Epilogue: Josie Awakens

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Melissa gasps at the sight.  No, he's not dead.  He's not!  She rushes to him and gets on her knees next to him. 

"Scott! Scott! No, no, no, no, no, no, no Okay.  One, two, three, four, five..."  Melissa mutters as she starts compressions. 

"What are you doing?"  Mason asks. 

"Six, seven, eight..."

"What are you doing?"  Mason asks again as he gets on his knees next to Scott.

"Bringing him back."  Melissa states. 

"But his...His heart.  He...He hasn't had a pulse in over 15 minutes.  You can't bring someone back that's..."  Mason stammers. 

"He's not someone."

"He's my son."

"And he's an Alpha.  And he's too strong to die like this!"  Melissa sobs, not giving up.  "Come on! Open your eyes and look at me, okay? Come on.  Breathe, baby. Breathe."

"Melissa, it's..." She cuts him off.

"Shut up! He's too strong to die like this.  Come on.  You can do this.  You're an Alpha. You're an Alpha.  Come on, Scott.  Roar. Come on! Come on, Scott.  Roar!"

5 minutes earlier...

Sighing deeply,  Josie had enough.  She had to talk to Scott, but it was too dangerous.  The moon was out.  The Super moon, she couldn't risk it.  But, she couldn't stay cooped up in this room all night.  She could calm him down.  She could.  She had to try.  She reaches for her jacket, but before she could even make it to the door, she collapses to the floor, screaming in pain as she feels a horrible searing pain.  Like someone was stabbing her.  Fizgig whimpers and stands up, watching her wither in pain all over the floor.  Josie cries out, as the pain gets worse.  Then, she realizes in fear, it's not her pain she's feeling.  It's Scott.  She starts crying in pain, she couldn't move.  She could feel the life of her love draining from his body.  She begged anyone who listen to let him live.  Take her and let him live. 

Josie screams in pain as she tries to get up, she falls on to her knees as a new pain rips through her.  This wasn't Scott.  This was her.  Something inside her was changing.  She felt hot all of the sudden.  Her body was burning.  She folds over on to her knees, dragging her nails over the wooden floor.  She could hear the deep sound of nails scratching over the wood.  She could feel the wood splitting and peeling under her nails.  Her bones begin to crack as basically her body was morphing.  Her teeth started to ache and her ears stretched to beyond their points.  Crying in pain, Josie pounds a fist over the wood causing splinters to fly everywhere  as she slowly gets up on to her knees, flinging her hair back and roaring so loudly into the ceiling as fangs erupts from her mouth and her eyes glow as bright as blood.  Fizgig yelps and hides in the closet.

The echo of Josie's howl traveled all over Beacon Hills.  Brett who was home with his sister, Lori, heard the howl and gasps as they feel their wolves awakening at force.  They look at each other in shock.  They knew that howl.  Liam gasps from the howl.  The sound of the Alpha Female makes his wolf bow in submission inside.  Malia gasps and goes stiff, Braedon watches her in confusion but her eyes widen when her eyes turn bright blue. 

Theo skids to a halt in the woods and looks back into town, "It can't be.  Impossible!"  He exclaims in shock.  Fear sudden fills his soul as his coyote side was force to submit to the howl.

Melissa grunts as she keeps giving Scott compressions. 

Mason watches with caution, "Come, on, Scott." He whispers. 

The loud echo of Josie's howl makes its way towards Scott's ears. 

"Did you hear...?" Mason start, then yelps as Scott's body jerks up and his eyes open wide as he lets out a loud roar, answering Josie's howl.


Lydia moans softly and winces as she touched the side of her face.  She frowns as she looks around.  How did she get here?  She was in a lab.  The doctor's lab.  She gasps as she sees Theo pacing over to her in anger. 

"I've never done this before, Lydia.  I know how dangerous it is.  But it's a risk we have to take."

"No, no, don't!"  Lydia screams as Theo holds her and shoves his claws into the back of her neck. 

"What do you think, Lydia? Am I doing it right?"  He snarls and gasps as it begins to work.  "Yes, I see it I can see it."  He can see the Nemeton.  He yanks his claws out of her neck and moves to the doctors experiment in the large container and grabs the syringe.


"I lost, Mom."  Scott says sadly as he rests on his bed as Melissa tends to his wounds. 

"Every leader suffers loss. Sometimes more than you think is bearable."  Melissa assures him.

"But this time, I lost everyone."  Scott sighs sadly. 

"You'll get them back.  You have to.  Besides, you still have Josie.  That counts.  And together, you'll get them all back."  Melissa says. 

Why would they come back?"  Scott frowns.

"Because you're their leader.  And even when a leader thinks they have nothing left to give, there's still one thing." 

Scott looks up at her. 

Hope. Give them hope."


Theo yanks on to a catatonic Lydia, dragging her through the woods towards the. Nemeton. 

"Come on, Lydia.  Come on."  He roughly throws her to the ground and walks towards the bodies that littered the ground around the Nemeton.

"Watch this, Lydia."  He takes the syringe and starts injecting the serum into Tracy's body. 

"You think you lost your mind? Well, watch this!"

Next was Corey,  then Josh, then Hayden.  All began to gasp and take in air again.  They all slowly stand up, confused with what's going on and where they were. 

"What...What's happening?"  Hayden frowns. 

"Who are you?" Tracy asks. 

Theo smirks, "I'm your Alpha."

"And all of you...All of you belong to me."


In the lab, the dread doctors make their way to a wall.  The surgeon suddenly grips his cane by the head that was in the shape of a hammer and starts pound into the wall.  Smashing the tile everywhere.  The doctors began to chant as the surgeon destroys the wall. 

"La Bête.  La Bête.  La Bête.  La Bête..."

The surgeon steps back, admiring the sight before him.  A picture was hidden behind the wall.  A picture of a demon wolf fighting the hell hound. 



Sarah made it back home.  She sighs sadly and places her bag down.  Wiping the tears away, she had to figure out how to break the news to Josie about Hayden.

She makes her way up the stairs and knocks on Josie's door. 

"Jojo, are you home?"

She could hear breathing behind the door and movement. 

Sighing deeply,  she rubs her eyes,  "Josie,  um,  I'm sorry to say this, but, it's Hayden.  She...she passed away.  There wasn't anything we could do for her."  She reaches and turns the knob.  "Josie?"  She slowly opens the door and yelps when Fizgig comes running out of the room, whimpering in terror. 

Sarah frowns and looks into the darkroom.  She sees Josie hiding in the shadows with her hair in her face, breathing heavily. 

"Mom..."  Josie voice cracks.  She slowly moves her face out of the shadows and Sarah gasps at what she sees.  Covering her mouth in horror. 

Josie eyes glowed as red as blood.  Her teeth were razor sharp with fangs.  Her ears were long and pointed, sticking through he hair.  Her hands carried sharp claws.

"Something's wrong with me."  Josie sobs. 

Josie was a werewolf!

(That's the end of The Dread Doctors...wow...I really hate Theo...I can't wait to get started on my next book...The Beast of Beacon Hills...hope you all enjoyed The Dread Doctors. Please leave comments and votes. Lots of love ~Song~)

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