A Deal

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Stiles' POV

Scott and I sit on my bed. "What do you think they're doing right now?" Scott asks. I shrug. "I have no idea" I say. Scott's phone rings and he answers it.

Scott's POV

I answer my phone.

Me: Hello?
Liam: Scott, its me. I need help.
Me: What's wrong Liam?
Liam: Its Hayden. She's gone crazy.
Me: Okay. Where are you?
Liam: I'm at the school.
Me: Okay, we'll be over.

End of Call

Stiles' POV

"What was that about?" I ask. "Liam needs our help at the school." Scott says. I nod. "Lets go.." I say and run out to my dad's car. Scott gets in and so do I. We buckle up and I drive to the school.

Scott's POV

I get out of the car and run in the school. I look back to see Stiles following me. "Liam?!" I yell. Stiles catches up to me. "We should go run around the school to look for him." he says. I nod and we both start running.

*20 minutes later*

Stiles POV

"Scott, we still haven't found them." I say. We stop running. Scott looks at me. "Stiles, we will find them if it takes all night." Scott says.
"Maybe we should call him?" I suggest. "Yeah, good idea. We should've thought of that 20 minutes ago!" Scott says and sighs. I call Liam.

*ring ring ring"
Liam: Hello?
Stiles: Liam, its Stiles. Where are you? We are at the school and can't find you.
Liam: We're in the basement.
Stiles: Okay

"They're in the basement." I say, putting my phone in my pocket. "Got it." Scott says. He uses his wolf speed and runs down to the basement. I rum behind him. I'm obviously very far behind him, because he has Wolf speed.

Liam's POV

I am standing in the basement and Hayden is talking to me. I have t really been paying attention to a word she has been saying. All I do is nod.

Scott runs in, with Stiles behind him.
"I'm right here!" I say. Hayden looks at me funny. "What?" I ask her. "All you've been doing is noddig your head to whatever I have to say. But now that Scott and Stiles are here, you say something!" Hayden says. I groan. "Liam, what's the problem?" Scott asks. "Problem?!" Hayden shouts, crossing her arms. Stiles sighs.

"Scott, I'll talk to you since Liam isn't paying attention." Hayden says with an attitude. "Um, okay." Scott says. I listen. "I was saying that Theo made a pack out of the dead. Sadly, I'm in it." She says. "Okay, what?!" Stiles yells. "Shhh" I say. Stiles glares at me. "That's really weird." Scott says. Hayden nods. "He brought us back to life with this." Hayden says and gets out that injection Theo used to bring them back. "Woah..." I say, looking at the green liquid in it. "Okay, Theo is a nut head!!" Stiles yells. "Oh, am I?" A voice asks. We all turn around to see Theo standing in the door way! "Theo, get out of here!" I yell. "Liam, I thought I asked a favor of you? To kill Scott and get all that Alpha power! Don't you still want that?" Theo asks.

I sigh. Scott looks at me. "Liam, don't tell me you still want that." He says.
"Scott, I'm afraid I do." I say. Theo smirks evily. "If you're going to hurt Scott, you'll have to hurt me first." Stiles says, stepping in front of Scott.
"Stiles, I really don't mind hurting you too." I say. "Good Job, Liam. Now do it." Theo says. Hayden steps next to me. "We'll do it together." She says. I smile. "Run!!" Stiles yells. Scott and Stiles run up to the car. I start to run after them, but Theo stops me. "Liam, don't waste your energy. We can get them tomorrow..." Theo says, holding my arm so I can't go. I nod. Theo, Hayden and I walk away....

So, what do you think? Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been having to focus on my school. work a little more.

Enjoy! XOXO ~Emily

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