Chapter 30

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Last chapter!!!! This book has been so much fun to write! Thank you for all the suggestions and cherry comments along the way! Hope you enjoy this last, and final chapter...well. Almost the last chapter. There has to be an epilogue of course! 

Adrien was buried like a King. When the day came of his burial, almost all of Alexandria showed up.

Even Gabriel was permitted to see his son's funeral.

I stood at the head of the procession, my hand resting on top of the sarcophagus that held the love of my life.

Even though tears streamed down my face, I said nothing. 

When Alya and Nino had found out, they'd been devastated...that was the last time I'd spoken in three weeks.

Now, Alya stood beside me, and Nino beside her.

Just before they took the sarcophagus was taken into the tomb, I kissed the top of it, "I love sweet little kitty."

Then he was gone.


"Thank you Marinette," Master Fu said as I handed him my ladybug earrings and cat ring.

Callisto sat in my lap, and I sat across from Master Fu. We'd been talking for a while now...about what happened.

"Marinette, I know this is hard to understand, but you and Chat Noir will be together again-"

"Ya, ya, I know...When I die and go to the underworld."

"No. Something much much will day."

I nodded, even though I didn't even begin to understand.


Two years later...

So, what has happened in two years? Lots. Big stuff that has happened... Well, Alya and Nino got married, and now both help Pandora run Wearhaell. Speaking of Pandora, when she gave birth, it wasn't just one baby, it was to three! Two boys, one girl. She named the girl Ebony as she had always wanted, Pali named the eldest boy Rameses, and together they named the other boy Adrien.

Master Fu had left Alexandria. Said he'd been here too long. He'd offered to take me with him, but I decided to stay in Alexandria. However, I had Master Fu take Callisto.

I wanted someone to keep my great uncle company, and Callisto was the perfect guard cat as well as companion.

My goodbye with Tikki was heartbreaking, but a good one. There were lots of tears that day when Master Fu disappeared through the tree. Apparently, there were many tunnels that led all over the world that connected to it! I had some thoughts of magic being involved, but when I returned to visit the last place I saw my sweet Tikki, the hole beside the tree was gone.

I lived at the palace now as Pandora's personal helper, still working, though my life was one of ease. The little boy, Alexander, and the little girl, Layla lived with my parents after finding out their parents had been killed by the Romans. They brought joy to my life as well as my parents. I know my father had always wished for a boy to carry on the family business. And Alexander was becoming quite the baker!

I had given them my room, and although I visited often, I couldn't stand the balcony. There were too many painful memories of times with Chat...Still, they were good ones...even if they were hard to think about.

I was happy and had as much free time on my hands as I wanted. I still made pear jam and brought a jar to Adrien's tomb every year...with a loaf of bread.

My life had been a good one...but truthfully, I found myself getting more and more tired lately.

I was about to turn nineteen this year...but I didn't think I'd live to be that old.

The day I told Pandora and Alya I was dying, there were even more tears. Who knew so many tears could be cried in one lifetime.

And so for the next three weeks, I was treated by the best doctors in the world. From an island called Madagascar all the way from Saudi Arabia.

Nathaniel and his new Queen had been happy to try and help me.

Oh! Did I mention Chloe and Nathanael got married? About a month after the final battle.

Nathaniel and I were still friends, we exchanged letters every so often and me and Chloe...were on speaking terms.

Anyhow, I was treated by doctor after doctor. But I just got sleepier and sleepier.

Finally one day I said, "Enough!"

Now here I am. In a dress fit for a princess, Adrien's crown upon my head, and my now long hair flowing around me. I'm laying on a bed of silk with many pillows. Food and wine were beside me, though I hadn't eaten in days.

Everyone I loved me was around me. My parents, Alexander and Layla, Alya, Nino, Alya's family, Pandora, her little ones, Pali, my friends from town, Nathaniel, Chloe, even Sabrina. Only Master Fu and Tikki were missing. Plus my little kitty Callisto.

"I think it's time," I said, sighing.

"Auntie! Don't leave us!" Rameses, Adrien, and Ebony cried.

"There there. I know sweet kitties when people leave it's sad. But I have to. Your uncle Adrien left a long time ago, and now I get to go be with him. Isn't that exciting? Now, you three be good to your Mamma and your Papa."

I turned away from the three little ones, unable to bear their tears, "Thank you all. I know how much I'm loved. But don't be sad. I get to go be with my love...I'll tell him you all miss him terribly."

"Marinette!" Alya sobbed, hugging me, "We wanna tell you something. Me and Nino are expecting."

I smiled, "That's amazing!"

"We wanted you here to help teach our little ones. If we have a girl, we're going to name her Marinette," Nino said. Even he was crying.

"Thank you. I know you two will be great parents."

Now my parents spoke, "My little girl! How you've grown. Is there no way you can stay with us?" My Papa asked.

"Not this time, Papa."

"My dear, ever since the battle you've never been yourself. We all know you're happy to go, and we're happy for you!" My mama said.

"Thank you, Mama."

Now Nathaniel stepped up, "Marinette, thank you. Me and Chloe wouldn't be together if not for you...thank you."

"Thank you Marinette," Chloe murmured. She was crying. Her makeup smeared all over her face.

Pandora came up to me, "Oh Marinette, you made me feel like a young girl. We had fun together, didn't we? Now, you get to be with my naughty nephew. Tell him not to leave his mouth open. He really does look like a codfish when he does that..."

I smiled.

Then Pandora started crying, "Me...Me...Me and Pali have decided...decided to have many many many scribes write your story...and...and...and Adrien's. It will lovely tale. You will be a hero...a legend even...Thank you...You first friend for...for a long time...Now I have Alya and Nino...because of you. Thank you, Marinette!" She sobbed.

I reached up and hugged her.

"Pandora, if it's okay, there is a pearl necklace in my jewelry box in my room. A dear friend gave them to me when I saved her life once," Pandora smiled at me, "I would like to be buried in them...please."

She nodded, her eyes filled with sort of gratitude and happiness.

"And...when you write my story, don't use my real name, please...I think I would like my secret identity to stay secret. But Ladybug will live on forever...give me a different name instead...maybe even Ebony," I said, smiling at the little girl clutching my hand.

"And have Nino and Alya help you...Especially with the first time I met Adrien."

" called him a cow! A fat one!" Alya recalled.

Everyone laughed despite themselves.

Suddenly, I heard a door open, and I laughed with joy.

Master Fu walked in.

"Master!" I cried in joy. He came...he came!

"Oh, Marinette!" Master Fu said, hugging me, "I knew this day would strong and not afraid...Now, I've brought someone to see you."

He held Tikki in his hands.

Me and Tikki looked at each other. In that look, we exchanged a thousand words.

"Oh Tikki! Sweet Tikki!" I cried and cupped her in my hands up to my cheek.

"Marinette, you're so brave to go off into the new world," Tikki said, then whispered, "I'll see you there."

I didn't ask her what she meant. In my heart, I already knew.

Suddenly, a full-grown cat was on my lap, "Callisto! My little kitty!" Callisto sniffed me and began purring.

"Well, everyone I love is here now," I said, laughing. Everyone was definitely crying now.

I yawned and looked outside at the sky where dusk was ending, "Someone once told me that this was their favorite time of day. When the moon and sun are together," I sighed happily, "I like that. I think it's my favorite time of day too," I yawned, "Goodnight everyone...You all have impacted my life. Mine and Adrien's...thank you. I love you all...Remember," I yawned again, "every problem has a solution...So for the last time," I yawned for a final time, my eyes getting heavy, "Bug out..."

Then Marinette let out a small giggle, happy as she had ever been, and went to sleep...She never woke up.

Guys, a friend told me to add this here I am. Anyhow, if you guys like a more dramatic, sad ending, stop here. Don't read the epilogue...however, if you're like me, and NEED a happy ending (lol) read the epilogue...anyhow, just a note. I do hope you guys enjoyed this story! I love reading your guy's comments!

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