Chapter Four Towards truth we walk, to backhanded the supernatural I will

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*Three weeks after last chapter*

Kawari and his newfound team where continuing there job, and with the occasional guidance from Nyarlathotep here and there they where able to make great strides into there search for this truth.

Kawari became the centerpiece on this operation with his cube being the very thing that allows for theses events to take place.

But what wasn't expected was Sirzech on of the leaders of the underworld come to them and speak with Kawari.

However before things could get dice Sirzechs well... Let's just say meet a very possessive entity, one that wasn't to keen of allowing the devils to get there claws into.

And this day marked the arrival of someone Kawari wasn't expecting.

*Flashback. Location the underworld*

The day after Rias discovered that Kawari held this great power she sent a message to her brother Sirzechs in order to inform him of this development.

Currently the Satan was doing his paper work when a servents entered.

"What is it?" He looked at the worker as they bowed.

"Sir Sirzechs I carry a message from Lady Rias Gremory."

This caught his attention, looking at him "tell me the message."

"Well sir here it is."

He handed him the magical seal that was upon a price of paper and he activated it as the message played.

"Big brother some shocking events had happened within mine and Sora's territory, the human male named Kawari who I had a personal interest in had now gained control of something hailing from the void, and has become the entertainment of Nyarlathotep, if at all possible could you take a look at this if not completely remove the treat he posses to us? "

Upon reading this the Satan exploded into a state of fear, this boy... The hell had he done!

Nyarlathotep is not to be trifled with, sense it was do to her pull of the strines that now they find themselves within the state they are now.

Twisting the mind of everyone in order to satisfy her own twisted ego, to give some form of light to her twisted inhuman soul.

This being, no this demon! Was responsible for there species suffering and the reason why all this even started!

Now even the original Lucifer could do what he did, hell not even SATAN HIMSELF COULD!

The whole demon race, the gods, the twisted dark ones, even the most noble of heros would never become this "interest" this "Entertainment" so what was so special about Kawari?

That was the biggest question here.

What the hell was this kid?

If he was able to draw her attention then he had to be something as twisted as her!

Then that would mean.. .

"Oh no, Rias!"

The servant jumped as Grayfia his wife barged in.

"Sirzechs! What's wrong?" She looked upon the man as horror overwrote his face.

"Grayfia we have to act now!"

He formed a magical circle below the two of them as they where transported away.

'Rias I'm coming don't worry.'

*Within Kuoh Town, at the occult reacher club.*

The gremory group where trying to get over the shocking turn of events that happened yesterday when Kawari revealed his secret, and they where powerless to do anything.

Rias felt down, not only had an amazing option to get free from her arranged marriage just go flying out the window but also this same being was in the cliches of something which from birth she was told to fear.

A monster of such power that it made even the gods of their world look like just simple grains of sand within a desert standing the size of a universe.

She couldn't risk trying anything so it was best to remove the treat all together.

Sona may think it's safe to have him but not she, Kawari was fine as a human but now as what he is and who's he's "entertaining" this needed to be delt with before things grew to strongly.

However she didn't know the force that was at play, Nyarlathotep would not be denied her entertainment a d unfortunately for rias she would learn.

When her big brother arrived she was overflowing with joy, finally mane this threat can get off there back!

"Rias I got the message tell me everything!"

"Ok big brother, I need you to sit and while go over everything."

He nod his head and sat as Rias sighed and went over what she didn't in the message.

*Meanwhile I'm the Final Void.*

Nyarlathotep was now observing her newfound interest and was having a grin upon her face the whole time.

This little human was just the best! But what she noticed as he slept was something strange.

"Hmmm ohh now I see, the augmentation properties are activating already."

Yes the "augmentations" that was putting it very very very lightly, you see the cube was designed to make the wielder slowly become something more and more the longer they held onto it, augmenting the parts of themselves that had the highest affinity with the cube first before mending the rest of the body.

Now this could be dangerous, sense a person who gets there body more affiliated with the cube will have a body which the mind can't control sense it can understand its own anatomy anymore, and the mind if augmented will have a risk of bursting sense it's understanding and just overall physiology is unable to match with its fleshy container but Kawari was a perfect match meaning both mind and body where evolving at a steady rate and equally as well.

Meaning he was growing stronger and stronger, and his mind was now able to process the void in its entirety.

This made her more joyous then ever, so much so that the world she was tormenting and torturing, she abandoned and just let it burn without her hand guiding the flames as she focused on this little human.

Call it an addiction but she couldn't get enough!

Her father made the perfect human for her infinite creativity to mess with, and it seemed that Kawari was fine with it, even making routine meetings with her as they would play a simple chess game. While they talked. Now the game was nothing to crazy, except when you think that a human was playing against and outer God and was able to win as much as the other.

They where tired, out of the 580 games played both won  290 games respectfully.

Each and every time however the crawling choas was ecstatic, the game made it a even playing field, it was just two minds facing against one another.

Now Nyarlathotep could just use her power to look into the future and see all his moves but she didn't, this was just mind vs mind in a game of set probabilities, there powers could do nothing against the other, it was just guessing who could beat who.

These where more fun then burning whole worlds to the ground, even though they did not move, it was all about mind games, something that Nyarlathotep was extraordinary good at, but unfortunately her target was someone who could somewhat call her bullshit and even see there most her basic illusions, now however as Kawari walked through the realm and Nyarlathotep made sure to follow he set up a table and placed cards on the table.

"Kawari what game are we playing?"

She knew already, it was Five card draw no wilds, they get five cards and they can discard up to four cards to regain a new hand, the one who has the best combination was the winner.

'So a game about fate, well this should be easy.'

"You already know now draw your five cards and let's go."

Using her powers she made five cards float off the top of the deck as Kawari drew his.


"Get a bad hand Kawari? How sad."

Giving a sigh he tossed four card away and drew four.

"Well considering you didn't get rid of any cards I can only believe that you have a pretty good hand."

"Only the best."

"Hmm alright, ready?"


"Alright reveal."

She showed her cards and it was a royal Straight flush.

"Fufufu looks like I win and you owe me that promise."

"You know I would be scared if you didn't get tied."

With the most bord expression he flipped his cards around showing that he two had a royal Straight flush.

"..... Hehe you knew I would manipulate fate so you did your own cheating as well."

"Call it intuition, because when you said "get a bad hand how sad" that made me believe you probably had the best hand possible so I used that ability of yours you taught me to conceal fate and clairvoyance type abilities and rigged the deck to my favore."

"Hmm oh well, but here soon you'll owe me that favore."

"Sure, whatever you say Nyarlathotep, so what do you wish to play now?"

"Chess, after all a win is only a win if you beat your opponent at his or hers best, and I will not have this tie we have going to be broken by anything less then you playing the game you are the best at."

"Very well then, Chess it is."

Materializing the board and pieces they went to work playing the game.

They went on for hours, and there was going to be no clear sign of a winner until Nyarlathotep did a little manipulating.

She used her strength to sway his desire to cloud his mind and pick the wrong piece to move.

However instead of moving it to the place where she would be able to get an automatic sweep, he moved it to the one stop where she was now locked out of advancing her right hand side pieces.

"Nyarlathotep nice try but you seem to forget that you trained me in resisting mind manipulation, or did you think that I would be weak enough to manipulate?"

Now Nyarlathotep looked at him, her mind moving from the game to the "human" and she smiled, it was true his body and mind had grown stronger, and using such small microscopic amounts of power wouldn't work sense he was now like a mini great one as such she would use a little more.

"No I was testing you and anyways, checkmate."

He looked down and sighed, yep she got him.

"Now put them back and let's get back to it."

The two played against with Nyarlathotep seeming like she was going to win and get that favor but as it was Kawari's turn he felt his phone vibrate.

"Hold on my mom is calling."

He stood up and walked more towards the crack in reality as he could now get better reception.

[Kawari sweety where are you?]

"I'm with my friend mom, I told you this yesterday that I needed to head over to her house and speak with her about the project."

[*Sighs* sweety it's nearly five and dinner is getting cold, just let your friend know that you need to get home and come eat, alright?]

"I understand mom I'll let her know."

He hung up and sighed.

"Let me guess you need to leave?"

"Yes unfortunately but my mom is just worried about me, but if you wish drop by at my house or school and we can talk. While pick this game up tomorrow."

"Fine, I'll wait."

Kawari nod his head as he walked through leaving the outer god alone and looking at the bord.

"Just a few more turns and this would have been my gam-"

She looked and stood there shocked, his pawn who she was going to take was actually his queen, which had a straight shot towards her king.

If he concluded his turn then she would have lost, and this game was going to continue.

Now she did lose, she fell for such an illusion!

Perhaps she needed to bring a stronger avatar here, sense this one was only stronger then the common great one. And Kawari must have known and taken advantage of it and used his cube to case an illusion which blinded her.

He took advantage of her holding back and used her boosted ego to take the lead and win this.

"Hehehe oh little Kawari, you've just made me appreciate you all the more now."

Her form shattered as she stood within her true form with all it's powers and abilities, And using this newfound power she looked through the passes and yup there it was, Kawari's whole plan came into motion when she took his first knight, he made it seem like his queen was his pawn, and his pawn was his queen, so the queen she took was just a pawn And the queen in disguise had a straight shot at her king.

She lost...... again.

"Ahaha now this is what I call entertainment, though it does get annoying having to hold back so often but you have to wait until he's a bit stronger Nyarlathotep, or else you'll risk breaking the poor boy's mind and a broken toy is no fun to have."

"True sister but from the looks of things it seems or never break that little human." The voice of a teasing remark reached her "ears" and it irritated her because she knew who this was.

"Hello Darkness, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She looked as the massive form of her brother appeared before her.

"Nothing, just came to see the human who has been keeping the great messenger gods attention, I wanted to see anyway if we can "bond" over some games like you have."

"I'll have you now these games are quite important."

"Oh yeah totally sister, they're important for you to get away in spend time with your secret little boyfriend and or future mate."

"...... What did you just say?" She looked at him as even without eyes Darkness could tell she was agitated.

But I did not stop the collective consciousness of the void as he spoke.

"You heard me, It's quite evident to both me and Nameless mist You like this little human And what's not to like about him. He's Smart, brave, strong, courageous, and not an idiot."

"You know for an outer God you talk just like humans."

"I exist within a realm below their dreams, I feed off of their subconsciousness, I see what they see, feel what they feel, I can even imitate them and make it as real as it can get. But you should have known this sister and that's what makes me the most comedic member of the trio."

"More like the most annoying."

"Please sister we both know damn well that is that little human was an outer god you would have most likely mated him already."

Just like before, after overstepping his boundaries Darkness was introduced to one of Nyarlathotep's massive spiked legs.

She ran this sharp leg of her straight through his throat and plunged it through the other side of his flesh.

"Do not speak of me like some common whore!" Her voice portrayed of venom within its hollow echoey voice. One promising darkness a painful trip back to the abyss.

"Look sis this is actually.... I good thing." He was currently choking on his own blood but this didn't really stop him from speaking What did however was him trying to formulate his next sentence much more carefully. "I mean think about it like this if you can get into his heart imagine how much more fun this game will be."

Nyarlathotep paused as she went over his words, Now you see unlike the conventional outer gods the three children born directly underneath the blind idiot god had a much better understanding of the universe, sense again they where directly tied to the one responsible for its creation, as such they're understanding of emotions and such lesser concepts could play a bigger factor in their overall characteristics.

Nyarlathotep enjoyed being among humankind, because with their chaotic nature and tendencies it was and almost boundless play field for her, She was the most sadistic and the most twisted of the trio as such with all these lesser ants to take advantage of why wouldn't she have a feel today with them?

Nameless mist was arguably the most straight focused one, he never overstepped his boundaries and continue to maintain his part of the dream and do what he was meant to do he never got sidetracked it like their sister, not did he take joy nor pleaser inflicting unnecessary mass amounts of pain upon others.

And Darkness well as he stated could feel their collective dreams and as such imitate them allowing him to have a much more human line of speech.

These made them very unique but also could prove to be a much greater threat considering that such things like teasing can actually register off them, and Nyarlathotep did not like that shit one bit.

Since the three weeks have gone by the two brothers have noticed her interest in this boy grow they themselves became interested and watched out for him when she wasn't watching, which was almost every given moment.

But as they where able to watch him here and there, they came to find out why she liked him. Because it seemed like he picked up on their presents extraordinarily quickly, way faster than any human should be able to.

On top of this when he was dreamwalking he actively sensed darkness looking at him from the abyss. And he used his cube in order to send him a message in between dimensions allowing him to communicate with the Lord of the abyss.

This by itself was already an indication of why their sister had become practically obsessed with this boy, he had what other humans could gain, a strong enough mind to actually interact with the Eldritch beings of this existence and thanks to their sisters sadistic nature This was practically gold for her.

She wanted to twist him into something which she could use to entertain herself for eternity, This wasn't anything unnatural, sense she usually enjoys turning humankind into her toys, and moving them around like toys soldiers positioning them and making them do as she pleases with just a mere pool of the string.

It's just that this human was the first that actually proved to be somewhat of a challenge, he could easily call her bluffs, and was actually pretty strong in resisting her advances in order to ensnare him, because of theses traits this spun into a game of cat and mouse on the highest level, one she wouldn't miss out on.

As such she made most outer gods blind to his presence, well all except for theses two and the Almighty Yog-Sothoth who by no means was not being blinded by her little antics, No way in hell was his all-seeing eyes not about to bypass that shit easily.

But just three beings knowing of his presence was already fine enough, because she knew that two entities (her brothers) would not dare to interrupt her game and as for Yog-Sothoth... He just didn't care, I mean he's the boundless entity who watches over all of time, space, and reality, He's practically watching the universe like a movie. Why would he be interested in just one character when there's the whole script before him?

So this was perfect.

The perfect interest.

The perfect scenario.

With only so little beings knowing about it and as such making it nearly impossible for it to be ruined!

It all coalesced into the perfect drug for her, One would she had not had in quadrillions of years.

However Nyarlathotep would stop as she threw darkness to the ground and looked down at him.


In her infinite cruelty, understanding of emotions, and many other human trates, One thing that she could never understand was the human heart itself, and from the way darkness was describing the situation it seemed like this human heart factor was starting to play out.

"Look clearly you're going to stop holding back on him after all you're already seeing that he's proving to be much more of a challenge than you originally thought, You thought he was a normal ant when in fact he wasn't, Now he's undergoing an evolution, his mind's becoming more sharp and more aware of your games, He's matching you shot for shot as such You need to do something completely unexpected You can't see what's going to happen to him in the future because the cube actively blocks out all points of view except for Yog-Sothoth and use forcefully pulling apart his little protection, but remember what he said the last time he was here?"

"Information is vital, especially when against the unknown."

Those words wrong in her head and soon it clicked.

"It would appear you weren't useless after all darkness." She ripped her leg from his throat as she stood there contemplating her next action. "But As you said he is not an ant As such how should I approach this? I mean there are so many ways, I could do that, but that ways however is not as fun as I originally thought."

"Instead of having him come to you, why not you go to him?" Darkness looked at his sister as she seemed to rejoice in that idea.

"That could very much work, And while I'm there I'll gather some more information on him I'll be the girl who just wants to be a "friendly person" but I'll use it as my opportunity to get the upper hand on him."

This remark of hers left darkness confused, why would the all-powerful Nyarlathotep stoop so low as to use other beings to gather information about someone when she herself could just easily do that.

"Sister If you want to get the upper hand on him why not just use your powers? I mean I only suggested this as a way of you two continuing whatever you have but why use it to get the upper hand? why not just use your abilities to see into his mind? Surely by doing that you would be able to get all the information you're going to need in order to lower him into the perfect trap."

"Because that would be boring, Yes it is very much true that I could easily end this entire debate by simply using my power and bypassing all the restrictments of the cube and seeing where he goes, in the future, or just opening his mind and reading all the little pieces that make up his being but that's boring. And I detest boredom. As such if I really want to make this more interesting I need to stop playing the game on the side and only attacking here and there, I need to always be on the attack."

"Then I'm guessing you're heading off to the human world?"

"Not just that." She turned to him as her form shrunk down.

Standing at a height of 6'6, with long immaculate flowing ebony black and purple hair, piercing Violet eyes and a body that would make a goddess be put to shame, her bust was about an F cut, her ass was nice round and plump, her figure was that of an hourglass and she looked gorgeous while holding an aura of danger to her, she stood before her brother within her human form.

"I'm heading off to school dear brother. Ahahaha."

Her voice disappeared into the void around her as she sunk through a crack in reality as she arrived upon the human world.

Darkness looked around and saw the chess pieces, realizing what the young scientist was going to do he used one of his tentacles to move his queen piece next to the king.

"Hehe I win."

*Back within the human world.*

Kawari had eaten all of his dinner and was now about to head off to his room, with approximately 4 hours left until 9:00 he had plenty of time to kill until he received a text message from Sona saying how Rias requested his presence.

Kawari interested at what could happen decided to accept, he went and talked with his mom and she agreed to let him go but under the condition that he make it back no later then ten.

He understood and went to the school walking there he walked his butt all the way there where upon his arrival he noticed a man with flowing crimson hair and wearing armor?

"Oh you must be the young man Rias was telling me about."

Kawari looked at him then at Sona who moved her hand towards the couch and he sat down.

"Greetings my name is Sirzechs, I am one of the four devil kings and eldest brother of Rias, and now Kawari I would like to ask a few questions."


The tone of his voice was something that caught the attention of Grayfia and Sirzechs, he sounded more bord then anything.

He was currently standing before being who can destroy the entire country with just a wave of his hand, but again when before Nyarlathotep herself who could shatter an infinite amount of Multiverses with just her avatars That was nothing.

"Well it's come to our attention that you and two other humans are conducting an experiment or sorry no A club activity into discovering the Eldritch Truth."

"Yeah that is very much true It is called Eldritch Hunt."

"Ok, may I know why? Surely you know of the powers you are betting against right."

"Oh yeah I know, I mean I just had the Liberty of playing five card draw no wilds against Nyarlathotep and drawled with her."

"I'm sorry what?" Sirzechs couldn't tell if this person was trying to sound bored or if he was actually being genuine.

"Oh sorry here let me show you, since I know it sounds outlandish."

He summoned forth his cube which instantly put the devil in the room on alarm but as the rooms fabric began to change they were transported to a memory and then they watch the game unfold.

The first thing was the appearance of Nyarlathotep, it was more humanish, but still looked like a complete abomination.

But what was truly impressive was how Kawari managed to draw, he saw through her words and took no chances drawling with the Eldritch horror.

That was something most people could never do She was actively cheating in order to win and he took that into consideration and did a slight bit of cheating himself, allowing his draw to be gained.

"I must say Kawari that was impressive but how do you know that next time she won't just blatantly control you?"

"With all due respect sir I have played her over 500 and 60 times in chess, the exact amount we have played was 580 games and we have both won an equal amount, If she truly wanted to control me she would have done it by now but that's not how she's playing it She wants entertainment and I really do not want to have to explain all of this again If you got a message or some information from Rias then you should know why she hasn't done what she's done."

"True I did but what happens when she's done What happens to you and everyone else who's had a part in this?"

"I sink into madness, My team goes off scotch-free unless they do something and your sister and every other devil in this room goes off scotch-free unless you want to try and intervene."

"Mr Kawari I'm not sure you understand the gravity of the situati-"

"I'm sorry ma'am I don't mean to cut you off, but why are you trying to tell me, The person who's already experienced what she's capable of, the gravity of the situation which I already know I'm in? You think I don't know she's been holding back, or she's been severely underestimating my capabilities? I know she has, she's a damn outer god. If she really wanted to she could have easily crushed my mind and turned me into her little puppet, and I know Shes actively trying to turn me into a little toy for her entertainment, but it is through the same desire that I have been keeping her at bay. I know what she's doing, I at least know her goal, Although again I cannot counter all of her movements I can mitigate a very good amount of them making the impact of it significantly reduced. I will win one game, I will lose another, It is as simple as that. So long as I can continue to draw with her, I am keeping myself simultaneously out of her reach while keeping her on the attack allowing me to read her more often. This way eventually when I get to a point where I can possibly go on the attack I myself can get information from her This in about entertainment so I recommend you all stay out of it."

Sirzechs and Grayfia stood there silent as Sona looked at Rias who looked away.

Unfortunately for Kawari Sirzechs was not backing down.

He believed that this boy was way over his head after seeing the dark twisted powers of the crawling Chaos first hand he did not believe that this human boy even though he was intelligent had what it took to keep Nyarlathotep's influence a way forever.

So he stood there looking at him but before he could speak the shadows around the room began to grow darker, sinister echoes can be heard all around them as a shadow creeped from behind and a figure was materializing behind Kawari.

It was a woman, a woman of beauty far beyond their own and whose aura radiated a sense of nobility but also a heavy threatening warning of danger.

This woman wrapped her arms around the teen pulling him in as her eyes looked upon them.

"Hello devils, Long time no see."

Her voice was so sweet and gentle, it was almost like she was an angel, a being able to put all those before her in a trance to make them lower their guard.

Sirzechs and Grayfia were terrified however because the woman's eyes held a deep sense of madness, chaos was flashing within those Violet eyes of hers making them step back out of terror.

But the only one not scared was Kawari.

"Nyarlathotep What the hell are you doing?"

This caused everyone else to freeze standing before them the crawling chaos some mile or the most sinister smile.

"I figured this little game of ours needed to have a bit of a spice up as such I think I'll walk around the Earth more often, I mean a game can only continue when there is multiple players involved. And I grow tired of having to wait for your arrival until the final void every time for us to continue our game."

"So you just decided to come into the human world huh?"

"Yes but I specifically made this vessel of mine be able to handle the infinite mind of my true body there will be no more of that outsmarting me little human."

"We'll see about that."

Nyarlathotep smirked twisted more, her arms left from around him as she walked Infront of him, as she looked down at him.

You see our boy was about 6'0, but she had a 6-in height difference on him as such he could easily look down at him.

"I like that fire in you Kawari, but now devils I will ask of you to leave only this once Will you get such a mercy from you."

"Wait crawling chaos why are yo-"

"I see no reason explaining my arrival here to an insect Now leave before you wear out my patience and take the girl and her slaves with you."

Rias's Preerage didn't like being called a slave but what the hell were they supposed to do argue against her? Yeah go ahead go argue with one of the most dangerous beings in the entire multiverse why don't you.

"Rias Sona let's go."

The student council president and student council members had no qualms in standing up and walking beside the red haired devil but Rias and her preerage where a more nervous, but upon their arrival to his side the magical portal opened up and they were gone.

"Truly a nuisance those devils are the most annoying things but not even fun toys to play with they're so easily manipulated suck a bore."

"Aren't see ya."

Kawari not even caring of the crawling chaos was before him just turned and walked away.

"You would openly have your back turn to me even though I could end you so easily."

"If you were going to end me you would have done it the first time we met, or the other hundreds of times I've came and visit you You don't scare me with such empty threats Nyarlathotep."

"You're quite bold you know that most gods would be on their knees begging that I spare there lives."

"Well if I am to die I would die standing."

"Hmm how noble and brave of you."

"So you coming or what? After all I already know you're not leaving anytime soon let's go grab something to eat."

Nyarlathotep was now more confused was this boy really trying to buy her food when she did not require?

"You do know my body requires no food right?"

"Yes I know that but I feel as if such a woman like yourself is asking for my time, then I feel like a semi-Date is in order."

Now Nyarlathotep knew exactly what a date was and hearing that she grinned.

"Fallen for my avatar already?"

"..." Kawari stopped and looked at her "No I haven't, Although you look beautiful in this form I'm not doing this out of some kind of desire to get into your avatars pants, simply put This will be the way we can spend a little more time before I am eventually ripped away again and have to go home."

"Very well then take me on this date."

Kawari and Nyarlathotep exited the school building and walked into the town as they walked they noticed the stairs of many people but they couldn't give a shit, they just continued to walk more and more until eventually they came upon a cafe where there Kawari got their tables.

So as the waitress brought them to their table outside The two of them looked at the menu and Nyarlathotep Just looked at this menu and had no idea what to order.

To be frank this was the first time she was ever at a human diner as such she was tempted to use her abilities in order to see what the hell all these things were. But she decided against that as she wanted this to be more fulfilled experience and she wasn't going to get that if she just cheated and found out what all this was.

"Having troubles over there?"

"No little human I'll be fine focus on your own menu."

"........ I would accept you have it upside down."

Nyarlathotep froze as yes she actually in fact had her menu upside down.

She quickly fixed this as she looked over at the smug smile of the young scientist who looked at her.

"An all powerful outer God trying to understand a human menu while having it upside down yep, I've truly seen it all."

"Shut it."

"Very well."

They went silent but the crawling chaos inside this human form continue to feel some kind of new emotion.

'ghaaaaa What the hell is this feeling? I structure this off of a humans body equipped it with all their emotions and feelings and now I'm feeling this thing in my chest. What is t-'

"It's called embarrassment, It's and emotion that triggers after doing something which would otherwise been bad or uncommon, it's a feeling of self-consciousness, awkwardness or shame. Humankind experiences this all the time after doing something which leads to this most likely your experiencing that now because you just read your menu completely upside down and had to have a little human point that out."


"Okay glad we could talk."

'He's acting more smug than usual....' *sighs* 'damn it I fell right into his tramp from the very beginning. He had this thing flipped so that way I would pick it up and read it while it was upsidedown He's got me again.'

As she continued to look over at the teenager Her suspicion was correct when she saw his lips pull back into a smug grin.

'Darkness is probably laughing right now, I swear I'll kill him when I get back.'

*Meanwhile with Darkness.*


Darkness continue to laugh his ass off as nameless mist arrived and looked upon there sister and brother before sighing.

*Back with the duo.*

The two of them had ordered their coffee with Kawari going with the stronger black coffee and Nyarlathotep going with a sweeter white coffee.

They sat there and complete silence contemplating their existence.

Mainly the daughter of Azathoth, One of the most feared outer gods in all of creation sitting in a human cafe with a teenage boy who is underneath the evolution to become a great one, drinking coffee together as the night sky continues to shine above them.

It reminds her of this old human book she's once read back as her time as the great empress of Egypt.

It was a story about a boy and a girl meeting they're two backgrounds were completely different The girl was a much darker figure while the boy was a figure of light, as is in most love stories an event would bring the two of them together through a shared passion they would unite and they would have love they would have kids and they would have a happy life until eventually it was all over due to the passage of time.

Although she did not love the boy She did find him amusing I mean he was her interest after all.

It takes a lot to get her attention and even more so for her eyes to stay focused upon that person, And yet for three weeks this boy had been able to hold her attention this was something no other entity has done.

Bested her in a contest of wits, (Even though she was holding back by a lot) playing these games, And now this, this quiet relaxing experience.

It was boring but in a better sense, After burning so many worlds to the ground now just sitting here in this silence watching the teen continue to drink his coffee, she didn't know why but this body seemed to react.

It was at peace It's muscles were not as tense as it once was, calmness had completely set in.

Nyarlathotep Head now found the quiet side of humanity one where even in the silence there was some form of interest.

But she grew tired of this very fast standing up she walked away She contemplated if she wanted to spread a web of lies over all of them to see how they would react to see their pain staked expressions, to see the horror in their eyes, but Kawari walked past her and grabbed a hold of her wrist and dragged her along with him.

She just simply stood there watching as the two of them walked away The cafe growing ever further and to eventually they stood within some kind of park area.

"Listen Nyarlathotep Before we call this a night Tell me the real reason why you came here?"

"All right to get information on you that way I can win this game a lot easier."

"Hmm All right but do you know how to live among humanity?"

"That's a foolish question boy. I have walked among humanity longer than there have been universes in existence, Yes I know how your society operates."

"Good then I will simply let you be You can find your own home if you need to."

"No that's not going to happen."

"What do you mean?" he looked upon the crawling chaos as she had a devilish smile.

"Simple I already know what home I'm going to be in."

"*Sighs* It's mine isn't it."


"Why is an outer god trying to stay with me?"

"Simple I'll grow bored of other humans rather quickly, I only came here to get a better understanding of you with how the games ready going, As such I figured being around your mother and sister will be the easiest way for me to skim the information I need."

"Fine be my guess Just don't cause too much chaos."

"... No promises."

"That's all I could accept."

With that the two of them walked away with the crawling chaos standing behind the young teen as she observed his form and viewed his progress.

It would take billions of times more energy for his evolution to reach second stage, and more time than this planet has life before he evolved completely into a great one.

As such as the loving watcher that she was She already came up with an alternative way to provide him the nourishment.

With a quick slice of her own hand She looked upon her own Avatar's blood as she smiled.

'This should work.'

Despite how disturbing this may get This was the only way that she was going to be able to logically see him fully evolve without the complete destruction of his mind body and soul.

So she would have to wait until tomorrow to bust the news because as of now she'll let him have his peaceful night tomorrow the real news comes.

But for her a new shocking relevation would come because her main body was traveling beyond existence and was heading to meet someone.


*Outside creation.*

Beyond every realm of infinity a space diverged of everything in the known existence was there This realm was home to one entity The Lord of space time in reality, The watcher of creation itself.


Upon her arrival Nyarlathotep felt the overwhelming power of this boundless entity and as she stood before him all his eyes turn to her.

"Nyarlathotep, why are you in my realm?"

"I come here to seek an answer, surely you should know what this answer is."

"You wish to know the feeling within your own Avatar, and yourself."

"Yes, tell me."

"...... For someone as smart as you, for someone as sinister and sadistic as you I'm surprised you can feel this."

"Tell me what I am feeling."



The shock came just as fast as Yog-Sothoth answer, her being could not feel love but ho-?

"How? It's quite simple Azathoth as plans, large plans, and unfortunately Your hidden desire had worked against you."

"Then Kawari... The cube... Are you-"

"Yes I am, You gave a human, beings who breath and expell emotions, a cube which is connected to the all father dream, simply put the reason why you're able to feel these things are because Azathoth can now feel them, Although they're small, it's because they're small they were able to slip past his mental defenses so easily. Such things are small and insignificant but for those who understand human emotions, such as you, and your brothers, you are now able to express them more fluently."

"That means but it's because of this that this feeling is in me?"

"For the last time yes, Your actions and your rush to create this newfound entertainment for yourself have not inadvertently triggered this I guess what the humans call karma does fit the situation. So I guess it's about time you let nature run its course and get it over with. But you want more You want him to become stronger That way he is the ideal mate your ideal husband."


"No need to be embarrassed daughter of Azathoth such feelings happen to all creatures with the instincts to reproduce I guess you can say that's now because of your folly You have been granted a hyperactive version of this now if that's all, goodbye."

"Before I leave Tell me what becomes of the future I do not wish to know the specifics just give a description."

"....... The universe becomes a hell before a paradise."

With that the crawling chaos was transported away And all she could do was ponder these newfound thoughts.

It would appear that she inadvertently caused this to happen oh well perhaps they could serve her better in the future I mean the ideal candidate was already there and she would hate it if someone else were to take what's hers.

Call her greedy, call her insane or a psycho but this is just the way her father made her.

This was just simply nature running its course So perhaps in the future she will find the ideal candidate maybe darkness is teasing was just blatant facts.

But now was not the time She would have wait She would see After all if he's already growing this much then how much more would he grow in the future?

*Flashback end.*

Nyarlathotep now stood within her own room as she recounted the events which happened yesterday, these newfound emotions would be interesting to see since she herself would now gain a much more personal demonstration of how human kind could react how they could feel what makes them tick and what makes them bleed.

So walking out of her room in her newfound school uniform She stood next to the young scientist as he looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I told you last night I intend to stay this game between us is not over."

Call it a part of her rubbing off on him or whatever but the young scientist simply smiled gleamishly in fact.

"Alright, It's not every day a young man such as myself can say that his companion, his newfound friend is an outer god."

"Just keep that ego of yours down little boy You have not won this."

"And neither have you, I'm not your toy."

"Ahaha oh no I'm now looking into something much more."


"Nothing let's just get on with this after all this is my first day of school I wonder how this will turn out."

The two walked away as they arrived, and upon there arrival the students froze as the crawling chaos and her future husband walked side by side next to each other as there first day as "friends" would begin.

'Lets see if What Yog-Sothoth said is true Kawari. I have come to accept the facts now, it's because of you I feel, so let's see if you're worthy of these feelings and if you're not then oh well, looks like Yog-Sothoth was lying through his eyes.'

Unfortunately for the crawling chaos The Eternal watcher was not lying, theses feelings where true, And because of her own twisted and greedy nature they had manifested into what they are now.

A being of sinister malice now feeling what humans do on a daily basis.

What could possibly go wrong?

And oh she would find out because again nature would always run it's course it just took time and the activation of it.

And the key was turned, The clock was already ticking, and the relationship between the two would grow, unless it's not destined to be in which caused Nyarlathotep would end this here and now.

But until this she would watch as he grows, how he and his friends and club will hunt down for there truth they wish to know all the while keeping her entertained, and her "feelings" alive.

This was truly turning out to be you a strange turn of events but with all great entertainment it can switch at the drop of a hat.

A hat which Azathoth decided for them, even if it was through an unconscious mean of doing so.

And there you have it Ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed.

Now let's go over something Nyarlathotep's newfound emotions okay let's be honest now The only reason why I chose her in specific is because she's the most human of all the outer gods she can actually experience human emotions however she is still crazy and she is still sadistic, and again Kawari kind of accidentally strengthened all the other emotions of all the other outer gods because of his connection with the black cube and it's Azathoth. So her emotions only grew and so too did her wanting for more entertainment and a slight romantic interest with Kawari.

Now I'm not about to rush the entire thing after all She is much more of a sit back and wait kind of gal so she's not going to be making any big moves as of now she's going to wait see how she feels see how he reacts and eventually it will happen but not now not until later like way later.

But moving on from this the appearance of our boy Yog-Sothoth, Now listen he's going to be playing a critical plot point in the few upcoming chapters because again this guy is absolutely busted he sees all of creation like an open book as such any and all information that is needed can basically be get from this guy Will I overuse him No Will I use him occasionally yes because when you literally have an answer machine for everything why not use it.

But again I will not overuse him Just for some critical information here and there and I'm pretty sure if they all continue to come to him on a daily basis asking for the most stupid questions he would just erase them out of getting annoyed.

Also for any future beings being introduced Well I may have Nyarlathotep Take our favorite scientist into the throne of Azathoth in order for him to see the slumbering Giants himself and the guy responsible for basically everything in creation why I don't know probably to show him that they were beings beyond his simple understanding of the universe.

Oh and how could I possibly forget about his transformation listen he needs it because after his first stage in this transformation we're actually going to be able to get into interdimensional animated traveling which means your boy is going to start traveling to other worlds so yip hip hooray.

Now I'mma catch you all later I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I hope you guys enjoy the flow of it because this chapter was mainly introducing the newfound relationship between Kawari and Nyarlathotep. So that further to do I will see you all within the next chapter.

Word count; 8567

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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