Chapter 2

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[In the city of Heartland, JP tosses and turns in his bed because he is having a nightmare. He has a dream of losing his two friends that he knows in real life and him riding on a giant metal dragon. He snaps awake]

JP: Ahh! I had that dream again. It seemed so real.

[The boy grabs his duel disk and his deck]

JP: Hopefully I get to duel today. I also have to visit her today. It's been a couple days since I last did.

[JP heads to school and studies hard. The school day ends and he heads outside. He sees his friend Reginald, or he goes by Shark, dueling another boy named Bronk. The duel ends]

JP: Way to go, Shark! Nice win!

[Shark walks over to Bronk]

Shark: Time to pay up. Give me your deck!

JP: Shark, what are you doing? Why are you taking his deck?

Shark: Because the loser of the duel had to give up his deck.

JP: This isn't like you, Shark. I'll duel and if I win, you give Bronk's deck back.

Shark: Coming to play hero, huh, old friend? Well, I accept your challenge! I'm looking forward to beating you!

JP: You haven't beaten me once. And you won't the next time.

[Time passes and the day for the duel came. Shark and the boy prepared to face off. Bronk was in the audience along with his friends Yuma and Tori]

Yuma: You got this!

Tori: Yeah! Beat Shark!

Bronk: Do you think he'll win?

Yuma: I don't know. I've never seen him duel before.

Shark: You ready to lose?

JP: That's my line!

Shark/JP: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Shark

JP- 4000 LP/ Shark- 4000 LP

Shark: I'll go first! I summon Big Jaws in ATK Mode!

Big Jaws: Level 3- 1800 ATK/ 300 DEF

Shark: Now since I have a summoned a WATER monster, I can special summon Shark Stickers!

Shark Stickers: Level 3- 200 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Shark: I now overlay my Level 3 Big Jaws and Shark Stickers! With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network! I'm XYZ Summoning the champion of darkness and devastation, Black Ray Lancer!

Black Ray Lancer: Rank 3- 2100 ATK/ 600 DEF

Shark: With that I'll end my turn.

Yuma: He XYZ summoned on his first turn!

Tori: He's good!

Turn 2- Boy

JP- 4000 LP/ Shark- 4000 LP

Boy: My turn. Draw. I place two cards face down. I summon the Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves in ATK Mode!

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves: Level 3- 1000 ATK/ 500 DEF

JP: Now since I control a Phantom Knights monster, I can special summon the Phantom Knights of Silent Boots!

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots: Level 3- 200 ATK/ 1200 DEF

JP: I now overlay my Level 3 Ragged Gloves and Silent Boots to build the Overlay Network and XYZ Summon the Phantom Knights of Break Sword! Rise, my great beast!

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword: Rank 3: 2000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Yuma: He XYZ summoned too!

Bronk: They're pretty even!

JP: Now since I used my Ragged Gloves to XYZ Summon, my monster gains 1000 ATK.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword- 2000 ATK - - -> 3000 ATK

JP: Now, my Break Sword will attack and destroy your Black Ray Lancer!

Shark: Urk!

Shark: 4000 LP - - -> 3100 LP

JP: Turn end.

Yuma: That was so cool!

Tori: You're right! Way to go!

Turn 3- Shark

Boy- 4000 LP/ Shark- 3100 LP

Shark: That was nothing! Now I'm going to show you my true monster! First I activate the spell: Salvage. This lets me bring back a WATER monster with 1500 or less ATK from my Graveyard to my hand. I bring back Shark Stickers! Now I summon Drill Barnacle in ATK Mode!

Drill Barnacle: Level 3- 300 ATK/ 0 DEF

Shark: And now just like before, since I summoned a WATER monster, I can special summon Shark Stickers! Now I overlay my Level 3 Drill Barnacle and Shark Stickers to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon!

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon: Rank 3- 2000 ATK/ 0 DEF

Tori: I've never seen a monster like that before!

Bronk: What's with the Number thing?

Shark: I now activate my monster's special ability! By using one overlay unit, my monster gains 500 ATK

Numbeer 17: Leviathan Dragon- 2000 ATK - - -> 2500 ATK

Shark: And now I'll use the second overlay unit to raise my monster's ATK again!

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon- 2500 ATK - - -> 3000 ATK

Yuma: Now both monsters are equal in strength!

Shark: Now, Leviathan Dragon, attack Break Sword! Sonic Shredding Stream!

Yuma: What's he thinking?

Bronk: Both monsters will be destroyed!

Shark: Guess again. My monster is a Number monster and it can only be destroyed by another Number! I'm sure you don't have one any so this duel might as well be over!

JP: I activate my monster's special ability from the Graveyard. When it's destroyed, I can bring back the monsters that were used to XYZ summon but now they're Level 4!

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves- Level 3 - - -> Level 4

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots: Level 3 - - -> Level 4

Shark: That will make no difference! I end my turn.

Turn 4- Boy

JP- 4000 LP/ Shark- 3100 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. Time to end this. I overlay my Level 4 Ragged Gloves and Silent Boots to build the Overlay Network! Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons! I XYZ Summon! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Shark: You did all of that but still got nowhere! My monster is still stronger!

JP: For now. Since I used Ragged Gloves to XYZ Summon, my monster gains 1000 ATK!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon- 2500 ATK - - -> 3500 ATK

JP: I activate my monster's special ability! By using both overlay units, I can cut your monster's ATK in half, and then my dragon gains those ATK! Treason Discharge!

Shark: What!

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon- 3000 ATK - - -> 1500 ATK

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon- 3500 ATK - - -> 5000 ATK

Yuma: 5000 ATK!

Bronk: That's one strong monster!

JP: I'm still not done. I now activate my two trap cards! First, I activate my trap: Phantom Knight's Wing! This raises my monsters ATK by 500!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon- 5000 ATK - - -> 5500 ATK

JP: I have one more trap. I activate my trap: Phantom Knight's Sword! This raises my monsters ATK by another 800!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon- 5500 ATK - - -> 6300 ATK

Yuma: Wow!

Tori: Incredible!

JP: I know that card is controlling you! I will not let it any longer! Time to win my friend back! Dark Rebellion, attack with Mauling Mandible Charge!

Shark: Ahh!

[Shark flies backwards and the card's influence wears off. The boy walks over to him]

JP: You okay?

Shark: I guess. I got a massive headache!

JP: Don't worry. You'll be okay now.

Shark: Thanks, man, for having my back.

JP: I had that weird dream again.

Shark: You did? That's so strange. Oh well. She's been asking about you.

JP: I'm stopping by today.

Shark: Good.

[The boy leaves and heads to a hospital room where a girl with bandages over her eyes lies in a bed. She hears his footsteps and turns his direction]

Girl: Hey. Thanks for stopping by.

JP: It's not a problem, Rio. I had that dream again.

Rio: Strange.

Boy: Yeah.

Rio: Well, tell me about your day.

JP: Well...

[JP and Rio talked for hours until he had to leave]

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