Chapter 23: Finding Answers

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Deaton managed to follow a trail that lead him to an abandoned nuclear plant in Russia. He managed to get a guide to lead him through the building. Wearing protective wear and facial masks from the radiation that's possibly in the air, Deaton, his guide, who was also in special ops along with his men follow down the stairs into the basement. But, as Deaton goes down with his guide, he hears the sound of a truck starting and the men who were following him were gone. Deaton snatches off his facial mask and feel his guide lean in next to him.

"I guess it's just you and me." Deaton's guide says, a young man name Vadim.

Deaton scoffs and moves on while Vadim removes his mask as well and follows Deaton through the dark hallways.

"I take it you don't believe the official story about nuclear radiation?" Deaton asks as he looks at the map and all around him, to make sure he knows where he was going.

"This is not a nuclear plant." Vadim protests as he holds his gun up for protection, leading with way with the light attached to it.

"Do you know what it is? Or what it was used for?" Deaton asks.

"I know the rumors. Superstition." Vadim shrugs.

They continue to walk till Deaton shines his light on a sign that was covered with spray painted words written in Russian.

"What does that say?" He asks Vadim.

"'They come'. 'They come for all of us'." Vadim translates.

"The men in the masks?" Deaton asks.

"Yes." Vadim nods and lifts up his mask, "Like these."

Deaton squints down in the darkness, shining his light for his way, "What was the story?" He asks.

"They say they never took off the mask. Some people believed they had no faces underneath.
But they had a symbol. The snake that eats itself." Vadim explains.

"The Ouroboros." Deaton stops in his tracks and shines his light on a wall. "Like that one."

One the wall was a large figure statue attacked to the wall, in the shape of a snake-like dragon with it's tail in its mouth, forming a perfect circle.

Deaton moves towards the wall and finds it to be a large door. Vadim's eyes widen with fear as he watches Deaton pull on the door, sliding it to the side to open. Inside was a medium sized laboratory. As soon as the door was fully open and Deaton and Vadim took their first steps inside, Vadim gasps in terror when the first thing he sees is dozens of skulls of humans. Adults and children.

Deaton shines his light over several bottles and vitals and comes across babies in jars. Vadim exclaims in Russian at the sight.

"What are those?" He asks.

"Failed experiments." Deaton says, horror reaching his eyes.

"On children?" Vadim gasps.

"Fetuses. These were done in the womb." Deaton explains. He prays those children have found peace now.

Rustling was made from behind them, causing Vadim to gasp and shine his light towards the sound, but Deaton sees something that catches his eye. A rotting corpse of a child lying peacefully on a table, next to a glass dome that protected what he was looking for. He lifts the dome and picks up the item.

"Is that a claw?" Vadim asks as Deaton holds it up in front of his light.

"No. It's a tooth." Deaton says, it was a large white ivory tooth. Possibly from a wolf of some sort. And Deaton believes he knows what.

"I think I found what I'm looking for." Deaton says.

"What is that?" Vadim asks.

"An answer." Fear starts to shake Deaton's core. "We should leave here. We should leave now."

Vadim couldn't have agreed more, he turns to lead the way, but grunts in pain when a gunshot rings off, sending him to the ground.

Deaton turns fast and comes faces to face to a woman hidden in the shadows, pointing guns at him as Vadim lies on the ground as he takes his last breath.

"Easy, Doctor. I know you have skills, but I'm pretty sure I can shoot faster than you can hit." She steps out of the shadows and Deaton could see who it was. He knows the face all too well. "Do you know who I am?" She asks.

"I know what you're called...The Desert Wolf."


Scott takes off into the woods to lookout point. He jumps and climbs the highest boulder he could find and looks up into the air. Panting, he calms his breath and calls forth his Alpha wolf and lets out a loud howling and roars to the moon. Hoping and praying that Liam could hear him.

Malia follows him and looks up into the sky as she hears the echo of Scott's call. She takes off towards where he was. Which was at the cliff. She finds him on his knees, panting and looking beaten. Lost.

He shakes his head in disappointment, "There's no scent. No tracks. No way to find 'em."

"But Liam can howl back, right?" Malia asks.

"Only if he heard me."


Lydia takes Josie to the hospital, per Josie's request. She runs inside with Lydia and skids to a halt as she sees her mom.

"Josie! Oh, thank god." Sarah hugs her daughter tightly.

"Mom, I'm ok. I'm ok." She pulls away and faces her mom, "Mom, I need your help."

Sarah frowns till Josie explains.

Josie whimpers in pain as her mom takes another sample of her kidney. One from her transplant and one from her own.

"That's it. I'm gonna get started on the results as soon as possible. Might have them done by the afternoon. I'll text you, ok?" Sarah takes off with the samples to the lap and pathology. Josie hops off the table and faces Lydia.

"Why did we need to come here?" She asks.

"I'm starting to think I'm not a Chimera." Josie says.

Lydia frowns.

"I had a transplant, yes, and the doctors were there doing the surgery. But, why? I'm not dripping with mercury and..." She lifts up her sweater and shirt where the samples were collected. "No black ooze coming from my body like Tracy and Lucas.

"So, why didn't the dread doctors want you? Why not experiment on you when you have two different sets of DNA?" Lydia asks.

"Exactly, why?" Josie says.


After Melissa calms down she calls Sheriff right away and about 15 minutes later, he arrives.

"I haven't been able to reach the boys either." He moves to go inside the dining room, but Melissa gets in his way. "I thought you said, you, uh, you had a situation."

"Yes, but complicated. If you come in, I need you to leave your badge at the door." Melissa says.

Sheriff chuckles, "Uh, Literally or figuratively?" He asks.

"Both would be preferable." She says nervously.

Sheriff sighs, realizing what's shes asking for, "Melissa, I...I've set my badge aside a few too many times in the last couple of weeks."

"Well, you may need to do it a few more considering what our kids get into during their free time. So, do you want to come in or not?" She asks.

Sheriff frowns, but reaches for his badge and takes it off.

Melissa moves and opens the door to the kitchen, showing Sheriff the body of the girl she found. His eyes widen in horror, seeing a body of a chimera girl lying dead with Kira's sword buried inside her. He moves around the table, examining the scene.

"Has anybody seen Kira tonight?" he asks.

"You  don't think she did this, do you? Could this have something to do with  Scott? Some kind of message being sent?" She tries to come up with theories, but no matter what. Sheriff drops his head in disappointment. He had no choice but to call it in, despite that he promised Melissa.

"Dispatch, this is Sheriff  Stilinski. I got a 1-8-7 at 821 Williamson Road. Notify Beacon Hills Memorial." Sheriff gets on his walkie talkie and turns to a very angry Melissa and feels his face snap back with a harsh sting on his cheek.

Melissa stares at him with such anger and betrayal.

He points at the body to her, "There's a dead girl in your kitchen with a sword sticking out of her chest. What did you think I was gonna do?"

"You know it wasn't Kira." Melissa snarls.

"This is murder!" Sheriff shouts at her. "This kid, this child, has a family. What, am I supposed to just cover that up? This is a crime. And it's my responsibility to handle it within the parameters of the law."

"What about our kids? Hmm? They constantly deal with things outside the law." Melissa frowns at him.

"But not above the law." Sheriff says as he grabs his badge and places it back on as he hears the sirens approaching.


On the highway 115, Kira walks zombie like on the road as cars merge around her. She's snapped out of her thoughts as the loud sirens are made from behind her and a deputy car pulls up behind her.

"Hi, there." Deputy Clark gets out of the car and moves towards her. "You doing okay?"

Kira looks around in confusion, she doesn't remember how she got here, only that it was important for her to be here, "Something...Something happened here." She stutters.

"Cars usually happen here. Going very fast. So it might be a good idea to at least step out of the middle of the road. How about I give you a ride home? Does that sound like a good idea?" Deputy Clark guides her carefully to the car as Kira nods, but Kira stops and looks back at the road.

"I think I came here to remember something." She says.

"That's fair. But considering how late it is, I'm thinking your parents are gonna be a little worried about you. Come on." Deputy Clark tries again and brings her to the car. She helps Kira into the back and snaps handcuffs on one of her hands.

"What are you doing?" Kira exclaims.

"This is Deputy Clark. I've got the suspect, I'm bringing her in." Deputy calls in dispatch.

Kira frowns in confusion. Suspect?


Back at the vets, Theo managed to flip the jeep back and tries to fix it for Stiles, who sat on the ground with blood still covering his face.

"We should get you to the hospital. You took in a lot of smoke." Theo says.

"I'm fine." Stiles protests. He gets up to his feet and exhales as he moves to his jeep.

Suddenly, the police radio blares in his jeep, "Suspect in 1-8-7 is in custody and en route to station. Suspect's name is Yukimura, Kira."

Stiles looks at the radio in shock and confusion, while Theo stands behind him just confused.

"What's a 1-8-7?" Theo asks.

"Homicide." Stiles says in horror.


The loud sounds of electricity crackling startles Liam awake. He wasn't sure how long he blacked out, but he had to stay awake. He looks down at his arm. He tries to pull on the IV, but it was too deep and he was too weak to pull it out. He looks up and sees the doctors continue to work on Hayden.

Suddenly, an alarm starts to blare and Liam lies flat on the floor when the Doctors snap their heads towards Liam. But, it wasn't Liam they were concerened about. Liam looks up and sees a deformed body floating in a large tank. One of the doctors move with a small syringe and takes fluid from the tank, taking it back to where Hayden lies. The surgeon hovers a small black light over Hayden's skin. With the light, they could see her skin becoming reptilian-like.

"Her condition worsens." One doctor says.

Hayden lies there in fear as they keep working on her. But, the surgeon sees Liam tries to get up and paces towards him.

"Stop! Stop hurting her! Stop hurting her!" Liam shouts.

Liam pushes the wolf to awaken as hard as he could, feeling his teeth erupt from his mouth and his eyes begin to glow as he growls angrily at the doctors.

The surgeon moves towards him and kicks him in the face, knocking him out.

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