Darkness Grows

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Later that night, Boromir was standing alone in the courtyard. The white tree's bare branches reached towards the sky. He smirked when he heard footsteps coming up behind him, he knew immediately who it was. Without turning around he called out, "I knew you would come here eventually."

"Then you will know why I am here." Legolas replied. When Boromir finally turned around he saw that the elf's hands were clenched into fists, and his blue eyes were ablaze with fury.

"I'm surprised that you were able to overcome my power." Boromir commented nonchalantly, his arms were lax at his sides and his demeanor calm, whereas Legolas' entire body was tense and alert.

"I know what you are doing, poisoning the minds of your people, my friends." Legolas hissed as he began walking towards him.

Boromir raised an eyebrow, trying not to appeared threatened. "I see you have managed to fight it. No one else has been able to, not even Gandalf."

"I've had experience." Legolas replied coldly.

Boromir's curiosity was peaked. What did he mean? The ring allowed him to see inside people's minds, to see certain memories. He tried to see into Legolas' mind, but the elf was on his guard. He needed to probe deeper. "What do you know about the ring's power?" he scoffed.

"More than you'll ever know," Legolas stopped walking and glared at Boromir, "I've seen the evil of Sauron, I know what he can do." His eyes burned into Boromir's and the man had to resist the urge to look away. Elven stares were far too uncanny for his liking.

Instead he focused on taking in every word that Legolas said. He was starting to see a memory form in the elf's mind, something that involved Sauron. He needed to catch Legolas off guard if he wanted to find something to use against him.

"What can Sauron do without the ring? Without it he is nothing. He's powerless. there is nothing he can do." He'd hit a nerve. Legolas briefly let his guard down and a memory surfaced in his mind, and Boromir saw it.

He saw pain, unimaginable pain. Darkness, terror, helplessnes at the hands of Sauron. It shocked Boromir and he couldn't keep it from showing on his face. What had happened to him? What had Sauron done?

Focus. Remember what you must do.

Boromir didn't miss his chance to pounce again. "Unless, he's done something to you? Made you suffer even though you did nothing to deserve it?" Legolas glared at him. He'd guessed what Boromir was trying to do. He closed off his memories and pushed them away.

Boromir moved to a new plan. "You could destroy him, if you took the ring, you could be rid of him forever. You'd never have to deal with him again."

Legolas eyed the ring. Boromir could see the longing in his eyes, it was he desired most, to have the power to get rid of Sauron. Boromir slipped the ring from his finger and held it out to Legolas, tempting him. "Just take it Legolas, it is yours."

Legolas took a step forward, his eyes hazy and unfocused. He stretched out a trembling hand, the ring lay inches from his grasp. Suddenly he jerked his hand backward as if it had been burned, stumbling away from Boromir he started gasping for breath.  In that moment, Boromir had seen something in the elf's mind that filled him with shock and fear. The thing that he was so desperate to keep hidden from everyone, something that made Boromir tremble where he stood.

"What have you done?" Boromir asked, his voice shaking. Legolas didn't answer, instead he took a menacing step towards Boromir. The man quickly put the ring back onto his finger and reached for his sword but he was too late. Legolas sprang at him, in his hand he grasped a small knife.

Boromir just managed to dodge out of the way just as the knife cut through his sleeve. He spun around as Legolas went for another blow, he grabbed his arm and tried to wrestle the knife from his hand,

He wasn't prepared for Legolas kicking him in the stomach. He let go of Legolas' arm and clutched his stomach as he fought to being air back into his lungs. To his surprise Legolas didn't try to attack him again, he returned his knife to its sheath and began walking away.

Boromir looked up at him and shouted, "I saw what you did Legolas! You are not who everyone thinks you are!" The elf froze in his tracks, he didn't turn around to face him. "You're a monster! A murderer! You've been hiding it all these years, lied about it to Aragorn, but I know the truth! I-" his words were cut off as Legolas slammed into his body, pinning him onto his back with a knife at his throat.

Boromir stared up at him in horror, there was madness in Legolas' eyes that he had never seen before, or could have ever imagined seeing in the elf he once knew. "You are right," Legolas said slowly with a vicious smile on his lips,"I am a killer."

"Legolas!" Legolas ignored the panicked voice and was about to finish Boromir off when someone grabbed his shoulders and attempted to throw him off. Legolas spun around and dug his knife deep into the intruder's shoulder. Legolas pulled the knife out and froze. He backed away and stared in horror at what he'd done.

Boromir stood up behind him and grinned. Just like he had planned. Legolas dropped his knife, staggering on his feet he gaped at the man who was grasping his bleeding shoulder.


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