Chapter 5

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(Hazelpaw's POV)

Hazelpaw shook her fur, ridding herself of the small twigs and leaves that hitched a ride in her pelt on the way back from the dirt-place and spotted her mentor Ivymoon sharing tongues with her sister, Cherrypaw's mentor, Lilypool.

"Can we train?" Hazelpaw meowed, bounding up to the pair basking in the sunlight.

Lilypool lazily lifted her head and purred in amusement,

"My, Ivymoon, you sure do have such an enthusiastic apprentice, don't you?"

Ivymoon gave a hearty chuckle before heaving herself onto her paws and stretched, before yawning,

"Sure, why not. Your warrior assessments are coming up soon. I have an idea, how about you go and get your sister, that way we can train together."

Hazelpaw nodded zealously. Cherrypaw wasn't her favourite cat in the clans, but the prospect of training made her forget that fact.

She bounded over to the Heirs' den and nudged her sleeping sister awake.

"Whaaat?" Cherrypaw yawned, slowly awakening.

"We're going out to train," Hazelpaw meowed.

"It's nearly sun-down. We're going to sleep soon anyways, what's the point in training now?" Cherrypaw complained, still comfortably curled up in her nest.

"So we don't fail our warrior assessments when they come up," Hazelpaw meowed.

Cherrypaw narrowed her eyes, still unconvinced.

Hazelpaw sighed and decided to turn towards the only plan that she had left. It was almost guaranteed to work and she hoped it would now.

"Two honeycombs once we finish training?" Hazelpaw purred, her tone persuasive.

That single sentence alone made Cherrypaw bound out of her nest and tear towards the training hollow.

Cherry- Hazelpaw began.

Hurry up! her sister meowed excitedly through her head. By the way, why are we using telepathy? Can't we just normally talk to each other like all normal cats do?

Well, I mean if any one of us ever gets into trouble, we could communicate with each other, Hazelpaw reasoned with her rather naive sister.

Alright...we should still tell mother though, Cherrypaw replied.

NO! Hazelpaw exclaimed, her voice panicked.

Why not? It would make our lives easier, we're not supposed to hide things from our parents, remember? Cherrypaw mewed.

Look, the second they know we have powers, we'll be dead before you can say 'mouse', Hazelpaw's frustrated mew echoed in her head, and she was certain that Cherrypaw had left.

Her sister was just too simple-minded to get it.

"Hazelpaw! Hazelpaw!" her mentor snapped her from her thoughts.

She looked up into the worried eyes of her mentor and it almost seemed like the word Elemental was on her tongue.

"Are you alright?" Ivymoon asked, checking on Hazelpaw. "Do you want to see Lightberry or Sunshine?"

"I'm alright," Hazelpaw sighed with relief. She always had this shadow of doom looming over her whenever she used her powers. It was nonsensical, but it was definitely better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm fine...just thinking, that's all," she lied, looking down at her paws.

It seemed that she was lying quite a lot these days.

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