Chapter Three, Devils and lower life forms, a message from ᚨᛉᚨᛏᚺᛟᛏᚺ

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*Three days sense last chapter*

Kawari and Mrs Rikiruta stood within the science lab of the school as the teacher still continued to run experiments upon the strange compound they found at the crash sight.

Along with this they made a breakthrough.

Not only where they able to find the source of this mystery ore, but also discovered a shocking realization when it comes to the dark cube.

The cube as they have found is able to change the physical and metaphysical laws of creation, as for instance he was able to change the prospective of how reality works, allowing objects to bend in all ways and without limitations, the results of theses looked much like those pieces of art that are always twisting and turning and always changing perspective on it's layout, taking a different form with just the slightest twitch.

Strangely enough Kawari could navigate theses "mirror" reality's, it was almost like his brain was able to process what was real and fake, what was true reality and what your brain thought was reality.

It was shocking to see, a person able to navigate through such "realms" was amazing, and left the teacher all struck.

But that's not all, Kawari with the cube could pull on the strings which was woven with masterful care and unsow pieces in order to create a gate.

That's right, by using the cube Kawari could pull the dimentinal fabric apart and with the cubes connection to the higher realms form a tangible gateway straight to theses reality's.

The news brought nothing but happiness as there mission has finally come to fruition, ya it may have not been through human means but after seeing all that these two have seen ya they didn't care.

But now back to the second discovery Kawari being the runner went through the realms while dream walking, he hadn't perfected the technique but it lasted as long as needed to locate deposits of the ore.

When they where discovered Kawari would then use his gates to travel to the world's and well let's just say his fist time entering wasn't the greatest.

With the constant fluctuating gravity it was hard for him to adjust but then another problem came, theses ore deposits where guarded by strange creatures. 

But there was a slight problem, these creatures where strong fast and had very good armor because they ate the ore but unfortunately they had never been introduced to FIRE.

So utilizing the ridiculous amount of magical energy in the air he used the cube to spark the unstable magical molecules in the air which caused a chemical reaction. You see the area isn't very warm that's because the molecule's in the air react very strongly to heat, so using the cube to isolate an area over them he then caused the spark and....

Blasted them with the force equivalent to the world's strongest nuclear warhead, but thanks to the separated space between he and it, he received no damage done to him.

Now having free rain over the resources he collected tons of them and brought them back.

  Which leads into now, with more samples Mrs Rikiruta was able to discover it's chemistry and find how it works.

"So Kawari I have a question for you."


"Can you tell me what would happen if this ore was introduced to a freezing cold environment, let's say as cold as the vacuum of space."

"I would suspect that the ore would become frozen or at the very least have it's molecules changed."

"Yes that is the case for most materials, if you freeze them the atom's slow down and don't move as much, but this also makes them more susceptible to breaking. And when something is heated the molecule move faster as the material under goes the change into a liquid."

"Yes all that's true, but I'm guessing there's a twist with this ore."

"Correct, you see no matter how cold or hot this ore gets it never changes."

"What?" The student walked over to his teacher as he looked down at the ore which she was working with.

"I know it's quite fascinating, no matter how hot or cold it shall never change just take a look."

Lifting up a small metal pipe, she twisted the nob as gas was released before being super heated as it was changed to plasma which took the shape of a blade.

She then placed this against the ore and waited, the plasma ran over the ore and eventually after five minutes she stopped pulled out her special thermometer and placed it against the ore and Kawari watched as the tip of it began to super heat and warp.

"There, the external temperature of the ore is well over 5000 degrease Celsius, (9032 degree Fahrenheit) and see."

Slipping on her protective gear she grabbed a steel malit and slammed the ore with it causing a bang which scared the shit out of the students outside.

But back inside Kawari saw no changes in its shape, actually he show nothing about change at all.

"No matter how hot it gets it won't melt, well at least by our means I'm sure even if you threw this into a star it would melt but still, it's light very durable and very good at keeping our extreme heat and cold, my suggestion is when no one is looking we take out lad coats and we turn the insides into this metal."

"That is possible and I could use the cube to change it's make up to where it can be bent while still retaining its overall strength. But wouldn't the student council get made with us if we-"

"Ahhh screw the council, look if they don't do anything with Issei and his little group then they can have no say over what we do, not to mention we're trained professionals while there just kids."

"But I'm still a teenager."

"Kawari we both know damn well that your not no ordinary teen, which is why I treat you like an adult instead of a child or annoying drama making teenager."

"Thanks Mrs Rikiruta."

"Think nothing of it, but now let's get this star-"

"Mrs Rikiruta! Kawari! Good morning!"

They turned and saw Serena coming to them.

"Ow hello Serena."

"Yes same to you Kawari, but if you don't mind my asking what where you two talking about? What's this ore you discovered?"

The entertainment of Nyarlathotep and the teacher looked at one another. And after evaluating everything they took a deep breath.

"Serena... There's something we have to talk about." The teacher pulled up three chairs as she sighed heavily.

"W-what is it Mrs Rikiruta?"

"Well... Do you believe in outer beings and Eldlich horrors?"

"Ya, my family believe's in all things supernatural but there not real right?"


"A-ahhh Mrs Rikiruta, Kawari your scaring me... W-wait your not saying that there real... Right?"


'Let me answer that.'


"Nyarlathotep?" Serena looked at him confused but for the teacher she narrowed her eyes.

'Kawari take her hand, I'll explain the rest.'

'But wouldn't meeting you break her mind?'

'No because she has the blessing from your cube, worst she'll have is a headache beyond imagination.'

'Alright, but don't hurt her to much.'

'No promises.'

Going along he reached his hand towards hers and took it gently within his, the action caused her to slightly blush but that vanished quickly as there before her was a monster.

This being towered over her and blocked all light from shining upon her, she was floating, frozen and powerless before this being, this titan.

"W-w-who are you?" Her voice was cracking and shaking, her body which was once frozen trebled, Nyarlathotep seeing this did seem to react although.

'What a bore, this girl's fear is radiating off her in such a way that other creatures in this reality are begining to be drawled towards. Ow well, I guess all humans can't be like Kawari.'... "You asked for who I am, very well sense they have already told you I shall reiterate, I'm Nyarlathotep, Daughter of the Almighty Azathoth, messenger of the gods and keeper of souls."

"Wow" the girl although stricken with terror could help but also be charmed, standing before her was something both terrifying but also beautiful.

"Now I am to clarify a few things, one; the human named Kawari Takanpaku shall henceforth be my entertainment, and sense you all are with him that makes you all my entertainment as well. Tho..."

The titan came closer and this had a negative effect as Serena was starting to feel the purest primal fear creep into her.

"Your soul is... Unnaturally pure, especially for a human."

"D-does that mean anything?"

"You have never struck nor killed, you see the world in a white light even while blanketed by a deep shadow, along with this you give warmth and love to all those around you, if you had taken any other form a lesser god might have mistaken you as a daughter of the queen of light."

"Who's the queen of light?"

"No one, at least there not important but just know this Serana, for this day forth my gaze is upon you, and do not think there is nothing that I cannot see, because I see all things, and there is no where you can run because I may change my shape into whatever is necessary to slip through the lock which you hide behind. So..."

The Titans body began to float as a massive rip in reality formed behind as she floated back into the dark void but not without parting with her final words.

"Make sure to entertain me, and keep that little interest of mine on the path of learning the higher truth, after all history as we know it is changing around him, to such an extent that not even I or my siblings can see, I relish this change, finally after so long there is new life within this universe, so I will not lose it to some foolish thing as a lack of will, although.... That little human is quiet determined so I do not see him striving away from this path even if one of my siblings tried to interfere."

With that she was gone and Serena was now back, but her mind was out of it slightly.

'i wonder... Has Mistress Nyarlathotep  taking a liking to Kawari?'


'Does she like him, just in the same way  we like out shows or is it something more?'

"Serena please say something."

'Or does she have actual feeling for him?'

*Meanwhile with Nyarlathotep*

"............. That damn hopeless naive girl."

"Ow come now sister it has to be true, I mean you showed more love and mercy to that human then even your own siblings. And you said it yourself there "your entertainment" and also if memory serves you also said that he walked straight into "your hands" so there's a case to be made."


"Darkness I wish you a peaceful trip back to nothingness."

Before he could say anything Nyarlathotep's spiked leg went through Darkness and ripped him in half, however the outer god would quickly reconnect his body using tentacles of darkness pulling him back together.

"I'm leaving, I do not feel like being within your problems, although I don't think I need to say this but don't kill him Nyarlathotep, although he insulted something no being should, he still has a part to play in father's dream..... Even if it's a small part."

"No Promises."

"Very well I shall take my leave."

*Back with the group.*

'No that can't be I mean Kawari-sempai is amazing but he could charm an outer God... Right?'

"Serena! SERENA!"

"AHHHHHH!!" The poor girl practically jumped out of her own skin do to the ferocity within the roar. "I-is something the matter Mrs Rikiruta?"

"Ow thank the lord's your alright, I sent Kawari to go get an ice pack just in case."

"Ow no no no it's fine mam I'm perfectly fine but my head hurts a lot."

"That's not a surprise, I mean you just stood before an outer God, your only sane because Kawari's cube was able to keep you from Lossing your sanity."

"Ow.... That's just one fore thing I now owe to Kawari-sempai."

"Ow you sweet pure thing Kawari is going to think nothing of it, he's just helping out his coworker and friend, so did you get the rundown from Nyarlathotep?"

"Ya... Apparently where her Entertainment? And why is she so interested in Kawari?"

"Yaaaaa so listen, you see Kawari well..."

"I received a gift from her."

"A gift?"

The girl was practically projecting imaginary question marks at her friend as she looked at him confused as hell.

'Cute' "well yes what I mean by gift is this."

Holding out his hand Serena was confused until his palm split open as from his newfound black blood the cube rose.

Serena freaked out letting a little yelp escape her mouth as she hid behind Mrs Rikiruta, peeping out from behind her teacher she was able to see said "gift" floating there slightly above his hand.

"Kawari what is that?"

"This is what we're calling the black cube, I found it at the crash site you see this cube is well..."

The cube shined and before her a floating water bottle appeared.

"It's quiet powerful, able to rewrite the universe and the laws of creation, it can both destroy and create but I'm not able to truly understand just how strong it is. I'm able to delete things up to the size of a building and create inanimate objects up to that same size, although creating life is another element all together."

"That's impressive but..."

"But what?"

"Will you need us? I mean what will happen to our club now that you have all this?"

"Serena, just because I have the cube, and also have Nyarlathotep's eye upon me didn't mean I don't need you all, I'm not omniscient, I'm still human or whatever the hell I am know. The truth is still far beyond my grasp so I am to need people to walk this path with me. For the path before me is going to be long but Serena."

He turned to her as he watched her slowly exit from behind the teacher.

"Will you join me? Now think carefully if you refuse then I understand because the journey that I'm going to be attempting with Mrs Rikiruta is a very dangerous one I mean we're literally going to be going to realms which are considered beyond hell by nature, and are so twisted that even the brightest light flickers into shadows, the path before us may be carved in a seas of blood and there could be more sorrow within this journey than anything in existence so please take your time a-"

"Kawari-sempai! I wish to join you!"

She bowed signifying her vow, and in her actions Kawari looked on in widened eyes and a shocked expression.

"Wait wait stop and think about this logically Serena, although I very much want you to come along with me you have to understand we are dealing with beings well beyond human comprehension even the most basic living creatures there are strong enough to destroy our world hell I've seen things which are far beyond our comprehension, you met her as well, there's possibly a very good likelihood will even run into other gods of her caliber as well this path which I'm walking on it's not for the faint of heart you could get hurt very hurt or you could die!"

"Kawari, you have done so much for me that I shouldn't have to think for a long periods of time in order to come to my conclusion, and you act like I haven't gave this thought remember I'm the second smartest right after you I was already evaluating your words and your proposal before we even got to this point. I know it's going to be dangerous but when hasn't anything we've done together not been dangerous? We've mixed dangerous chemicals together while within School properties and accidentally created a fire, or how about that one time we had that new acid we made melt through the ground and melted several pipes. We've always done stuff like this together me, you, and Mrs Rikiruta, we're a team and I don't want to stop being on the same team as you."

Mrs Rikiruta looked on as the girl practically beamed a joyous expression, as the surrounding area around her was glittering with golden stars of wonder and joy.

Kawari however smiled, he gave a good laugh before smiling at the girl as he held out his hand.

"Then Serena nonami, welcome to the hidden department of the science club."

"All right what is it called?"

"Simple" they looked at the teacher as she grinned, "It's called Eldritch hunt, and starting form this day we're going to have to make routine meetings here so listen up my little seekers of knowledge here's how things are going to go."

She walked over to her door and made sure no one was around seeing the coast was clear she slammed the door shut and bolted the door close no one will be getting in unless they're inhuman and break the door down.

Now with this out of the way she returned.

"All right we're going to have to disguise this somehow after all no way in hell is the student council going to approve of us three going into these realms and commencing experiments in higher dimensional existence, and the being/resources and other things which we can use as test subjects. So we will not have these meetings elsewhere, also Serena question?"

"Isn't there a camera in your room shouldn't we be having this somewhere else?"

"Ow you mean the poor little camera which accidentally had an electrical surge because this poor clumsy teacher accidentally brought in one of her science toys and let out a localized emp which fried the camera."

"Ow ahaha" she just lowered her hand as she couldn't help but feel a little bit like a criminal now.

"Anyways with that out of the way, Kawari since we know that you're capable of creating structures up to the size of a house is it quite possible you're able to build a secret base for us?"

"I mean it shouldn't be too difficult finding the location however might prove to be the most difficult, although when I stopped to take in the geometry and overall layout of this area, I can't help but notice there are some good areas which would be useful in hiding small things but not extremely large structures so they really can't be used. And there's not really much hill and even less semi mountain based areas so building something inside an already natural generated landscape will be out the question. However thanks to the already very dense foliage around my house or at least my general area I could possibly construct an underground bunker."

"That's could work, and since your Cube can alter the very perspective of what we see you could quite easily hide the entrance to it but now with that out of the way when should we meet up there?"

"Ahhh mam but if I may I think Mondays and Fridays should be the best."

"Ow why's that?"

"Well it's quite simple really sense you only really have your class and the club you don't particularly need to do much work on top of this me and Kawari already assumed enough credits to graduate way early so the overall amount of work we've been given is much less than the average student. With this being said Mondays aren't usually active these are the days where we gain assignments and all that it is usually Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays where we have the larger assignments and Fridays are usually just testing days there's nothing going on on those days so I feel as if those two days will be able to compromise us the past and also the weekend since we have time off."

"Great thinking Serena, well let's just get this out of the way a-"

"Hold up something's listening in on us."

Kawari stood up as he looked towards the door, there the cube began to Glow as it was responding to his wish that being to be able to see through the material world and see beyond the door.

The cube granted this request and his eyes turned to a deep crimson.

"I see you. What are you."

"Kawari what do you see?" Mrs Rikiruta and Serena spoke in unison.

"I see some strange bat like creature, however it hasn't detected that I already discovered its presence."

"Can you get it?"

"Hmmmm I've always wondered if I could do this I think I'm going to do a little bit of a test."

"What are you planning senpai?"

"I'm going to reach into the third dimensional reality and pull from it this bat entity, in other words I'm going to create a gateway between the two separate points in reality and forcefully pull the thing through. These gateways should be completely unseen by any being, after all sense the cube's origin lies beyond our dimension it should fair to say that only higher dimensional creatures could see or sense what I'm about to do. Meaning if this goes smoothly this would be simpler than taking candy from a baby."

"Alright do so."

"On it."

The room grew silent until the teenagers hand rose, and like predator stalking its prey his hand seem to move side to side as if looking at its prey from all angles, this is when his hands began to clench.

"....... Game over, you're mine now."

Powerfully yanking his arm back there within the palms of his hands was the bat entity which he spoke of. Ensnared, trapped in the prison that were made of his fingers.

"Ok what is that thing?"

"Oww it's kind of cute with those little wings on its back."

"Well whatever the hell it was it wasn't their originally and it was definitely listening in on us so spill it." Kawari began to squeeze as he applied more pressure to the small devilish bat creature and he could hear it a whimpering in pain but he doesn't give a shit.

The other two were a bit unnerved that was until the back creature began to lightly smack his fingers almost in a way telling him, 'ill tell just let me go.'

Obliging it's request he tossed the small creature out, right upon its release the creature would begin to flight before smoke appeared and when it vanished it stood in a different form.

"Hold up did this thing just turn into a human? Or wait a minute what the hell even is this thing?"

"No idea but..." He raised the cube up, but as he did the mysterious creatures seemed to shrivel up and step back in terror. "I could always extract information using the cube I'm not certain how but it would be useful to at least try once."

"I don't see why we couldn't let you try and extract information from it, quite frankly if that thing is able to read this things mind or somehow get its roots inside her mind and just download all the information that'll work good as well. Since you know it was clearly spying on us and we need to know who sent it."

"Alright.... So think you can get her to talk?"

"Senpai why are you asking the cube to do this? Couldn't you just think the command?"

"Well that is true I wish to see if speaking verbal commands work just as well."

"Ow ok."

"Now back to business, can you do it can you make her talk?"

He held the cube up closer towards the terrified entity, pinned against the wall the woman had nowhere left to run.

And soon this would turn to a nightmare as the front side of the cube which was facing the face of the mysterious girl suddenly sprouted an eye.

From the sides dark essence began to form into a razor sharp tentacle and before it even knew what happened the right tentacle had impaled its head and the spike went straight to its brain.

However no blood came gushing out the being just stood there it's face now completely blank, and for Kawari things we're going a bit rough the cube was downloading the information from this woman directly into his mind and with it he was able to see a lot, and means alot.


"What about her?"

"She was the one who sent this thing after us, oh wait I should probably call it by its name this is a familiar."

"Like the same kind of creature mages and other mythological races make pacts with?"

"Precisely this little familiar was sent by her master in order to spy on us after all she's growing suspicious of us ever since we discovered that ore."

The tendril ripped out of the familiar's head as the eyes shut and the dark energy vanished.

"I also took the Liberty of erasing her memories of this encounter."

"Wouldn't this draw suspicion though?"

"From what I can tell this familiar isn't really that strong it's more for reconnaissance and errands running, not really fighting. Also do you see how many dangerous chemicals we have around our room? Especially that container of heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, Mercury, and some of the other stuff such as carbon monoxide and solvents. Plenty of things in this room can cause memory loss so if they question us we simply say this, we saw this thing in our room had no idea what it was. So I used that pipe which is going to be used for replacement one of the smaller old gas pipe to knock it into a vat a Mercury, when we fished it out it hadn't taken too much damage but lost its memories. Or at least something along those lines."

"Wow you came over there rather quick senpai, it's kind of scary if you ask me."

"It's not my best excuse but it will work after all the individual we're dealing with isn't exactly that intelligent."

"All right so what do we do with that?" The teacher pointed at the unconscious body.

"Simple she has resistance to the cold I'll throw her in the cryo room. That way the janitors won't find her and when she has to go back to her master I'll just use the cube to put her body back at her regular temperature and we can send her on her merry way."

"Again Kawari-sempai why are you able to come up with these so fast?"

"Well Serena do you think an outer God or great one is going to give me long times to think? If I'm standing before one I need to get my thoughts out as fast as possible and be able to process what they say to me as fast as possible, while also naturally taking the best option. I'm using those same principles for this equation, you simply have to look at this like a game. Right now we're technically the "bad guys" so how do we buy ourselves more time? Simple we delay our enemies until we ourselves are able to get everything in order it's not the most complex of tactics but it's still a good tactic. So this is the kind of thinking we're going to have to get used to."

"All right so that's the case then senpai when did you notice it?"

"Not too long ago if I had to guess that thing was only here for about a few seconds so the overall intelligence it must have heard was very minimum but could have still got us in trouble."

"Hmm ok from our point now to the occult research club that is about an 8 minute walk, even if we counted that this thing can fly about as fast as a human being can walk that would still leave us around the same time of 7 minutes and 40 seconds since it can bypassed most areas which causes the most time waste. Meaning if it's only been here for a few seconds it wasn't sent out until around 12:34 pm."

"All right so now we have an approximation of when it was sent out my question is if rias could control this thing and send it on its way, then can I assume that she has some form of magic? After all if she has a familiar don't they have to make some kind of magic contract or something?"

"That is correct everyone in the account research club are devils, and Rias, Akeno and everyone else can use magic to some degree."

".... Hmmmm alright so why didn't she just use the teleportation spell why risk it being seen?"

"Perhaps because if she would have used magic some people might have noticed." Serena looked at the woman before remembering it's bat form. "I mean that familiar was tiny in it's animal form, and would have been a lot easier to move around in and avoid detection then using teleportation and doesn't magically behind traces of evidence which can easily be sensed?"

"Correct, magic leaves behind residual energy which can easily be sensed buy an individual who knows how to sense magic. And the fact that it's not public knowledge they're devils probably indicate that they want to keep it a secret."

"Alright so here's our plan."

With that the three went into another meeting, but across the school.

*Within the Occult research club*

Now within an old Victorian style looking building could be seen for individuals, two of them where on a couch while the others where standing.

The one on the couch was Rias Gremory, their to the gremory household and younger sister to Sirzechs.

And the other was Akeno Himejima Rias's queen.

Across from them was Sona and her queen Tsubaki Shinra.

"Alright Sona what is this about?"

"Simply this Rias I want you to lose all interest with Kawari Takanpaku, Serena Nonami and Mrs Rikiruta."

This request had the heir of the gremory family confused.

"May I ask why?"

"Simple, tell me Rias what do you know about the other side?"

This question caused the room to run silent, in fact it was so silent that even the dead would sound loud.

"Sona why do you speak of that? The greater chaos is something we devils shouldn't concern ourselves with."

"And yet you would."

"What do you mean?"

Sona sighed "Rias your intentions was to bring Kawari into your Preerage correct."


"Then I am too also assume that you are keeping tabs on him?"


"Good and now because of those you just completely exposed us to him."

"What!? How??!"

"You really don't get it do you? Kawari and his group are intelligent, stupidly intelligent, not to mention I have evidence to support that Kawari maybe in possession of an item hailing from the greater chaos."

"That's impossible, no human can weild something from the greater chaos! How can he possibly have something like that when even the strongest of devils are incapable of using those items."


That name made the entire room grow colder than an Arctic blizzard, the name of an outer God Is so fearsome so mighty none dare to other her name unless calamity but falls upon the one who spoke it."

"S-sona stop playing around with me."

"I assure you this is no game, I had my suspicions from the start Kawari has shown before these past few days but he's been interested in the greater truth and things beyond our world, things which reside in the greater chaos. And now they're acting much more secretive so I went ahead and installed a secondary camera in the very back of the room it's nearly completely merged with the wall and this time I put enchantments on the insides of it that way the components can't be fried by the EMP and I heard everything."

"What did they say?"


Before she could even speak the door was slammed open the four devils in that room flipped around and saw three individuals standing in the new found Open door frame.

"So you were spying on us huh, go figure I should have expected nothing more from you, Sona."

Kawari, Serena and Mrs Rikiruta. All stood there and in Serena's hands a broken camera.

"Kawari, Serena and Mrs Rikiruta how fortunate for you to come drop by."

"Keep the small talk to yourself." Kawari lifted his hands up and faster than they could even comprehend the human form of Rias's familiar appeared, this cause the devils to immediately be put on guard as her body wasn't moving.

But rias fearing for her familiar is life stood up as she flared out her power, and a dense red Aura was born.

"In the name of the gremory household! As heir I command you to-"

"Enough, Rias do not provoke them."

"But sona-"

"BUT NOTHING!" Her powerful voice caused everyone apart from the trio to take a step back in shock, but for the heir of the Leviathan household her eyes was dead set on the male human who stood before her. "Rias take a closer look."

Rias did she began to sense the magical energy around Kawari and we'll...

Her face twisted into a face of pure horror, as the magical energy around the male human abomination hybrid was that of a spiraling vortex powerful tornado which was consuming all within its presence.

But Kawari look to his left and saw Akeno channel lightning seeing this he decided to impart a teaching which he learned from Nyarlathotep.


"Remember Kawari magical energy is essentially just energy of the will, all beings are born with it it's just that certain do not have the ability to control it but those that do can harness it and transform it into powerful attacks, but first we need to awaken your true aura the way you'll do this is simple, imagine the most devastating storm you can possibly imagine and then generate that around your body once you get this visualization within your mind your magical power will begin to swell as your body calls upon it. And sense magic bends to the will of those who command it it shall take the form of a mighty storm which will make any and all bow before you."


Taking a deep breath the pressure in the room swelled as the four could feel the ground below there feet shake, however that was before a dense black power rushed from Kawari and consumed the world as powerful blast of magical energy erupted from him, taking the form of thunderbolts.

The room was in pieces as they four where nearly thrown out the room, but Serena place your hand upon his shoulder causing him to sigh as he suppressed his already extremely suppressed aura.

"There, I just wanted to show you the gap between us now Sona I wish to speak with you."

"And I you, do you not think it is unwise to research the greater chaos while within the school?"

"Isn't it a part of the science club to research the unknown and what greater unknown is there but that?"

"Kawari! You know damn well what I'm talking about! Any and all involvement with that place will lead to misery! Good men have lost their wills because of that place because of a slight turn or a misspoken word in a deal, and what's with this Nyarlathotep business have you sold your soul to the most wicked God of them all?! She doesn't care for these realities she plays with them after all."

The image of the towering Titan standing over the Earth and pulling it's strings was imprisoned within her mind. As a shiver creeped down her spin.

"She toys with worlds, she's caused the end of entire galaxies and now she's found her claws into you so I guess it's already too late once you're done being useful she'll probably get rid of you."

"If only that were true."

"What!?" 'w-what could he possibly have that would make an outer God of all things to keep interest in him? What Ace in the hole does he have??'

"Nyarlathotep is many things but let me tell you she's rather.... Predictable."

"......." Not a single living Soul dared to comment on what he just said.

"The first time we met I was able to read her and even skim information off of her, the second time we conversed I was able to see through her deceptions and the third time when she taught me about magical power I was able to see through her hidden lies. She told me the way of the world is that of bloodshed, and that I should stay clear of it, but this was a lie. She wants me to walk towards that path because it's the only way for me to continue down my dream, she whispered such sweet words which would have ensnared anyone else but I saw through them, I read her movements and I countered with my own."

He walked over and saw a chest bord which was set up.

"That is what this is between the two of us." He sat down within a chair and moved his pawn up two places and everyone watched as another moved all on its own. "This is a contest of wits."

"You think you can actually win?" Sona's voice was dripping with doubt. "She is a being which knows all, she is something which you can never win against."

"Again you seem to misunderstand this contest isn't about winning."

Eventually he made one move which caused both players to become stuck in a deadlock.

"This is about entertainment, and in order for there to be entertainment there can be no clear winner. Since that gets boring and still quickly, so I don't need to worry about winning or losing. So long as my actions keeps her even the slightest bit entertain that is a "win", after all this is just a show. One which I'm happy to put on"

His eyes began to glow red as he twisted his head towards them and they could have sworn the shadows around him was beginning to stir in there twisted Harmony.

"So you finally see now, let her try and play me."

Standing up he walks towards the group.

"Let her continue to move her chest pieces around however she wishes."

Standing before Sona he looked down into her eyes and smiled.

"Because at the end there are no winners, and there are no losers, there is only the entertainer and the entertained and no matter what she throws at me I shall respond accordingly."

"....... I'll ask again but in a proper sense this time... Can you entertain long enough to live a happy life?"

"Sona that's a truly foolish question, even if I died right here and now I would be satisfied because now I know that my dream it was all true and worthwhile to believe in even seen it which is why we are doing what we are doing now because we all share the same wish we want to see what's out there to explore the unknown maybe it's just in our nature, perhaps we are just thrill seekers or maybe it's that human part of us which wants to explore the unknown but we are not going to stop even if you were to kick us out of the club and boot us from the school we would still continue because this is what we desire. So will you try and stand in our way?"

"..... No I won't."

"But sona-"

"Rias Kawari is a member of the student council and as such I will respond accordingly to the situation, you said that you would continue to play this game with entertainment and that you do not have to worry about winning or losing just simply providing enough entertainment but what happens if you cannot produce enough, what will happen to all of us?"

"You most likely will be spared myself however I will probably cease to exist."

"You truly will go that far for your dream won't you."

"Yes, because like all great men before me they have strived for what they believed in it always pushing forward I will follow in those footsteps but instead of carving a road like they have I will rip a hole in our realities and head there to carve my own, a road of mine and my comrades own design with all of its twist and turns."

"Then there's no stopping you, and even if I did I would only be dooming myself sense Nyarlathotep would probably just remove me from the equation to continue having her entertainment now wouldn't she."


"Then it's settled, but we're going to be adding some rules, Eldritch hunt can happen but rule number one; do not get anyone else involved with this. Having three people is already bad enough especially when one of you has practically made a deal with an outer God, two; any and all things which can perceived or be interpreted as a threat it will be immediately reported to the student council, and third; sense this will be a joint operation the student council will provide resources for this endeavor but only in return for your information, any documents, files, or anything else on anything will be handed to us just imagine this as your form of payment."

"Very well, I find theses terms acceptable." Mrs Rikiruta stepped forward as she stood before the student council president.

"Though I would have never expected  this "Eldritch hunt" idea would come from one of our own teachers."

"Ahaha ow what can I say, except I'm just full of surprises."

"That you all Mrs Rikiruta, ow and Kawari."


"Listen I know your game doesn't per say have winning or losing, but just win, I know that's easier said than done since your opponent is literally an outer God but if there's any human or in this case any mortal race or person who h can win it's you."

"Thanks Sona."

"No problem, and if you need help with magic or anything like that just let me know, after all I don't want you having to spend so much time with an outer God just to learn basic magical stuff."

"Thanks, but I already have the general idea for most magical spells and magic power."

"Go figure."

The two laughed but Sona walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, two of them are silent as they said nothing they understood each other silent words but the council president would walk away and her Queen would follow soon after the trio left the occult research club leaving behind the red-haired and black haired girls.

*Time skip brought to you my my personal weapons collection*

Later that day the boy had returns home and was within his room, he had the black cube within his hands as he looked around and sighed.

"Mom's probably on another case god dammit crime rates going way up for some weird reason."

Sighing once more he got up and went to go get into his sleeping attire when he heard a knock on his door.

"Hey little bro you asleep?"

"Ow sis you can come in." He quickly unsummoned the cube.

His older sister opened the door as she smiled and walked over to him.

"So how was you day at school today?"

"Good, after all me and my friends are about to be the head of a new little secret operations."

"Hehehe that's my little nerd." The sister ruffled up his hair as she smiled at him "well continue onwards after all your future is bright and is brimming with light."

"Ya but I have a good part of all this to you as well if you weren't there for me on those cold nights I don't know what I would have done."

"Well I did make a promise I would always look after you and I don't plan on breaking that or any of my promises..... Ever again."

"Hmm" the end of her last sentence was a bit quiet so he didn't hear.

"Ow nothing, well listen you little geek sis got work in the morning my boss is being a b**** and making me having to come in tomorrow because Sarah decided to f****** quit and no one is covering her shift so my boss is putting that on me, I swear one of these days I'm going to make him eat his own teeth, and I swear to God he looks on my chest one more time I'm burning his damn eyes."

That last part caught his attention.

"Who is this boss of yours?"

"Just some degenerate pig god I hate him so much. Ow but don't worry." She opened her purse which revealed an m76 fraggrenade.

"Ahhhh where on this Earth did you get THAT!"

"I purchased it from the black market, you know there's a lot of cool toys on there you can buy if you know the right guy."


"Ow calm down and I was joking see." She pulled the pen and waited a few seconds and all that came out was just confetti. "Jeez can't take a joke can you?"

"No it's just that knowing you you would have bought a real m76 and you probably would have chucked it in his damn office."

"Hmmm not a bad idea."

"SIS please don't."

"Fufufu oh stop being such a worry wart I'm going to be fine if he tries laying his hands on me I'll break every single bone in his body f*** having that job I don't need it."

"Alright but if anything happens you call me and I'll take care of it."

"What you going to also get rid of the body as well?"

Kawari just stared at her with a blank expression which told her all she needed.

"Ok so my little brother is a future murderer got you don't worry I won't rat you out to the police."

"SIS not funny."

"Ya ya I now, and trust me I'll be catching a body way before you after all if it comes to you I'll fight all of God's army if I have to."

"Stop with the metaphors."

"And to thing you used to love them so much."

"That's true."

The two of them look at each other before laughing.

"Well I'm off to bed after all you're sis may have to go through some hands, and I would prefer to do so on a goods night's rest."

"All right see you sis."

With that she stood up and walked away leaving the young boy all alone in his room, quiet finally wash over his room so he climbed into his bed and pulled the blanket over him his eyes began to grow heavy as the sweet Darkness took him and he drifted into sleep.

*Within the dream.*

Kawari stood there within the darkness as he looked around and saw nothing more than a vast void extending far beyond the human eye realizing that some creepy shit was about to happen he prepared himself as he turned and saw... Himself?


The copy of him seemed not react to the sound of his voice in fact it didn't seem like it was reacting to anything, it was so incredibly stiff that it was more like damn Stone then a living being.

"Who are you?"

"ᛟᚾᚲᛖ ᚨᚷᚨᛁᚾ ᚹᛖ ᚲᛟᚾᚡᛖᚱᛋᛖ."

"ᚢᛈᛟᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛋᛏᚨᚱᛋ ᛏᚺᛖᚤ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚱᛖᛒᛁᚱᛏᚺ"

"ᚨᚲᚱᛟᛋᛋ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛋᚴᚤ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᛒᛖᚤᛟᚾᛞ ᛁᚾᚠᛁᚾᛁᛏᚤ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᛟᚾᛖ ᚠᛁᚾᛞ ᚺᛁᛋ ᚱᛖᛒᛁᚱᛏᚺ."

"ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞ ᛟᚠ ᛁᚾᚠᛁᚾᛁᛏᚤ, ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞ ᛟᚠ ᚾᛟᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ, ᚢᚾᛒᛟᚱᚾ ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞ, ᚾᛖᚹᛖᛋᛏ ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞ."

"ᚤᛟᚢ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᛒᛖᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᛟᚾᛖ ᚹᛁᛏᚺ ᛗᛖ, ᚨᛋ ᚨᛚᛚ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᚠᛖᛖᛚ ᛗᚤ ᛁᚾᚠᛚᚢᛖᚾᚲᛖ ᛟᚾᚲᛖ ᚨᚷᚨᛁᚾ."

"ᚷᛟ ᚾᛟᚹ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛗ ᛒᛚᛁᛋᛋᚠᚢᛚ ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛗᛋ, ᛞᚱᛖᚨᛗ ᛟᚠ ᚾᛟᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛖᛏ ᛟᚠ ᛖᚡᛖᚱᚤᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ, ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛏᛁᛗᛖ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚾᛟᛏ ᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚹᛁᛏᚺ ᚨᛚᛚ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᚱᛖᚡᛖᚨᛚᛖᛞ."

The voice and strange language triggered memories of this very same event to flow back into his mind the boy jumped back as the skin of the being melted away and underneath the skin of this doppelganger was an ebony black faceless being with hundreds of tentacles sprouting from its back.

Unfortunately when he tried to stand his ground the being blitzed past him and before he could even realize what happened reality shattered and he was cast further into a dream he can only look up at the entity which floated in shattering world as he was entering the true realm of dreams instead of this prison world.


Before falling he asked this question once again, but the being held its words within its mouth as it watched him disappeared before doing the same.

It would appear that the dice has already been cast, and all shall wonder how this world of dreams will react to the rapid changes with shall emerge.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen's newest chapter is done I hope you enjoyed it.

Now before you all grab your Pitchfork and torches and come burn my ass listen up real quick I know I'm slacking but the f****** chapter for the dragon of ruin that's done dirty I had over 4,000 words and a damn glitch caused me to lose it all so I was pissed and I just decided to come work on this because I at least want all my other stories to have at least four chapters and this already had something going on so might as well finish this right.... RIGHT!!

But in all seriousness I will have that done here soon I was able to recover some bits and pieces of it but not everything so give your boy some more time I'll have it out here soon.

Anyways without further to do I shall see you all within the next chapter whenever I do that so peace out my dudes!

Words; 8441

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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