August 3rd, 2024

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-this was sorta like several dreams in one, it was very confusing 

so it started with me in the water getting tossed around in rapids

there was other people there that i recognized, but i wasn't really paying attention to them, only to keeping my head above the water

we were coming to a waterfall. but as soon as we went over, i was launched unlike everyone else. i was falling through the air straight towards concrete (why there was concrete next to a waterfall i'm unsure)

but it wasn't like one of those dreams where you wake up just when you hit the ground– i clearly remember thinking "well, i'm screwed" and then hitting the ground and feeling it– it did not feel very good, i do not suggest hitting concrete from very high up in the air—

but somehow i survived. i woke up, laying on the concrete. there were two people, an officer and some other person who i don't remember but was more important than the officer

they were arguing, the officer was saying that he was going to bring me straight into the hospital (a hospital that had just appeared out of nowhere in place of the waterfall?) and the other guy was saying that he was supposed to bring me around towards the entrance to admit me in

i don't remember much of that conversation, just that the officer didn't have the proper badge to open the security doors, but ended up wheeling me in anyways on a stretcher

everyone who was on the waterfall with me was with me now (i recognized them, i remember knowing them, i just can't remember who they were akjshdjashdjkashdjkasd)

so i was just sitting in a room in the hospital for a while, and then somehow the dream transitioned to me being in the hospital to me walking to the entrance with my brother

but the entrance was being fixed up, so we couldn't go inside. i had sat down on my knees with my brother, just waiting there for them to finish (instead of just going to another hospital??)

then the dream got even weirder

there was a little black bug, on the side of my face, attached to my temple like a tick would be. And i thought to myself "i'm about to die" for some reason. then a girl approached us. she had short, choppy brown hair and she just stared at me for a moment (i was standing up again) and she she said "you killed me before"

and it was like– a reincarnation sort of thing because i remembered killing her in like a past life or something– (i told you it was getting weird)

And then the dream fully transitioned to a totally different but also the same dream? it was a new life, of that person who had fallen off the waterfall. and i was solving a mystery

there was this old woman talking to me, things were going missing around this city/town thing

she was talking about her three triplet sons, and she knew one of them was stealing the things. one of them wore red, one of them wore purple, one of them was orange. and one of them was an actor, one of them was a historian, one of them was an engineer. the actor was there (he was the red one) and i interrogated him and it wasn't him

so i was on my way to the museum to interrogate the historian. i was driving a car, and had to stop for gas. While i was stopped for gas, a woman started to freak out because all of a sudden her car had disappeared (like what T-T) and was saying that someone had stole it while i was trying to pay for gas (it was so freaking expensive, at least that part of my dream was real)

so i continued to the museum. in the museum were several of the stolen things, like a car, paintings, etc. etc. The historian was orange, and trying to gaslight me— but all of a sudden that little black bug thing appeared on my temple again, and again i thought to myself "i'm about to die"

And then i got shot in the head—

and then i had a completely different dream later, because i woke up early this morning and then fell back asleep for a couple of hours. all i remember from it was me, my brother, and Joel in hermitcraft but real life, underwater and it was really strange 

but yeah, that was basically it? i dunno- 


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