Chapter 21: Operation: Guard the Body

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(Josie's outfit of the day ^^^^)

"He was what?!" Stiles exclaims as he sits in front of Josie in the library as they wait for Scott.

"Flirting with her right in front of me. I swear to God, Stiles. Theo is doing something, I know it, but i don't know how to prove Scott. He's screwing up our bond and he's got Scott wrapped around his finger. God, he's pisses me off." He fists her hand till smoke was coming out.

Stiles jumps and pats her hot hand away, "Calm down." He whispers

She sighs and pushes back the fire, "Sorry." She says meekly.

"Why did Malia want to talk to him in the first place?" Stiles asks.

Josie bites her bottom lip, "Well, that's something I can't discuss. Malia would kill me if she knows I told you."

Stiles grabs her hand, begging her, "Please, Jojo." He squeezes her hand.

Josie sighs, "Ok, but you didn't hear it from me and you better not blab it. Let her tell you." She warns him.

He nods anxiously and leans in.

Josie looks around and leans in, "She didn't just see the accident." She whispers. "She saw the one who caused it. The Desert Wolf."

Stiles' eyes widen in shock as he slowly leans back, covering his mouth.

"You better not tell one word. Not even to Scott." She says.

Stiles protests, but Josie gives him a serious look that made sigh and agree solemnly.

Pretty soon, Scott shows up with a map and Josie and Scott begins to explain the plan to Stiles.

"We're back to telluric currents?" Stiles asks frustrated as he lays out a map of Beacon Hills on the table as Scott, Josie, and him meets up to work out a plan.

"If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming  into Eichen House because of them, maybe we can use them to protect  Hayden." Scott says.

"Okay, so, besides Eichen, where's the strongest convergence?" Stiles asks.

"We're standing on it." Josie says as Scott points at the map which where the school was.

"You want to hide her in the high school? For how long?" Stiles asks incredulous.

"If we have to, all night." Scott sighs.

"Liam convinced Hayden not to say anything to her sister yet. She's working a double tonight, and she thinks Hayden's staying at a friend's." Josie says.

"But it's just a school though. You know, it's not exactly a fortress." Stiles says.

"Lydia's got an idea for that." Scott says.

"Remember how Valack quoted Tesla?" Josie asks.

"Frequency and vibration." Stiles nods.

"She thinks he wasn't saying that just to sound smart. She thinks maybe it was a clue." Scott says.

"To do what?" Stiles frowns in confusion.

"Disrupt their frequency." Josie says.

"Parrish took three cell phone jammers from the station. He thinks he can broaden their range of frequency." Scott says.

"It's a long shot, but it's the best we've got right now." Josie says.

Later they explained the plan to Edward and Kira. Scott and Josie were talking about, but it wasn't like how they were before. It felt different. She hated it. But he told her that he's having trouble trusting Kira, mostly cause of what Theo told him about what Kira said in her sleep. Josie was, of course mad, and still believes that Theo is doing something to break them all apart. But, Scott won't listen, he still listens to Theo.

"What about us?" Kira asks.

"Um, well, you both will come to the school with us." Scott stutters. "We're going to need all the help that we can get, so bring your belt." He says to Kira.

"Actually, I think I lost it again." She says.

"Oh, well, we'll help you find it. You think you left it here?" Josie asks.

"Scott, it's okay." Kira sighs. "Last time I was around telluric currents, things didn't go so well." She says guilty and looks at Edward who just gives her a side smile and squeezes her hand.

"Yeah well, this is the school." Josie says. "You're there every day."

"It's not the same. I made it worse by being at Eichen. They used me to get inside. I think I need to figure out what's going on with me before I try helping anyone else." Kira says.

Josie sighs and moves to hug her tight, "Just be careful, okay?" Kira says and pulls away. "If this works tonight, what happens  tomorrow? Are you gonna keep trying to find places to hide her?" She asks them.

"No." Scott shakes his head. "If this works tonight, we're gonna catch one of them."

"Hopefully, the one with the cane. He knows me. I know it. He keeps calling me Diana. I want to know what he knows about her." Josie says. She sighs and looks down, "Also, I think I saw her."

Everyone frowns at her, "Saw her? What do you mean?" Edward asks.

"When were were having the 'book club', I went up to the bathroom to figure out about the ring." She holds up her hand which still holds the ring. "I put it on and looked in the mirror. I saw a woman...who looked like me but it wasn't me. She had blue eyes and red hair. Like blood red." She turns to Scott, "I found an inscription in the ring. 'My Diana, my moon, my love forever.' That's what it said. Then I heard a voice telling me to put it on. Now, I can't get the damn thing off. I think...the guy with the cane wanted me to put it on. What if he thinks I'm the reincarnation of his dead girlfriend or sister or whoever the hell Diana is."

Scott frowns at this new information in shock, "Did the inscription say anything else?" He asks.

Josie shrugs, "Just a letter. 'S'. Don't know if that's a name. But, it's something."

"What if Hayden isn't the only one the Dread Doctors want? What if they want Josie, too?" Kira asks.

Scott's fear takes over his heart and he pulls Josie into his arms, he missed her being in his arms. No matter how mad he was at her, he loves her more than his own life.  He would never let them take her from him.


Theo stood in the middle of the vet's office, watching the sun going down, meeting the horizon. He snaps his head towards the door as he hears the chittering. He walks towards the door and comes face to face with the surgeon.

"Checking up on me?" he scoffs. "You can't tell me you don't want to know who's taking the bodies."

"Inconsequential." The surgeon says.

"Why?" Theo eyes him in confusion and gestures at the body of Josh lying on the table. "You don't care that someone's running off with your little failed science experiments?"

The surgeon just stands there, breathing heavily through his mask. Theo laughs a little when he realizes,

"You already know who's taking them."

Theo starts to grow irritated.

"Did you forget that you were supposed to be keeping me in the loop on everything?" Theo asks sarcastically.

"Inconsequential." The surgeon repeats.

"Not to me!" Theo yells. "And what about the ring? Huh? You gave Josie that ring. What's so special about Josie to give her that ring? The same one from your little trinket box you have hidden at the lab. What is she to you? Remind you of your dead girlfriend? A crush you couldn't get laid to when you were human? A sister?" Theo snarls.

The surgeon moves faster than Theo could blink and before he knew it, he was shoved backwards and thrown against the wall...hard.

Theo groans in pain, clutching his chest. He could feel the bones in his ribs beginning to heal. He looks up at the surgeon with yellow eyes. The surgeon growls lowly down at him.

"Immaterial. Curiosity will shorten the years you yet have."

Theo breaths heavily in anger and gets up to his feet. He was about to say something, but snaps his head when he hears the sounds of a car coming. He turns back to the surgeon but he was gone. He hears the back door rattling, the shipment door. Theo takes off to see who it was, but to his disappointment it was Stiles.

"What's going on?" Theo asks.

"Whoever's stealing the bodies probably  isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over one of them." Stiles says as he moves close to the shelves.

"So you've got a better idea?" Theo scoffs.

Stiles takes out his cellphone and sets up the camera so it was pointing at the body. He and Theo gets into his jeep and he places his smart watch so they can see inside the vet office.

"What happens now?" Theo asks as he leans back against the seat.

"We wait." Stiles says.

"You want to take shifts watching?"

"No, no. I want to spend some quality time with you." Stiles says sarcastically.

"Sounds good to me." Theo shrugs.

Stiles rolls his eyes and keeps them on the watch.

Theo frowns, smelling Stiles' irritation, "What's up? You seem...I don't know...tense."

Stiles laughs dryly, "I wonder why. Hmm, let's look at the facts. You're messing with my best friend and his girl, you say you want to be in the pack, yet, you still haven't proven your loyalty to...anyone. Besides Scott, sadly. And, you're making moves on my girlfriend. Now, ask again, why am I tense? That's why." Stiles says, bitterly then turns back to the watch.

Theo frowns, growling inside.


Kira sighs and winches in pain as her mother continues to perform acupuncture on her. She rests her head on Edward's thigh and grips his leg as the pins go into her skin. Edward rubs his fingers through her hair, comforting her as best as he could do. She felt almost embarrassed lying there topless, but they were mates. Even though, he has seen her naked before.

"The balance of power inside you is in conflict. The struggle between the fox and the human. Perhaps this will shift the power back into your hands." Noshiko says but frowns when she sees a tear escaping Kira's eye.

Edward catches it and wipes it away for her, "Are you in pain?" He asks, softly.

"No." Kira sighs. "No, I'm fine."

Edward sighs, he knew she was lying. He strokes her cheek with his knuckles softly, "I love you."

Kira smiles, warmth filling her heart, "I love you too."

Noshiko smiles at them, "The bond between the two of you is just as strong as the fox is inside you. But, love overpowers everything. The fox knows you, Edward. It knows the male fox inside you and knows it's mate. But, something is disrupting the bond between the fox and the human inside of Kira. Do whatever you need to do to stop the fox from taking over."

"I'll protect her with my life." He says, giving Noshiko a serious look.


Sheriff sighs as he leans on the receptionist's desk at the hospital, talking to Melissa and Sarah about the whole thing with the dread doctors. He taps the book on the desk, showing them the book.

"This book. This is what I keep coming back to, again and again." He says frustrated.

"But still no leads?" Melissa asks.

Sheriff shakes his head, "Nothing. Which makes me wonder if I've been coming at it from the wrong direction."

Sarah frowns, "What do you mean?"

"Well, the whole time I've been looking at this and I've been thinking 'science fiction'. But they're not Dread Scientists. They're Dread Doctors." He says.

"So now you're looking for a medical connection." Melissa says.

"Or medical condition. Something that Tracy, Lucas and Donovan could've all had in common." Sheriff says.

Oh, no, they know that look. He wants something.

"You're not asking us to hand over medical files without a court order, are you?" Sarah asks.

"I would never ask you to do that." He says, shaking his head.

"Good. Because they may take away this key card which allows us access to medical records." Melissa holds up her key card.

Sheriff could barely keep from laughing, getting exactly what Melissa and Sarah mean.

"Do you want to see how the key card works?" Sarah asks.

"I would love to see how the key card works." Sheriff chuckles.

"Follow us." Melissa smiles with Sarah and shows Sheriff where to go.


Parrish and Lydia finally arrive to the school with the jammers. They get out of the car and head for the trunk and pop it open. Malia frowns in confusion and picks up one of the jammers.

"We're betting our lives on these?"

"I think we're betting Hayden's and Josie's lives on them." Lydia says.

"Yeah, well, I'm glad I brought my gun." Parrish says as he helps taking the jammers out of the trunk.

Together everyone separated and set up the jammers in different areas. Parrish remained outside with his gun to make sure no one gets in. Liam and Hayden blocked most of the doors in the boys locker room.

Josie paces around the floor, fumbling with her ring that Scott gave her. She sighs as she remembers that night he gave it to her. Her birthday. It was the best night of her life besides that night when they first made love. Despite when Kate messed it up.

Josie yelps when she feels a hand on her shoulder and jumps.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Hayden had her hands up.

Sighing in relief, Josie places a hand over her chest, "It's ok. I guess I'm not the only jumpy tonight, huh?"

Hayden sighs, "Yeah. Is it like this all the time for you guys?" She chuckles.

"Me? I've only being in the supernatural world for about a year. Last year, I moved here and I thought was just a normal deaf girl entering a new school and seeing my old friends. I was born here, then I moved to Tennessee. With my mom and dad." Josie's eyes light up in pain.

Hayden frowns, wondering what was so painful about her parents.

Josie sighs, "I'm not just an Anchor, Hayden. I' elemental. I can control the elements. Earth, Air, Water..." Josie looks at her hand and brings it up. Smoke emerges from her skin and pretty soon her hand was on fire.

Hayden jumps in surprise, "Fire."

"My dad was one, too. He and I were the last. Now, I'm the last. Do you know what mate means?" Josie asks.

"You mean like stuff in romance books? Soul mates?" Hayden asks.

Josie nods and looks over to Scott who was talking to Lydia, she smiles a little, "Scott and I are mates."

Hayden's eyes widen a little in surprise.

"I love him...more than my own life. And I don't regret it. Right not, things are a little iffy. Ex-boyfriend trying to get in the way, you know?"

Hayden makes a disgusted sound, "Oh, god, I know how that is." She laughs.

"Anyway, the deal with mates. When two mates meet, a bond is created between them. It grows every day, every second you are with your mate. Ours is different. We're so connected that....if Scott dies....I die. And that's ok. I've accepted it. Besides, being without your mate is worse than dying." Josie says.

"How is that worse?" Hayden asks.

"My dad had a mate. But, she rejected him. Cause he had me. His love for me and the she-wolf's ignorance caused his rejection. If you're rejected by your mate, you lose yourself. You become nothing but an angry, empty shell. You become violent towards everyone you love till you basically destroy them and yourself." Josie explains.

"Is that what happened to your dad?" Hayden asks.

Josie nods silently as she thinks about the dream.

"What happened to your dad?" Hayden asks.

Josie sighs deeply, tears forming in her eyes as pain laces her heart, she looks up and sees Scott frowning over to her in worry.

"I killed him."


Scott places the gym bag he brought with him on the bench and sighs, looking over to Josie with worry in his eyes as she talks to Hayden. Lydia walks over to him, biting her lip with worry.

"Is it me or is Liam not aware of the second part of the plan?" She asks, eyeing the bag.

"I'm still not sure if there's going to be a second part." Scott sighs.

"Or if it's going to work." She fills in for him.

As if everyone wasn't worried enough, the surgeon walks up to the window of a classroom and lifts his hand towards the glass. Through his glove, he sends a radio wave throughout the school, using the magnetic waves to see who was here and where.


Stiles and Theo still remain waiting in the parking lot of the vet. Stiles keeps his eyes on the screen, but Theo wanted to talk. To gain his trust.

"You still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?" Theo asks.


"You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive."

"More than likely."

"Would you believe me if I said all I want...All I've ever for you guys to trust me?"


Theo sighs, "So you're here because you're never going to trust me."

"Yep. Glad we had this talk." Stiles says sarcastically, tired of hearing Theo's voice.

"Who told you I was flirting with Malia? Josie?" Theo asks.

Stiles sighs, he swears he was gonna hit this guy.

"You know she's lying to protect Malia. Malia was the one flirting with me. She flirted with me that night when I was helping her with driving, before she had that episode." Theo says.

Stiles scoffs, he laughs inside. He knew Josie and Josie would never lie. He rolls his eyes.

"You know who you remind me of?" Theo asks.

"Theo, I don't care." Stiles scoffs.

Theo wouldn't listen, "My sister. She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you. But she always looked out for me. The same way you look out for Scott."

Stiles sighs, he does, he does try as hard as he can to look out for Scott. But, Theo...he seems he looks out for no one but himself.

"You know, I was the one that found her body. She'd fallen into a creek, broken her leg. They told us she would've been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year. If it wasn't for the hypothermia. And when I found her, all I could think was that I should've known.
That I should've been looking out for her." Theo says sadly as tears mist in his eyes.

"Why are you telling me this?" Stiles scoffs.

"I'm telling you because even if you don't  trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still gonna be looking out  for you...The way I should have been looking out for her..."

Inside Theo's mind, he remembers that night. The night she died. He remembers seeing her in the creek. Shivering from the cold. The sound of her teeth chattering. Her weak voice calling out to him as she reaches out for help.


But, he didn't do anything...but smirk down at her.

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