Chapter 4

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Cole groaned when he realized where he was, 'what happened?' 'Oh right' earth sat up already regretting his decision and lay back down. 'Am I sick? No! I don't get sick, I can't! Not after-' "Ah it seems the princess has awoken. Enjoy your nap, your highness?" A high pitched squeak came from the doorway. A very familiar squeak. Cole shifted to face, "Jay! What are you doing here?" Cole internally cringed at the way his voice cracked. "Kai told me you were sick, so being the amazing best friend I am, I rushed here as soon as I could to make sure you're ok. The others are still at the party though, they said they would come after the ceremony." "Wait, sick? I'm not-" he was cut short by another coughing fit. Jay looked at him skeptically and opened his mouth to argue but he was interrupted by the fire ninja himself. "Jay I told you not to, oh Cole you're awake." Cole coughed. "Guilty." Kai's smile dropped but he lit up again when he presented something in his hand. "I got you cake. Chocolate! It's your favorite right?" Cole slowly nodded. Truth be told he wasn't really up for cake, just the thought of food made his stomach flip. "Thanks Kai, but I don't feel like it, right now." Jay fake gasped. "What! Cole doesn't want cake! You really are sick!" "I'M NOT SICK!" The raven then let out a sneeze that was strong enough to shake the mountain. Lightning was taken aback by the sudden outburst. He clung onto a chair for dear life, when finally the earthquake stopped. "I was only joking, and hate to break it to you bud, but mountains don't just shake by sneezing, besides, you don't look too good either." Red nodded along "Your sick Cole why wont you just admit it?" Cole sat up, "because I'm not." He said, his voice soft and quiet. Kai and Jay looked at each other. "Yesterday, you fainted during training, last night you were throwing up, I even had to carry you back here because you were too weak to walk."

'Weak, weak, weak...' The word Cole hated most, 'am I weak? Yes!of course I am! I can't even sit up without feeling nauseous.' As if Jay could read his mind he said. "That doesn't mean you are weak, it just means you're weaker. It's normal for people when they. Are. Sick!" He spat the last words out like poison. Cole looked down at his lap. "I don't wanna be though. I'm the strong one. I'm not supposed to get sick." Fire and lightning moved closer to their brother. "Ok I think that's the furthest thing from the truth I have ever heard." Jay sat on Cole's bed making the whole thing bounce. Kai sat down too. Cole felt like he was going to throw up all over again. "You don't believe that do you? Getting sick isn't a bad thing, it's just a part of life." "And death." Cole spat. Kai looked at his friend deadpanly "What do you mean?" Cole paused for a minute debating whether or not to tell his friends. "Nevermind it doesn't, Ahh choo." The ground shook again. This time knocking over a lamp. Jay fell off the bed. "Ow, oh boy, maybe we should go somewhere that's not on a mountain." He said standing up. "But where? As far as I'm concerned there's earth every ah choo!" The ground trembled a 3rd time that day. The poor bluebird fell over yet again. Red snapped his fingers. "What about the bounty? We could take it high into the sky then Cole can't destroy the monastery." Cole reached for a tissue to blow his nose. "Whatever, better than being stuck in here all day." Kai and Jay helped Cole stand (despite his protests) and slowly walk to the game room. "Ah choo!" The mountain vibrated and this time the tv switched on. "And now coming in love from Gale Gossip, currently investigating a potential crime scene." The 3 boys stopped walking to pay full attention to the news. "Hi I'm Gale Gossip, coming in live from, The forest of tranquility, where countless trees have been supposedly killed." The screen showed many lifeless trees, the bark forgotten on the ground, the ground itself had almost no grass and was covered in cracks. "Locals say a mysterious person has come and poised this area with deadly toxins. Authorities still do not know who this mystery criminal is or why the ninja have not yet jumped to the rescue. That's Gale Gossip tuning out." "There! That's what's making Cole sick!" Jay declared pointing at the tv, but quickly returned his arm to help steady Cole, Cole mentally groaned, 'how many times do I have to tell them, I'm not sick.' He thought. Kai adjusted his position on his brothers hold. "Are you sure Jay? Don't you think that's a little far stretched? Even if Cole is connected to the earth he's never been like this before." "I'm sure Kai! Cole almost never gets." A glare from his brother shut him up. "Uhhhhh like this, you know. It has to be the poison. And we all know he is linked to the earth, remember he did that awesome light tornado thingy-" "Burst." "Yeah that! Cole felt his face heat up. "Yeah well, maybe I guess." It was a big maybe, sure Cole was rarely ever unwell, (and when he was he wouldn't show it) It could be a possibility. In fact the more he thought about it the more likely it got. "Jays right. If the earth is dying, then that means." He gulped. "NO!" Cole risked a look at Kai, fury in his eyes. "That's not true. We're gonna figure this out." Another sneeze sent the ground shaking. "But for now, let's get onto the bounty. Jay and Kai, led Cole outside and sat him down by a wall so they could get the legendary flying ship. It was a hustle getting Cole aboard but once he was he was led straight into the sleeping quarters. "Get some sleep Cole, Jay and I will try to figure this out." Kai instructed. "Oh come on I can help *cough *cough *cough" "Relaxe dirt for brains, we'll wake you up when we find something." Cole looked longing at his bed. 'Surely a little nap wouldn't hurt.' "Ok" He carefully lay down. "But only for 5 minutes." As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out cold. The remaining ninja sneaked out as quietly and as quickly as possible. That night Cole was plagued with a nightmare. The same nightmare he had been getting for the past year. The nightmare he hated more than anything else he had ever seen. 

A/n ooohhhh wonder what he dreamt about?!??!?

Also I don't know where I'm going with this, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least, and 10 being the most) how much angst you guys want? 

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