Chapter 9: on an island and meeting the Axalthi

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Isaac and Eleanor started to appear at the shoreline, after Isamu casts some sort of teleportation spell that sent them to an uncharted island. They were wondering where they are, and all they know is that they're on an island. The sand on the beach is pink, there are hills covered with grass, and plenty of trees growing close to the beach. When the duo turned around, behind them is a towering stone structure that almost resembles a fountain.

"Is that the Water Colossus?" Asked Isaac.

"I think it is, this must be the island where the Aquan used to live in before moving towards the mainland south from here" replied Eleanor.

"The Aquan?" He asked.

"They are a tribe of water magicians who are both sailors and experts of forming ice, it is said that they roam the ocean as nomads before settling down at the continent where I'm from" she explained.

"I can't say I know them, because the only ancient tribe I know is the Equinox" he said.

"I've known the Aquan, for I am a direct descendant" she replied.

Isaacs eyes widen from shock, since he wasn't a direct descendant of the Equinox. He and Eleanor walked up hill of the island, to investigate the Water Colossus. Then they saw a group of people were walking down the bridge to the Water Colossus, but something was off. As they got closer, they started to notice something peculiar about the people at the bridge. The people were glowing in a soft white light, their hair looked like it was made of metal, and their eyes were grey colored without pupils.

This makes the people that Isaac and Eleanor has seen come off as either humanoid night lights, or glowing robots. Nevertheless, the duo felt a strong magical energy coming from those people. It was as if they're experiencing mild headache, and a little sick in the stomach.

"Ugh, I feel sick. This magical presence is too much for me to handle" groaned Eleanor.

"Me too, I don't know who or what they are. They may seem like humans, but something is really off" replied Isaac.

It didnt take long until they took a step on the bridge, thus drawing attention of the glowing people. Then two clouds of white smoke hovered towards them like a fog covering the bridge, until solidifying into two glowing men armed with sabers. The glowing men's facial hair look metallic, as if it's plated metal, and their garb looked archaic yet otherworldly.

"Who are you? And where did you come from?" One of them asked.

"I am Isaac, and this is Eleanor. We are magicians from an organization that aims to control the elemental structures" Isaac answered while trying not to get scared.

"Aahh, magicians. We do not get much visitations of magicians here, for this is our new home" said the other glowing man.

"May I ask you the same thing? Just what are you doing in my ancestors home?" Asked Eleanor.

"We are Axalthi, we are from a space beyond this one. We are expert wish granters from blue space, in which this world reminds me of our home space. Also, the Aquan are not here but us. This water structure is already abandoned before we got here, and so we had to move here" answered the glowing man.

This raises more questions on where exactly does the Axalthi originate from, and how are they wish granters. After all, in this world, wish magic is unheard of since there are other schools of magic that go from manipulating the elements to using enchantment. Nevertheless, the two Axathi men escorted Isaac and Eleanor to the entrance of the Water Colossus. Inside, it has a Greco- Roman style with aquatic theme with murals of fish and mythical sea creatures. There are rows of columns with sea serpents that spiraled downwards, statues of women pouring water from urns at the small half pipes that decorate the floor, and at the center is a lavish fountain decorated with statues of mythical mermaids and a man riding a chariot pulled by half fish/half horse creatures.

"Wow, so this is the interior of the Water Colossus. The Aquan might be so elegant with all that stone work, since it harnesses the power of water" remarked Isaac.

"But did you know this was my ancestors home before moving towards mainland?" Questioned Eleanor.

"I... well... No, I don't" he replied.

Standing in front of the fountain is an Axalthi woman with a young boy next to her, she wore a grey colored short dress with ancient glyphs embroidered on, her pointed high heeled shoes are metallic that Eleanor thought it would be uncomfortable wearing those, and she even wore a necklace made with pearls and gold. Her hair is shoulder length and the ends curled up, but like the members of her kind, her hair is metallic along with her eye brows. Her son, however, wore a chiton and sandals.

"Hello, and welcome to the Water Colossus. I am Rhea, and this is my son Mato. You must be human magician visitors, such as rarity" she spoke.

Isaac and Eleanor introduced themselves to her, and specifying that Isaac is a light magician while Eleanor is a water magician. Then they explained to her about how they are members of the Black Leaves, how Isaac activated the Apollo observatory, and how they wind up on the island.

"I see, then you should speak to our governor. He is currently busy getting preparations done for our kind to fully move into this world, so I am in charge of overseeing the preparations. After all, the Water Colossus is already activated when we used the blue stone on the metal sphere" explained Rhea.

"One of those guards mentioned that the Axalthi are wish granters, is it true?" Asked Isaac.

"Yes, it is true. Each person can only get two wishes for us to grant, but be careful of wishing. Making a wish without specifying would cause the wish to have an ironic twist, or getting exactly what you wanted but not in the way you'd expected. Using metaphors would cause our powers to interpret as literally, example: "I wish to be as agile like a monkey" then, Poof! You are now a monkey" she explained.

That sent chills down the duo's spine, in which they have to be careful on making a wish on any member of the Axalthi. Then Rhea pointed them the direction to upstairs, and told them the governor is located at the top of the Water Colossus.

Authors note: what do you think of the introduction of the Axalthi?

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