Chapter 3: Scribe Night

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Back at the morgue, Parrish leans on a table to explain what he saw at the mansion.

"His claws were different.  Twice the size of Scott's.  More like talons."  He says.

"If that's the worst part, that doesn't sound too bad."  Melissa shrugs.

"It's worse." Parrish says. 

Melissa's eyes widen.

Sarah comes into the room, "What happened?"  '

They fill her in and she listens in to Parrish's description.

"They did something to me.  I don't know how to describe it other than it felt as if the life was being drawn out of me through them.  Through the claws."  Parrish says, fear in his eyes.

"Have you ever heard of anything like that?"  Sheriff asks Sarah.

Sarah stutters and shakes her head, "Sounds like a wolf but, I don't even know what Parrish is, so, whatever it was, it's capable to take powers from a supernatural being.  Like a beta to an alpha." 

"And now he's looking for Scott?"

"Which got me thinking about what this guy can do.  The rule is you have to kill an Alpha to steal their power, right?"  Parrish asks.

"I'll bet it's different for Scott."  Melissa says.

Sarah shakes her head, "You can't steal a True Alpha's power."

"I think this guy can."  Parrish says.

From outside the doors, Liam has been listening to their conversation since Sarah arrived.  His eyes widen in shock and he backs away, running away.  Running to alert the others...and Scott.


Scott parks his bike under the bridge of the school and takes off his helmet, shaking his wet hair everywhere.  He laughs at the girls squeals and helps them off the bike.  Taking their helmets and attaching them to the bike.

"We're not late, are we?"  Josie asks.

Scott shakes his head, signing to her, "No, they're on their way." 

Kira shakes her soaked hair and sighs, "I thought I was never getting out of that car." 

Josie giggles, "Have you heard from Mr. Mysterious yet?"  she wiggles her brows.

Kira rolls her eyes, "He said he would text me to alert his arrival."  She keeps an eye on her phone.

Josie turns to Scott, curious about his big smile, "What are you smiling at?"


Josie smiles big at him and kisses him passionately till he falls against the wall.  Kira looks over to them and rolls her eyes, paying attention to her phone. 

Scott pulls Josie close, deepening the kiss, reaching down to grip her butt and squeezes it.  Josie squeals against him, giggling against his lips. 

Suddenly, a loud growl erupts from the shadows.  Kira and Scott snap their heads towards the sound.  Josie follows their eyes and sees a mysterious figure standing in the rain.  he was tall, dripping with black ooze and razor sharp talons, not to mention his sharp fangs.  

It paces out from the rain, growling at all three of them and rushes towards them.


Stiles and Malia walk to the courtyard and stops under the lights.  They both check their phones.

"Nothing from Scott or Kira."  Malia says, worriedly.

"And nothing from Lydia either."  Stiles sighs.

"And I still don't know if I passed."  Malia says, pathetically.

Malia looks around and sees the other seniors making their ways towards the event. 

She sighs in defeat, "I don't want to do this unless I'm actually a senior."

"Yeah."  Stiles looks at the seniors, seeing them with their friends, his mind wanders.

Malia comes up behind him and sniffs him, "Huh."

Stiles is startled and he turns to look at her, frowning in confusion.

"What's wrong with you? You smell terrible."  She asks.

"Yeah, it's called anxiety.  Should be a familiar scent for you by now, since it's pretty much a constant state for me."  He says sarcastically.

"Why's this thing so important to you?"  She asks. 

"It's not.  It's not.  It's uh..."  Stiles scratches his neck.  "I don't know.  Maybe it is."  He sighs. 

Malia watches him, really listening to him.

"I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends.  Guess how many he still talks to? None. Not a single one.  You know, these were his best friends and he just says he lost touch with them, you know.  So I started thinking about things, like I always do."  He says.


"Yeah.  And so I'm thinking, what if...What if Scott's my best friend now you know, but he's not my best friend for life?  I mean, it's constantly him and Josie 24/7, I understand she's his mate.  And I consider both of them my best friends.  What if I lose them?"

"Well, doesn't that just happen sometimes?" She asks.

"Yeah, but only because we let it happen. You know, that's what I'm saying. How come when we graduate we're just expected to go our separate ways? If I've already found the best people in my life, why aren't I not trying to stay with them, you know?" He says.

"Well, I thought that was the plan. The dream." She says exasperatedly.

"The vision." He corrects. "And don't mock the vision."

"I...I like the vision." She steps closer to him, looking deep into his eyes. "Especially if I'm part of it." Wrapping her arms around his waist. She sighs, frowning in realization, "So that's why you wanted everyone here tonight. Because you don't want to lose all your friends after senior year."

"And I hope they don't want to lose me either." He says.

She licks her licks and smiles, leaning in for a loving, passionate kiss.

She suddenly breaks the kiss.

"Mal?" Stiles asks in confusion.

"Someone's coming. Someone fast."

Suddenly, a figure crashes into them and Malia slams the figure into the ground.

Groaning in pain, Liam lies on the wet pavement, wincing from the impact.

"Oh, my God." Stiles gasps.

Panting in pain, "Scott's in trouble." Groans out.

Malia gasps and looks up at Stiles in worry.


The creature slashes at Scott and Josie. Scott pushes Josie out of the way, making her land hard on the pavement while the talons slash over him. Josie groans in pain and quickly gets up.

The creature faces Kira as she takes off her belt that snaps into a sword. She takes her fighting stand and fights the creature but loses.

Josie gets up and commands the water to rise. The creature snaps his head to her, smirking as he watches her power build, but shouts in surprise as the water traps him in watery prison. Gurgling in the water, he swims and swims. Josie grunts as she pushes her powers harder to hold him. But, he was too strong. With a loud roar, he busts out of his prison and growls at her. But, his attention was for Scott only who gets up and crouches in front of Josie to protect her.

"True Alpha? Where's your power, Scott?" The creature growls.

"Who are you?" Scott growls at him.

"A devoted fan." The creature smirks. "Show me the man who took down Deucalion and broke the Argents. I came for that Alpha. Come on!"

Scott growls loudly and attacks, but the creature took every blow, unimpressed with his hits. He grabs Scott by the neck and slams him against the wall. Kira yells and goes after him again. But the creature overpowered her. He punches her in the face and growls at her.

Suddenly, a loud voice spoke angrily in Japanese from one side of the bridge. The creature snarls and sees a man coming towards him, eyes glowing bright orange.

The unknown man takes out two swords from his back and swish them in the air. With a loud yell, he rushes to the creature and fights. He managed to take control, till the creature slashes at him. He misses but manages to punch the unknown man.

Josie calls her wind powers but stops when the creature stands before Scott again.

Snarling in rage, "And I didn't come just to claim your status." He spreads out his glowing talons and raises them up in the air.

Another figure jumps from above, growling at the creature. Scott could tell it was another werewolf, but he didn't know who.

The werewolf runs and uses the wall for leverage to deliver a blow to the creature. But, even the new werewolf was too strong. He throws the werewolf across the area and goes after Scott again. Scott dodges his strikes till he grabs him by the neck. Holding Scott up by the neck, the creature growls, smirking evilly and stabs Scott with his talons.

Josie screams in pain and falls to the ground, clutching her stomach. Kira rushes to her and the unknown man follows. Josie's face scrunches in agony and she lets out another pained scream. It felt like someone was stabbing her.

Gasping in pain, Scott could feel the life draining out of his body. His eyes begin to fade back to brown. The creature snarls in his face as he feels life moving through his body. Malia, Stiles, and Liam rushes down the stairs to Scott and the rest. Stiles skids to a halt and Liam snarls with the new werewolf.

Scott begins to slowly go to his knees, feeling so weak. Josie screams again, Kira holds her tight. Scott couldn't go down like this, he couldn't lose Josie. Her screams fueled his anger.

He grabs the creatures wrist and slowly looks up at him, his eyes glowing blood red. He gets up to his feet, seeing the creature's confusion and surprised look. With a hard twist, he snaps the creature's arm, the bone protruding from the skin. His talons broke into Scott's chest and Scott snatches them off and throws them to the ground. The creature falls back, gripping it's arm in pain. Josie pants as the pain started to go away. Kira and the unknown man helps her up, but watches the creature with caution.

"I don't know who you are or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else. Or you can run." Scott growls as he stands before the creature.

The creature snarls and looks around at the pack.

Panting, "I'd run." Josie snarls and calls her fire power, the fire spreads over her hands brightly. The werewolf near them widen his eyes at the sight.

The creature's eyes widen, he gets up and runs for his life.

Groaning in pain, Josie clutches her stomach again. Scott rushes to her, "Are you ok?" He asks.

"God, it felt like someone stabbed me." She lifts her shirt and everyone could see four bruises forming on her stomach. Same area where Scott was stabbed.

"What does that mean?" Malia asks.

"The bond is growing." The werewolf speaks up from the shadows. "The stronger the bond gets, the more connected the mates get. Which means, whatever effects one mate, the other suffers as well. Not just death."

The werewolf transforms back into a human and steps closer to them, smiling.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Everyone but Josie frowns in confusion. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

"Theo?" Scott exclaims in surprise.

"You know him?" Malia asks Scott.

"They used to. Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. Couple of months ago, I heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, just couldn't believe it. Not just an Alpha, but a True Alpha. And with the true Anchor as his mate. Not just anyone. You, Josie. God, I missed you." Theo smiles lovingly.

Scott frowns and looks down at Josie's bitter face.

Josie marches up to him and punches him in the face. Theo groans in pain, clutching his busted nose which begins to heal.

"You dick!" Josie yells.

"I see you didn't forget me." Theo chuckle dryly and wipes the blood away from his face.

"Forget you? Ha! How can I forget the one ex-boyfriend who cheated on me just cause I wouldn't have sex with you." Josie snarls and turns back to stand next to Scott.

"Ex?" Stiles asks, incredulous.

"Theo lived next door to me in Tennessee once. At first, I thought he was my savoir, but 6 months after dating, I catch him in bed with the school's slut." Josie says. "Then he moved away, disappeared off the face of the earth. At least, that's what I was hoping."

"Josie, for the last time, I was drunk."

"And I don't care. I moved on." Josie says as Scott wraps his arm around her waist.

"What do you want?" Scott asks, dropping the subject...for now.

"I came back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family. Because I want to be a part of your pack." Theo says.

Everyone eyes him suspiciously, well, mostly Josie and Stiles. Scott kinda felt bad for him, but he still had an iffy feeling about him.


Later, Theo took off and the rest make their way inside the school. Liam took off as well since he wasn't a senior. He had to go home anyway.

"We haven't seen this kid in years. You don't find that highly suspicious?" Stiles states.

"I'm with Stiles." Josie says.

"I know you're just agreeing with me cause of the bitter past between you two, but thank you for being on my side anyway." Stiles says to Josie.

"I'm kind of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill me." Scott says, looking over his shoulder at them all, but stops when he notices the guy with Kira.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't get to introduce you guys. This is Edward Cho. My mate." Kira smiles big.

Josie and Malia smiles big, "Oh, Hi!" Josie says.

"Nice to meet everyone. Despite the circumstances. Are you ok?" He asks Kira, caressing her face where the creature struck.

"I'm fine." She smiles at him and turns to the others. "Edward is a kitsune, too. I told him all about you guys." She says.

"Can we trust him?" Malia asks.

Edward and Kira frowns, "Of course. To disrespect my mate and her friends, it's disrespecting my honor. I would never do anything to betray her. Not even the true alpha...and his mate, the true anchor." Edward bows in respect.

"We could give him a chance." Josie says, shrugging.

Malia's cellphone begin to vibrate and she answers the message. Everyone turns to watch her, anxiously.

She lets out a breath of relief, "I'm in."

Stiles throws his arms up a little, praising. He hugs her tightly and she hugs him back.

"I passed." Malia smiles. Josie and Kira hugs her tight. "I'm officially a senior."

"Thank God." Lydia comes pacing towards them. "Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here. Are we doing this or not?"

Together, they walk to the library and get in a line. Scott holds Josie from behind, breathing in her scent. He almost lost her again. He hated the feeling. But, he had to protect her from anything that could harm the bond. As they reached for the shelf, initials and nicknames covering every inch. Generations of marks left for all to see.

Stiles was first, he took the marker and thinks about what to write. He frowns when he sees a familiar initial. D.H. He smiles, knowing who that was.

Next was Lydia. She sighs and keeps it simple, marking L. M. and passes the marker to Kira.

"This isn't vandalism, is it?" Kira asks, nervously.

"Not technically." Lydia says.

Sighing, Kira makes her mark, KY and passes it to Edward. He smiles at the sparks he felt when their fingers touch, loving the sound of Kira's breath catching in her throat. He makes his mark next to hers with a heart, and passes it to Malia.

Malia makes an M but hesitates. Should she put Hale...or Tate? She smirks and proudly puts a T next to the M. She passes the marker to Josie. Josie makes a perfect JT and passes to Scott.

Scott sighs and writes next to Josie's mark, S.M.

But, something was missing. Josie rubs his back and he looks over to her. She knew as well. He smiles softly at her and turns back to the mark.

Right under his mark, he writes out A.A. Allison Argent. And passes the marker to the next person.

They walk away and smiling sadly.

"She would have been with us." Stiles says.

Scott nods, "Yeah." He mouths.

Josie catches it and signs to them all.

"She still is." She smiles.

Scott pulls her close and kisses her softly.

"My family have an old saying, '私のお墓の前で泣いて立っていません。 私はあるないです。私は死んでいません。'." Edward says.

"What does that mean?" Stiles asks.

"Do not stand at my grave and cry.  I am not there. I did not die." Lydia says.

Edward nods, "Kira has told me about the loss you've all experienced. But, don't worry. She's here..."He points to his head. "And here." then to his heart. "So, don't weep for her. Remember."

They all give small smiles, appreciating his words of wisdom.

Together they all exit the school library, ready to take on whatever is coming their way. But, what's coming, they have no idea.


Somewhere in a laboratory, the creature falls to his knees, groaning in pain as he grips his broken arm.

"Give me another chance." He begs.

The sound of electricity crackles in the room, "A little more power. I could do it with a little more." He begs. He snaps his head to see a deformed being in a large container, water bubbling all around it. From behind three figures walk towards the creatures. Dressed in steampunk wear and masks that covers their faces. As they moved, demonic rumbling was heard. One carried a cane. The others seemed like sidekicks to him. It almost looked like they weren't stable with the world. Every move, their bodies were like static.

The one with the cane pulls out a sword and walks towards the creature.

"No! No! Wait, wait, wait!" The creature begs.

"Your condition worsens." A distorted voice speaks.

"I'm okay. I'm okay, just Just give me another chance." The creature says.

"You were supposed to remove the obstacles. Our time is limited." The surgeon says, his voice distorted.

"Whatever you're here to do, I can help."

"No second chances." The surgeon says.

"I can help you." The creature begs.

"No second chances." "No second chances."

"No second chances." The pathologist says.

"No second chances." The geneticist says.

"No! No!" The creature screams as he's stabbed in the chest by the surgeon.

Groaning in pain, he falls back, and all of the sudden. His chest bursts open and dozens of crows fly out from the black ooze the bled from the creature's body.

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