Chapter Five Beginning of the great twisting chaotic entertainment

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Surprise, that was all that Kawari saw as he walked the path into the school.

The looks of all those humans as he walked next to a woman who's beauty rivaled that of any goddess told within stories.

And the way she carried herself, such a commanding pressence, one of such authority and dominance.

"Hot damn."

"Damn she's sexy."

"*Whistles* holy shit, dude she's tall as hell. Didn't know we had a hot Amazon walking around school now."

"Guys, the fuck are you all ogling at? Pay attention and get on. I don't want to sit here and hear you all simping over the new girl, sure she's tall and she's hot but No way in hell are we getting her attention. So just end your childish fantasies now before you get hurt from them."

"Oh man stop being such a buzzkill and being so serious all the time, and loosen up. I mean just look at her how the hell can you not be interested by that beauty?"

"No, I don't think I will, now if you need me I'm going to be in the lifting room working out."

The man felt, But unfortunately many did not follow his examples because just like the boys, the women weren't so different either when it came to there views of this new girl.

"Hot damn! I ain't even gay and I would gladly tap that!"

"Mommy? I'm sorry Mommy!?"

"Lucy chill, we know how gay you can be to any person who has tits and a vagina, but please try and keep it to yourself and not make such a seen."

"The hell if I am!!"

*Sighs* God damnit."

However as this went Nyarlathotep and Kawari weren't paying the many attention Well more like the crawling chaos couldn't give a shit about them, but found there comments amusing.

"So my entreat, where to first?"

"Hmm the lab."

"The lab? For what reason?"

"Don't try and act like you don't know."

"Ohh I do, but I want you to say it."

"Hm then you out of luck, after all I don't feel the need to repeat myself to someone who already knows my plans."

"Oooh? How bold of you. An Outer God ordered you to speak and yet you don't. You know that could get you killed correct."

"Ya I know, but again, if you think I'm scared of you then your going to have to try harder Nyarlathotep. After all it's quite hard to be scared of you when I got to see this "All powerful Eldritch God" act like a school girl."

Nyarlathotep groaned. "You sound like Darkness."

"Guess we share similarities then."

Nyarlathotep just remained silent seeing as she wouldn't be able to win this round she watched him walk forward, looking around at all the people she smirked as she used her power to extend her shadow and have it attach to another, the student in question just flat out called as the others around the unconscious student stepped back in worry with Kawari turning to look at her. As Nyarlathotep just held her hands up as a more human expression took over, one of a startled girl.

"Oh no! Kawari you have to help him!"

'... Oh now I see... That's a low blow Nyarlathotep.'

Going to the downed male he focused some of his mana into him but sensed something blocking it, looking back he saw the sadistic smiling of Nyarlathotep as her hair cases a shadow over her eyes.

'What's wrong Kawari, struggling to save one humans life? Oh I wonder how you could fix this.'

'Ya same.'

So what did he do?

Did he summon his cube?

Did he call someone?

Would be bend the knee and tell Nyarlathotep like any sane person would?

Nope. He just stood up and walked away.

The other students where confused, and Nyarlathotep just watched as he turned to her.

'Nya, if you think I care about one person's life then you have another thing coming towards you. I've been surrounded by death for the minority of my life, the death of someone I don't know or hold connections to will mean nothing. So go ahead and kill him, won't bother me or my group.'

Walking away fully now Nyarlathotep groaned, 'Tch, your no fun at all.'

Feeling annoyed she just stopped pulling the humans soul into the void as she with an annoyance in her step walked after towards the scientist who was already at the door to the lab.

"Well glad you can join me."

"Well of course, can't let my entertainment go to far away from me."

"Hmm I'm not sure there is anywhere I can go that would allow me to get out of your clutches."

"Hehe, how right you are, no matter where you go I will always find you."

Now any normal person would be scared, but Kawari looked at her dead in her eyes before shrugging.

"Hmm alright, well we going or just chit-chatting?"

"....... Let's just go."

He opened the door and went through, Nyarlathotep followed as they entered the lab as Mrs Rikiruta, was there looking at the two as they walked in.

"Oh what's this, Kawari you didn't tell me you got yourself a new friend. And didn't bother to tell me."

Kawari paused, how the hell was he just going to tell her this.

He can just walk up to her and go "hey so you know that outer god that's taken interest in me? You know Nyarlathotep... Ya this is her in the body of a smoking hot humanoid."

As he was possibly trying to word this correctly Nyarlathotep stepped forward.

"Hello teacher of Kawari, I am Nyarlathotep, the Daughter of Azathoth. It is a pleasure to meet the one who's fostered my interest mind in such a, delightable way."

The teacher froze, she looked at her, then back at her student.


"Yes Mrs Rikiruta?"

"Tell me something real quick."

"Alright what is it?"

How seated and drinking his coffee he awaited the question.

"So this your girlfriend?"

Kawari almost chocked on his coffee, as Nyarlathotep grinned at that question.

"I mean she's hot, but are you telling me that this woman is actually the Outer God you came into contact with?"

Now no longer dying, Kawari pulled himself together as he nod his head.

The teacher looked into his eyes and saw no instance of trickery or anything of the sort, meaning this was one hundred present truth he was conforming and with this she felt a shiver run down her spin as she looked at the woman who's mouth held a twisted smile, and her eyes shined like the dark void she was born into.

"Oh yes Rikiruta, I am that Outer God. And yes I am also quite close with Kawari, now I'm here and I'm going to be enjoying every, single, bit. Of what you all can provide for me." Leaning down She placed her pointer finger under her chin as she used it to raise her head up as she looked into her eyes. "So I hope you don't mind, teacher, because I'll be here for as long as Kawari is here."

Pulling herself back the Outer God in human skin walked back as she took her seat, but paused when the woman cracked a smile.

"Ok then, well fuck, you have quite an aura on you mrs, Nyarlathotep. However if you expected that little display to frighten me your sorely mistaken. However it's good to have you along so welcome to the scient comity."

During this time Kawari stood up and walked away, he went to his station as he continued his current experiment.

The God narrowed her eyes. "And what makes you think I, would want to join you little club?"

"Don't play dumb, we both know the reason why." She picked up her cup filled with tea and sipped it.

"Oh and what do you know of my motives?" The God narrowed her eyes.

"Hmm I may not be on Kawari's understanding of knowing how you work, but I can tell by that gaze of yours that you want something, actually someone, so why not join and see how it works out in the end, so reconsidering now?"

"........" 'Shes just like Kawari, both humans of brilliant minds that are not effected by other Eldritch presences, but that's probably do to her exposer to the cube. If it augmented Kawari in such a way then it makes sense that it's essence leaking out would also fuse with the nearest human making them also similar... How amusing.'

The teacher waited for her response which came with a chuckle before she looked back at her. "Fine, being your beloved paperwork that all you humans love to use for such deals."

"Hm, will do."

Leaving and then returning she handed her the form and as she read over it she saw the slought where she would need to come up with a name.


There she took the pen so graciously given and wrote.

There she wrote "Nya" for her first name and for the second "Azaloth"

May not be creative but she doesn't need to be creative for theses three dimensional creatures.

Handing the paper back she looked at the teacher as she saw that in addition to the paper receiving her name She also filled all the necessary information.

"Hmm alright miss Nya, I'll have your application approved by the student council."

"Ahh, the second group of devils within the school."

"Hm ya, well from what Kawari told me Sona is more cool headed, she should have no problem having you around."

"Not like she has a chance of denying her, after all Sona's only a devil, she's no outer god." Kawari from across the room piped up calling out the massive advantage Nyarlathotep possessed over her.

The daughter of Azathoth would grin as she looked at him, of course they could do nothing to her, hell the dreamers being of such vast cosmic power could not even hope to be able to negotiate with her, and they are mortals who awakens the powers the outer gods gifted humanity at the very beginning of there creation after being made by the elder things.

If literal dreamers, human beings who can create there own reality that is Infinite in size, beyond time space and reality, and came even just choose to reincarnate themselves at will and can just transport themselves to high dimensional existences like it's the most casual thing in the world, can never hopes to be able to negotiate with her. Then how the hell was one singular devil going to do that?

That is what was pondering her mind, until she thought of something.

Speaking about dreamers and the very very small and absolutely microscopic amount of what they are truly capable of.

(No like seriously yeah boy ain't lying If you want to know what the hell a dreamer is, look at this YouTube link

And I know it's about Cthulhu but it will explain everything, dreamers are no joke and I'm not kidding when I say this one dreamer can probably just take a character like CCC Gilgamesh and just rip him in half, along with people like Goku, Rimuru and so many others, I know I probably just set off a goddamn war but it has to be stated dreamers are no joke and when compared to the higher pantheon of Gods Holy s*** are things about to get out of hand very quickly. And also if you look at his other videos I will need to clarify two things One; I'm not stealing his content I am not claiming it as mine This is his I'm just using it as references for you guys, and two, his Azathoth video is only about the absolute bare minimum material we know about him which was written by Lovecraft himself, not everything that's been extended out, so he's referring to the mindless idiot version instead of the boundless god which ended up springing up because Lovecraft gave the rights to use his work however anyone sees fit. So ya, on with the story.}

An idea came to her mind, the god looked over at Kawari. And wondered in her mind if chaos and twisted intelligence.

He had the potential to become an extraordinarily powerful dreamer, even more then the one who fought an Eldritch horror and ended up splitting entire stars as a result of there battle. Hell if she played her cards right he could be a being who could influence this entire Infinite cosmos with just his raw power instead of just having to rely upon the cube!

This... THIS would make her shiver in a sinister delight, how else is she going to show just how powerful they truly are, she could help him awaken this side and then reveal the truth.

That is was them, the Outer gods that were responsible for this power that ALL of humanity possessed, every, single, one.

From a new born child up to adulthood all humans maintain the power given from the dawn of there conception.

So without further to do she stood up, looked over at the teacher she just turned and went to Kawari, the young man was confused but this didn't bother the creeping chaos because all she did was lay her hand upon his shoulder and theyvwhrte just gone.

"Kawari." Mrs Rikiruta called but there was no response.

"Kawari." She called again but When there wasn't a response she simply turned around and saw that the lab was empty.

"What the hell?"

Turning left and right She tried to find them but there was no one there, and with this she just signed.

"Great what are you two, batman and Robin now."

Giving a frustrated sigh She simply sat back down and continued her talk with Sona who was on the phone.

*With Kawari.*

Appearing within a dense foliage of trees surrounding them Kawari looked behind him as the Human form of Nyarlathotep stood behind him, her hand still gripping his shoulder and her eyes staring deeply into his.

"What am I doing here Nyarlathotep?"

"Oh nothing it's just I have a question Kawari."

Letting go of his shoulder she walked forward as the darkness spun and reality contorted, folding into itself like a collapsible chair, the god summoned forth an orb that floated off the ground and up before the teen.

"How would you like to control the fate of your life... Forever."

The young boy narrowed his eyes as he held out his cube, as it rested within his hand he looked down at it before looking at her.

"Nyarlathotep, what are you getting at?"

"Hehe, although your cube it grand you lack the ability to use it at higher levels, so I would ask a simple question, would you like to transcend the very notion of a mortal being? To rise to a level so high you can look down at the ants below and see just how worthless they are."

".... And what's the catch?"

"Nothing... Nothing at all."

"Ok, lets say for a single second I believe you What is this power?"

"Kawari, do you understand how this omniverse is constructed?"

".... No, I don't."

"To put it bluntly and as simple as possible, there is your realm, This is the material realm, your reality is infinite in size, although limited to 3d space. However above this world is another, it's called the dreams realm, This realm is beyond space-time reality and all notions of existence, It has Infinite layers of pure infinite space, and just a single layer of this entire reality would make what you humans think a multiverse is look like nothing more than a single atom in comparison to its size. All these spaces however are only a small speck when compared to what an actual true universe is, a universe is this, realms of beyond Infinite size and infinite dimensions all compacted into a single ball of infinite possibilities. To fully see how large and vast this is, would be impossible by human standards, but it is viewable by us the outer gods and the void born."

Kawari watched as she stopped, the orb she had conjured began to float around them as it showed what was the "Universe" as she put it, a conjoined "Union" of infinite Realms of infinite sizes with infinite layers on top of that.

"Then Kawari, what an actual "Multiverse" is, is an Infinite amount of universes all put together, and there are an infinite. Amount of multiverse, all holding Infinite universes, which all hold an infinite boundlessly large dream realm with your own material worlds being infinite as well. Further passed this is what dreamers refer to as the ultimate gate, or simply put this is Yog-Sothoth, a boundless Outer god that served as the watcher to all of existence, the hoarder of knowledge, the one who knows all."

Kawari at this point was starting to feel his mind become boggled at this, this was just... A lot, so many realms, so many thing! It was just... Ridiculous!

However Nyarlathotep seeing his bogled expression couldn't help but crack a cheeky smile.

"We're not done yet because moving past the ultimate gate, is where we end up, the void, or better known as the ultimate void, the center of this Infinite cosmology of ours, the void is beyond the speck of infinity, There is no end to it There is no beginning to it It just exists, standing beyond all concepts, dimensions and anything which humans could try and rationalize it with, it is a space of such vast unnewable space that trying to understand it will drive you insane."

Her orb showed flashes of the void, the terror, the horrors inside, the monsters devouring the others, but something stuck out to him, like a speck of color in a colorist world there something caught his gaze.

"What is that? Is there something there?"

Nyarlathotep looked at him as she knew what he was refuting to.

"Yes, And finally at the very center of the void at the very center of existence itself here lies where the most dangerous place in all of existence resides. It is known as the Throne of Azathoth."

"Throne of.... Azathoth?"

"Yes it is the very center of all things, where the most powerful of all Outer gods resides, the being which creates exsitence, and all within, the outer gods, the infinity that is this cosmology of the Omniverse he created, He is the one responsible for its creation and he lies asleep within the throne of he own creation."

".... Why does he sleep? I thought Outer gods Do not require sleep."

"We don't, however in this particular case it is required that he stays asleep."


"Or all of Creation will end."

"I'm sorry what? So by him just waking up he's going to end everything?"

Kawari thought she was joking but when her face became clouded by shadows and her figure lost that looseness within her muscles he couldn't help but feel a shiver traveled down his spine.

".... Kawari, I may tell lies, I may twist the souls of all those who I deemed to be my playthings, however. I will only say this once, Azathoth is no joke. He is, what a true outer God is, a being of pure chaos, uncaring for those because his mind doesn't preserve anything, he is omnipotent, but he is a monster at the end of the dream. Mindless, he would sooner devour the other gods because they are just so far below him. He wouldn't even recognize our existence, for what would a being of that caliber view us as, but nothing more then small, unintentional vermin went before him. Although he is our father, the grand father of creation, he is a threat to everything even the other gods that lie outside the void. They is why we keep him asleep, to not have this creation end as fast as it came to be."

Now that feeling of dread fully set in, as Kawari kept his sam's facial expression he couldn't help but feel his fingers twitching, because how his cube was spinning, and oozing a black liquid that was dripping onto the ground, as it layed against the ground however he could only watch as it spread, consisting and erasing the space before it as it seeked what all outer gods did.


Nyarlathotep seeing the cubes change in nature only caused her to narrow her eyes.

"Kawari, give me the cube."

Looking down at his cube the man give it to the Goddess of chaos before him and as she took it away everything was fine until...

In the short time her avatar help hand completely was deleted turning to nothing as the cube floated from her and back to Kawari, Nyarlathotep looked down at her now missing hand, then back to Kawari as the cube just sat there in his hands.



Both didn't speak. The sight they just behold was one of staggering proportions and they needed time to understand that the fuck just happened.

Nyarlathotep may not be in her true form but to manage to destroy her avatars hand so easily was no small feat.

This current form could handle a much larger portion of her true power then most of her other avatars meaning this form should be more along the lines of strength like the Egyptian and Olympians.

The gods of theses pantheons are vast with what Nyarlathotep telling Kawari that theses gods could easily destroy the universes and even alter a large part of the dream realm.

If an avatar of this level was just harmed by the cube then Nyarlathotep could only think of one thing.

'I've drawn Azathoth's Gaze upon us.'

Now the slumbering Titan may lie within his blissful sleep, but he's power was still far more then even the outer gods could comprehend, only Yog-Sothoth knows the true extent of his strength and even he seems to be wary of the King. Showing just how much power the King of the Outer Gods wield, so she figured that speaking his name, or at least one of his names, was enough to cause the cube to sturr in its awakening, as the runes on it can only hold the influence of Azathoth for so long, and ushering his name, would only reduce the time until they rooted away. And this tiny piece of there father's power would rip through the material realm and reduce it to nothingness.

So she acted now while the wound was still fresh, grabbing Kawari she transported themselves to the void, and not the dream realm where they first meet, and upon the instantaneous arrival the towering form of the crawling chaos was now before them.

Kawari, bless his soul couldn't even sightsee for to long before he was ripped from the ground as he floated before her, as the cube was surrounded by a dense black energy as several thousand weird black markings seem to appear before the cube and wrap around it.

To Kawari he didn't understand what they were, to Nyarlathotep however, she knew what they were and was slightly annoyed she needed to use so many of them.

"There, no more problems. I've restabilized the cube."

"So, you going to put me down?"

Both the human Avatar and the true form of Nyarlathotep looked at him with the Titan commanding her lesser self to retake Kawari as a blood sacrifice was just made to her in the human world. Allowing her to arrive back into the material realm.

Arriving back the two stood silent as Kawari now looked at the silent cube.

"What happened?"

"..... *Sighs* speaking father's name, or at least the one most nows, caused the cube to become more active. When you speak one of our names we become aware of your presence and placement in reality, father may be mindless but even he still follows this same principal, as such when I invoked his name I caused his unconscious gaze to lock onto me through the cube, and sense is a manifestation of his true power it damaged my avatar sense it couldn't handle the strain of such energy running through it."

Kawari got the picture she was painting, basically don't say the kings name, he was sure he could work with that.

Then another question came to mind, why wasn't he affected by it?

Looking at her his mouth spoke "Nyarlathotep, why wasn't I harmed by the cube?"

".... Hmmm, probably because it bonded to you, it's now like an extension of you, no point in damaging its own self."

"True, But shouldn't that not qualify for me."

"What do you mean?" She tried to play it off but Kawari pushed forward.

"As you just said your father is mindless but all powerful although the cube is a lesser part of him from what I'm getting at, why didn't the energy from the cube flow into me? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, This should be no different. I was holding the Nexus point of which the energy was flowing from I was at the epicenter of it, I am a stronger being but I am mainly still within the 3D world. My body shouldn't have been able to handle the energy of the cube, so again why didn't it cause me harm?"

Nyarlathotep was silent before chuckling.

Kawari raised his eyebrow as Nyarlathotep stopped.

"Truth be told I don't know, Your body should have been eviscerated into tiny fragments, your entire being should be nothing more than dust right now, actually no dust is putting it lightly. You should no longer exist, not here or across any point in time, your entire existence should be gone and yet you stand before us. Why father's energy hasn't killed you is well beyond me, because you should be gone."

The man was silent, hearing the brutal honesty brought with him the results he needed to piece things together.

But he was pulled away as Nyarlathotep used her pointer finger and placed it up on his head.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing much, only now getting to the reason I brought you here."

"So are you finally going to show me this power you've been speaking of?"

"Yes, but first I need to awaken your mind a little."

"Awaken me mi-"

He was cut off as a small but very dense wave of Nyarlathotep's every was sent into his mind, mainly she focused it on the penhale gland within his being.

Kawari saw the world freeze, everything was hazy, everyone was silent before it felt like a world, no a universes worth of power was then subjected into himself.

Nyarlathotep seeing his eyes dilate, and his mind race with overwhelming thought brought her great joy as it seemed like he finally awoken that side of him.

Pulling away Kawari wobbled a little bit before he looked at Nyarlathotep as she saw his eyes changed.

No longer that of any human eyes, they where like the void itself, with the outer edges of his eyes becoming an ebony black as the closer you got to his pupil, The more vibrant the color as a beautiful indigo and violent color made up around the center of his eye, as it looked like a vast cosmos before finally his pupil becoming this black void.

Nyarlathotep watched as he walked forward, completely unfazed by the reality around him he looked to the sky as with his hand reached out towards the stars above.

Nothing happened at first, all was silent, but soon the stars above began to move, as thousands upon thousands of stars where ripped from there placement in the vast void of space and with the slightest hand movement Kawari was able to throw these stars thousands of light years away before he closed his hand and caused each and every one to explode.

Nyarlathotep couldn't help but enjoy what he was doing, now finally dipping into the vast cosmic power that was before him she would give another push.


He turned to her.

"This is only the begining, this power can let you do so much more. Now all I ask is to think about a world you desire."

"A world I desire... Huh, let's see."

Focusing his mind we would imagine a paradise, a world so beautiful so peaceful that even the gods of creation would be jealous of him for his creation of it.

And after he though this, the sky's, the crystal clear water and all that could be present in his newfound Utopia, Nyarlathotep spoke again.

"Now, walk to it Kawari."

With his back turned it almost seemed like he acted on instinct, as when he took his step reality bend to his will and instead of walking in a straight path he was now walking upwards, and with it, reality opened before him like a door as he now stood within the world he thought of.

The sight was breathtaking, as the newfound dreamer walked this world of his own creation touching the planets and life he created.

Nyarlathotep wouldn't be far as she raised from the shadows cased by the son shining over him, the same one he had envisioned.

"What do you say Kawari."

"It's beautiful.... And this power, all of humanity has it?"

"Every single one, the outer gods gifted humanity this power, the power to be your own god like beings, and just look at this, without the cubes help you were able to create this infinite paradise, a realm so far beyond the physical world it couldn't even be compared to it."

"..... What else can I do?"

Nyarlathotep felt her mouth grin at his words, walking forward she swung her arms out and spoke with all the fire in her soul!


"This! All of this! And so much more! Is the power we gifted your kind, this is why they worship us! They make sacrifices in our names! You Kawari, are on of only a small few who was able to see this gift. You can see it can't you! Space, reality, death, life, laws, time, everything, all theses limits. It's worthless! My Entertainment you hehehehehehehehehe.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Appearing before him her eyes gave off a sinister malice as her hands latched onto his face but not in bloodlust or psychopathic tendencies, but instead as a gester of overwhelming, boundless excitement.

"You.... Are now, able to do soooo much more. The possibilities are endless. And that excites me more then making humans go mad with insanity. You can be something more, more enjoyable to watch, more enjoyable to twist, and so much more."

Bringing her face closer her face but mere inches from his, did both look into one another's eyes and saw there passion.

The eye she had, so full of life and vigor, so dangerous and yet beautiful.

And Kawari's, cold and set towards a distant future, this power would be useful however caution needed to be taken with it.

Eventually both of them pulled away with the taller one of the duo still retaining her grin.

But this ended when Kawari felt his mind begin to rattle, his eyes began to fluctuate between dreamer and his normal eyes as Nyarlathotep looked over and just sighed.

'I nearly forgot that newly born Dreamers can only hold there powers for so long before they start to filter from fatigue, them again he lasted longer then most other dreamers for there first time, probably because of the cubes influence. but oh well, looks like I'll have to be taking him home, don't want my Entertainment dying to soon while I've just opened to door for him.'

Grabbing him once again she took him to his house where there she placed him upon his bed, only for her to hear the door open and see a woman standing there looking at her.

"Thought I sensed something dark and negative, so care to explain who the hell you are? And why your with my brother?"

"Oh, so your Kawari's Sister, how lovely to meet you, my Entertainment couldnt stop talking about you when I asked who you were."

"Oh is that so. But I do believe this is the first time we've meet. So explain to be this, why do I sense such a dark energy from you?"

The demon sister looked her in the eyes as from her right hand she summoned the flames of hell that burned with such staggering heat It was like looking at mini sun.

"Hmm do I really have that dark of an aura, could have sworn I dealt with that."

Yasu hearing this thought this woman was a threat so she took off in a blitzing display of speed that Nyarlathotep was slightly surprised of, sense she only seemed to be around the level of an elite guard of Hell, and yet her speed was rivaling that of one of the princes of hell.

But sadly such speeds where child's Play when compared to a being who could move fast enough to travel between the infinite cosmosis in a blink of an eye so she was able to simple grab her fist stopping her advances, until from the girls spin four razor sharp bone like tendril sprouted and went straight for her skull.

Nyarlathotep responded by manipulating the flesh around her spin to dissolve as from the holes sharp spider like appendages sprouted blocking the attack once more.

The two locked eyes with one another as Yasu seeing Kawari began to sturr in his sleep quickly broke away as she opened a portal and sent the two of them away.

Now within a barren part of the planet the Outer god smiled as she laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, however I must say I find it quite humorous that you attacked me so suddenly instead of letting me explain myself."

"Well call it a sister sense, it's just that The second I realized you're aura I immediately became hostile now spill it, who the fuck are you?"

"Hm, alright if you want to know my name so badly I'll tell you. My name is Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos."

Yasu however after learning her name didn't seem to be phased at all, seeing her face Nyarlathotep smirked.

"Not scared huh, even though you stand before a being that could rip your atoms into pieces before you can even blink."

"You think I give a shit if you're an actual outer god? God, demon, devil, Outergod doesn't mean crap, If you're a threat to my little brother then I'll find some way to kill you, even if I have to face a being of the void."

"What strong conviction, I like that, Now I know where Kawari gets his mindset from. However girl If you think I was such a threat then why isn't your brother dead?"

"You don't think I don't know the stories about you Crawling Chaos. The Demons know what you've done to the devils how you took there joy and twisted their lives into a hell That's worse than anything we could produce. You're a statistic outer God which revels in the agony of others lesser then you. How do I know you're not simply trying to play my brother and eventually just turn him into another one of your playthings."

"Well let's just say me an him are playing a little game together."

Yasu narrowed her eyes "What game?"

"Oh I'm sorry my mouth slipped out words don't worry about it." The god grinned as she turned from her.

Yasu now felt more irritated by the dismissive manner she was showing towards her, here she was trying to understand and keep Kawari safe and now this abomination was acting like this. "THE FUCK IS YOUR ANGLE? What the hell are you trying to play!"

""What is my angle?" Really anything I want it to be, "what am I playing?" Well a nice game with the most fun being I've ever found."

"That doesn't answer my question why my brother? What sick goals to you have in-store for him?"

".... *Sighs* listen demon, If you want the truth ask your brother. I'm not explaining myself to you. Well unless you help me in some way, and second. You are not my concern, and your existence couldn't mean less, honestly I'm debating about erasing you and then rewriting the memory of you out of existence. However I won't because that will cause far to many problems but if you insist on being an annoyance, and one I can't deal with them how about a deal?"

"A deal..... With you? Why the hell would I do such a thing?"

"Listen first. Firstly, this deal will be between you and me, not any of the other gods, second, I will guarantee you protection from any form of trickery lies or anything else that you deem fit for such a deal, lastly for every blood sacrifice you make to me and to only me, will I explain myself. It's a fair trade with you getting the better end of the stick."

"..... And why exactly are you making such a deal with me?"

"Aghhhh, Did you not hear what I just said?"

"I did, But honestly it seems like the only reason why you're doing this is to have a quick way of getting me away from you."

"Oh that's precisely the reason why I'm even negotiating with you to begin with. My plans dont involve you, they have to deal with my little scientist, and his group, but considering you're close enough to him to being one of the only four targets I can't harm or do anything to, I'll give you this to show my trueness. I wish your brother no harm, well... If he loses then that's on him, But as of now your brother then no immediate harm, He's honestly been quite stubborn as of late, that cheeky little boy can't even begin to understand the miracle he pulled off. So We can either continue our meaningless battle where you will lose and suffer some kind of great injury and most likely we will be detected by the other supernatural race which will only prompt them to come here and complicate our lives more. Or you can except and we can be on with our lives as good friends. As you will all say."

".... *Huffs* fine. I'll take your stupid deal but how do I know you won't betray me? Or double cross the agreement?"

"When it comes to deals I always keep my word."

"Fine, What do I do?"

"Simply shake my hand."

Holding her hand out Yasu looked down at it before slowly reaching out and grabbing a hold of it and has their hands interlocked a large circle appeared below them as the contract was made.

"Now this is done and I will catch you later I expect my next sacrifice here soon."

Nyarlathotep left as Yasu sighed.

"Little brother, I hope whatever you did or doing won't hurt you do much."

There she left and with this scientist unconscious things would be paused as of now but in the void things are stirring up Well more like one god in particular is expressing his undying emotions.

*In the void.*

Now within the depths of the darkness the Outergod and collective conscience of the abyss watched from well the abyss, looking at the land of dream and all those that bare sentient thoughts have there dreams.

"Hmmmmmmmm man it must be fun being in the physical world."

Searching though the dreams of the world there Darkness would make a decision.

".... If Nyarlathotep can go to the physical world the so can I!"

So as he went to manifest his own avatar darkness paused, he has never been to the human world and as a result couldn't really understand on how he was going to try and fit in but he would have to wing it.

So feeling enough blood sacrifices be made to him darkness projected an Avatar of himself and with it he appeared around the same area as where Nyarlathotep resides.

His form was human as expected but instead of the more beautiful approach that Nyarlathotep Went with, he went for more of a darker approach as befitting the being that he is.

(The wings aren't there.)

And will his arrival the entire sky of Kuoh Town was blinded by Darkness, lightning dance through the skies and upon his first step into the physical world Darkness stood with that signature shit eating grin he used to annoy Nyarlathotep.

And now standing upon the tallest building within the towns perimeters he looked towards them as he spook.

"Hehe, well as the humans would say such bitches, I'm here!"

With this he jumped up into the sky above as he laughed and giggled like an excited child as he landed upon the ground and turned to see some brown hair boy on the ground bleeding and across from him Ahhhh...

"Lady what in the name of Yog-Sothoth are you wearing?"

Standing across from him was a fallen angel with ahh let's just say an outfit which didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Hmm and how are you?"

"Oh nothing much really, Just your friendly neighborhood darkness passing though and trying to find his sister and future brother in law that's all."


"Hey so speaking of such Can you tell me where Kawari is?"

"Who?" The fallen angel just looked at the being confused.

"You now, Kawari, possessor of the most powerful weapon known to the entirety of mortal kind, Entertainment of-"

"Hold on, possessor of the most powerful weapon What do you mean does he possess a sacred gear?"

"What no of course not, The weapon he holds in his hand is much more powerful than any silly sacred gear your world biblical God could have created."

"Oh is that so, and now that I think about it, he's that human who is apart of the science department of Kuoh academy."

"All right, thanks, bye."

Turning on his heel and walking away the god No longer needed to pay her any mind however the Fallen Angels spoke again.

"If I may ask who are you? And are you not here for him?"

Darkness turned around as he looked at the boy.


"So you don't care for his life?"

"Do you?"

"Not a chance, however the date he took me on was rather nice, however I'm not going to grow attached to a human."

"Hm I see, well If that's all then I'm going to be off now, Also put your damn light spear away. Because I promise you that if you throw that you're not going to have a good time."

The girl eyes widened as she didn't even believe he recognized her having her weapon out even though it was currently hidden behind her.

"Ya I may be the most human of my family but that doesn't make me a moron, well maybe a little, but still! I'm not stupid enough to not realize then you're one twisted lady, however it's not my business So have a good day and thanks for the info."

Walking away the girl wasn't about to take his threat lightly however before she could even move her arm a sinister feeling crept down her spine as when she turned around a nightmarish image appeared before her.


It was so quick so vast and all consuming She dare not move.

And was this darkness left locking onto the school He appeared upon the rooftop where there he would continue to look around until nothing happened.

"Man I sear to father if I came all the way out here for this I'ma be mad."

"Why is that brother."

Turning around he came face to face with his sister who narrowed her eyes as she seemed annoyed.

"Yo sis, sup."


"Hey you good?"


"Yes sis."



" And here I thought you were the smart one, so smart that I thought it was obvious, I'm here to see my future brother-in-law, not you. So If you would just excuse me I'ma go find him."

"This isn't a game Darkness. I don't want you messing up what I've already created."

"Well the fact you created something is already impressive in it of itself, here I though you enjoyed causing torment and miserable, but look at you, playing house with your totally not already your interest."

Nyarlathotep just sighed, Why the hell did her brother have to be so God damn human?

All she did was sigh. "Listen brother, Do not think I am beyond not destroying your avatar and sending you back to the void, if you ruin this, I swear on our fathers name I will kill you."

"Hehe nice, And I got you sis, won't ruin the plan, I'll help out with it. And don't worry I will definitely not do anything wrong, I'm a supporter not a killer after all. So ya bois gotcha!"

Giving a wink and two thumbs up to her, Nyarlathotep just stared with a deadpan expression before palming her face.

"Why are you like this?"

"That's just how dad made me."

"I hate you."

"I love you too sis."


"Alright! Letsa go! I want to meet my future brother!"

Walking passed her Nyarlathotep just glared at him before signing again.

"And here comes the chaos, And it's chaos from someone else other than me."

With that the two siblings ended up returning to Kawari's house where there the young scientist would have to have his ear talked off by the Lord of the Abyss.

But as of now another god watched with his eyes being the one which sees all.

*With Yog-Sothoth*

The boundless watcher of Azathoth's dream watched on as the most human Outer God annoyed his sister on there way to the house with the sisters heart being filled with both annoyance and delight but the delight only coming from here time with Kawari.

He would turn his gaze and look upon the sleeping Titan as Azathoth remained silent.

He would then look outside the void and stare at someone completely different.

A king with tremendous power who led his armies against entire worlds, and consumed universes.

"So it is to begin as I saw, the false king will begin his conquest once again, you will try and bring the end of life itself as you did so many years ago before you were defeated and killed, and again when stopped by Nyarlathotep, won't you cruel Outergod of brutality. Or rather your true name which is a symbol of terror."

"Scarlet King"

There you have it Ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter was done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Now I know this is a lot shorter than all the other Eldritch truth chapters I've done in the past but considering how long I have been gone and how much s*** I'm trying to put into the story I don't want to overcomplicate things and accidentally make things way too long, So todays chapter was going to set up a few things.

Number one the Scarlet King has now shown himself, through the eyes of Yog-Sothoth, two Kawari is now becoming a dreamer which in and of itself is going to bring an absolute s*** ton of new possibilities to the story, and lastly The meme Lord himself darkness has now arrived The most human of the outer gods in this story and AKA best boy by many of your guys's comments has now set foot into the physical realm.

I hope you guys are ready for quite the goddamn upcoming marathon because things are about to get crazy and crazy fast Eldridge Hunt, the SCP foundation and many other elements I've already promised to include within the story will be making an appearance throughout the upcoming chapters So stay tuned and be ready for your boy to create an absolute masterpiece of multiple different realities and so on and so forth.

Along with this if you guys have any ideas or you want to see some specific gods make an appearance I'm pretty sure I could find some way to work them in so leave some comments here and I will most likely take a look at them.

Now goodbye to all of you See you when I update Beast family. Because Lord knows you guys want that update and I'm trying It's just taking longer than expected.

Word count: 8260

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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ᚴᚨᚹᚨᚱᛁ ᛗᚤ ᚠᚢᛏᚢᚱᛖ ᛋᛟᚾ

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