Chapter 23 Our First Date

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I forgot to mention last chapter, but there are maybe 3 chapters (at max) left. OMG it'll be my 3rd completed work! If you hate this story, don't read it. Calling me "the worst author" on wattpad doesn't really affect me anymore. It's actually funny.

Please check out my book "Catch Him If You Can" if time permits. It's a light hearted read. Nothing serious. And a sweet female lead for once xD
Love ya <3

Chapter 23: Our First Date

"Do you like Taylor Swift?"

I pretended to read my book. For the past fifteen minutes, Nolan had been bothering me outside my window. He took advantage of the fact that my parents weren't home, yet. I didn't open the house door when he knocked, so he decided to come at my window, which was slightly ajar for ventilation, and he managed to stick his head underneath it, not allowing me to shut the frame.

Unless I wanted to chop off his head.

"Hel-en, your angry face is seriously hideous."

"No one asked you to look at my face," I shot back, offended. He was doing a poor job of patching up.

"But I want to." He grinned.

"Go away."

"I will, if you promise to go out with me tonight." I didn't look up from my book. Did he just ask me out? Not for a break up? A real ask-out? Maybe I was just overthinking. "Helen?"

"No," I said.

His seventh break-up revenge still hadn't left my mind. Furthermore, what happened in the auditorium was an entirely different matter. I wasn't giving in so easily. I turned to the window where Nolan had disappeared.

The doorbell rang.

Did he really think I was going to open the door?

It wasn't until I heard the lock turning outside and a creaking sound confirming the door opened that I ran to the living room. Mom stepped inside with Nolan following behind, holding bags of groceries. He winked at me. Son of a pig got his entry through my mother. I helped with the bags.

"Why didn't you let Nolan come in?" Mom asked.

"You said no strangers in the house," I replied innocently. Nolan feigned a depressed face, head tilted down. Mom's expression told me I sounded too rude.

"I just wanted to take Helen out," Nolan told mom.

"And I said no."

"Why?" They asked simultaneously.

"Because it's cold outside," I reasoned. "If I get sick, I can't go to school. If I don't go to school, my grades will slip. If my grades slip, Princeton will reject me. If Princeton rejects me, then I'm screwed for life. I don't want to end up working at McDonald's when I can be a NASA scientist and--"

"You can take her out," Mom butted in, approving Nolan's request.

His face lit up.

Whose side was Mom on?

What kind of a parent was she? "Mom!" I snapped. "Nolan may not care about his future, but I do! And so should you! I'm not ruining my future for a guy!"

As soon as the words flew out of my mouth, I regretted them.

A disappointed smile crossed Nolan's features.

"Sorry," he said and moved to leave.

"Nolan--" I started to call out, but he rushed out of my house. I rubbed my face, turning back to Mom who held my gaze. I knew she wasn't content with my behavior and attitude. "Yeah yeah I know. I'll fix it. He's overly dramatic sometimes."

She rolled her eyes.

"And you aren't?"

I wasn't. "Maybe a little."

"He might be crying right now," she said.

Or smoking.

"Eh," I shrugged.

Still, I took out my cell phone and texted him apologizing. He didn't reply as expected. After sending him ten or so texts, I made a final one.

I'll wait for you to pick me up for our first date.

Was it even a date?

I didn't know when or if he was even going to come pick me up. He probably changed his mind. In case he did show up, I was ready for it in my black denim jeans, black and white stripped shirt, and a red leather jacket on top. The leather jacket was a birthday gift from Hestia last year. It finally came to use.

I sat on my bed, glancing out the window once in a while.

Can't say I didn't try.

One new message showed on my phone after three hours.

I excitedly checked it.

How's it going?
~Paris of Troy

I exhaled loudly, unhappy that it wasn't Nolan. I replied I was fine.

I have important news to share. Do you have time to talk?

I didn't need any more news in my life. For the sake of courtesy and lack of Nolan, I called Paris.

"What's up?" I asked.

"The sky?"

I sighed. People couldn't give actual responses, could they? Was it so difficult? "Paris, what news did you want to give me?"

"Ruth is getting married," he said on the other end.

I frowned. "What?"

"Yeah, my parents aren't too happy with her and want her getting married soon." He sounded upset. "In our Amish community, marriages happen at a young age. I need you and your wannabe boyfriend's help."

I disregarded the wannabe boyfriend part. Paris didn't know anything. I had dropped his entire scheme after the accident.

"Help? For wedding planning?" I asked.

"For wedding destroying," he replied. "My sister's not even eighteen. I know Nolan will gladly break the wedding before it even happens to take revenge. Please just convince him for me. I know he won't refuse if you ask him."

Was he serious?

"What happened to helping Nolan move on?" I inquired.

"A delay won't hurt."

"Why don't you just talk to your parents?"

"They won't listen," he said in a flat tone. "If you don't want to help, I'll understand. You were my last hope."

We fell into silence and I didn't know what to do next.

Was breaking an entire Amish wedding worth it?

A loud car horn honked outside. I ran up to my window and peeped. Nolan sat in his car, looking straight ahead. I grinned widely. He didn't stood me up as I had been hoping. I hurried to put on my boots and grab a scarf on my way out of the room. Paris was calling my name on the phone.

"Hey, I'll talk to Nolan and let you know our decision," I told him quickly. "Bye."

I waved at my mom on the way out.

"Be back before eleven," she yelled behind me.

She was becoming more and more lenient even after I lectured her not to. I jogged to Nolan's car and got inside. He drove silently. To annoy him, I leaned my seat back and propped my feet on the dashboard. He didn't say anything. I took my seatbelt off and a small beeping noise started. But it shut after a little bit. Worried for my safety, I put the belt back on. Who knew we might get into another accident.

I turned sideways and poked Nolan's side.

He actually reacted by moving away.

I poked him again.

"Stop it. We might get into an accident," he warned. I sat up straight. He was finally communicating.

"Where are we going?"

"To hell."

"So fancy," I muttered sarcastically.

He pulled the car into a huge open area full of other cars. At first, I thought it was a parking lot until I saw the huge screen. There was a projection booth and a concession stand nearby as well. It was almost seven in the evening in February, so darkness had overtaken the sky. My eyes took in the surrounding crowd full of mostly older generation.

A drive-in movie theater.

How cool!

My face stretched into a huge smile.

The opening credits were rolling and I turned to Nolan, who was watching me intently. I raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna sit on the roof of the car?" he asked.

I nodded. We got out of the car and I climbed up top, first. Nolan grabbed a blanket from the trunk before moving next to me. The movie was reasonably recent (maybe around the time I was born) as compared to black and white movies I expected to be shown in these type movie theaters. We spread the blanket on ourselves.

"I love this," I told Nolan, honestly.

The movie was halfway done and it was absolutely heartbreaking. The male lead tried to kill himself to be united with the girl he loved, but his current love interest wouldn't let him.

"I can tell," Nolan replied.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said today," I apologized. "I didn't mean it."

"You weren't wrong, though," he said. "I did take part in ruining your chances for Princeton."

"But I got in."

"I'm glad."

I realized he wasn't angry at me, but at the words I had angrily snapped earlier.

"You know, if you hadn't blackmailed me, I wouldn't have gone through so many . . . experiences," I said hesitantly. "Being me, I'd have been sitting cooped up in schoolwork and old Disney shows. No fun. No adventures. No air vents, detention, New York, accidents, etc. Because of you, I actually realized that I can keep up my grades along have time for friends." I spent years in school maintaining acquaintances. No one got close enough to me. Not that I minded the loneliness much.

"Friends?" he asked half in disbelief.

Isn't that what we are?

I bit my lip, not knowing the right answer. I hated being wrong.

"Good friends . . . ?" I somewhat corrected.

His laughter wasn't very reassuring. If he thought we were more than friends, then he was wrong. Nolan needed to clear his mind of all his breakups before he was launched into a new relationship. As for me, I couldn't even understand my feelings for him. He was my first friend in a long time and I didn't want that ruined.

"Helen, do you like me?" he suddenly asked.

I blinked at him. Did I like him?

"I like you, but hate your actions, most of the time," I answered. He wasn't a bad person, just someone who needed help.

"So if I were to ask you to be my girlfriend right now, what'd your answer be?"

I was taken aback at his words. He wanted me to be his girlfriend? I honestly wasn't expecting him to say this. I wished the earth would just open up and suck me in. Maybe a random black hole? I had been asked out before and I had snapped on that guy to leave me alone. A relationship was one thing I wanted to risk in college not in high school.

Dammit Nolan.

Now what?

Should I take a risk?

Maybe if we got in a relationship, I could persuade him to seek help for his ridiculous behavior. Also, I could help Paris.

"Why don't you ask first?" I told Nolan.

"Okay." He inched closer to me, his head tilted slightly and his gaze locked with mine. "I know I blackmailed you, got you in loads of trouble, irritated you, and even risked your life in that accident. But I never meant you harm. I've called you 'selfish' and 'proud,' but so am I. You aren't the snob I always assumed you were when I first approached you. In fact, you have an entirely different persona. And I like that." I hoped that was a compliment. "I like you. Will you give me a chance, Helen? Be my girlfriend?"

I needed time.

Yet, I said, "Yes."

His lips curled into a smile as he leaned forward. I closed my eyes as his lips lightly pressed against mine. My mind was completely distracted, and I hated doing this to the both of us. The kiss was brief yet mind bobbling. So much confusion. Nolan separated with a concerned expression.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

I shook my head quickly. "It's just we have one last breakup to do." I ran a hand through my hair. "Remember we skipped over Ruth and decided to come back to her later?" He slowly nodded. "She's getting married."

It was a test for Nolan.

I wanted to see if he had changed or not. Crossing my fingers behind my back, I prayed he rejected my thought.

"Great," Nolan said. "It'll be hard, but I think we can break them up. When is the wedding?"

And he failed.



Happy with Nolan?

Any predictions?

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