chapter 2

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an the ghost town there is two people who were sparing with wood swords thoses are jason and alpha

jason is been teach her the ways of combat witch involde swordmanship and melee sure he was was an sword fighter but he learn hand to hand combat as well an case he didn't have his sword an the moment 

the swordstyle jason was teaching alpha was his own he learn from his father,moms,uncle rex and jubei during his odd life

right now jason was walking backward avoid and block alpha's strikes with easy as he can predict the attacks and hit powerful counters on the vital spot


that was the sound of alpha's wodd sword get knock it off from her hands after jason parry with an sword strike as the later point the blade on her neck

jason:and you dead

he said as alpha sight

alpha:i still way to go to reach you level aegis

she said sad but jason touch her shoulder as he smile at her

jason:don't be sad an time you became strong believe i been train years to reach where i am key is been patient and don't rush things{then again i have the memories of my odd life soo yeah i have an lot of time besides compare my training with mom morag or mythra...oh god i even wonder how i even walk}

he trough shiver remeber thoses two training sessions was brutal but it was worth an the end,while alpha was suprise by his wisdom and smile aside from that the duo were look for possesive girls..alpha have one an mild she remeber on her odd home

alpha:{hang on i coming to help you}

jason:all right alpha i need to go an this point my sister must look for me..i leave all to you do what you have to

alpha was suprise but nod

alpha:of course master aegis

jason nod and smile as he walk away from the ghost town

alpha:{he sure have wisdom}

she trough as she nods what she have to do

meawhile jason was walk trough the forest

jason:alpha must know someone before she get posess soo i sure she go for it...i just hope she be okay

he trough as he keep walk

jason:still i need to olso look aroud the area for the other 2 swords

he trough as olso that time he was search all aroud the forest area and more to find the other 2 swords..soo far no he remeber it was the cristal core who help him as he focus the magic to detect the other blades...soo far nothing either they are out of the range or not an the area

as he keep walking he hear an sound among the tree as he summor the aegis blade and look


and from the tree it came out

his sister claire.and she is not happy

jason:oh god claire i almost attack you thinking you were an wild animal or monster

claire:where are you we have traning today!

jason:i was looking for things to add an cooking book...and is it the training for afternoon?

claire didn't respond just take his arm and drag him

claire:come on let's go training i want to show how strong i am

jason:je all right if you win i make you the dinner

jason notice claire smirk as he know he choose wrongs

claire:you on!!

jason:{she won't hold back is she?}

she didn't..but an the jason win and still make her dinner

an time have pass since then as more members join shadow of elysium

the first one was beta

 who is alpha childhood friend who the later bring to jason as beta was an poseessed state as jason heal her the girl hide behild alpha jason was not suprise as alpha tell him no one was able to manage to cure the possesion before and after alpha explain anything beta swear loyality to jason since then

next one is gamma

 jason find her an the forest as she suffer possesion and almost an blick of death as jason heal her and cure her and after explain what happen jason feel an deep rage inside him


jason:...alpha..beta..take her with you

beta:what about you shadow-sama

an that moment jason unleash an deep fire aura as flames were on his eyes as he 3 girls were an shock as they never see such display of power 

jason:i need to give some..people an lesson they never forget

he said walk away as the girls take gamma 

flasback end

laler jason return as when the girl ask him what happen he said" i give thoses people an lesson they never forget and follow and the afterlife and more with that family who abadon a child"he said as gamma was suprise after that she swear loyalty to jason

an that momet jason know how bad and horrible the lieds of the church and the cult to the point the moment you show possesion you become no one and strander and forgotten worst case killed as jason was determined to won't let anyone suffer 

next member was delta

an woft beastskin who close to death alpha found as the former attack the later jason arrive to help alpha 


jason was look at delta as the later groth at him

jason:{beastskin..wait i remeber if she is part animal and the ruler of the animal kingdom is..then..i know what to do}

jason take an deep breath as he unleash his full power suprise alfa and scare the delta but jason decide to go futher and use overdrive to unleash more power as the aura take shape of an multi head beast 

as all the head look an delta as the later can feel the eyes pierce her soul if that wasn't bad enough jason now look like something worst than the demon diablos itseft

delta an that moment feel true fear and despair as she feel nothing agaist that..."monster"will do any damage and only bring her death soo she only did one thing..she bow her head toward him and knee

delta:i..i submitted to you!!

she said shaking hoping to no die

jason:good choice

he said as alpha was an pure shock and shacking

alpha:{soo that is the true power of lord he sure is the most powerful person i see}

flasback end

after that and heal delta the later join shadow garden

next was epsilon

jason find her an the moutain as he was looking the swords after heal her she join the group but not before she metion she plan to use the new power to make the people who betray her paid but jason say he handle her as she have an better purpose to help othes like as epsilon accept that while jason give an lesson to thoses people that make realise all the posible posess will be done for....include his sister claire

jason and alpha find her after assault an carriage of the cult for info they find zeta after zeta explain jason was furious with both the church and the cult as he lauch an flame ball burn the entire carriage and the bodies as alpha explain the true zeta join the group

the last member was zeta

jason find her abadond instalation an ruin he was hope find the sword there but not luck but he find eta and heal her the thing is




jason:is she sleeping....that is odd...but oh well

he said as he carried eta princess style and leave the instalation

flasback end

after she wake and jason explain to her she join shadow garden

after that the seven girls will be name as the seven shades and will mark the begining of the powerful organization shadow of elysium will become

right now jason was spar and after an while jason win

claire:i lost much is the score

jason:13-9 on my favor you got better for sure

claire:yeah but compare to you i still far

jason:sis don't say that..remeber back then i was the one who strugger and i don't like feel the same thing i did


she said suprise jason caring for her not to metion he always metion to the instrutors how claire got better as well besides him who get all the praises

claire smile

claire:you sure are amazing brother

jason:i am the person who make no enemy only friends

he said while smile as claire smile back as an maid came and tell the duo is time to return to the house as the siblings head back to the house

claire:soo brother how you feel been the future head of the family

jason:i mean i don't feel any diference 

claire:is an important position represent our family

jason:you olso imporant as well besides if both became knights we sure became the best of the world

claire:jeje no douth i train hard for that

jason:yeah{i still need to wait for the possesion sythoms to manifest soo i can heal her}

he trough the last part...he is ready to save her when the time comes


jason was an the forest as he came out with the excuse to find new ingredients as jason keep walk 

jason:well no signs of badints of this area....but sooner of later must notice the lack of members...i hope alpha and the rest have news about the cult..i have to leave to midgar kingdom when i reach 15..

it was an family tradition when the child have 15 is send to the midgar kingdom to assist the royal sword academy soo he can become an dark knight

jason:but maybe i can use that if become the best knight i mild get into some circles and find info about the cult or the church...but is an shot a the dark if don't know what to look

he said thinking of the situalation but he sense something coming fast as he got ready but after an few seconds smile

jason:oh is it you

from the blush an dark blur came out toward jason but he extend his hand and caught it to reveal

delta:BOSS MAN!!

delta who is happy to see him

jason:jejej delta i see you got better an sense me

delta:of course only boss man will have strong aura and warm feeling

jason:je of course

he said as delta hug him

jason:{je she is cheerful remind me to tao....i hope delta is smarter than her}

he said remeber the kaka girl she is nice..but very stupid even to the point she didn't reconize his father who have an bounty  along with nia but the again

jason:{the one who make the bounty picture must be fail the school art}

he said while sniker remeber the image and nia reaction

but back to current matter

jason:soo delta can you let me go i need to see alpha and the rest



delta:you soo warm!

jason sweatdrop and have an deadpannel look

jason:{oh great another and i have deja vu like aunt nia with pyra}

he said remeber nia clung into pyra's body on that snow moutain

jaso look an delta

jason:all right get on my back i need to see the rest


she get on jason's back and hug him as he keep walking until he arrive the ghost town and see the rest of the seven shades as the later notice him and knee

alpha:lord aegis


gamma:lord shadow




jason:stand up and delta get down please

the six shades stand as delta get off jason's back

jason:olso you know dispide i been the leader i don't want that treatmet

beta:but shadow sama you are the one who save us

eta:and give us you wisdom

the rest of the shades agreed

jason:well true but i want to see me as you equal or like an friend besides i always treat you with the same respect okay the key of team is show the same level of respect with each other

the shades were suprise by his worlds as beta begin to wrote on her notebook

jason:{she really take notes of everything i do and say}

he said while sweatdrop

alpha:soo lord aegis what is the occasion to come here

jason:well i come to see you and see anything is okay what i not alley to see you?

epsilon:no of course not aegis you always welcome everytime!

delta:yes boss man is always welcome!

gamma:we always enjoy you company

jason:good to know{wow they sure very caring and loyal i almost think they have an crush at me}

he trough ....oh sweet the full way of irony it will caring that trough later on}

jason:anyways i here to see if there is report of the cult actions..i see less badints and i douth they run short of then

alpha:we have reports wanna heart it



everyone look an delta

delta:jejej i kinda hungry

zeta:oh jeez you dog

zeta stomach groth as well 

delta:you were saying~

zeta was blush 

zeta:shut up

jason:well you can give the report after eat soo

he notice dead boars as well

jason:i see you were busy delta

delta:yeah i hunt an big one as well

jason:good enough all right i cook the food

gamma:you can cook?

jason:..let me guess an person who have strong magic,amazing swordmanship and been the most deadly warrior of the is the last thing it came an you mild is it?

gamma was suprise..along with the seven shades as they look down..well less delta

delta:ahhh boss man can read the future!? is just very typical{like for real even my moms,aunt and uncles were suprise by dad's cooking skills they even trough it was mom pyra's}

he trough remeber the reaction an his odd life it was pure suprise for sure

jason:well back to the point yes i can now i gonnad cook

he said crack his knuckers

jason:you about to be suprise

the seven shades were curious


jason was cooking the meal i have recipes and more stuff..soo

he clap his hands together

jason:time to go wild!

he said as he begin to cook the meat

jason:good thing delta hunt an lot i can create mutiple meals

he said as he cut another pieces of meat

jason:now is tenderize now cover it with floor,whisked egg and panko to be crispy{damm the slime suit is amazing i can store an lot of things!}

he trough the last part as he put the cover meat an hot oil as it begin to do crispy sounds as jason goes to the next batch of meat as he know what to do

jason:oh i can do the double crispy meat yeah that should give better taste

he said as he cut the meat as then put an bag along with garlic,soy sause and shake it to get mix as then put the mix meat into the oil but an low temperate to get cook once done and pull out the meat he increase the heat of the oil and put the meet back in to crisp the outside

as jason was cooking gamma and epsilon were watching from outside from the window as both girls were suprise

gamma:oh wow

epsilon:he sure is good what he doing

gamma:yeah and olso

both sniff as they can see the great smell

gamma:oh my...

epsilon:yeah is smell divine

they weren't the only ones who smell the rest of the shades smell it too smells..good

alpha:oh lord aegis must sure work hard

beta:oh i should take notes

she said and go check from the window while take notes

zeta:oh now i eager to know how it taste like

and delta..well..she is panting like a crazy dog with saliva drip from her mouth!

she run toward the me and was about to end but an big mass of slime caught

jason:delta be pantient

he said as he was the one who caugh delta

delta:but boss man i want food now i

she quicky shut up as mutiple pieces of meat who was not yet cook fell on her mouth

jason:could that be good enough to make you wait

delta nod as jason drop her as she walk away eat the meat

jason:now where was i...oh right

he said and cut another piece of meat and put an pan with hot oil but not before put salt and pepper on the meat as then he put the meat on the pan and cook it for both side once done he put the meat an aluminiun foil as it let it rest

jason:it should take five minutes more than enough to wrap it up the rest

he said he begin to finish the other meat while beta was take notes while gamma and epsilon watch him cook

gamma:he sure serious with his cooking

epsilon:yeah like an good chef

beta just keep take notes


the shades were an table 

jason:the food is done

he put the plates on the table

the seven shades were suprise to see the meals

jason:i know is first time see this but believe all comes down is the taste

delta was panting like an dog as zeta was try her best to control her animal side

jason:all right let's teat

everyone take an piece an meat and take an bite


seven shade:!!!!


they yell cause the bird fly off

alpha:this is soo delicious i never taste something like that

beta:hmm the taste is soo amazing!

gamma:the texture the flavor is all perfect and more with that double cook meat is soo crispy and delicous!

epsilon:i eat high quality food but this is above anything i eat!

zeta:well damm never trough meat can taste this good


delta well..was just eat no stop as jason sweetdrop

jason:{oh my i hope is not like tao when comes to eat food}

he trough remeber tao eat food..big amouts of food

jason:oh if you think is amazing then you should add this

he pull out mutiple sauces

jason:add this and you have diferent flavor

the shades use the sauces and jason was right

alpha:now it taste diferent but good

beta:oh my shadow sama sure have winsdom

jason:{is just normal sauces..but then again i am another world far behild a years  soo}

gamma:ahh i can feel the diferent taste and it make the meat taste better

epsilon:okay it make the meat more better

eta:master i want the secrets of the sauces

jason:uhh sure

delta was just grab the garlic flavor sauce and pour on her food

zeta:hey you dog don't use all an youseft!

jason:now now i have another soo don't fight

he said pull out another bottle as delta put her empty plate an front of jason

delta:more boss man!

jason:all right

he servel her another as delta eat like no tomorrow

jason:{oh dear}well i presume you all like it

seven shades:YES!!

jason:{guess is true food can change the mood of someone}

gamma:i wish to know how to cook like this

jason:i can teach you if you want

gamma:r really you gonnad share me you wisdom!?

jason:yeah but only if willing to all in

gamma:i am

beta:i want to take notes

jason:no need

he pull out an copy of his cooking book

jason:if you want notes i have then if want it

beta was an shock

beta:r really i mean

jason:sure i see you one who the details soo i sure you give an good use

he give the book beta as she take it and hug him

jason:now ..

delta:boss man another!!

jason sweetdrop


everyone finish eat

delta:ahh soo full

jason:i suprise you didn't vomit

zeta:i ask the same after the plate number 7

epsilon:the food of aegis sure supass anything i eat an my life

jason:thanks epsilon

epsilon blush

jason:okay..soo back to the matter of the cult

alpha:right this is what we got

she explain the reports along with the rest

jason:soo among cloud huh not suprise i mean if they do this for long time they must have people way up

beta:yeah we not sure how deep it is but is good enough to have the money for the cult activities

jason:don't forget the church as well for spread lies and what else heck they mild the ones who get into the high places

beta:that is true shadow-sama i dig up more of the church

jason:yeah as for the cult..actually can be useful

gamma:how soo

jason:well i have to go the sword academy an midgar when i reach 15..soo i sure some people are there is an great spot to get him

zeta:i see you plan to go there

jason:yeah and considere i am the future heir of my family it mild help an little to know

beta:ahh shadow-sama always one step ahead

she said smile and take notes

jason:well any activity nearby

epsilon:aside an few badints nothing

jason:that is odd less badints than usual something is goin on..and know the cult is nothing good soo do recon to see anything odd

the seven shades nod as jason stand up

jason:all right i need to go take care

seven shades:like wise

he leave the shade look each other

epsilon:he sure is special

beta:yeah he is glad he save us

gamma:agreed we have to give our best 

alpha:yeah you hear him we need to do an search to see what the cult is plan

the other shades  nod

timeskip nighttime

jason was look the slime as he was an his room

jason:{i think it mild be posible to recreate the weapons of my odd world i have the magic and knowsedge besides the slime sure adapt..yeah is posible..i mild be able to create aux core and core chips soo my blade can have special effects..sure it mild be not as strong as the original since thoses use ether or the blood of titans but i sure it get the job done}

he trough as he look the slime as then turn into an dagger

jason:if plan to sneak on someone make sure to hide you prencese and magic

from the shadow alpha appear as she knee

alpha:i considere that lord aegis

she said as jason look at her

jason:you must find something to come all the way here

alpha:{he know already not suprise}yes an big group of badints set camp close to the territory of cagerou family

jason:what make then special from the rest

alpha:they have someone who kidnnaped we don't who she is but they ask for money for her

jason eyes widen

jason:alpha we go there now no douth thoses people have someone important to do such thing


jason was cover an slime as he have his slime armor 

jason:let's go

an blick both were gone


both were close to the camp

jason:alpha go and rescuer the girl..i handle thoses badints

alpha nod and dissapear as jason arrive the area as the badints notice him

badint:hey who are you

jason didn't say anything as an flame on his finger and point an the campire


he fire the flame to the campire witch cause an explosion of flames as the badints were close to it got burn and scream an pain as the rest have look of shock and pull out they weapons and attack jason who later summor his aegis blade


the girl who got kidnapped name rose oriana was inside an shack tied up as she was beg for someone to save her but then she hear an explosion scream and then sound of something cutting human flesh along with more screams as she can hear an voice

jason:dust to dust all you will burn an hell

an that moment someone cut the ropes she was tied as she look to see alpha with an mask 

alpha:you okay


the door open to reveal jason with blood on his blade who have the energy blade on

jason:you safe good to know

he said as he without look lauch his blade behild him and cut an badint who was try to run away as the blade return back to jason and he caught it without look

alpha:we done here master

jason:good to know

alpha and rose leave the shack and see the aftermath was an warzones death bodies everyone some were cut and others burn alive only left burn flesh and bones as rose look at jason

jason:you better leave now before more arrive

he said as he and alpha head toward the forest



rose:who are you

jason:we are one with the shadows

he said an blick both jason and alpha dissapear leave rose suprise as she pick up an sword


with jason and alpha

alpha:lord aegis matter of time we face the enemy soo get everyone ready once we start we give all we got

alpha nod as she dissapear

few days later

jason was an his shadow persona with delta,epilson

delta:how long

epsilon:we should we close

jason:you said badints were spot an this area

epsilon:yes no douth must be the cult

jason:now the question is why...!!!

the two shadows look and notice the fire

jason:let's go!

the 3 shadows move fast as they arrve an burning village and see death bodies and the resposibles 

epsilon:oh god


jason was didn't say anything as he was furious as he unleahs his power without know as everyone include the killers notice an shock as jason summor aegis blade and lauch an big fire ball burn some of the killers alive as the rest were an shock


jason point his blade at then as epsilon and delta got ready

jason:kill then all..every last one of then!!

delta smirk she dash toward the badints and begin to slaugher then with her claws while epsilon does the same with her scythe as jason was about to join but he feel two magical aura

jason:{two more...epsilon,delta deal with then i need to chase some who escape!}

he talk trough telephaty as the two shadows were suprise by the voice on they heads but nod as jason run off deep to the forest

jason:no way they get away from this the aura is losing strengh..could be survivor!

he use his magic to go faster he arrive to see an male beatskin about to finish off an female beastskin but jason was fast enough and block the blow with his sword and kick the male beastskin back as the later look at him

m beastskin:who are you!?

jason didn't say anything and look the female beastskin

jason:you okay


she weaky say and fell uncosious as jason notice the the slash marks on her back as that make jason piss off and turn to the make beastskin

jason:soo you are the one who send then the cult to that village!

the male beastskin name gettan was an shock you know

jason:asshole i am the one who fight the cult because i have enough of they corrution and power..and now..i plan to kill you for what you done you let thoses people die!!

gettan:i have too soo our clan can be safe!

jason:oh yeah and look what happen the cult murden then you make an deal with the devil and that is the cost you think you are hero the only thing i see are an murden,an traitor and an coward!!

gettan:enough i kill you!

he said pull out his katana

jason:fine i make sure you paid for all the lifes you take

he said as he the slime goes to the aegis blade and get the ex form

he left out an intese red aura like fire

jason:i won't give you mercy

gettan was an shock of the power but he focus and charge at jason and swing his katana but jason block without problem

jason:is that all you got?

gettan got angry and unleash an barrage of attack as jason manage to block all with easy heck he even stop block and just block as with the final attack he jump back

jason:tch soo little for an traitor witch his not suprise

gettan got angry and attack again but jason block the attac....with the tip of his aegis blade as gettan was an shock

jason:if that is all you got then my turn

he said kick getta leg and follow up by an punch an the face send getta fly and fell to the ground as the later get up only to see jason an front of him as he begin his assault as getta try to find....try but jason always find an opening and cuase an cut an gettan's body

jason:every cut i do is for every life you take because you deal with the cult!

he said leave an cut on his waist as gettan step back and glare at jason who simply punch him an the gut make gettan vomit blood and follow with another an the face make gettan step back

getttan:you..who are someone can have soo much magic

jason:my name won't matter as for the magic this is i get from training and hard work unlike you who decide to rely and something else istead on you own..that is why you gonnad be an weak and pathetic beastskin who just be an lapdog of the cult

gettan got angry and attack jason more savage but jason simply dodge and then caugh his katana with his hand

jason:you know the saying when you make an devil there is an price..well i about to give to you!

he said crush the katana with his hand suprise gettan but that was enough time for jason activate the beam mode of his aegis blade and swing it and



slash his eyes leave him blind as gettan scream an paid but jason wasn't done


jason then slash his ears he manage to cut one entiry the other was cut haft way soo he is haft deaf ....and finally


jason slash his tail  as jason kick his knee break as gettan was on his knees

jason:now you lost,you sight,hearing and the thing it represent you..fitting for an scum like you and 

he focus his hand an flames

jason:this is for hurt that girl!

he give an strong punch an the face as it cause an mini explosion send gettan fly break mutiple tree as he fell down no moving


jason look his hand and from an brief second the flames turn purple before back to normal color

jason:{purple...could mean...}

he shake his head and look the female beast skin who name was yukine as he heal her wounds

jason:..i feel pitty for what you been trough....don't worry i make the cult pain...every last one of then

he said as he look back to see gettan gone won't matter his time will come sooner of later

he said look yukine

jason:{i wish i could take you..but i sure you need an closure with the village}

he said and walk away

he later return the village and see epsilon and delta

delta:boss man!

epsilon:how it go

jason:i find two one was an survivor the other the traitor who send the cult here

epsilon:you knew already?

jason:how you know

epsilon show an letter detail anything about the attack and getta was an member


delta:i sure he death right?

jason:no he escape when i heal the survivor but..i give him 3 wounds he will remeber for the rest of his life

epsilon:what now

jason:we leave

epsilon:and the survivo she could be an allied

jason:no the moment..but we keep an eye on her just to make sure she is safe besides she gonnad need an closure

epsilon and delta nod as the 3 shadows leave the villiage

later on


jason punch an tree of anger

after epislon and delta leave he was alone as he was angry

jason:thoses bastard have no limits!!

he said angry and furious for what they remind him terumi and malos thoses who kill everyone on they path to get what they want but an case of malos an least he was loyal to his followers..terumi..yeah no way he use everyone as an tool

jason:they won't get away

he said as the aura was red slowing begin to change color

jason:this will be the last time you murden someone for you own seft...i will hunt you down all you..and kill you

he said as the aura change to purple as his eyes and cristal core change to an purple color

jason:i kill every last one of then

an all across the kingdoms the member of the cult feel an intense fear as they don't why

but what they don't know is they unleash the power of the beast who power is above the gods...and is ready to kill

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