Meet Up

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Scott POV

Stiles drives back to my place. We both get out of the jeep and walk inside. Malia, Lydia, and someone else are here. "Malia?" Stiles asks. "Hey, Stiles..." She says. Lydia steps in front of her. "Listen boys, we have someone here to see you again." Lydia says
I'm wondering who it is.....
The person steps out. I can't believe it! It's Derek! "Derek!" I yell and hug him. "Hey Scott!" He says. Stiles is smiling. I let go of Derek. "What are you doing back?" I ask. "I've come to take control of my beta." Derek says. I know he's talking about Isaac. I smile. "Well, its going to be tough." I say. "Yeah. Good thing I brought some help." Derek says. I get a little confused. Chris Argent steps inside the house. Stiles and I turn around to see him standing by the door. I smile. "Things couldn't get better." I say. "Thank God you guys are both here." Stiles says. Chris is holding his gun. "I've heard my daughter is back. I came to say hello." Chris says. Malia steps up. "Yeah, well how are we gonna beat the crazy Dread Doctors?" Malia asks. Derek looks at her. "Malia, we will figure it out." He says. Malia looks at me. "Scott?" She questions. I nod. "Like Derek said. We will figure it out." I say, trying to be convincing. Heck, I'm trying to convince myself.
We all are standing there, in my living room. "So, should I tell them what's happened tonight?" Stiles asks, looking at me. I nod. Stiles clears his throat. "Okay, here is what happened tonight...." Stiles begins. Then he tells what just happened to us at the school.

Stiles POV

I finish telling what happened. Derek cocks an eyebrow. "That's what Liam did?" Derek asks, not believing this. Scott nods. "Yeah, he's been doing a lot of weird things lately...." Scott says. I knew that he was thinking about their fight at the school library. I put my arm around him. "We'll get him back." I say to scott. He looks at me and nods. I can tell that he's really sad about all this. His pack fell apart. It's my job as a friend to help get it back together.
Chris sighs. "Yeah, we've got a job to do." He says. I see Lydia staring off into space. "Lydia? Are you alright?" I ask. As soon as I said that, Lydia snapped back into reality. "Yeah, I'm good." She says. I nod. Malia is just standing there. "Okay, so we will fix all of this tomorrow." Scott says. I nod. "Okay. Well, I'll be here around seven" Derek says and walks out to his car. "Yeah. Me too." Chris says and walks to Derek's car. I look at Malia and Lydia. "Stiles, I'm going home." She says and runs back to my place. I sigh. I can tell she's a little upset, but she'll get over it. Lydia smiles small. "Okay, I better go too." She says and walks to her car.
I look at Scott and smile. "I told you this would all be okay." I say. Scott laughs. "Yeah, you did Stiles." He says.

Yay, a happy chapter! I brought Derek and Chris back, too! I'm so happy :) ~Emily

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