Chapter 5

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 ok real quick, when I started writing i thought Kai could be older than Cole because A. He looks older (in my opinion) and c because he took over as leader (and leaders are usually the oldest) (agin my option)  and make Cole older than Jay, but then I rewatched the first season of ninjago. Two things I noticed was 1. The order in which the characters are presented in the intro is Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, master Wu, Nya. So I thought, hey what if it's going from oldest to youngest, split into 2 groups. Main (the ninja) and supporting (Wu and Nya) I know it's a far stretch, and definitely not enough proof

But wait there's more

(Sorry I always wanted to say that)

If you pay close attention to the parts in the show when they split up into groups Kai with Jay and Zane with Cole, (ring any bells) so yeah that was basically all the evidence I needed to make Cole the youngest 😅😅😅 (sorry Cole) but one thing I noticed while writing this is that it reading it wasn't quick. Opps my bad but here's a chapter to make up for it.

Jay sat at the edge of the deck, watching his feet dangle off the side, he and Kai stayed up all night researching for any possible way they could save Cole, and after hours of searching, hardwork and dedication they came up with.


Jay had decided a break was in order, but his stubborn hothead of a brother had other plans. So while Jay was thinking outside, Kai was continuing their original task. Lightning's mind wandered on to many topics, it was always hard for him to stay focused. Cole was the only one who knew about Jay's ADHD, and when Cole told the team about his colorblindness, Jay was the first to know. Needless to say, they were (and still are) best friends. When Kai phoned Jay, about their little brother's condition, Jay didn't believe him. Not because he didn't care, but truthfully because Cole never got sick.

Like never

He was always the one tending to others' needs when they were sick. But even after living with them for 7 years, Cole was always in perfect health condition. Jay wondered how that was even possible which is why he had to see for himself.


It was the night before the wedding, Jay and Nya were in their hotel room, just about to turn in for the night, when Jay's phone rang, tiredly he checked the contact.

Hot head

"Who is it?" Nya asked, "Kai." The water ninja rolled her eyes, "he's probably just prank calling you, you should just ignore it." Jay looked at his fiancé with an open heart, pondering on what he should do, but, "it's 1am Nya. Kai goes to bed at 11, 12 if he isn't going anywhere, but never later, what if something's wrong?" Nya's eyes went big. "Well don't just stand there, answer the call." So Jay did. "Jay? Jay! Thank goodness you picked up!" Kai's voice was rushed and filled with worry. "Yeah sorry about that, is everything ok?" "No! Cole's sick, he passed out in training, couldn't stop coughing and just finished throwing up. I had to carry him to bed because he couldn't stand on his own." Jay and Nya shared a look of confusion. "But Cole never gets sick, are you sure?" "Yes Jay! I'm sure! And I need you to come here! I can't tell if he has a fever." Nya gave her boyfriend a nod of approval. "Ok I'm coming, but why didn't you call Zane?" "I tried but he didn't pick up, besides I don't know if he'll be able to tell if it's a fever or not, you know metal skin and all... now hurry up and get your butt here!"

So Jay left quickly, it took him 6 hours to get to the monastery. When he finally got there he swiftly opened the door into the game room, "Kai? Kai? KAAAAIIIIIIIII!!!!!" Kai poked his head out from the doorway, he put his finger to his lips telling Jay to be quiet.

You know the opposite of talking


The master of fire signaled to the training yard. Jay nodded, they slowly walked out

The opposite of quickly


Jay was the first to speak


"So what's up with Cole?"

"He's sick, dummy, that's why I called you."

"I know that hairgel! I was just wondering how sick?"

"Well I don't know I can't tell, but he's been throwing up a lot, he can barely stay conscious, his eyes are puffy and his nose is more red than my shirt!" Kai tugged the bottom of his gi, "That's weird, Cole doesn't normally get sick." Jay put his hand to his chin. Kai rolled his eyes. "I know ZapTrap! Why do you think I'm freaking out?" The fire ninja started pacing rapidly. "I don't know what to do! I can't tell if he has a fever, because for me everything is hot!" Jay nodded. "Don't worry Kai, I'll go check." Jay turned around to leave but was tackled to the ground by his brother. "No not yet! He's sleeping! He needs his sleep!" The bluebird shifted into a more comfortable position, which was harder than intended considering a 19 year old ninja was on top of him. "Cool it Kai, I'm the lightning ninja, I'm really fast, I'll just be in and out." "You're also really loud! And Cole's a ninja too remember! We're trained to be light sleepers." Jay tried to get up, but Kai kept him down. "But you said he's barely conscious! Look, you called me to check Cole's temperature, so that's exactly what I'm going to do!" Then in one quick swoop, Jay rolled over reversing the previous positions, he playfully flicked Kai's forehead before getting up and storming into the monastery. Kai grumbled something but followed Jay nonetheless. As they passed the kitchen. Fire tugged lightning's arm, his other hand pointed to something on the table.


Kai picked it up and whispered something into Jay's ear. "Just in case, he'll be less angry if we bring him food, just let me get a fork." There were none left, so Kai had to wash one. But Jay was never good at standing still, so he headed to the med room. 'Not like I'm going to need cake, I'll be fast.' Not more than 2 seconds after he entered the room did Cole stir. 'Darn it, ok play it cool Jay.' "Ah it seems the princess has awoken. Enjoy your nap, your highness?" The freckled ninja studied his brother, his face was colorless, like he was holding his breath for too long, his nose was all puffy and he had dark bangs under his eyes. He really didn't look to good. Cole said something to him, but he barely registered it, he might've said something back, but he couldn't remember. "Jay I told you not too, oh Cole you're awake!"

End of flashback

Jay sat there and thought, he thought about how he could save his little brother (Cole wasn't that much younger than him, only about 7 months, but when Jay found out, he wouldn't let it go) from this weird and potentially deadly sickness. 'Deadly... No! It won't come to that! We have to do something, I won't let my best friend die, not like this.' His head snapped up, determined. Jay decided that his break was over, he quickly got up and hurried back to Kai, but when he passed the sleeping quarters the blue boy could've sworn he heard the slight muffle of tears. "Cole?" He knocked on the door. The crying immediately stopped. "Cole?" He called again, this time opening the door where the man in black was fast asleep in bed. 'Weird.' He thought, but closed the door anyway, running back to help Kai.

Leaving Cole

all alone

In darkness.


Oh come on it was that short? It took me hours to write that!!!! (As well as different versions but I wasn't really happy with those) Oh well I'll try make the next chapter longer. Sorry guys

Ps. Requests welcome.... Please! I need ideas!

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