Chapter 35 Eureka

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My charger isn't coming until next Tuesday. Bear with the late updates, even though all of the chapters are written. Honestly, my life without a tablet charger is like life without water. Survival is difficult.

Chapter 35: Eureka!

"Is Nolan home?"

Nolan's parents shook their heads at Nico's inquiry.

That answer was enough relief for us to continue and tackle the important matters. Frankly, I wouldn't even have one percent confidence if Nico wasn't sitting right next to me. Because of him, I was allowed to enter the Milesblue mansion, which I was extremely grateful for. How was I ever going to repay this guy was beyond me.

"Do you think Nolan's doing okay?" Nico asked them.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Milesblue asked confused. As if she didn't know anything.

"Your son still gets beat up at school," Nico replied. This time, even I stared at him, shocked by the statement. He couldn't be serious! Knowing Nolan, he probably picks a fight with random people, but I hoped he'd learn not to tackle physical ones. His body couldn't handle those, now could it?

He never learns.

"We've already discussed that with our son," Mrs. Milesblue said unconcerned. "Thank you for your concern, Nicolas."

He didn't even look thankful.

"It's not about the physical pain, Mrs. Milesblue," I said softly. "Nolan's almost mentally unstable--something we all are fully aware of. The school psychologist even talked to you about it and you still fail to acknowledge it--"

"We know how to take care of him," Mrs. Milesblue intervened.

"No, you don't!" I snapped.

"Helen, relax," Nico said quietly, placing a hand on top of mine. Turning to the annoyed parents, he said, "What Helen means is that Nolan isn't exactly happy. Everything he does seems like he wants to worsen his condition rather than mending it. His stress cardio doesn't need to get worse. Both of us want the best for our friend. After all those breakups he suffered last year, he still hasn't recovered."

"Last year?" Mrs. Milesblue scoffed. "You kids need to stop blaming everything on last year's events. Need I remind you this girl was just dating him a few weeks ago." She was referring to me. "You couldn't take responsibility for tearing apart his heart, knowing full well Nolan wasn't fine?"

The one thing I hated about people was that they could never handle the matter at hand without blaming someone else. Nico and I strictly came here to gain their help in saving Nolan, however, the Milesblues' turned the tables on us.

"I did not break up with Nolan," I said in a tight voice. "In fact, I still consider myself his girlfriend because I like him. I have seen his normal, sweet side after encountering the heartless side. All I'm saying is that he needs support from everyone."

"Exactly," Nico agreed. "Also, he needs to spend less of his time in solitude. It's not serving anyone well."

I was just about to say something when my eyes landed on a few family photos hanging on the wall behind the sofa Nolan's parents' sat on. Many of them had the three family members or their individual shoots, except for one. In the biggest frame, there was a different woman than Mrs. Milesblue with Nolan and his dad. It was a relatively old photo, considering Nolan looked he had maybe just entered high school.

Nevertheless, every member in that photo was smiling.

Like they are actually happy.

"We can't control Nolan's decisions," Mr. Milesblue said calmly. He was actually paying more attention and acting like a father. A neglectful dad, but close enough. Unlike the mom who reminded me of Cinderella's stepmother. "We have given him everything he wants and--"

"And he's still unhappy," Nico said gently.

"Please help him," I said almost desperately.

Mrs. Milesblue opened her mouth to say something, but her husband raised a hand swiftly for her to shut up and let him take care of the situation.

"We're organizing a charity ball. Since it's spring break, many people will be attending it," he said. How did a ball get into this? "I'll check out Nolan's behavior and see for myself how my son is doing. If what both of you are saying is right and he needs help, I'll find Nolan the best psychologist possible. If not, I'd like you to steer clear of his way."

"But--" Mrs. Milesblue started.

"Deal?" Mr. Milesblue interrupted, staring straight at Nico and I.

My companion and I didn't have another option than to say, "Deal." I was glad Mr. Milesblue listened. Maybe now, instead of focusing on his business trips, he'll focus on Nolan.

Nico and I were on our way out, when we heard Nolan's dad call out behind us to stop.

"You're both invited," he said. We gave a nod. "Do remember to bring your grandmother, Prince. Now that the cat's out of the box, we'd be honored to have the royal family attend our ball."

"Pleasure will be ours," Nico smiled.

I frowned and scratched the side of my head as we headed out, taking seats in Nico's car. Nico was not a prince! He couldn't be! All my education would go to waste if I didn't even know that Cadbure was a place.

The fake (maybe he was real, I don't know) prince dropped me off at my house. I had already told my parents I was out with friends.

"Thanks, Nico," I said with a sigh.

"For what?"

"Nolan's parents were comparatively nicer and Mr. Milesblue finally agreed to see if Nolan's okay or not." I smiled at Nico. "Prince or not, you're an amazing human being."

His eyes widened at my words. "Did you just compliment me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get used to it." Opening the car door, I was just about to step out, when Nico grabbed my elbow and stopped me. "What?"

"I think you owe me something," he said, his lips fidgeting. As if he was trying not to smirk. He still did.

"I already said thanks."

He leaned in and in a lowered voice, said, "Remember I told you what I was trying to get out of this and you said you'd consider it?"

"Oh the--that," I said. That kiss he wanted. I removed his hand from my elbow and jabbed my finger into his arm, pushing him back.
"It's still under consideration."

His unamused expression made me laugh.

For the sake of fun, I blew him a kiss. Grinning, he pretended to catch it and put it inside his shirt . . . on his heart. I left him and headed towards my house.

I didn't know if Nico fancied me more than a friend or not. For me, he was only a friend.

Like normal people, I have one heart.

And I have given it to Nolan.


Only two days were left before the charity event, which my whole family was attending.

The next two days I spent calling Nolan repeatedly until he finally answered the call.

"What do you want?" His voice matched the temperature of his heart.

Zero degrees Celsius.

"Aloha," I said, trying something different.

"Why do you keep calling me?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"I was missing you," I responded truthfully. "How long are you planning on staying mad at me for a tiny mistake?"

"Tiny mistake?" He reiterated in disbelief. I regretted my word choice. "I don't know about you, Helen, but playing around with someone's feelings after knowing what they've been through is not a tiny mistake in my dictionary."

"I can buy you a new dictionary."

There was a temporary pause before he said, "What do you want from me?"

I exhaled loudly. "Trust me a little. Give me another chance."

I heard him let out a laugh. A mocking laugh.

"You think it's that easy to trust people? You don't know how it feels when people keep trying to give you hope and at the end, they fail. They raise you to your feet, only to kick you back on the ground. They don't put themselves in your shoes. They don't understand the weight that's already pulling you down. They just keep hurting you. Bringing you more pain. More misery . . . And more mistrust."

All my hopes of getting closer to him got crushed by those words.

"Fight back."

"Been there done that."


He hung up.

I hadn't gotten anything. Maybe I called at the wrong time.


I don't know what's wrong with my parents, but they can never be punctual.

We ended up at the ball, almost an hour after it started. My mother forced me to dress up in a . . . dress. The last time I wore a dress was during my middle school graduation. The one I wore today was one of Hestia's. The crimson fabric hugged my body starting from my bust down past my ankles. The strapless bit bothered me slightly. I wasn't accustomed to displaying a lot of my upper body. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one.

Many women wore expensive ball gowns, showing off their perfect bodies.

Standing to the side, waiting for some familiar face, I almost gave up hope. Until my eyes landed back on that photo I saw during my last visit. A few people stood nearby busy in their own world. I examined the photo one more time and desired to know who she was.

A family friend? Aunt?


"Hey Beauty, can I introduce you to my Beast?" I groaned, hearing his voice. Nico bumped his shoulder into mine, suggestively.

Absentmindedly, I replied, "Can I introduce you to mine?"

"Sure," he smirked.

"Don't blame me for any broken . . . Wait, I just understood what you implied . . . Oh hell no! Keep your beast to yourself!" For once, I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as Nico burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

He was wearing a black suit with a matching tie, looking undeniably handsome. His dirty blonde hair was gelled back neatly. His strong yet pleasant cologne was very attracting.

"You're funny, Helen," he almost teased.

I elbowed him hard in the ribs. "Don't flirt with me again. Ever." He laughed again. "Knock it off and help me out, will ya?"

"With what? Your stingy ex or this insufferable event?"

I met his gaze. "Both. But first, look at this." I nodded my head towards the wall with the gallery. "Notice anything different in these family photos?" His gaze flickered over all the frames before landing on the right one.

"Who's that woman?" he asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "That's what I've been trying to figure out. Apparently, after the seventh breakup, Nolan began having family troubles. Maybe this woman is involved. I don't know. But there is no one who can give us information about her whereabouts."

Nico extended his hand out to rest on my bare shoulder.

"You, my dear, live in your own world."

I shrugged his hand off. "What do you mean?"

With a light chuckle, he gestured towards the people around us. "In rich households, aside from the family, who knows the family secrets?"

Now, I understood. He wasn't pointing towards the guests, rather the waiters.

"The servants!" I said excitedly.




Happy Independence day. (So many fireworks . . . even during the rain).

I watched Silence of the Lambs today and it was . . . creepy as hell.

Anywho, how was the chapter?

Who is that woman?

Eighth breakup guesses?

Pretty please vote, comment, & share. Next update is tomorrow (if my tablet charges -__-) I appreciate your support a lot! <3

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