Chapter Two, From human to something more, a new discovery about the unknown

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*the next day*

A day has flown by and it was now a relaxing Saturday, the students where granted there begining of there two day break and for the center of the show he couldn't have been happier.

He dreamed blissfully as he drifted through the ever long void, but soon eyes began to sprout throughout the fabric of this dream as they all began to bleed black blood before he was sent to somewhere else.

He looked around and saw nothing, but soon he noticed a light and he could feel himself drift towards it, seeing as he couldn't resist the pull he prepared himself for what was to come next as a blinding light consumed the darkness and himself.

When it died down he was now standing but he was transparent, he looked like a ghost, but as he looked around he couldn't help but marvel at the world.

Stars light the sky shining like glistening jewels, the land around them seemed untouched by human kind but soon, this all went away as a massive beast came flying towards him.

It took the form of a western dragon with Ebony black armor and blazing orange spikes but the tail opens up to reveal a whole other mouth, with teeth and everything.

It flew towards him and he sprinted, but soon the shadow of the beast came over him and he though he was dead but it flew right through him and went down into the valley below.

"I-im not dead? But t-hat dragon just flew through me." He looked at his hands once again and knew why. "Ow it's because I'm a spirit, I'm not able to be seen, or am I a spirit, I mean I feel no detachment from my body, or am I and this is just how it is being separated."

He looked fine at the ledge and saw just eternal darkness, seeing this he theorized that this was probably a 260 plus feet drop.

But despite his scientific mind warning him not to jump, there was that other side that wondered all that he could do in this ghostly body.

If physical attacks and contact went right threw him, then shirley this wouldn't hurt him? I mean falls would still count as physical contact so ya the same rules would apply in theory.

Well it wouldn't matter because there would be a massive force who h caused the ground to shack before the thin ground below his feet would shatter and he would fall into that pit below.

As he fell he couldn't help but notice that he was falling much much slower, meaning the gravity in this place was lighter, possibly two times less then Earth's, so he slowly floated and he didn't feel any concern after all he wasn't going to hit the ground that hard but as he reached the halfway point the gravity suddenly twisted to the complete opposite side of the spectrum and became so great that any split second his body was sent flying and crashing onto the ground.

He didn't feel anything as he suspected since he is in this astral like body he wasn't going to be feeling any physical pain but that doesn't mean that he wasn't rattled a little he just traveled at a speed so great that everything became a blur, just blinding colors was all that he could see right before he crashed upon the ground.

But he stood up, after all there was no pain for him to be grouching about to might as well walk around and find out where the hell he was at.

Standing up he looked at the now open field. And heard the roar of massive beast, the first sound is familiar it was like the dragon which he sold not too long ago but the other it sounded like a dog except a lot more demonic to the point it made his skin crawl.

He looked and saw the dragon fighting some weird massive bog like creature, it had no face just give massive mouths and many tentacles sprouting from behind, as they flailed wildly as it engaged the Dragon.

The dog creature was fast way faster than any living creature on earth it was disappearing in reappearing like a speedster, attacking with its tentacles before using one of its five mouths to bit and rip the dragons flesh and scales off.

However this Dragon seems to have intelligence how he could tell was that it was deliberately leading the dog creature two areas which was filled with jagged rocks in order to slow down at speed that way it could back it into a corner and land an easy strike.

And it's eyes never left the creature for anything, the dog seems to react to outside stimuli while the Dragon he was dead on focused on ending this things life, and Kawari was seeing what it was doing it was slowly backing up and had itself down in a "submissive" posture, this seems to alert the dog who charged in bloodthirsty and practically drooling at being able to kill the dragon.

However what it did not expect was it using its extremely large tail as a bat to slam itself upon the dog's stomach before the end of its tail opened up, like the mouth of a snake it expanded extremely wide, much wider than it should be capable of as it was able to get its newfound jaws around it's long body before in a single motion slamming its jaws shut as the dog was split in half.

However the dog seemed to be alive the dragon and picking up on its whimpering of pain went over towards the front of it and in the last ditch attempt to kill it lunged out with one of its tentacles in order to impale the Dragon but it just slammed its claws upon the tentacle and forced it to the ground, now dying and without any strength left the Dragon opened its mouth as it's bottom jaw split in half and a purple light it could be seen illuminating the the inside of its throat.

What followed was a tiny purple beam being shot from its mouth slicing right through its body and splitting the already cut in half creature now into a fourth.

However it still wasn't convinced that the thing was dead so it used its claws to smack around but now dismembered pieces of it to make sure that there was no signs of Life once it was safe and then began to eat.

"Fascinating." That's all he could say, although he just witnessed something which would have caused most humans to vomit at the sight of he was completely fine, in fact he didn't feel uncomfortable at all which is strange because even he would have felt a bit uncomfortable staring at that display, but it didn't seem like it registered to him. If anything he was more intrigued by the discovery of creatures with high intelligence rather than the fact that he was staring at a dragon who just killed a gigantic dog tentacle five mouth monster.

Following a few minutes after the fight the dog was all but consumed at this point, only chunks of flesh remained and the dragon was happily eating the rea. However this is when  something happened, the ground once again began to shake. However it was much much stronger, he looked over at the dragon and he noticed that it's eyes went into that of an animal fearing for its life, quickly it took off into the sky leaving behind the chunks of meat which were left over from its kill as it seems like it wanted nothing more than to just escape.

He quickly spun around but soon a shadow covered him, he slowly turned around and came face to face with a massive monstrosity, it had four massive spider like legs and dark skin which consumed the light just by existing, it's head wasn't even a head, it was just a massive tendril with a split within the center making it look like a mouth.

But what really caught his attention was the sheer size of this being it was larger than the stars above him!! He was nothing but an atom in size compared to this being.

But as his eyes layed upon a being that could very well be a god, he didn't show even the slightest bit of fear, he was still blanked face as he saw the massive beast walk through the land and surprisingly he seemed fine but for everything else they where dropping dead as it walked passed.

"Tch, when will that human use the cube to get here."

The sound of its voice caused Kawari to relive the first intense of receiving the cube, that voice he heard it was from this being.

He looked up and saw that it was gone, strange considering how massive it was he should have been it's movements or at the very least still feel the ground shake but it was gone.

He spun around trying to find it and did, way off in the distance he saw the creature standing on a ledge just staring out into the void, but this didn't concern him, what did was the pathway he was forming in his head which would lead him straight to it.

So he ran, he felt his legs carry him faster then they ever have before as he flew through the void and past all the creatures around, soon however he would come before a massive cliff but he saw a rock which he coukd use as a climing piece, his mind ran the calculations along with the path he would need to take. After a few minutes he was done and gave himself some room.

"Alright here me... GO!"

He took off, flying towards the wall which dared to stand before him as he jumped and planted his foot against the wall, luckily this gravity was weaker so it gave him added time to then force that same foot off the ledge lunching him up higher and he grabbed a hold of the second outwards facing rock. Using his left hand to hold onto this rock he swung his body back and forth as when he gained enough momentum he let go and sent himself to the third rock.

Now so close he climbed up the ledge, with his beyond human strength and endurance he was able to scale up the wall and made it.

There standing in front of him was the being which he heard, but he took time to look down and he noticed that he just climbed up a three hundred plus foot wall.

'So looks like I was right, that cube even granted me superhuman strength, speed, and endurance, or is it because I'm in a spirit like body that I'm able to this.' but his mind went silent as a looming shadow was cassed over him.

"It's wrong to creep up on a lady little human."

'WHAT! Wait she's a female?... Well there's a lot i don't know but most importantly can she actually-'

"See you, yes I can, although your so tiny that I almost missed you."

"Well I guess there's no point in keeping quiet."

"That would be most true, now why are you following me?"

Kawari noticed a hit of joy and entinsdation within this gal's twisted voice.

"Please we both know exactly why I tailed you."

"So you did receive my message, and to think you would be here so soon."

"Ow please you knew I was here, when I first saw you, you seemed to turn towards me and stair in my general direction, then you turned and walked away knowing I would come after you, you even pulled that vanishing move and appeared here, and why here of all places? Because this would show you if I was actually determined to meet you, and as you saw I am."

"Ahahaha, you picked all that up based on some subtle hints I was right you quiet the amusing human indeed."

"So what's the name of the god who accidentally bestowed the cube I now wield upon me, surely giving me your name wouldn't be that bad of a trade."

The towering titan seemed to become more "angered" it lowered it's body towards the ground as the two front legs where on there knees as she was now looking right at him.

"Your quiet bold you know, the name of one of us is special and is a symbol of us, it was gifted to use sense birth from our father and only those who prove themselves may know our names, and yet you would ask of me to give my in return, in what you call a trade, little human what is stopping me from flattening you right here and now?"

"Because that would kill the show, after all I find it strange that an entirely that doesn't seem to be bound to any law would allow a human like me to have such powers unless for a reason or for entertainment. And judging from your tone of voice despite you trying to hide it your brimming with joy at our encounter because let me guess, I'm the first human to stand before you and speak to you."

The titan was silent, she looked upon this boy as he showed no fear despite quiet literally being within the pressence of an outer God, a being who could shatter there little universe like glass and give no shits in return.

And yet here he was, standing before her, asking her name, not showing fear, and even pointing out the secrets within her voice which she tried to mask.

'Ahahahahaha AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!' she raised herself off the ground as she laughed within her mind, 'Ow this is perfect, very well little human for your courage and fearlessness, I shall give you my name.'

"Human listen and listen closely. I am the creeping chaos, The Black woman, The Haunter of the Dark, The Whisperer in Darkness, The Unknown God of the Dead, The Faceless God, The Black Pharaoh, But my true name is Nyarlathotep, The Daughter of Azathoth, and and outer God of the highest order."

Kawari was now brought to absolute silence, he looked upon Nyarlathotep and felt a sense of honor, he was communicating with an Outer God, a being who probably existed before the dawn of creation itself.

This is when the scientist part of his brain took center stage, he wonders how old she was, what has she seen, where did she come from, who is her father? What is he? His he god? Like the supreme god? Or.....

He went through a spiral of question, all his answers that he's wanted sense he was a child was right before him in the form of this outer god but he stopped himself, he just earned the name of this god, that should be enough for him, and he should wait for the future to ask.

But there was just one we needed answered quiet badly.

Looking to his right up high there was a faceless mass of blackness, it had hundreds of tentacles sprouting from its back and even its arms where tentacles, it's being seemed to be devoid of all emotions and it's body was stiff.

"Ahhhhh Mrs Nyarlathotep."

"Nyarlathotep will do, but what, do you have questions that need answering after all I can hear your inner voice flooding out questions."

"Ow no I'm fine getting to know your name was enough but.... What the hell is that thing looking at us?"

He awaited her response as she seemed to become interested, she looked around because she couldn't sense what he was speaking about so she tried using her sight to see, and there was nothing there.

"What are you speaking about I see nor sense nothing there."

"Ahhh no there is something, that thing has been staring at me sense you gave me your name."

She looked at him before using her powers to take over his body as he went silent, now in control she looked through his eyes and there was nothing there.

"..... Hmmm how strange" the voices of Kawari and Nyarlathotep where blended together into an amolgimation of unholy proportions.

She removed herself from Kawari body as he returned into control, he fell to the ground as he was breathing heavily, after all it just felt like all the weight of an entire ocean was just pressed against him and he was drowning slowly.

"Still alive I see, good I though I'd accidentally send your mind to the abyss."

"What's the...." He regained his breath "What is the abyss?"

"What you call dreams is just an alternate realm, in this realm on can see things like which they call "dreams" but below this realm is the abyss, a void within a void that will consume all that goes there, only a few beings excluding myself can manifest themselves within the abyss and survive, what I just did was disconnect your conscience and sent you to the abyss sense your already in a dream state."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your currently doing what your people call dream walking, accentually your consciousness has disconnected from your body and is now been manifested within this reality, your essentially invisible and undetectable unless an entity can see the string of the conscience or can see souls, but the upside is that you can go anywhere and everywhere but you just need help projecting yourself within these realms."

"Wow that's a lot to take in."

"Well get used to it because with that cube your entire life is going to change dramatically."

"......" He looked down as he summoned an astral version of the cube. "What can I all do?"

If Nyarlathotep had human lips her grin would make even the demons shiver in terror. "Let's just say this, it is the key to a level of power far beyond any stretch of the imagination."

Satisfied with the answer he looked around as he felt himself becoming lighter.

"Looks like your time is up, your returning to your body."

"Well that's a bummer I wanted to stay here for just a bit longer, after all there is still so much I want to do while I'm here."

"You like our world?"

"Like it, I love it! There is so much to see and do, and even though it's chaotic it follows set principles and laws, there's no mindless chaos or idiotic reasons for conflict it's pure and natural, so I ask." He looked at her for a final time as his body was almost completely gone "why wouldn't I love a world like this?"

He was gone, and Nyarlathotep was alone as she looked upon his human form which was begining to wake up.

"Kawari Takanpaku, your optimistic and so very young, but that is what is going to make you a worth while show to watch, Ahahah, "why wouldn't I love a world like this" you small little thing you have no idea the contract you just signed with me, but ow well I created you for my amusement and you have delivered in full, count me intrigued, and take pride that the daughter of Azathoth is keeping an eye on a little human."

She watched him rise up before looking around, after all she didn't forget about what he said he saw.

' hmmmm has my brother Darkness made an appearance? No that wouldn't be it, no being could scare him now that he has excepted the cube and father's power, but whatever that was it had him spooked' using her power she ripped apart ever single dimentinal layer of the realm making the entire area turn to a vacuum of nothingness, during this process she searched every nook and cranny of the dimentinal fabric as to find traces of the beings power but there was nothing.

Seeing this her being went more defensive, whatever it was it was either shared the same strength as her or higher in order to completely mask it's pressence from existence, and make any and all forms of detection against it obsolete.

'I should inform Nameless Mist of this just to be sure.'

*Back with Kawari*

Rising from his bed the young scientist found himself back within the confines of his own room, but the events of his dream were still fresh within his mind remembering all this brought a smile to his face as he looked up out his window.

"Nyarlathotep you probably won't be able to hear me..... actually you probably will and if you can I just want to say thank you, I didn't properly say thank you when we met because I was just all struck to be within your presence. Though something tells me that in the future it's going to get quite interesting."

He smiled to himself but as he turned around and looked in his mirror he came to a screeching halt as the faceless being was there staring right at him.

"W-who are you."


"W-what did you say?"

ᛒᛋᚾᚨᚴᚹᚾᛞᚢ ᛋᛒᛋᚴᛋᛗᛋᛚᛪ ᛃᛋᚴᛋᚴᛋᚾᛋᛒᛋᚴᛋᚾᛋ ᛃᛋᚴᛪᚾᛋᚴ

"I can't understand you"

The being scenes to have stopped that was until where it's mouth should be on it "face" a black line could be seen forming, and what happened next caused his skin to crawl.

It's entire face split in half, with only the bottom part of its jaw being hanged on by a few threads of flesh, and as the teen was trying to not get creeped out that's when an unholy ungodly amount of razor sharp teeth first it's way through it's darkened flesh.

It's entire "jaw" was covered in a rows of serrated sharp teeth as where its eyes should be another line form this time however it's split horizontally and there was a singular eye staring at him.

"ᛒᛟᚱᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚾᛟᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ, ᛒᛟᚱᚾ ᛟᚠ ᛖᚡᛖᚱᚤᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ, ᚨᚱᛖ ᚾᛟᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛖᛏ ᚺᚨᚡᛖ ᚾᛟᚹ ᛒᛖᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᛋᛟᛗᛖᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ, ᛒᛚᛟᛟᛞ ᚱᛁᛋᛖ, ᚾᚨᛏᚢᚱᛖ ᚲᚺᚨᚾᚷᛖᛋ, ᚨᛚᛚ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᚲᛟᚾᛋᚢᛗᛖᛞ ᛁᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛖᛚᛞᚱᛁᛏᚲᚺ ᛏᚱᚢᛏᚺ"

"What are you saying! I can't hear you!"

Confused and greatly creeped out he would take a step towards the being, that however was before the cube came before him and in a flash of crimson he awoke on his bed.

Flinging himself up he looked around his room before quickly turning to the mirror and saw nothing there.

"What in the hell was that another dream, a dream within a dream? Is such a thing possible probably after all what I just experienced was something which humanity could never hope to comprehend."

"Sweetie are you up?"

"Ya mom I'm up." 'it will probably be best to keep this from her well as of now, I don't even know what I am or all that I can do I don't even know what I have become, so doing test on myself will probably take first priority until I'm certain I can let this secret go live. Actually no keeping the secret will only draw suspicion, and I don't wish the hide the truth from them. But if I'm going to go through with this I'm going to need help, my mom would probably freak the hell out if I show her, so I can't go with her big sister probably knows nothing about this stuff, which just leaves Mrs Rikiruta or Serena. But Serena is far too innocent and pure and would probably pass out due to fear, which leaves Mrs Rikiruta, she would probably be the fastest to adapt and would be able to help me out the most, but I should be careful with the truth and not give the whole telling of it, after all there are stories of people who have supposedly heard of beings such as those I've spoken with and have lost their minds. And im properly the only exception because of the cube doesn't let me maintain my sanity there are so many questions I need answer and yet-'

'You don't have the means at which to answer them?'


'Yes it is I human, although what stopped you from waking up you shouldn't have been dream walking.'

'well that faceless thing arrived again and it spoke to me.'

'Spoke to you? Well what did it say?'

'I have absolutely no idea, that thing was speaking a language I have never heard it sounded demonic and yet not it almost sounded like a riddle until the very end where it seemed as if the line of speech became more clear I still couldn't decipher a single bit.'

' Interesting, well until then keep clear of it, me and my two other siblings or about to go look for it.'

'wait you have siblings?'

'Yes I do, after all I possess a family much the same as you.'

'hm just found it quite interesting usually in most mythologies family of God's don't get along well.'

' well unlike the false gods of Your World me and my siblings have learned to tolerate each other's habits and nature.'

'hold up gods of our world? Are you telling me that mythology gods actually exist?'

' You we're dream walking in a plane of existence far beyond the conventional dimensional scale of your reality, you saw monsters which could tear apart your world with just their physical strength alone, communicated with me, an Outer God, but you're surprised that the mythological gods of your world are actually real.'

'ow no it's just rather shocking, and don't get me wrong it's all shocking, I mean you're in a different planet existence and somehow we're talking, but hey as you said I should get ready for some pretty big changes after all my life is about to take a massive turn.'

'And do you regret it? Picking up this cube and being trusted into a world beyond your comprehension.'

The sciences grinned 'Nyarlathotep, weather with or without the cube I was going to find my way to your reality, it's just this cube has not only shown me what is out there, but what I have to face, this cube which was granted to me threw you has made my bland boring life explode with color, I have seen all the conventional means of this world, saw every law, the unfairness of it, and the harsh reality of living within this world, and just threw one gift I have been shown that there is more I can do! More that I can see, more I can study and understand, for I have grown bored of this reality and even with the discovery that the supernatural does exist, it doesn't keep me contempt with this reality, after all if there like how humanity described them, arrogant, greedy, unjust, annoying, chaotic filth, then I shall have none of it, I'm fact screw that option.'

Nyarlathotep watched as he turned towards the window and looked at the stars possibly trying to find her but didn't but he was still looking in her general direction.

'This is ALL I wanted, I wanted to see what lies beyond our reality, I have made theories hypothesis, mentally preparing myself for when this would happen. And it has, so do I regret picking it up? Hell no, not in a million years, not in a billion, not in a trillion, not ever, so Nyarlathotep I hope you're ready for a while because your reality and everything it has to offer.' he reached his hand out and clenched it as he smiled.

'Will be understood and discovered, so get ready because the real game starts now!'

With that the link between them was cut, probably by Nyarlathotep as she just simply sat back and watched.

Just then his mom entered and seeing his smile she couldn't help but give one back herself.

"Well now that's quiet a face have a good dream sweety?"

"The best."

"I'm glad now come on breakfast is getting cold and you now what I always say."

"A warm breakfast is the best breakfast."

"That's right, now come on."

She walked away as he followed, though the mom looked at her son with a concerned glance before returning to mining her own business as they arrived at the dining room, where they're on the table was a plates of food.

And next to it two smaller plates.

"Here sweety pick whichever you want for the start of the day."

"Thanks Mom it's greatly appreciated."

She smiled as she took her seat much like her son.

"So Mom how's work going?"

"Ow it's going great, although it's just getting annoying. The work force is just a bunch of teens bitching and acting entitled to anything and everything so I had to fire them because they where just bringing down the work efficiency of the lines."

"Ya that's humanity for you, once having some form of reasonable sense now just social media thots, and acting entitled because they "live in the country of the free." Please there all just pricks."

"True but sweety don't worry about them, and even if they try to do something I'll just deal with them."

'No if they dare to harm my last remaining parent I'm going to crush them, they will be erased from this reality and I won't give a damn.'

"Kawari, Kawari!"

"Huh!? Ow ya what's up mom?"

"Nothing you just spaced out you ok?"

"Ya just going through some things in my head."

"Well I hope none of those things are about harming someone, after all I don't want my baby boy going out of his way to harm someone."

"Ow really mom? When are you going to stop babying him."

"Well hello to you to Sister."

The younger brother turned towards the door and there his sister was.

Yasu Takanpaku.

"Ow hello little brother, how's school?"

"Going good after all it's quiet easy."

"No your just to damn smart you little nerd."

"Well you love this little nerd."

"Your damn you about that now." She reached down and stole one of his waffles. Kawari looked at her with a wtf face and Yasu responded but simply taking a bite out of it. "This is payment for when you took my pencil and didn't return it."

"You always remember your deals don't you sis."

"Ya" she stood up as she walked away but not before turning back around as she stared him dead in the eyes. "I never forget a deal."

With that she walked away, and it seemed like there mother didn't pick up on the voice change but Kawari did.

But he decided to ignore it, he just ate his food as he remembered his conversation with Nyarlathotep, and how they interacted with each other.

He heard her hidden meanings even though there was no voice to give them life, she just liked him where bored of there stale one dimensional world, they wanted change even though they where radically different.

She was a god, an outer God which was able to create the black cube, she possibly didn't even need to obey any system or law set by creation, after all she was probably alive well before creation was made.

And then there was him, a human very much gifted but still couldn't compare to anything that this universe could throw at him, but he yearned for something more, to prove that he and his father was right, that out there somewhere where was something more! And there was! He found the cube which was gifted by Nyarlathotep, learned of the other side and even dream walked! He walked the other side within a dream like state and saw the world first hand and even communed from the one responsible for this.

Both entity's wanted something more and they got it, Nyarlathotep her entertainment through Kawari and Kawari got his answer that there was something more.

And with this the dice where cased and there fate had been changed, and neither cared as they would do it again in a heartbeat.

Speaking of this...

"Mom would it be ok if I go over to Mrs Rikiruta house?"

"Sure sweety but why?"

"Because I have some work left over and she promised to help, and you know I'm not one to say no to help."

"I understand, just make sure to be back around nightfall."

Kawari nod his head before heading out.

"How long are you going to keep treating him like a child."

There in the shadows was Kawari's older sister Yasu.

"Yasu what makes you say that."

"Your treating him like a damn child, and ever sense dad died because of the force that night you've been practically petrified to let him out of your sight."

"Yasu we both know that his dream will only put him in danger."

"Dad's was just the same why is he any different?"

"Your dad was a grown man, Kawari is ju-"

"Just what only one of the most intelligent individuals in the entire country possibly the entire world, on top of that what other 17-year-old do you know that is capable of doing the shit he can do? He hasn't even graduated high school and he has several of the top colleges already offering him full scholarships, so why do you continuously try to put him in this little tiny container let him be free."

"........ What would you know." The mother of Kawari went over and got a drink. "What would you know what it's like to be human or to know our feelings, after all."

She turned to her as she looked her dead in the eyes.

"You're one of the main reasons why I'm doing this!"

Yasu looked down as guilt entered her eyes and being.

"Because of your group I lost my husband! The man I loved! And what I'm supposed to pretend that you're my child! You robbed my family of so many precious people! The only reason why you were able to be in this house is because my husband for whatever reason didn't hold a grudge and asked that you be accepted into this house! The very house you spilt blood in! You robbed my son the liberty of ever being able to see his father again!"

Now crying and extremely pissed she confronted the girl as she looked her dead in the eyes.

"But what else do you expect of a demon!"

"I-.... I know but I did is terrible but I'm trying to-"

"Trying to do whatm do you know how many cases I have to keep under the radar because of you? Mangled bodies, torn off faces, people burnt alive. Do you know how much time I have to waste covering for you? Because you can't control your urges to cause pain! And we're not going to pretend that you don't hold some semblance of hatred towards my son, I see how you stare at him, you stare at him like he's some kind of sheep and you're a wolf."


"Tch" she turned and walked away. "Just go please I'm not trying to deal with this today I already have a headache."

"..... Well you consider it please just for one day let him just not have to worry about you."

"Why do you even care? why do you put on this facade like you actually care about him?"

".... Maybe a demon just wants to be accepted ever think of that?"

"Then why would a demon murder the father of the one who accepted you? Why make him cry throughout his entire childhood. If you just wanted to be accepted."


"That's what I thought."

She walked away as she grabbed a hold of her jacket and put it around herself taking one final shot of whiskey she walked out the door as now the house was silent and the older sister looked around the living room, before walked towards the table which stood at the back end of the room and opened one of the doors open as there was a safe, she then put in a combination which caused it to unlock she reached inside and pulled out a dagger.

"Master." Her finger caressed the edge of the dagger as it's sliced right through her skin but she didn't care. "Please forgive me for all that I have done."

Tears fell as she howled but soon this cry's turned demonic as her voice fluctuated to a much darker, sinister voice.

"Please forgive me master."

*With Kawari.*

Now arriving at the house of his teacher he went up to the door and repeatedly knocked on the front door.

Eventually after some time his teacher answered and when she saw him there she immediately had an expression of happiness.

"Oh thank God someone actually good is here, hello Kawari what can I do for you today my prize people?"

"Ma'am I have something really really really important I have to show you."

"All right all right calm down geez who gave you a coffee this morning?"

"No one."

"Fair enough." She stepped out of his way as he immediately rushed in seeing this the teacher smiled whatever he must want to show her is quite impressive.

But as she walked in she noticed him closing every single blind, shutting the curtains on her back door and essentially causing no light to be within the room seeing this she raised an eyebrow.

"Ahhh Kawari you're not here to murder me are you?"

"Mrs Rikiruta trust me I have no ill intentions towards you but I actually want to show you is this."

He held out his right hand the teacher looked at him and she went to ask a question but she stopped when she noticed that his skin started to bubble, the fabric of his clothing was beginning to rise as something began to travel up his hand as a line formed on the palm and soon.

A black and red Cube began to arise from his palm and black liquid began to drip from it.

"What in the actual fuck."

All formalities were thrown out the window she looked at the floating cube which was now within her students hand and she looked at him with the biggest what the fuck face imaginable.

"Now listen before you scream I have a lot I have to tell you."

"Okay." She just sat down on the couch as she grabbed her coffee and began to drink it, very fast.

"All right so this all begins..."

*Several Minutes later.*

"And that's the end."

"You're telling me that that thing that fell out of the sky which looked like a red star was actually that Cube and with that Cube which somehow attached itself on to you when you were asleep you somehow were dream walking in a higher dimensional reality and you saw a dragon and some dog monster Cthulhu thing fighting each other before encountering a being named Nyarlathotep who was an outer God and who supposedly created the cube to act as some form of entertainment for whatever reason. And you're trying to tell me this all happen in the span of 2 days."


"Oh and on top of that the supernatural is apparently real."


"Well damn, all right when do we start?"

"Huh? So just like that you're going to believe me?"

"Kawari I just saw a magical Cube rise from your hand, and your leaking black blood, that's enough evidence for me. Also because you were so kindly able to demonstrate your cubes ability by deleting my table. When I got to hold my coffee at now?"

"Ow sorry about that."

He used the cube in order to recreate the table.

"Much better."

She placed down her coffee mug as she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Well Kawari what do you suppose we do first?"

"Well I was always interested in the cube's ability to delete matter, by our very own laws matter cannot be created nor destroyed but it seems as if the cube is able to bypass that law so maybe it can bypass other laws?"

"I need it wouldn't be a stretch you did receive this from an outer God and we take that into consideration all text responding around them state that they are omnipotent almost supreme godlike beings who are not bound by any form of causality existence laws or anything. So it wouldn't be a stretch to say that the cube could possibly have some of those properties in it it's just a matter of bringing it into reality."

"You know Miss you're rather calm for someone who just discovered that other realms exist."

"Kawari I have had you as my student for the past 2 years me and you have talked about the other side so much that I automatically thought that it existed you just confirming it doesn't really surprise me not to mention I gave up trying to fully understand you a long time ago."

"Ahahaha" he swear dropped at that comment "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Good, now let's get going these tests aren't going to run themselves."

"Wait like right now?"

"Of course silly what you thought I was going to suggest we put this off hell no this is a once in a lifetime thing, I get to help one of my students who have been blessed by literal gods understand their powers and abilities if this isn't a godsend by any means I don't know what it is."

"All right let's go!"

He followed his teacher as she led him outside and towards her car once they got inside of it she immediately backed up into the road before driving off, she looked at him while they were within the car before after a short while pulling up to the school.

"Mrs why are we here?"

"Well if we're going to get the full extent of what you're going to be able to do as of now we need some tools. And I left all my science equipment here, because I wasn't expecting over the weekend to be going a kid who can do what you do. More or less asking for my help, and you know in comics they usually keep this stuff secret right?"

"Why yes that is very much true but I didn't think keeping this secret would have been a good idea."

"What makes you say that?"

"Think about it like this there are currently 2 billion, 683 million, 964 thousand, 196 people upon this planet, the odds of someone supposedly finding out my abilities and telling everyone in the world is even lower, not to mention when it comes to running experiments of this magnitude I know I cannot do it by myself I'm going to need backup someone who can help me make sure that I don't gloss over details or that I don't go too fast and you're the only one who would be equipped to handle this not to mention I knew first hand the second you knew of my abilities you're going to jump on the train as fast as I was."

"I mean you got me there not to mention we're both scientists at heart researching the unknown is just second nature to us."

"That it is so you ready to go?"


Wish that they went right into the school since teachers and all that were still here having meetings the door was unlocked and with it they quickly rushed through and headed straight towards the science lab where there they barged through and took all their equipment.

Now with everything they were going to need they rushed out got into the car and drove off but instead of heading back towards her house she was driving towards where the cube landed.

"Mrs why are we heading back towards the crash site?"

"This Cube came from somewhere beyond our universe I'm going there to see if I can find any readings or traces of energy left over."

"I don't think so I'm not too certain but I think the cube reacts to external energy."

"How can you tell?"

"When I was talking with Nyarlathotep the cubes seemed as if it was beating faster like it was reacting to being so close to her."

"I still can't believe but the first outer God you meet is a female and it's supposedly the messenger of the outer gods, good going girl."

"Mrs Rikiruta, focus."

"Oh right yeah, so the cube reacting to external energy. You said that it beats faster, but why would a cube beat like a heart?"

"To be honest I have no idea but if I had to put a theory on it I would say the cube is alive."

"I mean you're the one who's bonded with it so I won't deny you on that but is it a parasitic relationship or is it a symbiotic relationship?"

"I think symbiotic but I don't know."

"Also another thing you said you noticed a faceless black figure in your mirror when you're within that double dream."


"You also said that thing was able to avoid detection of an outer God and also was somehow able to put you in a second dream even though you were already in a dream."


"Do you think it has something to do with that Cube?"

"Yeah I do, Nyarlathotep said that the entire course of the universe was going to be changed dramatically because of the cubes existence that thing showing up because of it doesn't really surprise me but what does was its language, even a being like Nyarlathotep spoke perfect English but that thing, I couldn't even understand a single word, it sounded so alien even though I literally encountered an outer God that very same night."

"Hmmmm well if it shows up again we'll just have to document it, try and see what it's game plan is."

"You do know that it's probably an outer God right how do you plan on trying to track it or better yet find out it's plan."

"Kawari, all things in this universe wants something, whether they be mortal or outer God you saw it first hand. Nyarlathotep wanted entertainment as such she created that Cube which is now falling into your hands and now you're acting as her entertainment, this thing will just call specimen zero, it's probably after something which only you can provide and since you're a human I'm guessing what it wants is your Cube."

"You really think so?"

"Probably, though did you notice what two things it has in common."

"I'm guessing it doesn't have a materialized body like Nyarlathotep, and it only appeared while I was within my dreams."

"Yup, best guess is that it's probably some kind of spirit God or something relating to consciousness and the soul, it's probably stalking you because of the simple fact that you're the first human to have ever received such a gift."

"Damn and it's probably trying to steal a gift because it wants to further its own power."

"Ya, but there's also another thing these gods they don't need to abide by anything why didn't it just kill you there and take the cube?"

"No idea, Did Nyarlathotep say anything about it?"

"Ya she and her two other siblings are going to try and find out what it was."

"Alright, also where here."

Exiting from the car they walked through the same trail he took that faithful night and they arrived at the crash site but strangely they noticed Rias and the occult research club.

{Ignore all the stuff and yes I made Issei get turned into a devil a little bit faster. Ow and asia isn't there.}

"Rias what are you doing here?"

"Ow Mrs Rikiruta, me and my club where just here observing the supposed crash site of that fallen star. But may I ask why you and Mr Kawari are here?"

"Rias good girl did you really think that we wasn't going to collect samples of the meteorite which fell from the sky above?"

"No because that's what you two do, whenever something catches your interest you're right there on the spot." Akeno the black haired girl giggled. "And I'm glad." She licked her lips at Kawari who just payed no mind. And upsetted Issei.

"Well it's our job as the science committee to explore all the unknown and speaking of which." She crouched down and she put on a pair of gloves taking a pair of tonsils from her bag she reached down and grabbed a shard of what appeared to be a pure black metal. "What are you?"

When holding it towards sunlight it seemed as if they completely absorbed the Sun's light.

"Interesting." She placed it in a simple jar as she handed Kawari some gloves and a pair of tonsils as well. "Kawari help me collect all those."

"Understood Mrs Rikiruta."

Putting on the gloves he went towards the crater in the ground as he hopped in and went searching.

The a court research club was just watching the two do their thing until Kawari noticed a piece of metal sticking out from the crater, curious he grabbed a hold of it with his bare hands and he yanked out a massive chunk of it.

"Wow would you get a look at that absolute unit." The voice of the teacher came out as she stood up and observed it. "Ow and look." She pointed towards what appeared to be some moving purple line. "What are you."

"Do you have anything which we could use as the container for this?"

"You know I do." She lowered her second bag to the ground. "You should know I always come with two bags just place it in here and we'll take it."

Doing as he was told he placed the chunk of metal inside the bag but strangely rias seemed to be reacting differently.

"Ahhh rias are you ok?"

"O-ow ya I'm fine."

The two of them just looked at each other before nodding their heads they scoured around a little bit longer not finding any other bits or pieces of anything unnatural so they decide just to pack it up and head back to Mrs Rikiruta Imayama house.

As they walked away Issei collapsed on his knees.

"What was that? It felt like all the air just got sucked out of my lungs and not in the good way."


"No I agree with Issei surprisingly." Kiba looked at his president. "The second they move that massive chunk it felt like some unknown energy was discharged into the surrounding area it was as if we were standing in a vacuum."

"Ya but why weren't they affected?" Asked Akeno.

"Do you think it only effects supernatural entities?" Asked koneko.

"I don't know but if something like that is allowed to roam around unsupervised it could pose to be a danger I'll contact my big brother and see if he can get any information on it."

They looked at the crash site before hearing the sounds of a car starting as it drove off.

'Kawari, Mrs Rikiruta where were you both doing here?' the heir to the gremory family just stood there puzzled. Before sighing as she used a teleporting magical circle sending them back to their club building.

*Meanwhile with Kawari.*

"Mrs Rikiruta there's something I got to say."


"I'm pretty sure everyone on the occult research club aren't human."


"The cube was reacting differently, much differently, this time however it was beating much faster."

"Faster than when you met Nyarlathotep?"

"Ya, I think it has to be tied towards a being's nature as for instance when she leaned down towards me I could feel it beating so fast I thought it was going to explode but when she calmed down and went back to a calmer pace. I think the cube reacts to the nature of a creature the more threatening they are the faster it will beat."

"Okay but if that's the case then it should have been beating a lot faster when you met an outer God."

"I don't know per say, all I know is that it was only when she was showing hostility towards me that caused it to be a lot faster without her anger she had no ill will towards me or the desire to do something to me."

"So what you're saying is that the key reacts to a being's nature and the possibility that they can do to you? For example Nyarlathotep not wishing to do anything with you only caused it to be slowly because yes she is a threat but she didn't have any ill will it was only when she got angry that it started to beat a lot faster indicating that she was much more dangerous. If that's to be true then does that mean that everyone on that team has ill will towards you?"

"No because me and koneko are pretty good friends but I just don't know as I said there are many things which I still do not know about this cube.*

"Well that's true but let's see if this can give us any results back." She held up a container holding a piece of metal within it.

"Let's hope."

The car ride back was silent as both researchers continued to go over what to do next the teacher on how to properly analyze the metal which was now within their possession and the student going over how to possibly test out the power he received from the cube.

It wouldn't be until some minutes that they returned back to the house of the teacher where there they immediately brought in all the supplies tools and laid them out.

"Kawari could you bring me a chisel and Hammer?"

"Sure I got you."

He rushed off and brought her back the tools necessary.

"All right let's see if this works."

she laid out one of the smaller pieces on the table as she took the chisel and positioned it over the metal and gave it a strike, the second it connected the table shook and the chisel was pressed against it but the metal didn't even budge slightly.

"That is a very hard piece of metal."

She continuously used the hammer and chisel method to possibly try and Chip a piece of it away when she noticed that it wasn't working she got out a buzzsaw and used it but the unknown metal chipped away the metal blades.

"Okay what the hell?"

She continued to try different methods in order to break down the metal but it seems like no matter how hard she tried it was not breaking, then in idea came to mind.

"Kawari use your Cube and see if you can separate it."

"I've never really separated anything before with this nor broken things down I've only disintegrated and recreated them."

"Well you said that that's Cube responds to your desire correct?" He nods "then imagine it like this imagine casting a grid over it, and as the cube passes through this grid it is slice in that grid like pattern essentially allowing you to form smaller chunks out of it."

"I can try but I'm telling you I haven't done anything like this before."

"Just try."


Slowly he held out his Cube and he began to imagine the grid and the Peace of metal, the cube reading his will responded by glowing a brighter crimson as the piece of metal was beginning to float up into the air before black lines began to cut through it, it was sliced into numerous pieces and when it was done it was set back down upon the table and the student opened his eyes and was surprised at what he saw.

"First try my ass, ahaha then again you're always like this good job." She patted him on the shoulder as he's smiling at her.

"Now let's get this started."

She grabbed the smaller pieces and began to run them through a machine which would allow her to view the contents of them, around 5 minutes went by and the results were back it showed great similarities to iron but what caught her eye however was the unknown element which has seemed to bond to the lattice and I seemed to strengthen it 10 fold, this new lattice was so strong that it even beat out the tetrahedron pattern that diamonds possessed which was the arrangement of their atoms which gave them their incredibly strong toughness.

"Wow so I was not expecting that, Kawari come take a look at this."

Walking over he viewed the monitor and noticed that unknown element.

"What is that?"

"Don't know but whatever it is it made this piece of iron incredibly strong, this thing has eight times the toughness of a diamond and it's Adams are only in the natural lattice state, along with this it's lighter for some reason, but Imagine if this unknown element were to have bonded with something like a diamond it would be tough enough to resist a 50 caliber bullet."


"That's what I'm saying." But as she went over this new discovery a sinking feeling went into her stomach. Although the discovery of this metal was great, and the possibilities for it were definitely endless, but she already knew what it was going to be used for. A metal lighter and thousands of times better than Kevlar it was going to be used for body armor and possibly even bullets.

Warfare, where they can make their drones even more indestructible while also making them lighter and able to maneuver quickly.

"God, there goes me again ruining this moment for myself with all the wrong it can do."

"Yeah you really need to stop doing that."

"Ow pipe down you're the same as me me and you both do the same thing it's the bad habit which we both share."

"Ya you're right about that but what do you suggest we do with this metal?"

"I would say let's make it go live but with all the stuff it can do I don't know I mean this stuff will sell for billions, however there's also the side effect of that our town will be immediately flooded by thousands of people trying to get their hands on this stuff and I can already tell a lot of large corporations which make military products would kill to have this so as of now let's just keep this more on the down low, until we're able to discover what the hell it actually is let's not have people try and kill each other for it."

"Alright, so what now?"

"Well I'm going to have this machine isolate that unknown element and try and find out as much as it can about it and while it's doing that mean you are going to go outside and we're going to do some experimenting."

"Very well."

She stood up from her desk and she went outside and he followed now out in the backyard she made sure to keep them in the section which would keep them heading the most.

"Now Kawari I have an assignment for you."

"What is it?"

"I want you to use that Cube and I want you to change the very law of this land right here."

"I'm sorry what!?"

"You heard me, we hypothesize that, that Cube could possibly bend or control the laws of the universe, so what I want you to do is this imagine a gigantic field and inside of this field it's your own personal domain you can do whatever you want well within it try imagining that.


The cube floated in front of his chest as his eyes closed, the image of the entire town came to the forefront of his mind as he imagined a massive purple ring around it.

In the outside world Mrs Rikiruta was starting to see a purple essence wash over the surrounding space as everything was consumed in a massive dome of unknown energy.

The world seemed to have stopped and seeing this she looked around very confused. Turning towards the sky she noticed that the birds have completely stopped they were just Frozen in the air. Looking towards her garden she noticed a snake and a rabbit the rabbit was jumping away from the snake which was lunging at it but the two of them were also Frozen as well.

Kawari slowly opened his eyes and saw the world around him, his eyes widened to their limit as everything was frozen just like he wanted.

"Kawari what law did you just change?"

"I imagined that the flow in the law of time with just stop, I imagined everything within this field of mine just pause like a show being put on pause."

"Ow great so for your first showcase of power you stop time, can't tell if this is good or bad."

"I would say good, but why are you unaffected?"

"Perhaps I'm unaffected because, actually know why am I unaffected?"

Kawari stopped as he was trying to come up with an answer then it clicked.

His desire to get help from Mrs Rikiruta was probably the reason why she wasn't Frozen the cube responded to his desires he wished for her to help him so why would it freeze her when she's trying to help him and he wishes for her help.

"It's probably do to me wanting your help I don't think the cube froze you because of the simple fact you're helping me out."

"Well whenever you get a chance tell it that I said thank you. Now as much as I would love to continue looking up at the sky I would say you might want to undo this I don't know how stopping time may affect the flow of time itself."

"Probably a good idea."

Drawing the same idea he now imagined that it was simply unpause and with it the domain was also simply was erased.

Both things happen to simultaneously time unfrozed and the domain vanished, the world was unpaused and it resumed as intended.

"So what's next?"

"Well you just showed the ability to stop time, what I'm interested is how far can we push this what are all the laws you can influence what are all the possibilities you can bring there are so many questions and yet so little time to answer them."

"Well we only have until nightfall and tomorrow."

"Yes so it's probably best that we get a step on this after all the more we understand the more we'll be prepared for the future."


With that said teacher and student continued there experiments but this time however they went back to the car and we're heading back to the woods this time the town doesn't get caught up in their experiments.

But while this happened...

*With Nyarlathotep*

Within the void the Daughter of Azathoth stood upon a ledge and down below her were two individuals.

One of them was known well this was Nameless Mist, but the second was a nightmarish figure with a massive mouth and rows of razor sharp teeth.

This was Darkness the third ans final sibling of the three.

"Darkness how nice of you to come crawling out of your abyss to come meet us." Nameless Mist what's the first to speak but he was not pleased at the sight of his brother.

"Quiet, I came here at the call of my sister because apparently our dear messenger god has made a mistake."

"Not a mistake per say but rather I have discovered something while talking with-"

"What your new play thing?" Darkness cut off his sister and she didn't seem all to happy about that. "Nyarlathotep face it the second you made that boy the second you gave him that Cube you gave him a tiny part of father's power all of this started to happen, you single-handedly changed the dream in a way so inconceivable that we are no longer able to see what revolves around that boy do you not see what you have created and yet you would call upon us to help you with this matter."

"Darkness you have no idea the full scope of what I was fully able to do, while you're tweedling away sitting in an abyss I have given new life into this stale boring universe."

"You speak as if the way the universe was going originally was a bad thing because of you now everything has changed and not for the better well maybe for you."

Nyarlathotep was really starting to get irritated with her brothers excessive amount of bitching.

"I do not wish to hear this coming from a foolish God who does nothing more than sits around not even doing the job given to him by our father, you would rather screw and mate with a useless goddess in order to produce horrible offspring then do your own job."

"No not speak I'll of my children, and besides it's not my problem you can't find a mate."

Nameless Mist looked at his brother but before he could pull him away it was already too late, Nyarlathotep impaled him through the chest with one of her massive legs slamming him onto the ground as she forced him to submit.

"WRONG! Darkness you are so incredibly wrong the reason why I cannot find a mate is simply due to the fact that there is no being in this universe which is powerful enough nor worthy enough to even be allowed to place seed within my womb. No being in this universe is even capable of facing me let alone beating me, or having the chance of seeing me, but as I was not trying to get to this point and simply trying to point out a new thing which I have discovered or should I say a new being which is somehow infiltrated our reality."

"You mean that thing the boy saw?"

"So that was you watching."

"Yes it was after all I wish to see if the interaction you had with the boy would prove to be of interest and it was I know what you speak of. He described as a faceless black being I even saw you rip apart the dimensional fabric in order to search for it but there was nothing there I myself have spread myself over this entire existence and I still haven't found it."

"Which means it must be in higher dimensional space."

"AGGGHH GET YOUR DAMN LEG OUT OF MY CHEST!" Darkness threw the leg of Nyarlathotep out of his chest before quickly standing up as he glared at his sister, before signing, engaging in combat with her would not be the wisest of ideas. "Fine I'll help you out this once sister but don't expect something like this again."

"Very well."

"It was faint super faint so faint I didn't even make anything of it but I sensed something extraordinarily powerful moving throughout our reality it came right up against the abyss, whatever it is it's quick extremely quick I would say it's even faster than the both of you combined. I was only able to make out at the presents for at least a singular zeptosecond."

"Sister what do you think?"

"Whatever it is, and I only managed to escape detection but is now known to be extremely fast it also appeared before Kawari on two other occasions, one within this world and the other within his double dream. Whatever this thing is it's not to be taken lightly so we'll do this, Darkness you're going to cover the abyss the dream realm and every other lower level reality, Nameless Mist every mid-tier and low high Teir level, and I'll take high tier and above will search every single one of these infinite realms make sure to use your avatars as you see fit manifest yourself across the infinite realities if needed, hunt this thing down and do not give it a room to breathe."

The siblings not their heads as they transported themselves to their designated spots leaving the daughter alone, as this happened she would feel the laws in the human world take a dramatic shift as reality was starting to bend seeing this she's "smirked"

"He's learning and very quickly I wonder how long now it will be until he's able to cross the boundaries between the realms well no matter hopefully by time this is over he would have already discovered a way."

Before her millions upon millions of her avatars appeared, controlling all of them she sent every single one of them into one of the domains within the void I see herself manifested at the highest level near the point of where the Throne of her father was.

"Well it won't be too long now so don't keep me waiting too long little human."

There you haven't ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it because Jesus Christ this was my longest chapter yet!!!


YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? Well when you're done reading all this go down to the bottom and see the word count it's quite impressive.

Well besides that I hope you all enjoyed and I hope you guys like what I'm doing this entire story is not going to be just about the series or the animes it's also going to have some family Dynamics and some unique plot which I'm going to be implementing to spice up the stuff.

Furthermore I'm also going to be including other species of creatures as you can see Yasu is a demon and she will be playing a crucial role in the future after all through the pretty big bomb shell this chapter.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and I will catch you all in the next chapter!

Word count: 11,742

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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