Who's he?

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??? P.O.V

I panted heavily, running as fast as I could with the multiple cuts that covered my body that was no longer hidden by my tattered clothes. My clan had been attacked for the fifth time this month and a hundred and sixty-third time this year. And this time...we fell.

I don't know if it was the fact that we had an eye jutsu more rare than the Rinnegan, Sharingan, and Byakugan combined, or the fact I carry Doragon who is sealed in my body. But I do know one thing...I'm going to kill the Akatsuki.

But putting this aside I'll need to rest and heal if I'm going to avenge my clan.

Having finished that thought I'm...just...going to...rest...

Naruto's P.O.V

I was walking deep into the forest, mostly where I wasn't supposed to be since it's dangerous. But what do those jerks back at the village care anyway? They don't like me! I don't know why but, I feel like I did something wrong yet I don't know what...

Whatever! Who cares about what they think anyway?! I do whatever...I...want. What's that smell? And why are my feet wet?

I looked down to see a boy around my age. He was passed out on the ground and covered in a lot of cuts, and he was bleeding out fast... HE'S BLEEDING!!!!

I quickly picked him up, which wasn't a problem seeing as he was fairly light, and was about to start running, when I felt a sting on my stomach for some unknown reason and a little bit of heat on my back where the other kids heart was, but it quickly disappeared and I ran to the village as fast as I could.

Time Skip 10 minutes

I sat outside the door and paced around, waiting for the nurses to get done patching the kid up so I can see if he was alright. I was getting the usual side glares and such but instead of sending one back like I usually did I just ignored them and kept pacing.

"What are you doing here?" Said a grumpy female voice, causing me to turn around and see Sakura from school.

"What do you want to know?!" I growled.

"Because I was wondering if you tried to fight Sasuke again and lost, again." She sneered.

"I don't have the time to mess with that jerk! And if you want to know I found an injured kid in the forest!"


"Your friend is patched up. We used healing jutsu to take care of most of his wounds but bandaged him up where some wouldn't heal. We've contacted re Hokage so you have a limited time to talk to him." One of the nurses said as the others left.

"Alright!" I said excitedly, bolting in to see the unknown kid sitting up and looking out the window.

I was about to say something but that washboard for a forehead Sakura beat me to it.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Third P.O.V

Tataki turned to look at the two others in the room, a boy with blond hair and weird marks on his cheeks, and a pink haired girl who asked the question.

"Are you just going to stare?" The pink haired girl ask.

"Maybe I should introduce myself first! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm going to be the hokage when I grow up and be the best ninja! You better believe it!" Naruto said, smiling as he gave a peace sign.

The pink haired girl sighed at how loud the blonde boy was then smiled kindly at Tataki. "I'm Sakura Haruno! I go to the ninja academy and I hope to marry Sasuke Uchia into the future!" Sakura said the last part with dreamy eyes, causing Naruto's eye to twitch a little.

"I'm Tataki Shi. I just recently became the last of my clan and am looking for somewhere to rest and train." Tataki said shyly.

"What happened?" Naruto asked, getting a smack to the back of the head by Sakura.

"I'm sorry for this idiots impersonal question." She said, bowing her head in apology.

"It's alright I don't mind. I've come to terms with it and have decided to train to avenge my clan and get back what is ours." Tataki said, smiling.

"It seems you are quite calm for someone coming from the Shi clan." Said an old looking man in white robes.

"Hokage! Oldman!" Both Naruto and Sakura said in surprised unison.

"It is true. My clan is usually short tempered and quite rash, which I do have but my mother has taught me to remain calm in such situations and to think with a leveled head." Tataki said, ignoring Doragon trying to mentally get his attention all of a sudden.

"Ah, where are my manners? I am Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage of the Village hidden in the leaves." He said, smiling kindly.

"You have questions for me I assume?" Tataki asked.

"Just two. Would you like to stay in the Village and attend the ninja academy?" He asked, catching everyone by surprise.

"Really?!" Naruto asked excitedly, while Sakura maintained a look of shock.

"If I wouldn't be a burden..." Tataki said, showing him a grateful smile.

"Naruto, would it be okay if Tataki stayed with you?" The hokage asked.

"Totally! It's boring being home by myself all the time! Plus we could train together!" Naruto said excitedly.

"How will they both manage though?" Sakura asked.

"I brought my earnings with me so I'm sure it'll be enough." Tataki said, pulling a rather large sum of cash out of one of his hidden inner pockets.

Naruto and Sakura gaped at the large amount of money.

"It seems you've been saving your money for a while." The hokage said in amusement.

"Dude we have to go get some ramen right now!" Naruto said, practically jumping up and down in excitement.

Tataki's eyes sparkled excitedly as he got a huge smile. "Let's go!" He said, jumping out of the window with Naruto before the Hokage or Sakura could protest.

"Hokage why let him in without asking any serious questions?" Sakura asked.

"Because he's a good natured child who needs someone like him to keep stable. And I believe he will do great things in the future." The Hokage said, smiling confidently.

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