure?" Malia asks.

"Yes. We're almost there." Lydia says as she lets her feelings take control.

They drive farther till they reach the tunnel where the transport van stopped. They all get out of the car and cautiously walk closer to the car. As they get closer, a bloody hand shakily rises up.

They all had shocked looks as they see how badly this was.

"Call 911." Lydia says.

Wasn't long till the police and ambulances arrived. And Scott, Stiles and Josie.

Josie walked up to the girls and Edward, asking what happened. They told her everything and how Lydia was drawn to here. She made sure they were going to be ok before walking over to where Scott was. She flinches when they carry away the driver, he was severely injured. She sniffs, wait. The scent. It was familiar. She shakes it off and stands near Scott, watching their conversation.

"Scott, you saw this kid, Donovan. He...He wasn't like you, right?" Sheriff asks nervously.

"I don't think so." Scott shakes his head.

"Unless he knows how to hide his scent." Stiles says.

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might have just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers. We've got an APB out on him, but you think you can find him faster?" Sheriff asks.

"I can try." Scott says.

"All right. Keep it on channel two." Sheriff says as he gives Scott a walkie-talkie.

Scott nods and turns to Josie, "I'll be right back. Stay here." He says. She nods and watches him run off to find Donovan.

Josie sniffs again, that smell. She walks closer to the van. Her scent has become stronger lately. She could smell the coppery blood, fear, and...anger...with a feminine smell. A girl was here. And...she sniffs again. A very strong familiar manly scent was in the air. She knew that smell. She looks up and sees Theo hiding behind a beam on top of the tunnel. He makes a hush sign to her that makes her frown. What was he doing here? He signs again, 'I didn't do it. I smelled the blood and came here. Before I could call 911, Lydia and the others beat me to it. Trust me. I'll text you soon. Ok?'

She sighs heavily and gives him a discreet nod and walks back over to Stiles and catches their conversation.

"Dad, what if it wasn't Donovan?" Stiles asks.

"I'm guessing you've already got a theory?"

"Yeah, I think I do." Stiles nods.

Sheriff looks over and sees Josie frowning. He taps her shoulder to get her attention, "What's wrong?"

"I can smell something. A person. I think Stiles is right. Someone else was here." She says.

Before Sheriff could even ask, he hears something.

She looks over and sees Parrish talking on his shoulder walkie talkie, "Scott, is that you?"

"Yeah, I found Donovan." Lydia translates for Josie, but Josie stops her in shock. "He's completely freaked out. He keeps saying some name." Josie's eyes widen.

"What name?" Sheriff asks.

"Theo." Kira, Malia, Edward, and Josie looks over to Stiles.

"Tracy. He keeps saying Tracy." Scott says.

"Tracy who?"

"Stewart." Lydia sighs in realization. "Tracy Stewart." But frowns when she sees Josie taking out her hearing aids and looks around in wonder. "Josie?"

They all look over to her in confusion as she looks around, smiling a little.

"Is she ok?" Stiles asks.

Josie looks over to them, tears filling her eyes as she laughs happily,

"I can hear."

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