Chapter 1

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[You may have heard of the 7 Barian Emperors: Nash, Marin, Dumon, Alito, Girag, Mizar, and Vector. Well the story is wrong. There was an eighth Barian. When Vector attacked, there was someone who saved Marin from giving her life]

Vector: What will it be, Nash? Save your sister or save your kingdom?

Marin: Brother do not worry about making a decision because I'll make it for you! I will give my life in order to cleanse the guardian!

[Marin prepares to jump when a voice is heard]

???: Marin, don't!

[Everyone turned and saw a fleet of metal dragons flying their direction. Riding on the largest metal dragon of them all]

Vector: What! What are you doing here, Xander?

Xander: I am here to help a friend in need!

Nash: Thank you for coming to our aid, Xander.

Xander: I'm also here to save the girl I love.

Marin: Xander. I love you too.

Vector: Even with your arrival, you're too late! These gods will destroy everything!

Xander: No they won't! Because I have a god of my own! Say hello to my greatest monster! I ride Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Vector: Your god won't defeat mine!

Xander: It will! My god has the power to absorb any power in the universe! Including your god!

Vector: No!

[The guardian is absorbed by the giant metal dragon]

Xander: You have failed, Vector!

Vector: Impossible! I had all of this planned!

[Vector was put in chains. Xander landed and walked over to Nash and Marin. Nash hugs Xander]

Nash: Thank you for coming.

Xander: Well, I had to help a fellow emperor.

[Xander turns to Marin]

Xander: Marin, my love.

Marin: I knew you would save me. You always do. I love you.

Xander: I love you too. Nash, I believe that it's time.

Nash: Very well. We'll get set for the wedding!

[It seemed like a happy ever after, but Vector had one more trick up his sleeve. Even though he was in cuffs, he was able to slip by the guards and push Marin and Nash off a cliff and into the ocean]


Vecotr: Hahaha! I always have the last laugh!

Xander: Men, take him away. I don't want him to see the light of day again!

[Xander falls to his knees]

Xander: There is no reason left to live. I lost my friend and my fiancé. I don't want to live anymore.

[As if an answer to his prayer, a man appeared before Xander]

Xander: Who are you?

Don Thousand: My name is Don Thousand. I can give you a second chance.

Xander: How? I'll do anything!

Don Thousand: I will transfer your soul to another body! You will have no memory of what happened before. It will be your duty to regain your memories.

[Xander turns to the guardian, Abyss]

Xander: Abyss.

Abyss: Yes, my emperor?

Xander: Emperor?

Abyss: It was Nash's wish that if anything happened to him, you were to care of Marin and become emperor of this kingdom.

Xander: Abyss, I give you the responsibility of helping me regain my memories in the future.

Abyss: As you wish.

Xander: Don Thousand, I am ready.

Don Thousand: I will send you on your way. Be the true emperor and the secret of all Barians!

[Xander vanished into dust and was transferred into another body. But where did he end up and how would life go the second time around? But most importantly, how do you save the world this time without your memory?]

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