Chapter Nine--Let the Truth be Told

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I lifted the hem of my skirt and lowered onto the edge of the chair, trying to avoid dirtying my dress with the charred lava that hugged the back of it. Jaxon paced in front of me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I only have two questions." Jax halted and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Now that the good people of Acklemar know about Kellan's knotted ring, how about you answer the question that's on everyone's mind?"

My stomach twisted, making me almost wish I was facing down Otis again. You wouldn't.

Sweetness, you know I love you, but I think it's time you answered the question I asked you back at my house in Swallow Falls, don't you? I've certainly traveled far enough to hear it.

I held my breath and gripped the armrests, bracing for the impact of his next question.

"I think everyone here, including me, wants to know what your feelings are for me."

Right now? I think I hate you. The chair flashed from white to a dark shade of rose.

Jaxon grinned and shifted his weight to the other foot. You can lie to yourself, but that chair will always uncover the truth.

You're enjoying this way too much.

"How about I make this easy for you." He tilted his head, with a coy smile gracing his lips. "Do you like me?"

"Sure." The chair glowed white. I'm so going to punch you for this later.

Jax chuckled. "That word almost sounded forced."

"What can I say?" I crossed my arms. "I love being interrogated about things I'd rather keep private."

Jax leaned back on his heels. "Fair enough. But how do you feel about me romantically?"

Seriously? I thought you only had two questions. You're already on number three.

Kellan propped his head up on his fist and raised an eyebrow.

I still have to prove there's no damage done, Sweetness, Jaxon answered. And if you didn't keep avoiding the question, we'd be done already.

Sweetness? Kellan rolled his eyes. Bleck. Not very original.

Jaxon wandered behind me, ignoring Kellan. He brushed his hand along the top of my shoulders, making my skin tingle. "Your answer?"

"It would be hard to argue there isn't a connection between us." I crossed my legs, and dragged my hand over the fabric, exposing his spiral ring. "This definitely suggests we're more than just friends."

"More than just friends?" Jessica jumped out of her seat. "I have pictures of you two sleeping together!" She waved her phone in the air. "I'd call that more than friends."

Kellan wiped a hand down his face. You've slept together?

It's not what you think.

Jessica jogged down the stairs, turned on her phone, and after swiping the screen a few times she passed it to a guard.

We fell asleep watching the campfire last night, I answered. The chair glowed a soft white.

The guard handed Kellan the phone, and he glanced at the screen. Jaxon's hand is on your breast, Wren. He looked toward the sky, pursed his lips, then passed the device to Archamaeus.

I'm telling you the truth—nothing happened. The seat blushed pastel pink. Stupid chair. I pound the armrest with my fist. We kissed. That's it, I swear! The chair's pink glow morphed back to seashell white.

Jessica leaned over the gate pointing at the phone in Archamaeus' hands. "If you swipe left, there's even a picture of them kissing!"

Is it wrong that I hate her right now? I folded my arms over my chest.

Just, right now? Jax chuckled. For once, she's being helpful. Usually, I can barely tolerate what she says and does.

Well Jaxon, it appears we have more in common than I thought. Kellan lounged back in his seat. Breaking up with Jessica was the best decision I've ever made.

Archamaeus looked up from the phone. "You two have had relations then?"

"Relations? What?" I coughed, feeling my cheeks warm. "No. We've kissed, but no, nothing more than that."

Kellan shifted in his seat, with his gaze resting on my chair. When it pulsed and flashed a warm white, he relaxed like he might have been holding his breath.

"Now that we've already established you have feelings for me beyond friendship, here's my other question. In regards to our contract, what do you intend to do?"

The two-million-dollar question choked the silence. If Kellan's life didn't depend on my answer, if I had the money to repay the dowry, if there were some other way, then maybe my heart wouldn't ache so badly.

"I..." I glanced from my hands to Kellan, taking in every tiny detail of him. His muscular frame, tanned skin, handsome face and crystal-blue eyes that could melt away any resolve I had left.

"Wren?"Jaxon asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Right. My intentions..." I let out a long breath and licked my lips. Kellan, please don't hate me. I turned my sight to Jax. "As long as you honor your contract commitment, I will keep my vow to honor mine."

Jaxon sighed softly, then faced the council. "I have no more questions."

The stones around my necklace flashed on and off betraying my heightened emotions. No matter what, I was not going to cry. I clutched the Dekarta stone, trying to draw from its power to contain my feelings. The sharp rock cut deep into my palm, releasing the warm liquid over my numb fingers. The floor rumbled, people in the audience screamed, and a loud crack boomed beneath me. Then silence, deafening silence.

I glanced over the armrest at the ground, wondering what everyone was staring at. Droplets of my blood splattered the large stone under the chair. It laid broken in two, with its dusty-pink slabs sticking up slightly from the rest of the floor.

I peeked my hand open and blinked twice—no cut or blood. Even more concerning, the Dekarta stone had vanished.

"Well, if you're done with your questions." Kellan hopped the wooden arena barrier, landing in a graceful motion on the other side. "Then I certainly have a few."

Kellan strode past Jaxon and stopped two feet from the chair, then looked back at him. Kellan waved a hand toward the gate where Jessica stood, suggesting Jax should leave. "You said you were done."

Jax glanced at the broken stone and then to me. "I believe I've made my point, but to show you there's no ill will between our circles, I want to extend you an invite to our partnering ceremony."

"How kind of you." Kellan crossed his arms and watched Jax stroll across the floor, exiting the arena. When the gate clicked shut, his sight snapped back to me. A wave of pheromones rolled off him like an intoxicating aphrodisiac tailored especially for me. "Why don't you tell the good people of Acklemar how you feel about me."

"You're the one who broke my heart." I held my breath and averted my gaze. "Why are you torturing me? Your knotted ring is plastered all over me. I should think the answer to that is obvious."

He walked around the side of the chair and stood in my line of sight. "So you are in love with me."

"Of course I am."

The chair lit up a bright white. Kellan's face relaxed, and he took another step forward.

I cowered into the chair. My heart raced, and I panted for breath. "Stay back."

Kellan halted. "Wren..."

"No, I mean it." I held out a hand. "Jax is a good guy. He doesn't deserve this."

My arms were shaking and my necklace kept periodically flashing like something in the room might explode if I weren't careful.

"But I'm the one you're in love with," Kellan said just above a whisper.

"Why do you think I'm choosing Jaxon?" I pressed my cheek to the cold stone chair. "You're not going to die, not because of me."

"Are we to understand, that even with Kellan's knotted ring, you still intend to take Jaxon as a partner?" Blackstone asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Regardless of your feelings for Kellan?" Archamaeus said, sounding surprised I'd do such a thing for love.

"Yes! A thousand times yes." The chair shone fluorescent white, and I gasped for air. "Can I please get out of this chair now?"

The moment Brackstone nodded, I hopped down and bolted past Kellan to Jaxon. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into his shirt. My tears drenched the soft fabric, and I pulled away to look at him. "I really am sorry. You should never have had to hear that. You deserve better than the mess I've put you through."

"Shh." He hugged me close, making me feel safe.

"He does deserve better." Jessica shook her head as if showing her disapproval of his choice in me. "You're just lucky he is in love with you, or you'd be on trial instead."

"Enough, Jessica." Jaxon loosened his hold, tipped my chin up with his fingers and laid a feather-light kiss on my lips.

Archamaeus cleared his throat. "Jaxon, if you wish to make your statement, the council is waiting."

"I'll be right back." He unlatched the gate. "And don't let Jessica poison you against me while I'm gone."

She scrunched her nose and stuck out her tongue at him.

"See, what I mean?" He mouthed the word, evil, and jogged off toward the chair.

"I am not!" she hollered after him.

Hi all! Hope you've liked the couple updates in a row! I've been off for a few days and thought I'd catch up and get in some Kellan, Jax and Wren time. More on the way! Please vote and comment! I love hearing from you all. 

I have three stories being published in the next two months on Amazon. Can't wait to let you read them! Thanks for reading. :)

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