Chapter 29

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There had to be a way that didn't end with me getting squished at least.

But I was going up, up, up to the tippy top.

The portal was coming in. I was about to go through!

"Marinette! Jump! I'll catch you," Chat Noir shouted up to me.

I looked down, "No! I won't make it!" I yelled down.

"Trust me, milady! I won't let you fall!"

I was still hesitant I was really high up.

But I looked down. Chat Noir had his arms open, waiting to catch me.

I was, I was terrified! But...I knew I had to jump.

So, I stepped out of the beam of light and fell.







uʍop ǝpᴉsdn pǝuɹnʇ plɹoʍ ǝloɥʍ ʎW Then right side up. All around in circles.

And fell onto the ground beside Chat Noir with a big splat. And died.

                                                        The End!!!!!


My eyes were closed tight...but I was still alive.

"Did I catch you?" Asked a playful voice.

I opened my eyes and smiled brightly, "Of course you did!" Hugging Chat Noir tightly.

"No! Everything I've worked for, ruined! No! You...You!" Gabriel, no longer HawkMoth yelled, pointing at me.

Chat Noir put me down and struck a fighting stance.

"Let's get him!" I said.

"But you don't have you miracu-"

"Chat? Hush!" Then I ran off towards Gabriel.

Alya, Nino, and Pandora were lying unconscious on the sidelines, exhausted.

Gabriel came towards us, swinging his sword. His kwami sat on his shoulder, eating hastily. The poor thing was a deathly pale purple and didn't look too well.

We knew what was about to happen. In the comics, this is what would be known as the "Final ShowDown'. Good vs. Evil.

And so it started.

Chat Noir started. Using his stick, he started sword fighting in a way with Gabriel who used his sword.

I frantically searched for my miraculous. Gabriel had it. A small white butterfly that sat on his shoulder held my earrings. It flapped frantically, trying to stay on as Gabriel fought.

"It's you and me butterfly," I murmured. Then stopped myself...Did I seriously just challenge a butterfly? Oh well... It'd been a crazy day. My heart had been broken and super glued back together, I'd nearly been sacrificed to the god of the dead, I'd become a ladybug tiger mutant, not to mention I was fighting a bad guy who's miraculous was a butterfly. A BUTTERFLY! I'd never look at butterflies the same. Anyhow, I guessed I had a few excuses for going a bit crazy.

Suddenly Chat Noir's miraculous beeped, and he was Adrien again.

Still, he fought Gabriel, dodging attacks from the sword, landing hits with his fists whenever he could.

Out of nowhere, I ran towards Gabriel.

I threw myself at him, trying to grab for my miraculous.

But he saw me.

He pulled out his sword and raised it as I flew towards him, unable to stop.

But when he crashed the sword down, it didn't hit me.

Somehow or another it'd been Adrien.

I had my miraculous now in hand, the butterfly narrowly escaping.

"Adrien!" I screamed. He was on the ground...and he didn't get up. And just like that, my heart was hammered apart once again.

But Gabriel didn't care for my inner turmoil.

"Nooroo, Dark Wings rise!" He was HawkMoth again. HawkMoth whirled at me sword flashing.

I dodged, and put my earrings in, "Tikki! Give me all you've got! Spots on!"

I was immediately full of power.

Me and HawkMoth fought. We knew that this was the last stand. Whichever of us lost, lost. This was it.

I whirled my yoyo, it clashing against HawkMoth's sword...but I was distracted. Adrien still hadn't gotten up.

Finally, I yoyoed HawkMoth, and once he was tied up I ran to Adrien, glancing nervously back. My yoyo wouldn't hold him for long, but long enough for me to check on Adrien.

"Ugh...that hurt," He murmured.

"It's going to be okay. You're gonna be okay!" I said. I could feel the fat tears coming down my cheeks.

"Take my ring...take it," Adrien said.

"I can't-"

"Take it."

So I took his ring from him. Then, I slipped it on my finger.

Plagg appeared, "CHEEEEEESE!"

"I need you to push through this once...please. Tikki will help you. Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

Suddenly, I was filled with such power I could barely stand it.

I was so full of power, I was floating.

I wore a perfectly white dress. My short hair was now as long as I was tall. It flowed in two long pigtails, white ribbons of silk floating with them. My feet were bare, and a small golden crown rested on my head.

My earrings and ring were now perfectly white.

I had a small white dagger at my side. Other than that, no weapons.

"HawkMoth," I said, coming closer to this, "I have done everything I can. I have offered you peace, a new way of life, and friendship. You have denied me every single time. Now, no more second chances. YOU WILL BE STOPPED AND NEVER LAY SIGHT ON A MIRACULOUS AGAIN!"

He growled and rushed at me. I simply held up a hand and he stopped.

Magic flowed through my veins. I realized I could end his life right now. I'd just have to snap my fingers and poof! He'd be gone.

But then I looked at Adrien...I couldn't do that. Not to his father...not to any human being.

I had my team minus Chat float over to me.

I filled them with energy, and they were immediately awake.

"Secure him. It's time to take his miraculous once and for all," I said.

Alya blinked at me, " that really you Ladybug?"

"No...Marinette. I'm sorry Alya, I wanted to tell you. It's me... Marinette..." I said.

Alya nodded. I'd forgotten she'd seen me detransformed when I'd been with the mummies.

Nino and Pandora came on either side of HawkMoth.

"Pan...Pandora?" HawkMoth asked, unbelieving.

"Yes, Gabriel. And I have plans for you," she said.

HawkMoth still struggled as I came closer. Then, I tore off his miraculous.

And he was Gabriel Agreste again. Never to be HawkMoth again.

"Marinette, take these," My team handed me their miraculouses, "We're gonna make sure our guest gets to the palace," Alya said.

Gabriel hung his head. He knew he was defeated.

I took the miraculouses and added them beside HawkMoth's.

Then, they were gone. By way of magic, I sent the miraculouses to Master Fu.

I knew he'd gotten them. I could practically feel his relief and pleasure right now.

Now, Gabriel with my friends, and the miraculouses safe, I had one last thing to do, "Miraculous Ladybug," I whispered. I had no lucky charm, but yet I knew it'd still work.

Now, everything changed in the blink of an eye.

The pyramid was gone. Very very confused people stood around, mummies no longer. The portal above was gone.

And all the damage made by Akumas was gone. Of course, the damage made by the Romans was still here.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it would go down in history with no akumas in it at all, only Romans vs. Egyptians.

I walked over to where Adrien lay. I guessed he was exhausted. Even with the magic curing all the harm.

"Tikki, Plagg, power down," I said.

I stumbled as I became Marinette again.

Ugh. I felt like someone had just exploded my brain and put it back together with duct tape.

So, the usual.

I stumbled beside Adrien, "We won," I said.

"I'm glad," Came the response.

I went rigid. Something was wrong.

"Adrien?" I turned him over onto his back. I could tell that greatly pained him. Then, I saw it. Blood was leaking through his shirt.

I went to check it, but he stopped me, "Don't."

"Let me look," I insisted.

"Please no."

"Adrien...let me."

He was quiet, then nodded. I gently lifted his shirt and gasped.

The sword had gone all the way through.

Right next to Adrien's heart.

" no no no no!" I cried.

"Milady...please don't cry. It's okay," Adrien said, holding my hand.

"How can you say that? It's...It's...It's not fair! You can't die! Why aren't you healed? My 'miraculous ladybug' should have healed you!" I said between sobs.

"It couldn't have...the blow was given by Gabriel to Adrien...There were no magic miraculouses. It was like an outside event."

But I wasn't listening, "We were supposed to get our happy ending. That was the plan."

Adrien somewhat laughed, "Since when have we ever followed through with our plans? When I first met you, the plan was to keep our relationship strictly business. When I fell for you, the plan was not to let you know... I guess what I'm trying to say is...We're really bad at following plans."

Despite myself, I laughed. I could taste the salt from my tears.

"But I like it that way...It's a good thing."

"Ya...It is a good thing... isn't it?"

"Will you take me somewhere?" Adrien asked me.

I nodded.


"I used to dream of this day...The day HawkMoth was defeated, the day we could be together...the day I'd tell you how much I love you. Maybe even sing a song about it," he said. We sat on the tallest roof of the palace, overlooking all. The Egyptians had won against the Romans, who were retreating with their tails between their legs.

I sadly laughed, "I would have liked to hear that song."

"It was going to be something special, alright," Tears began dripping down Adrien's cheeks.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We're gonna be fine," I said, consoling myself as much as Adrien.

But he was smiling. Adrien looked out over the sky. The sun was setting, and the moon rising, "This is my favorite time of day...when the sun and the moon are together...and even though they have to leave each other, they're together again in the morning."

Suddenly, a thought filled me, and I smiled, "Adrien! I can heal you! I can do it! I have the black cat ring and my earrings. I can wish you to live! I can wish you to be perfectly healed!" I said, too happy to think clearly.

Adrien smiled at first, but then it slowly turned into a frown, "Marinette, do you remember the conversation we had with Master Fu? You were between consciousness, and unconsciousness, so I don't know if you do...but we talked about the miraculouses. When you were dying, I wanted to do anything to save you. So I was going to take your earrings and make a wish. The wish. But it was then when Master Fu told me this. With every action, there is a disaction. If I had wished you to become healthy, someone would have become as sick as you...if you wish to save me...someone will die in my place," He said.

I didn't care, "But that won't matter! We'll be together, and have our happy ending! Everything will be perfect!"

Adrien spoke in a small, soft voice, "Marinette...I know what's it's like to grow up without parents...and living now, without you, I couldn't stand it. Would you wish that pain on someone else?"

I stared at him, my eyes overflowing with tears...but he was right. For as much as I wanted to save him...I couldn't.

I started crying again, Adrien hugging me.

"Marinette...I need to go now. Tell Nino I'm sorry, and that he was the brother I never had...and tell Alya to take care of him," He said.

I started crying harder, "No! No! You can't die! Please, please. Who will take care of me?"

Adrien looked up, "I will. I'll be with you. You just might not know it. I will always take care of you...I love you so much Marinette."

"No! Don't tell me that! I don't wanna hear that! You're gonna live!" I cried, not wanting the face the truth.

"Will you tell me you love me? Please?" He asked.

I slowed my sobbing as much as I could, "Adrien...I love you more than you could ever know. I'd give my life for you a hundred times. And I'll miss you. So much," Then I leaned down and kissed him. I wanted to remember this kiss for the rest of my life. I knew he was going to die...and this would be the last time I would get to kiss him. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him. How much he meant to I put it all in this single kiss.

Then, he broke off, smiling at me like a boy with a lollipop.

Adrien sighed in content, "I get to rest in your arms at last..."

"I love you," I cried, kissing his cheek.

"Not near as much as I do."

And he was gone.

I sat in silence for a minute, absorbing that he was really gone...then I let out one yell. My final battlecry. And all of Alexandria heard it and felt my heartbreak.

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