Chapter 22: They're coming

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After taking a few medical records from the hospital, Melissa and Sarah follows Sheriff to his station to go over the records in private. Melissa sighs and looks over at Sheriff's bulletin board and sees a poster with the phases of the moon and she just realizes,

"There's a full moon coming." She says.

Sarah and Sheriff looks up to her. Sheriff sighs and moves closer, "I know. I put that up there when I realized just how much bigger the job had gotten." He leans back on his desk, folding his arms over his chest.

Melissa nods and looks back, seeing the picture of Donovan on his board. She catches him frowning and Sarah notices it too.

"You don't think he's still alive, do you?" Sarah asks.

"I wish I could say yes." Sheriff says.

"You wish?" Sarah chuckles in disbelief.

"Isn't this the kid that threatened to stab you?" Melissa asks incredulous.

Sheriff shrugs, "Yeah. But he was just a kid. More than anything else, a victim of circumstance." He says with a serious look.

Sarah sighs deeply and nods. Melissa leans back on a small table.

"The day his father was shot, Donovan jumped on his motorcycle to get to him. He was hit by a car two blocks from the hospital." Sheriff says.

Sarah covers her mouth in shock and while Melissa shakes her head in sympathy.

"So, when his father was finding out that a bullet had severed his  spine, Donovan was being wheeled into surgery for internal bleeding."

Melissa frowns and picks up a medical record, "Hold on. Didn't you say something about a skin graft?" She asks and moves to place the record on Sheriff's desk. Sheriff moves things off so the three of them could look at it, but first he grabs a form off of the board.

"Yeah, that was Tracy. Uh, Deaton said that there was a graft on her shoulder." Sheriff says.

Melissa points at Donovan's record, "Donovan had one too."

"Do you think that's a connection?" Sarah asks.

"It's the only one we have right now, but we should look over the other records of the victims." Sheriff says.


Back at the school, Hayden was standing in front of the mirror with Liam. Liam explained to her if she had werewolf abilities, she could learn to control it. He tries to teach her. She looks at herself in the mirror, trying to concentrate on calling the wolf inside her. But, so far, no go.

"Don't worry, you learn to control it." Liam says.

Hayden sighs, "I'm not like you. I wasn't bitten by a wolf. I was somebody's science experiment." She tries again, but nothing, "This is so bizarre." She frowns.

"I know, but you're gonna be okay. I promise." Liam says.

Hayden sighs, fear starts to lace inside her heart, "What am I?" Her voice shakes.

Liam sighs, giving her a comforting smile, "You're Hayden."

Hayden couldn't help but smile back at him. Soon, it became a laugh. She flips her hair to look at him with a big smile.

"By the way, if you get me out of this, I'll forget all about the sixth grade."

Liam laughs with her.

Scott sits on the bench, worried for everyone. He looks up at Liam and Hayden, talking and smiling at each other. He could smell the attraction they had for each other. It made him think of him and Josie before this mess. He missed her. He misses her touch, her kisses. Everything. But, he was so confused.

His ears perk as he hears the soft rustling coming from around the corner. He leans to the side and sees a small shadow. He slowly gets up and walks slowly towards it. It began to move away slowly. He frowns and sees it looked like a leash. A dog leash. And someone was pulling it.


Scott jumps in surprise and turns around to see Josie.

"I need to tell you something." She says softly.

"What?" He asks.

She sighs, "Before Liam found out about Hayden, I finished the book. I took a nap and...I saw something."

He frowns and listens closely.

"I saw them at my surgery. Remember, I told you I had a kidney transplant when my dad stabbed me? I think I woke up during the surgery. I saw them. They did something to me. They placed a kidney inside me. But, I don't know who or what it belonged to." Her voice trembles.

Scott's eyes widen and covers his mouth slowly, but drops his hand when she speaks again.

"Then, the dream changed. I was in the middle of the woods. I could feel the snow against my bare feet. The air on my skin. It felt so real. Then, I heard someone. At Eichen House, when I blacked out, I remember something. The guy with the cane gave me this ring, and he said something to me."

"What did he say?"

"'He's never forgotten'. Then, I heard a guy in my dream. I couldn't see his face. I don't recognize the voice. It wasn't you. It wasn't Theo, Stiles, anyone we know. He whispered in my ear, 'I've never forgotten'. I think it was 'S'. Whoever he is." She says.

"Did you see what he looked like?" He asks, carefully.

She shakes her head, "I woke up screaming before I saw anything else."

Lydia walks up to them, "Scott? I was just thinking since we can't use our phones, we can't check in on Stiles and Theo."

"I didn't even think about that." His voice laces in panic.

"Me either." Lydia says, fear in her eyes.

"So we're standing here waiting for guys in masks and breathing tubes to show up. But who or what are Stiles and Theo waiting for?" Josie asks.

Scott and Lydia looks over to her, realizing the dread doctors aren't the only ones they need to worry about.


Stiles keeps his eyes on the watch. He rubs them as they grow tired. He sighs, he had to make this work. He needed to know who was stealing the bodies.

"You know, I saw his teeth." Theo speaks up.

Stiles frowns at him.

"Donovan. He was a, uh Wendigo, wasn't he?"

Stiles sighs again, not really wanting to talk to him, "Yeah."

"That's the cannibal one, right?" Theo asks.

"Native American." Stiles corrects. "The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it."

Theo frowns in disgust, "That's a pretty judgmental myth."

"Well, I didn't make it up." Stiles says sarcastically.

"What if it was the only way to survive? I mean, you ever hear of the  Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos." Theo points out.

"Well, they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Stiles says.

"Good point." Theo shrugs, nodding. "So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?"

"You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken." Stiles says, sarcastically.

Theo chuckles.

"Like I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. I'm gonna lose Scott." Stiles says sadly.


A little while later, Noshiko decides to check on Kira and Edward. As soon as she opens the door, her eyes go wide in fear. Edward lies there, asleep with a hand out on Kira's side, but Kira's side was empty.

"Ken!" She shouts out, startling Edward out of his sleep. He looks around in confusion, seeing that Kira was gone.

Mr. Yukimura runs in the room in frantic and sees what's going on.

"Edward, where's Kira?" He asks.

Edward shakes his head, "I don't know, we fell asleep. She was right next to me."

Noshiko frowns as she sees the acupuncture needles were stabbed into the headboard. Formed into numbers. 115. Everyone frowns in confusion, what does this mean?


Back at the school, everyone continues to wait for the dread doctors to show up. Hayden fell asleep against Liam's shoulder. She rubs up against him, stirring in her sleep. Liam looks down at her in adoration. Wondering what she's dreaming about. He just hopes it's all good dreams. He sighs and looks around, spotting the gym bag Scott brought. What was in there? He looks back at Hayden, making sure he doesn't disturb her sleep and gets up to move towards the bag. He slowly pulls the zipper and frowns at what he sees. Scott looks up from the mirror and quickly looks over to Liam, taking a few steps forward, then stops when he sees Liam pulling out the chains.

Josie and Lydia looks up and over to Liam, getting to their feet.

"What were you going to do with these?" Liam asks, showing Scott the chains.

"Brought them just in case." Scott says.

"In case of what?" Liam asks.

"In case we had a chance to catch one of them." Lydia speaks up.

"If we can't make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap." Scott explains.

"They're coming for her, doesn't that mean she's the bait?" Liam asks, gesturing at Hayden who was now wide awake and terrified.

Meanwhile, Parrish sits in his truck, keeping an eye out for anything that was a description of what Scott told him. Hours have passed, nothing so far. He stars flipping through his deck of cards. Eyeing the queen of hearts. For some reason, it looked a lot like Lydia. Parrish feels he's not alone in the car, he turns and sees Lydia right next to him...looking at him with those beautiful dark eyes. She looked at him with such love and lust. He couldn't speak. Before he knew it, he was in a hot heavy make out session with her. His shirt was gone and so was hers. He felt her hot fingers all over his skin. His skin felt like it was going to burn up from her touch. But, something was wrong. He pulls away, breaking the kiss. In horror, his eyes widen at the sight. Lydia now sat beside him, burn skin and frizzled hair. Blood and burn flesh all over her. But, she just looked at him like always and grabs his face, pulling him back for a deep kiss. He groans in disgust, feeling her slimy tongue move in his mouth. He slaps his hand over the window, losing himself to the other side.

Malia stands out in the hallways, keeping an eye and ear out for anything coming through the entrance. She snaps her head towards the door when she hears Parrish's truck leaving.

"Parrish? Where's he going?" She mutters and heads for the door, but before she could take another step, a large bear trap erupts from the floor. Stabbing into her flesh and bone.

Malia screams as loud as she could in pain and falls backwards on to the ground.

She looks over to her left arm as she feels a horrible pain, another bear trap erupts from the floor, trapping her arm. She screams again, hoping that someone will hear her. But, she lets out a grunt of pain, when a sword comes up from the floor and through her neck. She couldn't speak, nor scream. All she could do was lie there and groan in pain.

Slowly, the dread doctors make their way into the school, passing poor Malia who laid on the floor, nothing was restraining her. In her mind the traps were there.


Back at the Sheriff's station, Sheriff, Melissa, and Sarah go over the files, but they couldn't find anything.

"Sorry, there is nothing. No skin grafts for Lucas."

"It can't be a coincidence. What else is there?" Sheriff asks.

"The only other thing I noticed that he was born with congenital glaucoma. But that's nothing like a skin graft." Melissa says.

"Okay, what do they do for that? The glaucoma? Uh, did he take  medication?"

"Here. It says here they did a corneal transplant a few years ago." Sarah points in the file.

"It's a fairly routine outpatient procedure. It was an allogeneic transplant taken from a recently deceased donor." Melissa had a look, figuring out something.

"What?" Sheriff asks.

"Tracy's skin graft was allogeneic." Melissa points at Tracy's picture. "That means taken from individuals of the same species." She explains.

Sheriff looks at Donovan's file, "So was Donovan's."

"Both skin grafts and the cornea were taken from outside donors. Donovan, Tracy and Lucas had two sets of DNA." Melissa says.

"Chimeras." Sheriff says.

"We're all genetic Chimeras to begin with." Melissa says.

Sarah begins to breathe in panic, realizing the connection.

"Oh, my god." Sarah gasps.

"What?" Sheriff asks.

"When John stabbed Josie, he destroyed her left kidney. She had to have a transplant. An allogeneic transplant."

"You don't think...?" Melissa begins to ask as Sarah's eyes begin to water.

"Oh, god, we gotta warn them." Sarah whimpers and covers her mouth.


Liam drops the chains back into the bag and looks over at Scott in anger.

"Liam, we brought her here to protect her." Lydia explains explains.

"And now she's bait." Liam says bitterly.

"Am I?" Hayden asks in panic.

"No. No one's bait. But we can't be bodyguards to everyone every night." Scott says.

"Then why aren't we talking to Stiles' dad? Why aren't we doing  something better than hiding in a school?" Liam asks, anger building inside him.

"Because we still don't know  anything about them or what they want, okay? They're winning and we  don't even know what the game is." Scott says.

"What if they come in here and  those things don't work? What if you have an asthma attack again? What  are we gonna do?" Liam asks bitterly.

"I don't know." Scott shakes his head.

"This plan sucks!" Liam yells at him.

"You got a better one? Kids are dying! And she's next. So, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait!" Scott yells back.

Everyone goes quiet at what Scott just said. He finally admits, someone is bait. Josie looks over to Hayden, seeing how scared she was. She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

"I'll be the bait." She steps forward.

Everyone looks at her in shock.

"They want both of us, but I think they want me more than Hayden. So, let them come for me and you can catch one." She says.

Scott shakes his head, "No. I won't let them take you."

Josie chuckles dryly, "Scott, we both know how powerful these guys are. No matter what happens, keep Hayden safe. If they catch me, you can find me." She pushes her hair back, exposing her mark. "Remember, I'll be a beacon." She smiles sadly at him.

He reaches up and caresses the mark, loving the little shivers she lets out as he touches her. He pulls her close to him and hugs her tight, he leans down and kisses her lips. First time, since their fight. Sparks erupt from their lips, how he missed her lips. He loves her with all his heart. He slowly breaks the kiss and looks down at her, into her emerald eyes, thinking about the time they first met to the time they made love for the first time.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you, too...wolf man." She smiles.

He chuckles, he missed that name.

He sighs and rests his head against hers, "Scott, you know we have to do this." She whispers.

He closes his eyes, he hated when she was right. He nods slowly and moves to look at Liam to see what he thinks.

Liam was relieved, but scared. He was scared for everyone, but mainly Hayden.

"Scott." Liam moves closer to him. "Promise me you'll do everything you can to save her." he says softly.

Scott frowns, realizing what Liam was asking

"Scott...Promise." Liam begs.

Scott looks down, he might not have a choice. He looks back to Liam, with a serious look, "I'll do everything I can. I promise."

Liam sighs in relief till he hears Hayden's panicked voice.

"Guys I think I might need a little help right now." She says as she goes through her bag. "I forgot my pills. I have a bottle in my locker. I can get them, but..."

"I'll get them." Scott cuts her off. Josie looks at him with worry, he takes her hand in his, giving her a comforting smile. "It'll be ok." He turns back to Hayden. "What's your combination?"

Scott, Lydia and Josie moves to the door, looking down the hallways, "Hurry. I'll keep watch." Lydia says.

"I'll keep an eye on Hayden and Liam." Josie says.

"Be careful. Both of you." Scott says.

"Just hurry and come back." Josie says.

Scott nods and makes his way through the halls and to Hayden's locker. He starts to turn the lock, till he hears distant rustling sounds coming from one of the classrooms. He looks over to the door and sees the leash again. But this time it was covered in blood and someone was pulling it into the room. A wet blood trail is left in it's place. Scott slowly walks towards the door, following the blood trail. He walks into the chemistry class, but the trail was gone and so was the leash and whoever was pulling it. He stands in the middle of the room, looking everywhere for it. Nothing, no one was there.

With a loud grunt, Scott feels a large sword pierce through his chest. He looks down and coughs up blood, seeing the familiar sword sticking out of his body.

"Kira?" He groans when she jerks the sword out of his chest and falls to his knees.

Kira stands behind him, gripping the dog leash and wraps it around his neck with her glowing eyes starring down at him in fury.

"You know who I am." She says in a distorted voice.

"Kira. Kira, stop." He rasps, trying to get the leash off his neck.

"I am the Messenger of Death." She growls and yanks the leash tighter.

Lydia waits impatiently for Scott to come back, he should have been back by now.

"Scott?" She whisper/yells out. Nothing. So despite her instincts, she slowly walks out into the hallway and stops when she gets close to the stairs. She turns to look down each hallway, then looks up and gasps in shock.


"Lydia? Thank God. I need your help." Tracy says, calling out to Lydia.

This is impossible, Tracy was dead. How can she be here and alive. Lydia runs up the stairs and stands in front of Tracy.

"What do you need? What can I do?" Lydia asks.

"I need you to scream." Tracy says.

Frowning in confusion, Lydia gasps when Tracy roughly grabs her by the back of the neck and grips her tongue. Groaning in pain, she feels Tracy ripping out her tongue from her mouth. Blood spewing from her mouth, Lydia gasps and gags as she feel the warm blood pour down her throat. She falls back and stumbles down the stairs. Lying there in a pool of blood, she grips her throat, trying to call out, but all she could do was gasp and gurgle.

The doctors move around the corner, passing by poor Lydia who was on the bare ground, gasping in shock as in her mind she's drowning in her own blood.


  "If Scott really gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan,  then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he?" Theo points out.

"Or maybe that's the  definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder." Stiles scoffs.

"It sounds like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide." Theo says.

"Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?" Stiles asks in disbelief.

"A werewolf's eyes  are supposed to change color when you take an innocent life." Theo points out as he calls forth his wolf, showing Stiles his yellow eyes. "Do these look blue to you?"

"It was self-defense. For me and for you." Theo says as he pushes back the wolf.

"Or maybe you just don't feel all that bad about it. You can't say one life is objectively less innocent than another one. What if they turn blue 'cause you feel guilty?" Stiles points out.

"So it's up to interpretation?" Theo scoffs.

"Yeah, maybe."

Theo sighs, "Okay. Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not guilty."

Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Did you feel bad about it?" Theo asks. Stiles frowns at him. "Not now. I mean right then. Right when it happened. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him?"

Stiles scoffs, but he hated to admit it...

"One word...Good." Stiles says, his voice laced with guilt.

Theo smirks while Stiles continues to stare off into the space. But, frowns as he inhales the air.


"A scent. Like smoke. Like something burning." Theo says as the two of them look around.

Theo's eyes suddenly go wide as a hand covered in fire shoots out and punches him in the face. Blood sprayed all over Sties' face. Stiles shouts in surprise and covers himself. The jeep door is suddenly ripped off the hinges and Theo was yanked out of the jeep. Stiles looks around, trying to see who it was. It couldn't have been Josie. She's at the school. Parrish? He's the only one he knows besides Josie who could handle fire. But, that's impossible, he's at the school with Scott and the others.  Suddenly, Stiles feels the entire Jeep start to shake and move. Before he knew it, the jeep was flipped into the air and lands upside down, throwing him out the window. He tries to keep his eyes open, but he slowly lies there, hanging halfway out the window and lets the darkness take over.

Parrish walks by him and into the vet. Grabbing the body and carrying it out the building.


Mason decided to head to the club to follow Corey. He needed answers. Music blares as he heads inside to search. he sees him leaning on the wall, drinking away his sorrows.

"You okay?" Mason asks when he's close enough for him to hear.

Corey smiles at him, "Better than ever." He slurs and lets his glass slip from his fingers, breaking on the floor. Corey moves to stand in front of Mason. Lusting for his lips. But Mason needed answers no matter how hot Corey looked.

"It healed." He says. Corey frowns and shivers when Mason slides his sleeve up. "Didn't it?" He asks as he exams Corey's arms. Nothing. Not even a scar.

Corey looked like he was ready to cry. He was just so scared.


Josie sat with Hayden and Liam. Waiting for Scott to come back. Josie stands up and moves to the doors. She was about to reach for the knob till Liam snatches her hand. She was about to ask, till she heard the chittering.

"Did you hear that?" Liam whispers.

"They're here, aren't they?" Hayden speaks from across the room.

"They're in the school." Josie whispers.

They slowly look towards the door as they hear footsteps approaching.

"Scott?" Josie calls out softly as she backs away from the door with Liam.

"Malia?" Liam calls out.

The lights begin to flicker outside the locker room. Slowly, the door opens by itself and one of the doctors stand outside the door, his body vibrating as he walks into the locker room.

Josie gasps and moves away with Liam. Liam hides Hayden behind him in protection. Josie stands in front of the doctor as the other two walk in. The surgeon passes the lockers, seeing the jammier in one of the lockers. He uses his cane to push it on to the floor. Pressing his cane on it, he looks up at the three of them.

"We are on a frequency you can't possibly imagine." He says and slams his cane through it.

One doctor moves closer, but Josie stands in his way, "You want a chimera? Take me." She snarls.

"Josie..." Liam says.

The surgeon clicks, tilting his head.

"I know what you did to me." Angry tears pool in her eyes. "I know I'm one of your little projects as well. So...." She spreads her arms out. "Take me. Leave Hayden and take me."

Hayden grips on to Liam's arm in fear, Liam was worried what the doctors will do.

"Irrelevant." The surgeon says.

Josie frowns in confusion.

The geneticist makes a move to Hayden, but Josie calls her wind and sends him flying. Josie sighs in relief. Scott was right. She looks back to the Doctors and calls her fire.

"Leave...Hayden...alone." She says slowly. "I'm offering myself. Take it." She says and pushes her fire down.

"Irrelevant." The surgeon repeats.

Josie pants in frustration, and from the corner of her eyes, she sees the geneticist move faster than she imagine and before she knew it, darkness took over her.

"Josie!" Hayden shouts.

The geneticist growls lowly and makes his way to Josie, who lies unconscious on the floor, but the surgeon holds his cane out, stopping him and growling back at him.

"No. She's under protection. You know that. No harm shall fall on her."


Stiles continues to lie on the ground inside his jeep. Fire spreads all over, yet he couldn't wake up. Suddenly, someone takes a fire extinguisher and puts half the fire out. Then, grabs for Stiles and pulls him out.

Stiles snaps awake, coughing from the smoke. He looks up and sees Theo, bruised and bleeding from his mouth and nose.

"The body...The body's gone."


Scott continues to struggle from Kira's tight grip. But, she was too strong. He grunts and pulls on the leash, till he feels his hand cut open. With a pained yell, he snaps out of his trance and sees Mason holding a scalpel in his hand.

"Sorry. Sorry. I was trying to help. Liam said pain...He said it makes you human." Mason stutters as Scott looks around in frantic, trying to find Kira, but she was gone. It was delusion!

"What happened? What are you doing here?" Scott asks in confusion.

"I found another Chimera. His name's Corey." Mason says.

"Wait. Where's Liam and Hayden?" Scott asks.

Mason and Scott burst into the locker room and sees Lydia and Malia.

"They're gone." Lydia gasps.

"Hayden and Liam are gone." Malia says as she looks around.

"Where's Josie?" Scott panics.

Groaning in pain, Josie coughs as air burns in her lungs. Mason looks over and sees her lying on the floor in the Coach's office.

"Over here." He says and runs towards her. Scott runs and carefully helps her up.

"Josie, are you ok?" He gasps, checking her for any harm on her.

"What happened?" Malia asks.

"They wouldn't take me." Josie gasps out.

Scott and the others frown as Josie continues to gasps, bringing in air into her burning lungs.


Deep into the laboratory, Liam lies unconscious on the wet ground with a IV stuck into his arm. Modified enough to keep him from tearing it off. He gasps and wakes up, his vision was a little blurry, but when he looks up he sees Hayden lying on her stomach, looking over to him. He tries to get up, but he felt so weak. He looks down and sees the IV. It was almost as if it was some sort of wolfsbane.

"Hayden." He calls out weakly.

Hayden lies on the table, unable to move. She gasps when she hears the doctors moving towards her. The surgeon had his mask off. He takes it and places it over his head, hooking the tubes and moving towards Hayden.

"No, no, no. Don't...Don't hurt her!" He shouts.

The doctors prepare the surgical table and starts to work on Hayden. Blood drips from the table. Hayden couldn't scream in pain. All she could do was lie there and take it.

"Hayden! Hayden!" Liam screams as he struggles to get up.

"Hayden. Hayden. Hayden." The doctors voices echo all around.


Melissa finally makes it back home. Sheriff, Melissa, and Sarah were relieved that Josie wasn't taken, but Liam and Hayden...they hoped and prayed they will be found. She takes her key and turns the lock, walking into the house. But, as she turn on the lights...Melissa's bag slips from her hands as she lets out a terrifying scream.

Lying on the kitchen table was the body of a teenage girl with long nails sticking out from her hands and deep in her stomach was Kira's sword.

(I can't post anymore pictures sadly....Stupid limit is up...But, hope the book will still work without them till the next one...)

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