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A/N that's Doragon but with Eleven tails

Tataki sighed as the young boy named Inari left and got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Sakura asked.

"I'm going to go do training of my own." Tataki said as he waved at the others and left.

After a while he got to a clearing and sat down to meditate as his seal momentarily glowed a blackish purple before he went into a semi-conscious state and appeared before a giant gate.

"It seems you're finally listening to me." Said Doragon, the eleven tailed dragon.

"Yeah. Why have you been trying to get my attention all of a sudden?" Tataki asked.

"That blond boy is a jinckuriki as well." Doragon Said.

"It took you that long to notice?" Tataki asked.

"How did you figure it out?"

"It's easy when I felt the burning sensation ok my heart and I sensed it coming off Naruto as well. There's also those cold glares they give him back at the village." He said.

"Geez you are too observant for a kid." Doragon complained.

"Actually it's just the generation is different." Tataki pointed out, starting a long conversation that lasted for hours upon hours as they caught up for what they've missed in the past few days.

Eventually hours turned into days, even though this occurred they didn't notice and were interrupted as everything began to shake.

"Seems it's time." Doragon said.

"Darn I guess they found me." Tataki said, laughing.

"Of course it's the nine tails kid." Doragon grumbled.

"Jealous because I'm not hanging out with you as much?" Tataki teased.

"Whatever just get going before they think you're dead." The giant dragon said, flicking him away with his claw.

Tataki opened his eyes which were in Jūryoku mode which completely disappeared in a flash.

"Woah?! What was that?!" Naruto asked getting up close.

"I-It was Jūryoku. My visual jutsu that lets me control gravity and the space around me." Tataki explained out of fear.

"Naruto you're scaring him!" Sakura shouted.

"S-Sorry." Naruto said, backing up.

"I thought there were only rinnegan, byakugan and Sharingan." Kakashi said.

"This is a rare trait that's only in the Shi clan and now only I have. This is the ultimate stage and I have one more to go before it's at full power." He confessed.

"Tch. So you could have finished this mission ages ago." Sasuke said in annoyance.

"Yes but I probably would have died seeing as I have yet to have the chakra needed to control it." He said.

"Well it's good to know but you've missed out on the mission and a lot of training." Kakashi said.

"What?! I've only been gone for a couple of hours!!!"

"No! You've been gone for a couple of days! What have you been doing out here?!" Sakura shouted.

Tataki winced and shrunk behind his scarf for comfort.

"Man I can't believe I didn't sense you until now!" Naruto whined.

'So he was right...' he thought before chuckling nervously.

"Sorry I hid myself on purpose. It's the only thing I can use my Jūryoku for without using up to much chakra as long as using move to much." He said, lying only a little since he had Doragon's help.

"You're hiding something." Sasuke said, narrowing his eyes.

They all looked at Tataki who started to back up slowly, thinking they didn't trust him.

"I think we should wait till he's ready and then he can tell us." Kakashi said.

"Yeah! It's not like he has something evil in him like me!" Naruto said, smiling like a goofball.

Tataki flinched. "Actually..." he whispered.

"You contain a tailed beast too?" Kakashi asked in surprise.

Tataki nodded. "I have the eleven tails." He mumbled. "That's how I'm able to have enough chakra to hide my presence and also how Naruto was the only one to sense me."

"Well this is quite the development. We're gonna have to tell the Hokage." Kakashi said, getting a nod of lament from Tataki in return.

"Well let's head back." Kakashi said, walking with the others following behind him.

Time Skip back to the Village

Tataki stood rigid as he watched the Jonin argue back and forth about him being the legendary hidden beast of destruction.

'What did you do to get that title?' He thought to Doragon.

'I was quite chaotic just like the other tailed beast until we were sealed away.' He replied.

Tataki sighed, accidentally getting the attention of the Jonin.

"What are you sighing about monster?!" One of them shouted, making him wince.

"I was talking to Doragon." He said, making all of the Jonin draw their kunai and shurikens.

"So you do confer with the beast!" One shouted.

"Only to talk! We're not planning anything I swear!" He said hurriedly.

"Weapons away!" The Hokage shouted.

Everyone did as the Hokage said but stayed alert.

"Why didn't you tell me this when I first met you?" Hokage asked.

"Because I was afraid of how everyone would treat me, and you didn't ask." Tataki answered honestly.

"Well I think he should turn in his headband and leave! It's bad enough he's a Shi! And with the fact he's also a jinchuriki means he needs to be gotten rid of before he starts causing trouble like Naruto!" One of them shouted getting a nod of agreement from a few others.

"I think we should help him and keep him safe." Iruka suggested getting nods of agreement as well.

"It seems we have a tie. How about lord Hokage decides." The one who opposed said.

"Then if team 7 wouldn't mind coming in to testify." Hokage said, looking at the door that fell open with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura falling through on top of each other, Kakashi peeking in.

After a minute they all came in and arranged themselves properly.

"Now can you tell me why I should or shouldn't keep Tataki here?" Hokage asked.

"I'll speak for the team." Kakashi said. "He's smart, kind, strong, and he's able to calm down a tailed beast. He has the Jūryoku and is able to control the first level of it. To be honest it took Naruto, another jinchuriki, to find him and that was just lucky."

Everyone was surprised to hear that Tataki had accessed the first level of Jūryoku and started whispering.

"I believe that's reason enough to keep him here." Hokage said.

"YES!!!" Naruto said, jumping happily.

"Than this me-" the Hokage didn't get to finish as Tataki tackled him out of chair just as a kunai lodged into the young Shi's shoulder.

Everyone stared wide-eyed as the young man had just essentially saved the most important person in the village.

"That's one of them!" Tataki said angrily, jumping out the window with team 7 behind him.

"Who are they?" Sakura asked as they jumped across the roofs.

"They are the ones who killed my clan." Tataki said as he pulled the kunai from his shoulder and squeezed the ends of it, pushing out a greenish-purple poison as the wound healed.

"Seems like you have impressive powers of regeneration." Sasuke observed.

"Only thanks to Doragon." Tataki said, his eyes turning to Jūryoku.

"Please give me some of your chakra." He whispered.

'Only because that son of a bitch and his friends took everything from us.' Doragon thought to him, supplying him with a large amount of chakra that surrounded him in a black and purple aura.

Tataki's teeth sharpened drastically, parts of his skin becoming covered in blackish-grey scales as the aura made horns and a tail, along with wings and claws that branched from it.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise at the almost instant transformation of their friend.

"You look awesome!" Naruto shouted.

"Interesting." Kakashi said quietly.

Sakura just stared at him with a look of uncertainty.

Sasuke was giving him a side glance, wanting that kind of power so he could kill the one who destroyed his clan.

"I'm going ahead." Tataki said, disappearing before his friends could say anything.

The man panted as he sat in a clearing and tried to catch his breath.

"You shouldn't have stopped." Tataki said from behind him, giving him a harsh and angry glare.

"Well it's not my fault I don't have a monster in me." The attacker spat from behind his mask.

"Atleast I'm not a coward." Tataki shot back.

"Says the one who wouldn't help me when I wanted to destroy our clan." The masked man said.

"What are you talking about?!" The young jinchuriki shouted.

"I forgot I removed it from your mind." The man said taking his mask off to reveal features similar to Tataki.

"And besides its not like you would've been the one to gain all the power any way." The man to be revealed as Uragiri Shi said, smirking as he showed off his final stage of Jūryoku.

Tataki instantly snapped and let out an angry roar as the gravity around him start to crush everything and soon became a dense point that has torn space and time itself.

He became a black hole.

A/N- Yo! Well I need 3 characters to show up for a chapter or two who will show up more later in the series so if you think you can give me some of your own ideas in the bio chapter that would be great! If not that's okay I'll think of something!

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