First day and Late Graduation?!

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Third P.O.V

"Alright class we have a new student for the day!" Iruka said, getting everyone's attention. "Please come in."

Tataki walked in on cue and covered the upper half of his face with his scarf shyly.

Everyone whispered, especially the girls, as they saw the new kid.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Iruka asked.

"I-I would l-like if Naruto to do so for me." Tataki said shyly.

Immediately all the girls glared at Naruto, thinking that they somehow made the new student fall for him.

Naruto chuckled. "There's no need to be so shy Tataki! This people aren't as cool as me so you don't have to worry!" He exclaimed, showing his usual goofy smile.

"Thanks Naruto." Tataki said, calming down as he took a deep breath. "I am Tataki Shi. I am the last of my clan and Naruto saved my life just yesterday. I am currently living with him and will be graduating with him as well! I may not have known him for more than twenty four hours but I think he is like a brother to me."

Naruto smiled. "That's right! And you better not mess with us or we'll kick your butts!" He declared, giving Tataki a thumbs up despite the glares from the other students who though he has somehow corrupted Tataki.

"Is there any place you would specifically like to sit?" Iruka asked.

"If I can sit near Naruto that be great." Tataki replied.

"Go ahead."

Tataki nodded and went over to sit by Naruto, shyly hiding behind his scarf from the multiple stares of the other students.

"It's good to see ya buddy! This graduation is going to be a breeze!" Naruto said excitedly, only getting a nod from Tataki.

"The test will be on Clone Jutsu."

Naruto immediately got a pained expression as Iruka started to call off names until it came to Naruto's who seemed to calm down and get a confident look before going and taking the test.

Time Skip a few minutes later

Tataki went in to take the test after Naruto and came in to face Iruka and a male with white/light blue hair.

"Did Naruto pass?" Tataki asked.

"That is none of your concern right now, simply take the test please." Iruka said.

"I want to know!" Tataki demanded, taking on the temper of his clan.

"He failed! Now take the test!" Iruka shouted.

Tataki growled and his hair flowed for a moment but he calmed down. "I'm not passing until Naruto does."

"Then at least try and due clone jutsu please." Said the jonin next to Iruka.

Tataki did so instantly and clones filled the entire side of his room with a steady glare. "May we leave now?" They said in a creepy unison.

"Y-Yes please take your head band." Iruka said nervously.

Tataki grumpily took it and went outside to see Naruto alone at the swing. "Hey Naruto!" Tataki said, going over to his friend with the prof of his graduation in hand.

"So you passed huh?" Naruto asked sadly.

"I'm not wearing it until you get yours." Tataki said with a determined look.

Naruto smiled gratefully. "Thanks pal!"

Tataki smiled and nodded. "I need to go back to my old home and grab some things, I should be back on a few days." He said.

"Alright just be careful!" Naruto said, waving his friend off.

Time Skip to Orientation day

Tataki walked in just in time to see Naruto and Sasuke break apart from a kiss and start freaking out. He then saw the girls wail on Naruto.

"Good to know you graduated." Tataki said, smiling as he saw his best friend sit down next to Sakura, who sat next to Sasuke.

"Good to see you came back in one piece." Naruto said smiling.

"Alright class time to assign teams now that you are full-fledged ninja!" Iruka said as he began to name teams.

"Team Seven will be a special acception of four members since we were told not to remove Tataki from Naruto." Iruka said, getting a groan from multiple students. "Team 7 will be Naruto, Tataki, Sakura, and Sasuke."

Time Skip, Kakashi's survival exercise

Tataki sighed as he sat everyone else go through the exercise while he had to sit out.

"Why can't I participate?!" Tataki whined.

"Because you already stole the bells and replaced them with fakes." Kakashi said as the bells went up in a puff of smoke.

"Sorry I like shiny things." He said, blushing behind his scarf in embarrassment.

"It's alright you've passed anyway it's just up to these three now."

The Next Day (sorry for all these time skips)

Tataki sighed as he met the others at the gate for the mission to the land of waves.

"I can't believe we have to bodyguard a drunken bridge builder!" Naruto complained.

"It's alright Naruto I'll get us ramen when we're back." Tataki said, smiling.

"Let's go!" Naruto said excitedly.

They started off soon after, talking as they did so. Tataki however was silent as he sensed something off.

As they continued walking they came across a puddle in the middle of the path, Tataki immediately through a kunai but it was to late as they took out Kakashi and went after Naruto and the others but Tataki took one out as Kakashi got the other.

"Nice job." Kakashi said as he seemingly came back from the dead.

Tataki ignored it and took the poison from Naruto's hand but didn't get to as Naruto stabbed his hand and opened the wound to let the poison out.

Tataki quickly bandaged his hand even though he wound was already healing.

"Well it looks like the mission continues." Kakashi said ok amusement.


They floated across the water in a boat silently as they saw the bridge, the others getting into an argument as Naruto shouted at the size of the bridge.

Tataki review the area silently as the others listened to the Mr. Tazuno's story.

Tataki's eye twitched as the old man guilt tripped the shinobi into continuing the mission until they made it through a tunnel to see A Beautiful area and walked ashore.

They watched as the boatman left and started walking.

Tataki laughed as Naruto tried to comfort the snow rabbit but felt something was off and soon calmed down and ducked as a sword went flying overhead.

Tataki watched as the conversation been Kakashi and Zabuza progressed to become hostile.

Tataki let his Jūryoku activate undetected. He was prepared for anything that would happen.

Everyone listened and searched as Zabuza spoke of the most vulnerable parts of the body and the most cleared around them thanks to Kakashi but only in a small radius.

They all watched surprised as Kakashi and Zabuza interlocked in battle, ending with Kakashi having a kunai to the rogue ninja's neck.

Tataki felt rather excited by the thought of a battle, his Shi blood begging him to join in along with Doragon pressuring him to join the fight.

They all watched as the battle continued and waited tensely, knowing they couldn't do anything but watch.

The fog thickened as the clone of Zabuza attacked Naruto, driving Tataki mad inside. Sasuke went on the offensive but got countered by the water clone.

Naruto was freaking out until he relented the oath of pain he made on his left hand.

'I won't run anymore!' Naruto thought as he went on the offensive. Even though he got knocked down Naruto got back up, his headband in hand.

Naruto smirked as he put the headband back on and talked confidently as he told the others his plan.

Zabuza laughed at how the others said they were going to fight him. He started to talk about how students killed each other at the graduation exam and told how he had killed many others without hesitation as a kid, saying it was fun before attacking Sasuke.

Tataki used shadow clone jutsu with Naruto as they got angry and attacked in fury, only to be all taken out in a single swing.

Naruto quickly through the demon wind shuriken to sasuke who through it at the real Zabuza, who caught it and dodged the shadow shuriken that turned into Naruto. Naruto who through a kunai at Zabuza, freeing Kakashi as Zabuza dodged.

Once more, Kakashi was locked into battle with Zabuza while Naruto explained the plan.

Tataki smirked glad he could help his friends.

The battle commenced as they broke apart and started to use the same jutsu against one another, the water dragons clashing and making a huge wave.

They locked blades, kunai versus sword as they struggled to gain ground in the stalemate. They broke apart and Kakashi mirrored Zabuza exactly.

Having tricked Zabuza, Kakashi threw a water vortex at him, pinning him against a tree with kunai as it ended.

Everyone gasped as a mysterious ninja through two needles into Zabuza's neck and killed him instantly.

Naruto shouted in anger at how the mystery ninja killed Zabuza easily but calmed down after Kakashi talked to him.

As everyone went to leave Kakashi suddenly fell over, unconscious.

A/N Sorry for the ducky chapter and all the time skips I'll try better next time hope you enjoyed and have a nice day/night!

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