Chapter 2: Through the Rain

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With the storm growing, it leaves damage on it's trail.  Residents of Beacon Hills take their time to help each other to clean their paths.  A large tree blocked the path of Malia and her dad so her dad and several others form together to get the tree out of their way. 

"All right, here we go.  Everybody get a good grip.  Remember, lift with your legs.  That's where your power is."  Mr. Tate says to the people as they get together to lift the tree.  "One, two, three."  He counts off.

All begin to strain to their limit to lift the tree but no one could lift it.  But, to their shock, they witness the tree beginning to rise.  They look over and see Malia lifting the tree with one hand as it creaks with every push she gave. 

Everyone, including Mr. Tate looks at her in wonder.

"Strong legs."  She shrugs, smiling meekly.

After they got the tree out of the way, the residents moved on, but Mr. Tate and Malia stayed,

"Dad, is your phone working?"  She asks.

"No, I think the storm took the cell towers out."  He checks his and shakes his head.

"Oh."  Malia sighs in disappointment,  Mr. Tate could see how anxious his daughter was and how nervous.

"It's gonna be okay.  You'll find out when you find out." He says, smiling.

Malia gives him a small smile.

"Do you need a ride to the school?"  He asks.

But before Malia could answer, a loud honking is hear and Stiles pulls into the parking lot.

"Got one."  She points at them. 

Stiles sticks his head out the window, "Sorry we're late."

Malia smiles big and rushes over to the jeep, "Hey." Giving him a loving kiss.

Stiles smiles at her and moans into her kiss, "Mmm."  Stiles smiles dreamily after they break the kiss. 

Liam leans into the front, "I'm sorry too."  He smirks.

Scott laughs and translates to Josie, Josie rolls her eyes and places her hand on his face, pushing Liam back into the back seat.

"You boys do remember I own a gun, right?"  Mr. Tate says, frowning.


Josie slides out of the window, sitting on the door, "Hey, Mr. Tate."

He smiles and waves, "Hey, Josie.  Thanks for those cupcakes by the way for my boss's retirement party.  No one can shut up about those things." 

Josie giggles, "Glad they were the life of the party.  Speaking of cupcakes, Malia, how's your practicing going?"

"Ehhh."  Her face scrunches up.

"I'm still trying to get the batter off the ceiling.  If that's batter." Mr. Tate frowns.

Josie sighs, "Maybe I should help." Then she slides back in and sits on Scott's lap. 

Mr. Tate smiles at Malia and waves, taking off.

Malia gets into the jeep and as soon as the door shuts, everyone stares at her.

She looks at all of them weirdly, "What?"

"Did you find out yet?"  Stiles asks, obviously.

"Find out what?"  Liam asks.

"They're gonna email me." She says.

"Is this about summer school?" Liam asks.

"Wait, summer school?"  Josie asks.

"You told him?" Malia asks, looking at Stiles furious.


"Oh, no, all they said was you had to go to summer school 'cause the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year."  Liam says.

Malia sighs, angrily. 

Josie face-palms.

"We should've left him rooted to the tree."  Stiles says, sarcastically.

"How come I didn't know?  I mean, we hanged out during the summer." Josie says.

"I took classes when we didn't. We hanged out mostly on the weekends anyway." 

Josie pouts, "You should have told me still.  I could have helped yous studied."

"I know, I'm sorry.  I'm just embarrassed about it." Malia says.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, you're still in the process of learning about school.  After all those years of being in the woods and in Eichen House, it's understandable." Stiles says.

Malia sighs worriedly and looks at her phone.


"Scott, I'm home but I have to rush out again.  The hospital has called everybody back in.  So, dinner's in the fridge!"  Melissa McCall rushes into the house, calling out to Scott as she gets clothes from the laundry and packs a bag.  She opens the fridge and groans when it's half empty.

"There's nothing in the fridge! So, I'm gonna leave you money to order in!"  She calls out again and grabs her purse.

She scoffs at her empty wallet, "I don't have any money! Get something and I'll pay you back! Or you could go to Josie's, she might have some food for you.  With her cooking, I'm not surprised!"  She calls out again.

After a moment of silence, she just realized that she's alone in the house.

"You're not even here, are you?" She says.

Lightning flashes in the house, the creature from the mansion stands behind her in the shadows, watching her carefully. 

Without noticing the creatures presence, Melissa sighs and turns to the fridge and sees Scott's note. 

"Of course you're not here.  Everybody's at the high school."  She mutters and leaves.

The creature snatches the note off the fridge and reads it. 

'Senior Scribe with Josie.  Be back by 1:30.' 


Meanwhile, trapped on the highway, Kira was coming back from her vacation in New York.  But, being stuck in a car for hours with her parents wasn't what she wanted to be doing tonight.  She had to make it to the Senior Scribe to see her friends again and to tell them about what happened in New York.

Kira, frustrated with her cell, walked all over her parent's car roof to get a signal for her phone, but nothing.

"Kira."  Kira's mom, Noshiko, sticks her head out the window.  "Get back inside the car, please."  She says.

Sighing in defeat, Kira gets off the roof and looks around the people on the highway, trying to get signals on their phones.  One looks over to her and smiles,  Kira gives him a friendly smile back.

"I'm not getting anything either."  He says, holding up his phone. 

Kira nods and gets back into the car.

"We haven't moved in 15 minutes.  I'm gonna be late."  She says to her parents.

"What is this thing you're going to anyway?" Noshiko turns to ask Kira.

"It's called Senior Scribe and I'm not supposed to tell you about it."  Kira says.

Noshiko looks over to her husband, hoping for a better answer.

He scoffs, "Don't look at me.  I...I don't know anything either."  He says.  "Sounds like they're supposed to write something or..."

"It sounds like vandalism."  Noshiko frowns.

Kira rolls her eyes, "It's not vandalism.  At least, I don't think it is."  Kira says.

She sighs and looks over to the traffic, it didn't look like it was gonna move anytime soon and she needed to get to the school before it was too late.  Plus, someone special was waiting for her there.

"That's it.  I'm going."  She says frustrated and starts to get out of the car.

"What?"  Noshiko asks, turning to her daughter in confusion.

"You're going to walk?" Her dad asks.

"Yep."  She says.

But before she could get a foot out, the thunder crackled loudly and rain begins to pour. 

"In a few minutes."  Kira gets back into the car, sighing again in defeat.


Liam, Josie and Scott head to the hospital to drop Liam off.  The hospital seems to be going nuts cause of the storm.  Josie said hi to her mom right fast and let her do her duties.

"My dad's helping out in surgery.  He's not gonna be done for hours.  So I'm either hanging out here or I could still go with you guys..."  Liam says.

Scott presses the button to call an elevator and cuts Liam off, "Show me your hands." 

Josie looks down, knowing what Scott knows.

Liam sighs and takes his hands out of his pockets, opening them.  Dried blood was all over the palm of his hands.

"Okay, so I'm still having trouble."  Liam says, frustrated.

"No.  You're still learning."  Scott says. "I know you're better in control with Josie around, but you have to learn to do without her.  She can't be around forever in school with you."

"What do you do to stay focused on not changing?"  Josie asks. 

Liam pulls out his earplugs that were hidden in his shirt. 

"But it's not working."  Liam says, shaking his head.

"It's working enough." Scott assures him. "Listen, Derek told me that you were one of the strongest that he'd ever seen at your age.  Now, coming from him that means a lot."

  The elevator dings, alerting Scott and Josie that the doors were opening.  Josie goes in with Scott, but she holds the doors.

"Maybe means that things are gonna be harder for you for a while but it also means something else, doesn't it?"  She asks.

"That I'm really strong?"  Liam asks, unsure.

Josie and Scott both smirk at him, "Hell, yeah."  Scott says as Josie lets the doors shut.  Liam smiles at them and turns to head to his dad's office.

Josie smiles as Scott pulls her into his arms and kisses her passionately. 

The elevator dings again and the doors open,  Scott and Josie break their long kiss and see Stiles.  Stiles rolls his eyes as he sees them. 

"God, can't you two keep your hands off each other for five minutes?" He mutters.  "You guys might as well be newlyweds."

Josie and Scott blush.  Their bond continues to grow every day.  What happened at the road still concerned Scott. 

Josie tries to text Kira, but the signal was still crappy.

"Still can't reach Kira." She says.

"Okay, you guys reminded her about tonight though, right?"  Stiles asks as the three of them walk through the crowed hallway, lights flickering and thunder rumbles loudly. 

"I think so."  Scott says.

"I did.  We texted a few times this week, but I made sure she remembers about tonight."  Josie begins to smirk.  "She even met someone."

"What?" "What?"  Scott and Stiles stop with their eyes bugging out. 

Josie turns to look at them both, "She told me last week.  When she got to New York, she met someone at the hotel they were staying at."  She moves closer to Scott, smiling big.  "She says he might be her mate."

Scott's eyes widen more, "Really?" 

She squeals happily, "I can't believe she met her mate.  I can't wait to meet him.  He's transferring here to the Beacon Hills.  She says he should be here for the Senior Scribe.  Since he's a senior too." 

They meet up with Malia at the front desk, "Meet who?"  She asks.

"Apparently, Kira met her mate in New York."  Stiles says, still baffled.

Malia's eyes go wide, "For real?  Wow, and we're gonna meet him?"  She asks.

Josie nods, "He's meeting her at the school for the Scribe."

"I thought you're not suppose to tell anyone about it?"  Malia says, confused.

"He's a senior so he's safe."  Josie waves it off. "He's transferring here from Japan apparently.  He was in New York for...some sort of convention." 

"Like Star Wars?"  Stiles perks up.

Josie rolls her eyes along with Malia. 

"No, Stiles.  I'm not really sure.  I think a Furry Con."  Josie says.

Scott frowns, "Whats a Furry Con?" 

Stiles rubs his face, "Boy, you got a lot to learn." 

"A Furry Con is where people go to dress up like their favorite animal.  Like Anime.  You know those Japanese comics and cartoons?"  Josie asks.

"Oh, they have cons for those?" 

A paramedic with a few nurses rush through the door, pushing a hurt man who was groaning in pain.

"25-year-old male, unrestrained driver involved in..."

"Hey, Mom, where's all this coming from?"  Scott calls out as his mom walks with the paramedic.

"A jackknifed tractor-trailer on 115, caused a major pile up."  She follows them around a corner.

"Okay, okay, there's only one way back into Beacon Hills from the airport."  Stiles says.

"115."  Scott says in realization.

"Kira's never gonna make it."  Stiles says.

"We can get her."  Josie says, taking Scott's hand.  Scott nods in agreement.

"You guys head to the school." Scott says as he and Josie head out the doors.

"Lydia's probably already there.  We'll meet you by midnight."  Josie says.

"How are you gonna get to her in the middle of a traffic jam?" Stiles calls out.

Scott turns and nods, "We'll make it. Trust me." 

Josie packs her hearing aids safely in her bag and runs in the rain with Scott, squealing as the cold rain soaks her. She opened her umbrella and holds on to his hand as they run in the rain.

"Think there will be enough room for her on the bike?"  Josie shouts over the rain.

Scott stops to look at her and signs, "Just keep yourself pressed against me, and there should be." 

She laughs, "You better not get distracted on the road."

He smirks silently and runs with her through the rain to his house. They were not far from his house.


Meanwhile, at the Sheriff's station, two of Sheriff's deputies drag in a teenage boy.

"Hey, keep it moving, buddy."  One deputy says.

"Come on."

"You guys are making a mistake."  The boy, Donovan, says.

"Hey.  All right."

"Come on."

Sheriff Stilinski comes out of his office after hearing the commotion.

"Oh! What the hell are you trying to do? Break my arm?" Donovan exclaims as he's pulled more roughly.

"Keep struggling and I'll be aiming for a compound fracture."  The female deputy says bitterly.

"Donovan, you forgot what the judge said, didn't you?"  Sheriff says.

Donovan looks at him, confused, trying to remember. 

"'Next time is jail time'." Sheriff says.

"Stilinski...What? Hold up.  Come on."  Donovan protests.

"What's he in for?"  Sheriff asks.

"B and E." The female deputy says. "And he was carrying a loaded .38."

"Okay, it wasn't mine.  Sheriff, come on.  It wasn't mine."  Donovan protests, begging Sheriff to believe him.

Sheriff sighs, disappointed, "Book him."

Donovan scoffs, "Oh, you're dead."

Sheriff looks away, not wanting to deal with it anymore, but Donovan wouldn't take it.

"Hey, look at me! You're dead! You're dead! You're going to do this to me? You son of a bitch, you're dead! Look at me!"  Donovan shouts as he's dragged away by the deputies.

"Can anyone tell me, why the hell Parrish isn't back yet?" Sheriff shouts out to everyone in anger.


Scott and Josie got to the house. They run inside and Scott goes upstairs to grab his extra helmet for Kira.  Josie waits downstairs for him, drying off with a towel from the rain. It almost soaked her jacket.

"Ready?"  He asks, coming into the kitchen but stops and frowns, looking down on the ground.

Josie looks at him confused, and follow his eyes. She throws the towel in the hamper in the laundry room.

His note that he left for his mom was on the ground with holes. 

He could have sworn it was on the fridge.  He picks it up and examines it. 

"That's weird."  He says.

"Maybe you're mom was in a hurry and grabbed it too roughly?"  She suggests.

"I don't know..."

A loud clattering startles them and they turn and see all the magnets have fallen off the fridge along with the papers and notes that they held on the fridge.

Josie picks one up and frowns, looking up at Scott.  They move to the fridge and she tries to place it back, but it wouldn't stay. 

Scott looks over Josie's shoulder and moves towards the clock.  The second hand was going nuts. 

"That's impossible."  She mutters.

"What?"  He asks.

"Either the battery is going down, or there's an electrical inference going on in the air.  Magnetic waves being disruptive."  She says.  "It could be the lightning but, I don't know." 

Scott quickly turns around and Josie follows his eyes, all the magnets were back on the fridge. 

"What?"  Josie frowns.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling was heard and the ground begins to shake.  Josie and Scott gasp in surprise and Scott runs with Josie for the wall frame that separated the kitchen and the living room, holding Josie close, protecting her from the quake. The kitchen lights shake violently and the dishes fly off the tables and cabinets, crashing on to the floor.  A loud static erupts from Josie's pocket.  Her hearing aids were going nuts again.  Chairs fell on to the kitchen floor and soon, it was over. 

Panting, Scott lifts his head and looks around and looks down at Josie, cupping her face in his hands, "You ok?"  He asks.

She nods, "What was that?" 

"I think it was a quake."  He says as he signs.

Josie laughs, "What?"  He asks.

"You said quack."  She says.

He chuckles but snaps his head to the microwave as it starts to beep.  It was midnight.


Meanwhile, back at the mansion where Parrish met the Creature.  He crawls slowly over the floor to lean against a shelf. Groaning in pain, he looks down at the slash that was across his chest.  It was deep and smoking. 

He grips his radio on his shoulder, "Dispatch.  Officer...Officer down." He continues to groan.

Panting in pain, all he could do was just lean against the shelf and wait for help.  Suddenly, he hears a voice.  A familiar female voice.

"Jordan."  Lydia says, walking out of the shadows.  "I'm here.  I'm right here."  She brushes her fingers over his bloody wound.  He couldn't feel any pain when she touched him.  She leans in closer.  "Stay with me."  She's so beautiful.  That's all he could think about.  His vision was getting blurry, but all he could see clearly was her.  and her red puffy lips that he's been dying to kiss since he first met her.  She leans in closer, he could feel them brush against his.

"Parrish? Parrish?" He hears another voice call out.

Parrish jolts and looks around, Lydia was gone and he could see the sheriff making his way towards him, shining his light on him. Was it an hallucination? Parrish begins to slowly slip out of consciousness.


"Okay, okay, easy, easy."  Sheriff says as he slowly lowers Parrish's unconscious body on to the slab in the morgue, meeting Melissa for help. 

"You said you were gonna keep him on desk duty."  Melissa frowns as she helps him.

"Yeah, it was just a minor noise complaint."  He says.

"He's not on fire, is he?"  Melissa asks.

"Not that I know of."  Sheriff says, baffled.

"You know, maybe it's part of his healing process?"  Melissa asks.

Suddenly, Parrish jerks up off the slab, panting hard as his eyes glow a copper color.  He slowly turns to Sheriff and Melissa.  Sheriff had Melissa in a protective embrace and his gun pointed at Parrish.

Parrish stares at him with his glowing eyes till he blinks and they were back to their normal color.

"It's okay.  It's okay."  Melissa gently grabs Sheriff's hand and pushes his gun down to the floor. 

"You all right, Deputy?"  Melissa asks.

Parrish looks down at his wounds.  They were healed, all there was, was dries blood and soot.   

Parrish looks up at them, "Scott.  We need to find Scott."


Thunder continues to rumble as the rain pours harder, Kira lies back against the seat, bored and upset that she might miss the Scribe.

"You know there's a legend for a storm like this."  Her dad speaks up.

"Dad, please don't turn a three-hour traffic jam into an educational experience."  She rolls her eyes.

"He's talking about The Wild Hunt.  About the Ghost Riders.  Imagine a night like this, Kira.  In storm clouds just like these, phantom hunters would appear.  Riding black horses with blood-red eyes.  And wolves and hounds at their side, baying and snarling."  Noshiko says.

"What were they hunting?"  Kira asks.

"Souls."  Noshiko says.

That story sent shivers up Kira's spine. 

Suddenly, through the storm, the sound of a motorcycle engine roaring with thunder, which causes Noshiko to jump.

"Noshiko?"  Kira's dad asks in confusion.  Obviously, he couldn't hear the engine.

"Do you hear that?" She asks. 

She gets out of the car, ignoring her parent's calls.  As she gets out, she sees two figures riding on a motorcycle.  She smiles big, it meant a lot to her that her friends came to help her. 

"Need a lift?"  Josie pushes helmet shade up. 

Kira grabs her bag, saying good-bye to her parents and that she would meet them at home later.  She runs to hug them both, "You two are lifesavers." 

"Come on, we gotta go."  Scott says.  Josie hands Kira her helmet and helps her on, squishing in between Kira and Scott, holding on to Scott tightly.  The three of them ride off to the school.

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