Chapter 32: Super-moon

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Scott arrives at the library and strangely, it was empty. He looks around in confusion. Lydia should be here.

"Hey, Lydia?" Scott calls out and looks around. But, nothing.

He opens his phone and sees dozens of missed messages from Liam. Hayden was getting worse and Liam was pissed off. He calls Lydia instead and when it goes out, he hears the faint buzzing of another phone. He follows the noise and finds Lydia's cell on the shelves. He frowns in confusion, then sees at the corner of his eyes...a trail of mountain ash. He moves away quickly, but stops when he sees someone making the barrier of mountain ash. Theo!

"That's not possible." Scott frowns in confusion.

"You're right." Theo smirks. "A werewolf shouldn't even be able to touch mountain ash."

Scott gasps as he realizes, "You're a Chimera."

"I'm the first Chimera." Theo corrects Scott. "It's the coyote part you don't notice. It's why Malia trusted me first, even though she probably didn't know it. You found the perfect word though, Scott. Because a Chimera isn't just a monster with different parts. It can also mean something impossible to achieve. An unrealizable dream." He says bitterly and walked slowly backwards as Scott walks towards him.

"And they realized you?" Scott asks.

"They came close with me. But we can't all be perfect. We can't all be true Alphas." Theo snarls.

Scott takes off running towards him, but Theo backs away till he was out of the barrier. Scott slams against it and was thrown backwards against the tables and chairs. He groans in pain and slowly gets up.

Theo winces, "Damn. I felt that." He laughs evilly and walks towards a bench that carried a call jammer. He turns it on and turns back to Scott, "No calls, Scott. No Stiles, no Malia, no Lydia. Defiantly no Josie. Don't worry. After I..." He takes out his cellphone and waves it, "Show her these pictures of you and Kira together. She'll learn to trust me and come back into my arms."

Scott growls lowly, "She'll never trust you. She won't ever believe you."

"You did. You believed me when you should have listened to your girl." Theo points out.

Scott looks down in guilt, she was telling the truth all along. He frowns and looks up at Theo with anger.

"You're just going to have to wait here alone for what happens next." Theo smirks and puts his cell back into his pocket.

"What do you mean? What's next?" Scott asks, confused.

"The Supermoon."


Mason comes running out of the elevator, carrying dozen of medical equipment and taking it to where Hayden was with Melissa. Liam went off to find Scott. Melissa decided to move Hayden to an area where no one would notice anything unusual about the situation.

"Over here, yeah." Melissa calls out as she sees Mason running in.

"Shouldn't we be talking to one of the doctors?" Mason suggests.

"I've been wrestling with that for hours. Do we bring them in and watch them treat her as a normal patient,  while  we stand here knowing that's not going to work? Or do we keep  trying  everything medically possible to save her, while her body does  things  that shouldn't be medically possible?" Melissa says as she works around, trying to figure out a way to save Hayden.

"Is she dying?" Mason asks, fear in his voice.

"With the  amount of  mercury in her body right now, she shouldn't even be alive."


For hours, Scott struggles to break the barrier. To be free, to get out and save his friends.

"Come on You've done this before. You can do it again." He mutters to himself. He grabs his chest, feeling his asthma coming back. He reaches in his pocket and grabs his inhaler, inhaling the medicine. He sighs and runs against the barrier, only to be thrown back again hard on to the floor.

Groaning, he slowly gets up and sees something he wants to kick himself for...a door...a way out. He goes inside and sees a ladder leading to the roof. He makes it to the top and the wind was blowing strongly. A storm was approaching. He looks up and sees the moon glowing through the dark clouds, lighting flashing through the clouds. He runs to the edge but winches when the barrier kept him from climbing it. Frustrated, he pounds his fist on the barrier till he was wheezing again. He falls to the floor and gets his inhaler, he was out. In a fit of rage, he crushes his inhaler in his hands and gasps in surprise when he sees a familiar cloud escaped his inhaler.

"Wolfsbane." He whispers. Theo gave him wolfsbane. His asthma wasn't back. It never came back. It was all Theo. Of course! He snaps his head up and gets to his feet and sees Liam standing before him. Fully transformed and very, very pissed off.

"Theo let you in." Scott says in realization.

"Did you lie to me?" Liam snarls, pacing like a wild animal, growling in anger at Scott.

"I've never lied to you." Scott protests.

"But you won't save her."

"I can't save her. At least, not with a bite. If you'd just think about that for a second, Liam, you would know that I'm right." Scott tries to gain Liam back, but the moon was too strong.

"I am thinking! I'm thinking about alternatives." Liam bares his teeth at Scott.

"Liam, it's the Supermoon. It's feeding your anger. It's making you more aggressive." Scott shouts over the thunder.

"It's making me stronger! You're gonna keep your promise. Even if it kills you!" Liam roars and makes a move to strike at Scott.


The EKG begins to beep, signalling Melissa bad news. Melissa gasps and checks Hayden's pulse.

"Oh, no, no, no, no...I think you better get Liam."

"What about Scott?" Mason asks.

"He's not answering. And if Liam wants to be with her, he needs to get here now. Because she's dying, and I don't know what else to do." Melissa says sadly.

Mason gasps in shock and rubs his head as fear and sadness fills his heart.

"Go. I will text you if anything changes. Just get him here, Mason. Go." Melissa says.

Mason snaps out of his sadness and runs to find Liam. He had to find him.


Liam and Scott continues to fight on the room. Growling and snarling, Liam swipes his claws at Scott, but Scott dodges and holds him in an arm lock.

"Hey, Liam, stop. You're not going to save her by killing me. Remember, you kill me, you're killing Josie, too. Think about what you're doing." Scott says.

The moon suddenly comes out from it's hiding place, sending more power down on Liam. With a loud growl, he gets out of Scott's grip and fights him till he throws him against a roof. Scott growls in frustration, blocking Liam. He grabs Liam but, they both go through the sky light and fall down into the library.


Malia followed the noises she's been hearing. Down in the basement. She could smell the blood. She looks down and sees blood bags everywhere. Ripped opened. She looks up and behind the plastic curtains was a chimera. Slurping up the blood from bags that surrounded him. He looks up and sees her. Slowly rising to his feet. He lets out a loud roar as she returns on.

They fight and struggle. Malia growls loudly, but the chimera wasn't affected by her growls. He was stronger than her. He pushes Malia against a wall and swipes at her. She struggles for control, but he was just too strong. Lifting his hand up for another swipe, a taser shoots out and zaps him to the floor. He snarls and yanks the wires out of his skin and looks up and sees the one who shot him. The zap managed to awaken his human side, in pure fear, he runs.

Malia looks over and sees an old friend holding a shotgun.

"What the hell was that?" Braedon exclaims.

Malia never thought she would be happy to see her again, but she was. They moved out of the building and made their way outside.

"I don't know what's going on around here, but I'm guessing things are bad again." Braedon says sarcastically.

"Very." Malia nods.

Braedon sighs, "Then this is going to sound worse. 'Cause your plan..."

Malia's eyes widen, "She knows." She says.

Braedon nods, "Yeah. And she's coming. The Desert Wolf knows you're alive."

"And she's coming back to Beacon Hills."


Stiles kept up with Parrish till he got to the police tow parking lot. He watches from afar and sees Parrish, clothes burned off except for his boxers. He was checking a truck. Two bodies were locked up in boxes. The chimeras. He shuts the boxes and gets into the truck, driving the Nemeton.

Stiles stays behind and calls Scott. Trying to get a hold of him to alert him about the Parrish. Despite what's going on with him and Scott, Scott needs to know.

"Come on, come on..." He mutters, trying Scott one more time. He quickly turns when he sees a truck coming. It was Theo.

Theo hops out of the truck and walks towards Stiles, "Sorry. I got here as fast as I could..."

Stiles cuts him off and heads to the passengers side, "We gotta go. Now. Parrish has got the bodies."

"Okay, wait up Stiles, wait." Theo protests, but Stiles was practically almost inside the truck.

"Parrish is out and he's got the bodies. We've got to find Scott. And we've got to tell him."

Theo stops him, "Stiles! I don't think Scott wants to talk to you right now."

Stiles sighs, "Yeah, thanks, I'm aware of that. It doesn't matter. He needs to know about this." He had his foot in the truck, but Theo protests again.

"Stiles..." Stiles steps away from the truck, frowning in confusion, "Scott doesn't want to talk to you." Theo smirks. He takes a card out of his pocket and shows it to Stiles, "But I think your dad does."

It was Stiles' key card to the library. The same one he threw away at the hospital. Why would he have it?


Liam shoves Scott back and forth from the wall to the desks and finally throws him over the librarian's desk. Scott groans in pain and crawls away. Liam growls and jumps over the desk and picks up a chair and slams it into Scott's back. He grabs a hold of Scott's jacket and slams his face over and over into the chair and puts him in a headlock. Scott grunts and uses his foot to push him off the desk, throwing Liam off enough to get the benefit to escape. He elbows Liam in the gut several times before finally getting out of his grip and twists Liam's arm. Liam gets out and throws Scott over a table. He growls lowly and jumps on the desk. He makes a leap towards Scott but Scott kicks his foot out, sending Liam back over the desk. Scott gets to his feet quickly and walks up the steps, keeping his eyes on Liam.

"Don't do this, Liam!" Scott shouts.

Liam snarls as he gets up. Scott knew there was no way of snapping Liam out of it. He had to fight, but...

"I can't let you kill me."

He had to fight as an Alpha. He turns towards the moon and just lets it go. He grunts as he feels the moon pouring all of its power inside him. He lets out a low growl that raises to a powerful roar. He slowly turns towards Liam, full Alpha mode. Liam lets out a loud roar and charges towards him.


Stiles walks slowly towards Theo who still carried that stupid smirk. He turns and looks down at the key card, picking at it with his nails.

"Your dad was looking for you, Stiles. He found me instead."

"Where is he?" Stiles asks.

"I covered for you. This was taken care of." He waves the card with a bitter look. "If Melissa didn't find it at the hospital Guess even the son of a cop can make mistakes."

"Did you hurt him?" Stiles glares at him.

"I never lied about why I came to Beacon Hills. I'm here for a pack." Theo says, smirking.

Stiles eyes him as Theo starts to circle him, "I came for the werecoyote. The one whose first instinct is to kill. I came for the Banshee, the girl surrounded by death. I came for the dark Kitsune, the Beta with anger issues...I came for Void Stiles. That's the pack I want. Unfortunately, it doesn't include Scott."

Stiles' breathing starts to pick up as anger fills him up. His nose flares as he's listening to every word Theo said. He was right all along. Him and Josie. This is what he wanted all a long.

"Your heartbeat's rising, Stiles. It's not because you're afraid. Nogitsune is gone, but you've still got more blood on your hands than any of us."

"I'm about to get more." Stiles says bitterly.

Theo smirks, moving towards his truck. Placing the card on top of his hood.

"I'll tell you where your dad is, if you promise not to help Scott." He turns towards Stiles, surprised to be met with a fist coming at his face.

Theo lets out a laugh, "There he is! That's Void Stiles. It felt good, didn't it?"

Stiles goes for another punch, sending Theo to the ground. Theo chuckles and wipes the blood away from his nose.

"We won't tell Scott. 'Cause you can't lose your best friend, right? Even though we both know, you never needed him."

Stiles growls and goes to straddle him, gripping his collar, looking down at him with such fury, "You hate me now, but you'll get it eventually. This is the hard part. 'Cause you can't help Scott and save your dad's life. You've still got time, Stiles. You've still got time." Theo smirks again.


The fight continues through the night.  Scott manages to escape from Liam and jumps to the second floor.  Liam slowly gets up to his feet and makes his way up. 

"He's using you, Liam.  He wants you to be the Alpha because he can't take the power from me.  Only you can.  But once you do, he'll take it from you.  That's why he wants you to kill me."  Scott tries to get Liam to listen. 

Growling, "That's what you don't get, Scott.  I want to kill you.  I want to!" Liam roars and charges at Scott.  He and Scott tumble down the stairs and Liam shoves him against the steps.  Scott tries to get up and fight, but Liam flips him on top of a table, smashing it under him. 

Melissa held on to Hayden's hand.  Sarah rejoined later for more medicine but Melissa shook her head.  They both gasp when the EKG goes flatline.  As Hayden's life leaves,  her head falls back as a single mercury tear falls from her eye. 

Without realizing, Liam stands over Scott and begins to claw and swipe at Scott as he lies helpless on the ground, blood spraying everywhere.  Liam wanted his blood, his life for Hayden.  He barely heard Mason calling for him.

"Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam!"  Mason runs towards him, yelling to get Liam's attention. 

Liam slowly starts to come back,  he looks over his shoulder and sees his best friend looking at him in shock and fear.

"Liam, what are you doing?"

Liam looks down at his hands, Scott's blood all over him.  Oh, my god, what has he done?

"Hayden." Liam whimpers. 

"She's gone."  Liam snaps his head towards Mason, slowly turning back to human.  His heart broke in two.  She's gone? 

"Hayden died a few minutes ago.
She's gone."

Liam couldn't run as fast as he could.  She couldn't be dead!  She wasn't dead!  No! 


Mason helps Scott to his feet, throwing his arm over his shoulder to help him walk. 

"Scott...What happened?"

"It's the Supermoon.  It was just..."

"Bad timing."  Theo finishes for him as he comes stomping angrily towards them.  "I mean, seriously.  You couldn't have waited five minutes?"  He snarls at Mason and throws him across the room.  Theo glares at Scott, sending his claws out, "I should've stayed.  I should've made sure."  He frowns at himself. 

"Because now you have to kill me yourself."  Scott says, weakly. 

"They're still mine.  Maybe not yet, but they'll come around." Theo shrugs. 

"Not for you."  Scott snarls. 

Theo's lip twitches at Scott,  with a snarl he stabs Scott's abdomen, causing Scott to gasp in pain. 

Scott wasn't done,  "They're not like you.  They never will be."

"Because I'm a Chimera? Because I'm not a real werewolf?" Theo growls. 

Scott leans in closer, "Because you're barely even human."

With aloud angry grunt, he shoves Scott to the stairs, digging his claws deeper inside Scott.  He yanks his claws out, standing over Scott as he lets his last breath out.

"Josie..." Scott sighs and closes his eyes.

Stiles managed to find his dad, but he was in bad shape. 

Liam stayed with Hayden till Parrish came for her.  Liam knew he couldn't stop him, for a second, he wanted Parrish  to stop him, to kill him so he could be with Hayden, but he could almost imagine Hayden protesting.  Her want for him to live.  He sighs sadly and gives her one last kiss on the cheek and let's go.  He watches with a heavy heart as Parrish takes his love the Nemeton.

Melissa ran as fast as she could when Mason called her about Scott.  She couldn't believe it...Scott was dead...

(Well this is my last chapter..............................................................................................................................................................................................NOT!!!

Lol got one more coming up.  The epilogue and the major surprise...........Hope you all will like it.  Lots of love ~Song~

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