July 26th, 2024

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heads up, this was one of my weird dreams where I wasn't me, i was some random person my head decided to make up


so it all started with me in this alien/city/empire, i suppose. i was one of the aliens, by the way. I lowkey looked like Poe from star wars

 and i was talking to somebody, i don't remember what about at first, but i was being sent on a mission. the only line i remember is "to the only place that we couldn't conquer. America." (dunno why it was just america, maybe america took over the entire world, who knows)

so flash forward and i'm on a ship with two other random people that i don't remember the names of. i do clearly remember speeding in said ship through the orbiting planets, going around the moon and then into earth's atmosphere

we ended up landing in a huge field, like a wheat field, and a farmhouse was in sight

Me and my companions walked over to the man standing outside, and i also clearly remember saying "i only have thirteen dollars in my pocket and we could really use some food and drink if you could provide some". I also introduced myself as "Tulas", no idea wtf that name is but–

So he let us inside, he had a wife and daughter, the daughter's name was Trembley she looked about eight years old, and they gave us food before the man went back outside. I followed him a couple of minutes later out the side door, just to see what he was doing. then i realized he had a rifle raised towards a bunch of men with guns approaching the house

they started shooting at each other, shooting at me, i dodging bullets as people shot at me, yknow, doing that zigzag thing, lowkey panicking, whatever

The man ended up getting shot, and i don't really remember what happened next–


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