Chapter Nine (part 2)--Let's vote

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Sorry for the delay! It's not because I haven't been writing, I've been writing Wattpad Block Party posts, and editing stuff for print. Anyway, with all of that done, here's the new chapter! More coming soon. Until then, happy reading.


Kellan stalked back to his chair, took a deep breath and forced the air from lungs loud enough for the first few rows to hear. He plunked down into the chair with his brows furrowed, strumming the armrest with his fingers.

It doesn't matter what the court decides. Kellan glanced over at me. His bright cobalt blue eyes crushed my heart. Our love will find a way.

She's made her choice. Jaxon hopped up into the judgment chair. Stop tormenting her already.

Her choice? Kellan rolled his eyes and shook his head. Please. Do you honestly think she'd actually choose you if she had a choice?

My hands started to tremor, shaking the arena boards in my grip. Dear God, can the two of you stop bickering inside my head? The wooden partition burst into flames beneath my fingers.

Jessica gasped and jumped backward. "Pull it together, will you?"

I was sick of being told how to feel, and what to do by everyone around me. I slammed my fist down on top of the boards, letting loose a spray of water dousing the fire. Water soared high into the air, funneling through me, Kellan's essence poured through my very core. My heart thrummed with his sea breeze scent dripping over me. I cut the stream of water, trying to ignore the intensity of the connection between us, begging me to run to him.

The crowd cheered, and Jessica screeched. Drenched, she shook the water from her arms. Droplets splattered the floor. Kellan covered his mouth with a hand as if he might be thinking about something. But without him even saying a word or being able to see it, I knew he had a big fat grin on his face.

You can't ignore our connection, my love. Kellan leaned back in his chair and rest his feet against the top of the partition.

Love? Jaxon narrowed his sight on Kellan and pursed his lips. I'll tell you what I'd love—to see you hang. But that just isn't possible, is it?

"You're such a freak!" Jessica grunted, giving me a shove. "You did that on purpose!" She wrung the water from her hair onto the tile floor.

I glared at her. "You know this is hard enough without dealing with your crap too. That"—I pointed to the smoldering boards separating the arena—"was an accident. But if you'd like to go toe to toe with me, no problem." I stretched out my fingers and shook out my shoulders.

Her eyes widened, and the color drained from her cheeks. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

A Fire Circle guard approached us and stood behind Jessica, scratching his black beard. "Is there a problem, Second?"

I crossed my arms. "I don't know. Is there a problem, Jessica?"

"No... No, problem." She looked toward Kellan and smiled. "In fact, I love this sea breeze scent." She turned to leave, but the guard blocked her path.

"I believe an apology is in order, don't you?" His smile hardened.

"A-apologize? Me?" She blinked twice and pointed her index finger to her chest. "I just helped her case with those pictures."

"The court hasn't ruled, so that's debatable. But I did see you shove her, and if you don't want to go 'toe to toe' with her, I'm always available." He pushed back his sleeves showing off his hairy, muscular forearms.

"All right, I apologize!" She shuffled backward. "I'm sorry for my rudeness, Wren. It won't happen again."

"Whatever." I waived a dismissive hand in her direction and faced the guard. "Thanks."

The guard nodded, watching her climb the stairs. The proceedings continued as if the council didn't care I'd burnt down two of the panels and room smelled reeked of smoke.

Archamaeus had already started questioning Jax. "Clearly Kellan can repay the dowry—why not choose another girl?"

"Choose another girl?" Jaxon let out a bark of laughter. "You're joking." He directed his sight to me. "Let me tell you, why. Because from the first moment we met she held my heart in her hands. Because my soul aches for her presence when I'm not near her. Because even when I'd given her every reason to leave me for dead, she didn't." His voice cracked. "Because she's the first thought on my mind when I wake and the last when I fall asleep. How about those and a thousand other reasons?" He teetered on the edge of the pulsing white chair. "She's my match, Archamaeus. That's why."

"The Fire Circle holds the contract between the girl and Jaxon. How he feels about her is irrelevant." Otis stared at Jaxon not blinking. "While the sentiment of love in nice and all, it's not a requirement of Ackelmarian contracts."

"We're here to assess if damages," Brackstone replied. "If he didn't care for the girl and can choose another then there wouldn't really be any damage done, now would there."

"That's a spiral flame she's wearing. He can't just choose another partner. It's that girl or no one." Otis pointed at me. "If there's ever to be an heir for the Fire Circle..."

"Calm yourself, Otis. This is your petition, feel free to drop the case." Archamaeus stretched out his legs and rested back in his chair. "Besides, the girl already testified that she's committed to the coupling."

"The girl has a name." Kellan clenched his jaw, with his brows pinched. "It's Wren if you've all forgotten."

"Shut-up and mind your own business." Otis arched forward past Archamaeus. "How about you stop interfering in Fire Circle business once?"

The light filtering through the surrounding window darkened and a crack of thunder boomed outside shaking the building.

I'm not even close to being done. Kellan looked up at me. Unless you've come to your senses.

Kellan, knock it off. He didn't answer me. I know you're responsible for the sudden change in weather.

Another crack of thunder exploded overhead. Kellan just smiled, then turned back to the council proceedings.

"As much as I'd love to see Kellan punished for being a pain in the ass, even I can't argue damage done when Wren still agrees to our partnership. If you punish him, she also pays with her life, and that's not in my or the Fire Circle's best interest."

Otis crossed his arms, pursed his lips and nodded. I imagine he'd already debated just how much he wanted a Fire Circle heir. Given that he hated me and would relish watching both Kellan and me die, I guess he'd decided having an heir was more important to him.

Jaxon got to his feet, took several long strides across the floor, and stopped in front of the council. "Shall we vote?"

I clasped my hands and held my breath.

VOTE for your choice in the comment section below! Show your love with a star on the chapter. POSTING again soon!

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