Minas Tirith

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They reached the Minas Tirith shortly after noon. The stopped and looked over the city.

Earlier that day the Fellowship members had agreed that Theodred, Eomer, and Eowyn should know about the company's purpose for coming to the White City.

Gandalf had explained everything on the way there. Now that they knew what had befallen the Fellowship at Amon Hem and Boromir's betrayal, they were more than ready to do what was necessary to help.

As they slowly approached the gates Gandalf instructed them all on what they needed to do.

"I do not know what changes have come over Boromir since Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli last saw him. There's a chance that he may or may not remember us, if he does, it is important that you stay on your guard. He may try to use the Ring against us. All of you stay silent and leave the talking to me."

He drilled them all with a hard look. "Understand?" They all nodded and continued to ride silently to the gate.

When they approached Legolas shuddered. "What's wrong lad?" Gimli asked.

"There is a great evil here, I can feel it."

A guard called out to them from the wall. "Who approaches the gates of Minas Tirith?"

He looked down suspiciously at the company below him. Gandalf looked up and answered, "We are friends of Gondor. We have come to discuss important matters with the steward."

They waited for the guard to respond. "We do not want your kind here. Leave now and-"

He paused. They noticed him shudder for a moment before turning to them again.

His eyes were dull and his voice sounded strange. "Enter. The steward is waiting for you."

The gates opened. Frodo glanced at Sam while Eomer and Theodred exchanged a look.

They rode inside and waiting for them were several men who were prepared to take their horses.

They dismounted and handed their horses'  reigns to them.
Except for Gandalf and Legolas who set their horses loose.

They were escorted through the streets of the city which was dead silent. There were no people.

They were led to the doors of the throne room where two guards were stationed.

They could see the white tree growing in the middle of the courtyard. It's branches bare.

The doors were opened and the company were led inside. Gandalf, as well as Aragorn, Theodred, and Eomer. Were expecting to see Denethor, Boromir's father and the steward of Gondor.

But it wasn't Denethor that sat in the steward's chair.

It was Boromir.


Everyone was shocked. But no one was as surprised as Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. When they had last seen Boromir he had been dark and menacing.

But now, he looked completely normal. When he saw them, he stood up and smiled. Without a word to the guards they left the room leaving them alone with Boromir.He approached them and said calmly, "Welcome, my friends. It is good to see you all again."

Frodo and the other hobbits, as well as Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, stared at him in disbelief.How could he stand there and act like nothing had happened? He'd left them all to die at the hands of orcs and be taken to Isengard!

Now he stood in front of them, smiling and waiting for someone to say something. But they remembered Gandalf's instructions and remained silent. Gandalf spoke to Boromir in a voice that wasn't threatening, but filled with challenge. "Where is your father Boromir? I have urgent business to discuss with him," he asked.

"Sadly, my father has died, I have taken his place as Steward." Despite his words he did not sound sorrowful.

"I am sorry for your loss. How did he die?" Gandalf asked, almost accusingly.

"A strange sickness overtook him," Boromir explained with a shrug, "he died just three days

Gandalf raised an eyebrow. "You've seemed to have accomplished a lot in three

"I am not daft Gandalf, I know your true business here." Boromir snapped as he raised his hand. The Ring of power still around his finger.

Frodo felt the familiar pull of the ring, the one that made him desperate for it.He had almost forgotten the feeling, and now that it was upon him again...

He shook his head to chase the thought away. He needed to focus, keep his head clear.

Boromir lowered his hand and glared at them. "You think you can just walk in here and take what is rightfully mine but you are wrong. I alone control the ring's power. I will use it to overthrow Sauron, tomorrow."

"You cannot use the ring to destroy him Boromir, it will betray you, and you will lead your people to their deaths." Gandalf told him sternly.

"I've heard your threats but I will not be swayed. My army marches to Mordor at dawn and there is nothing any of you can do to stop me." Boromir stared long and hard at Gandalf. Everyone waited in silence for the wizard to do something, anything.

But to their surprise the wizard backed down and did nothing. He looked tired. The same thing with the others, they were all tired. Where had this sudden exhaustion come from? Boromir smiled and called for a servant. "Take them to their rooms. Make sure that they have everything they need."

The servant nodded and gestured for them to follow. Without knowing why they felt the way the did, or really caring, they followed in silence.

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