chapter 1

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is been years since jason recover his memories of his odd life at first he was sad he miss his odd family but he was okay it was the best for everyone and he know his family want to enjoy his new life soo he did he show an more nice,caring and cheerful side as his family were happy he was better

now as for the hair he manage to hide it with his magic but the core wasn't the case as one day his parents find out he lied said he use magic on the core as he manage to "heal" himseft from the empty feeling as his parents accept

now for jason who remeber he realise mutiple things,first he became an flesh eater an human with powers of an blade olso he have part of the aegis side..but only his mother pyra side,olso his combats arts are limited to the fire element ones he theorize due to the pyra sword who was an fire blade it only have that

another thing it worried him...if pyra sword was an this world it means the other 2 mythra and pneuma blades must be an this world as well....and that is an problem if someone manage to access to the blades and powers it will be an problem and more if fell to the wrong hands he need to find the blades as soon as he can but due to still be an child it wasn't an option an the moment

another thing since is still part aegis he can store information now..lucky his odd and new memories were save soo he know things but he begin to learn more even legends an case he mild find useful an the future after all..knowedge is power

olso thanks to his odd memories he manage to have more stronger magic and control after all his odd world have magic as well and be an blade and aegis beings who control energy to support drivers it wasn't issue but still learn to polish his magic skills as he know there mild be treats an the horizon

another thing he theorize is is part aegis it means an other to become an full aegis he need to collect the other two swords since pyra and mythra are part of pneuma the true form of both soo he know the sooner he get the blades the better

aside from that jason get better on his swordmanship but not only sword he begin to learn other weapons mosty is to his uncle rex who was an master of all weapons and heck he was an aroud or little older of jason's current age his family was suprise as claire suspect due to the pyra's sword as he ask him as jason tell haft true when he fill complete he have memories of combat he doesn't know how as claire was okay with it the instrutors were suprise as well and paid attetion but that is he draw the line and metion then and the bald guy put attetion to his sister as well as she make great effort as well suprise claire by his actions as she got more caring with jason

speaking of caring jason and claire get along too well trough again claire was overprotetive with him but jason let it pass at time and more with his pyra personality it mix well even some the maids tease the duo about married each other witch make both siblings blush an the idea.jason find odd while someone said that....claire....she actually considere it...oh boy

olso out of the theme an thing it became daliy on jason's life hug see it start by claire who always hug him as people wonder the why as one the maid as as claire said jason was soo warm..the maid got curious and hug jason..and she was right it he is warm this is due to be an fire blade as his body temperature was high than normal humans soo that is why his body is warm..and became an habit he get hug..the odd things is the majority is by female either his mother,maids and her sister..more with the maids make claire upset

as for the sword jason came out is because of his magic it got attetion to people to see and even want to buy but jason say no of course and even ask his mom to not let the bald try to steal the blade or anything as his mother agreed besides it work by his magic soo he can make appear and dissapear at will

right now jason and claire were study

claire:this is boring

jason:i have we have no choice sis

claire:i wish we could train

jason:i mean claire we can't just go our life and swing blade at anything

claire:is not what an knight suppose to do?

jason:i mean..yeah an little but olso we nobles if we want to make mom proud we need to work hard

claire:olso brother


claire:why you go outside to the forest at night

claire:i see you leave once

jason:well i want to test what the sword can do..that is all

claire:is that all?

jason:come on sis you know i can't use an the training grounds it will burn it i mean remeber when i use an thoses slimes

claire:oh right

one occasion both were an forest and they face an swarm of slimes jason use pyra blade..but he use too much and burn an little of the woods along with the one knows what happen

jason:i want to have better control to avoid accidents became better ever since you have that blade

jason:yeah i guess the gods finally give me an chance

he said while smile

claire:really what i did to have such amazing brother

jason:you be an great sister?


she hug him tight

claire:you are the best!

jason:yeah i know..olso..can you let go

claire:no you warm

jason:{of course she said that}

claire:olso i hear mom and dad are considere choose you as heir of the family

jason:is not base of my recent developments right

claire:what else

jason:you okay with that?

claire:you always defend me and tell i get better that is enough for me to motivate to get stronger for you

jason:good to know olso next class is dacing and noble etiquette


jason:hey some knights are nobles soo if you learn right you mild face then

claire:...let's go!

she drag jason

jason:ehh sis hold on!

later at night

jason was walk an the forest with pyra's blade at hand

jason:i should be more careful if sister find i mild get caught by the maids.but still

look the blade

jason:i still learn from you even i have the memories i still body of an child..olso i need to see if mythra's blades is here but olso

an secret jason didn't tell is he find something else besides monstersas jason walk and look an copser of an slime and woft 

jason:.........{no douth badints}

yes there was badints an the area it was odd but considere it was an rural area it wasn't hard but the thing it suprise it reach this deep and is been active an the area an the forest

is like they looking for something..or someone

jason:{i better find out what is}

he trough as unknow to him an badints were an woods

badint:we got one victim do it

the badint with an bow nod and aim at jason and fire an arrow



without look jason caught with his hand

badint 2:what the!?

he yell give away his position as jason look and lauch the arrow back at him as the arrow pierce his head kill him suprise the other badints came out 

jason:you gonnad need something faster than an arrow you know

he said hold his blade

badint:get him is just one kid!

jason:yeah one kid who caught an arrow and trhow back sure is easy for you guys

badint 3:you brat!

he yell while charge at him as jason focus his magic on the blade as activate the beam mode

he swing his blade and 


the badint was not moving as then the blade was cut an haft and then the badint was cut an haft suprise the rest

jason:who is next?

the badints were on guard

jason:then here i come

he jump an the air and dive to one of the badints as the later raise his ax to block but 


it was useless as jason swing his blade as both weapon and man were cut an haft as another badint with dagger begin to swing the weapon at jasn try to stab him but jason dodge with easy as he then grab one the badints arms and give an kick right on the forearm joint break it as the badint scream at pain he was stab an the badint an the head as the later fell to the floor dead,another badint try to attack jason from behild with his greatsword..but he was too slow as jason turn aroud and give an deep and powerful kick an the stomack it was strong enough to make vomit blood as he fell on his knees hold his stomack as he look up


only to be kick again an the neck break his trhoat nut along with his spine as the badint fell to the ground gasp for air before he take his last and die.jason then cough to avoid another's badints sword and stab him an the heart from behild as jason peform an blazing end toward another badint but the land cough to avoid it

badint:ja you miss now you don't have


the badint vomit blood and look down an horror to see the sword impale him on his chest from behild as he fell death


he said to the death badint who didn't notice the blade come back as jason turn aroud and see another badint with an great ax swing down at him bt jason move to the side as jump into the hilt as he kick the badint an the face stun him as he jump and hand on his shoulder and grab his head

badint:what you


he twist his head breaking his neck as the badint fell death as jason grab the great ax dispide the size he hold it with two hands as he use to cut an badint chest off and lauch the weapon to impale into another one's head as the badints who remmain alive were an horror as they hear someone was kill his past pathners but they never know it was an kid

badint:shit who the hell is this kid is not human

jason:you won't live tonight

he said as grab pyra sword and run toward the group the last ones try to stop him but they were cut down as the last one try to run jason grab an bow and lauch it hit the arrow right an the knees as the later fell to the floor as jason walk toward him and step his back

jason:now since you are the last one..i considere let you leave..if you have info

badint:okay okay i have info


badint:letter i have an letter with all the info an my pocket

jason check and find the letter

jason:good almost but you need more..where is the rest because i know there is more

badint:an odd ghost town north of here you can't miss it

jason:i see know i find similar letters an other badints you say you send this to someone...soo tell me what make this letter better than the others

badint:it it have the info of who we work for

jason:i see...okay

he raise his blade

badint:wait but you said

jason:did you think i let an badint who kill inocent people who greed and money...think again 

he swing down his blade kill the badint as he read the letter as it was show more info and more who send the badints

jason:the cult of diablos...diablos is the demon from the tales of the 3 heroes...there is something goin on..guess i better hunt more badints...later when i have more info i go into the town to finsh then off

he search the bodies and find money and jewels

jason:typical..well i leave donation and keep the rest

jason when find the loots he leave anonimous donation to the people while keep the remmains to himseft an case of emergecy he was nice but better have an back up plan just an case 

jason look the moon

jason:better hurry up

he said and run to hunt more badints

next day

jason:oh my god..this is bad

he said as he finish an book,after find out about the cult of diablos he begin to check the tale along with the extra info and turn out the group was real as it was the cult who send the badints olso among the letters  it was an world"possesive"

jason hear about thoses as it was an some sort of decease who make people trasform people into an mass of flesh as jason dig up more he find an dark true

aside the church see the possesive as evil they execute then on the all but the shocking true he find out..was the wasn't an desease it was an curse

an curse the demon diablos give to the 3 heroes and find out all the cases possesion was always to women witch means the heroes where woman istead men like the legend told soo as the curse were pass one to the descedants

it include two there is cospiration between the cult and church mosty relate to the diablos and the possesives worst case they experiment on the later

and the second one..witch hope jason was wrong as he dig up his family history and when he find he make his heart drop..

his family were direct descedants of the human hero..witch means claire is gonnad suffer possesion witch alarm jason..and more..claire is the target of the cult as well he need to do something soon before is too late as he was thinking

jason:i need to do something before is too late..but i have no idea what to do..

he begin to think mutiple options one then is find an cure..but then again it was hard as the people believe once someone is posseded is lost cause

jason:...thoses bastard of the cult who knows were do to thoses possesives under the nose of the people....wait..

he think

jason:it mild be posible i find an cure if i dig up an the badints i sure they know something..yeah is clear i go to the ghost town but olso

he see an group of smile jelly

jason:now for you

the reason he have slimes jelly is during his investagions he find out slimes were amazing conductors of magic as he did comparations of magic 

flashback days ago

jason was an forest as he look an tree

jason:okay if the theory is right the slime should give an better perfomace than metal sword and mithril soo

he put town tree objects,an normal sword,an mithril sword and slime jelly

jason:i have to use the most of the money i gain from the bandints to get that mithril sword but hope is worth it i mild give to sis as gift now

he grab the sword and point an tree and lauch and small fire ball damage it

jason:well is weak  not suprise

he speak the mithril sword and point to another tree and lauch an fire balls this time it was bigger and cause more damage and burn mark

jason:hmm good overwall 50% now the slime

he keep the slime jelly and shape into an sword

jason:now the slime should do way more damage 

he point to another and lauch an fire ball this time it was way bigger and damage the tree even more as there was crank on it

jason:wow it way better than i trough that is 90% but is better than thea aegis sword

he summor his blade and lauch the fire ball to the next tree it destroy and keep goin and end destroy another tree and burn it

jason:okay not by much but good alternative....wait...

he look the slime sword and the aegis sword

jason:maybe..the slime is an mana conduct,, the energy of the aegis is ether witch is magical energy...well an way..soo maybe the slime can be an conduct..if is..i mild create materials other wise will be imposible an this is wort an test

he said and use his magic as the slime move toward the the blade and cover as the blade shake as the cristal shine

jason:woah..come on..please work

he said hold the blade hard as he feel can feel the power on it as the blade keep shake as as it finally unleash an burst of power as jason look the blade who take an diferent form

jason:oh my..god..i can feel the power it work!

he aim an the next tree as jason focus the power was sure an lot as he try to control


he take an deep breath and lauch an fire ball it was way bigger than he trough as it destroy 5 tree before destroy the last one into ash

jason:oh my god..the power increase by an lot and...and

he fell on his knees as he drop his blade as the slime separate the blade turn back to normal

jason:that..was an lot..not suprise..slime fuse with the aegis sword give an increase to 199% of magic..that is pretty much an overdrive..

he pant as he pick the aegis sword and slime jelly

jason:guess i need to train..and olso the slime mild useful an the future i have new plans to test

flashback end

jason:yeah i already have one an mild it will sure help me when i face the badints

jason check the clock and see is 5:00 am

jason:oh my i  didn't sleep at all since i arrive here..well no point of sleep now.soo where i do.....oh right


jason:i kinda miss this

he said as he was cooking yeah he learn cooking from mother pyra and his father who to the suprise of everyone..well less pyra and mythra and pneuma can cook,as jason like cooking and became good and thanks to the odd memories he remeber food on his odd world not to metion the information of the recipes of new world as well soo he begin to cook an big mean as he get an lot of ingredients from the storage room

jason:ahh this an little when you an child 

he trough as he have to get move but thanks to his acrobatis and agility it was less hard to multi tasky

jason:okay add the sause here,roast the beef with egg on it,cheese over and...


jason turn to see some the maids who were suprise

jason:oh hey why you here

maid 2:we find an good smell and we follow to this all by youseft?

jason:well yeah i got into cooking and decide to try 

maid 3:wow but it smells very good is like an five star good

jason:well i follow recipes i made

maid:i see

jason:hey since you are here can you help i plan to cook everyone even you

maid:oh you sure?

jason:yeah an pair of extra hands doesn't help

maid:all right

maid 2:i call the rest of the maids

she said and leave as the rest of the maids help jason with the food and the rest of the maids appear and help as well and the maids olso find out an suprise side of jason

jason:make sure to cut the meat an bite sizes!

maid:y yes!

jason:and once is done add garlic,the soy sause and an bag along with the meat


jason:soo it gets mix and flavor is better!

maid:h hai!

jason:don't forgot to add the flour and shake the bag and then put the hot oil be careful you can get burn

maid:yes sir!

jason turn to another maid

jason:once you finish cut the meat put the ginger sauce and let it marinette while you wait cut the cabbage

maid 2:right away

jason:olso remeber when the meat are finish add the sauces i said to add an extra flavor

maids:yes sir!{he act like our boss soo young!}

they said suprise as they see jason was deepy serious when comes to cooking and more suprise to see some of the ingredients like the sauces was new to then it was from jason who made then with the ingredients he get from the store and the forest it was good enough to make the job to replicate the taste like the ones on his odd world

jason look another maid

jason:once both finish the scrabber the eggs and add an little of cheese add flour the meat and then put the meat an the egg mixture make sure to cover both side of the meat and then put the pan


jason look an the maids who take care of the pastries

jason:now remeber some of the then add the cream inside to add extra sweet and other sugar outside on top 


jason smile if there many thing he enjoy top one is cooking

jason:{jeje i mild mess it the cooking an the this world..but i give then an favor to introduce amazing and sweets}

he trough an little nervous

jason:{but still i need to make chocolate and vanilla i leave that for later for now cream milk is the best i have}


claire wake as she get out the room as she yawn

claire:another morning and "sniff" "sniff" what is that smell..

she sniff again adn can tell is delicous

claire:ahhh is smells great! is the maids cooking something new?

she said as the door of her parents open to see then

mom:claire did you smell that

bald:it smells delicious do the maids are work hard this time

claire:i should tell jason!

she run toward his room and open

claire:jason did you..smell

it was empty

mom:claire what is it?

claire:jason is not his room!

mom:maybe is already downstair

the cagerou walk down stiars and see some of the maids

mother:hey did you girls cook something new

maid:something like that but we got help


maid:see for youseft

the family head toward the kichen as they suprise see jason cooking and order the maid


jason jump simple as the pan he was holding fly off his hands but he manage to catch and turn aroud

jason:oh sis..sorry i was busy

mom:son you..are cooking

jason:well yes but the maids are help me as well

maid 2:he is good cooking i can already smell the food is amazing

jason:it all comes to the taste

he said and look back to his family

jason:the food will be done just wait

mom:ok but be careful



the cagerou were wating until jason came with the maids and plates as jason sit as the maid put the plate with food as the cagerou's were suprise as the maid put the final touch to add sauce to the meat

the cagerou's were suprise 

mom:oh my

bald:i never see something like that

claire gulp

jason:yeah but it all comes down to the taste{i swear if i fail i am shome to cary to have the pyra for the rest of my life}

he trough as the cagerou's take an piece of the meal along with the meal who have they own plates as everyone put the food on they mouths




they yells soo loud the birds fly away

mom:oh my i never taste something like this before!

bald:i been an high class party with the best food but nothing supass this!

claire:hmmm this sauce make the meat even better an my mouth!

jason:i know and the eggs work as well


she take an bite of the eggs and smile

maid:an my life as a maid i never taste something like this is soo good!

maid 2:i know is like taste an piece of heaven

maid 3:i mild want to learn more of the food jason make is soo amazing

claire:brother you soo amazing

jason:thanks sis

mom:jejej with food like this you became every woman's dream to have an men who can cook this amazing food even you mild get married very soon

jason blush hard 


maid:oh i will sure marry him if he was older i want to taste this food everyday

maid 2:i know

jason:uhh well if you want to learn how to i have book with notes about all the recipes i made

mom:oh you do?

jason:yeah i have it an case i learn new recipes or i forgot one{the latter i douth because i store like well like an computrer}

he trough as he show the book and give to one of the maids

jason:here it have anything

maid:all thank you jason you are the best

she hug him as jason blush

maid 2:hey

claire:let go of my brother!!

maid:but he soo warm

jason:{oh for the love aegis}

later on everyone finish eat

claire:ahhh that was delicious

jason:i know right

mom:i say you are amazing chef

jason:jejej thanks mom

bald:you sure suprise us with anything

jason:oh ..thanks...but back to the point is time for the desserts

claire:you make dessert!?


jason look an the maid as the later nod as tell the maids as the later bring the desserts

the cagerou's were suprise as they begin to eat along with jason and the maid

mom:hmm i can feel the sugar on my body!

claire:hmm this one have milk..but is soo creamy..hmm

maid:hmm the the berry jelly make the taste even sweet

jason:glad you like i work on thoses

claire:brother promise you never give this to another one woman!

jason:uh but why

claire:just promise me!

jason:oh oh okay{jeez like that much no one else should eat my food?}

claire:{i can't any woman eat his food or is gonnad fell an love with him not even the princess can't stand it}

later at night

jason was walk trough the forest toward the ghost town

jason:okay i close...well here goes

he said and look the big amount of jelly slime

jason:let's hope it doesn't go overdrive

he said as he use his magic on the slime as the slime cover his body and after an while it form to have an somesort mix between outfit and armor

{replace the red light with green pun intede and replace the color white for black }

jason:hmm this is close mom pneuma works now then

he summor pyra sword and keep goin as he find th ghost town with badints on it

jason:good now then

he focus on his blade and lauch an fire slash toward the badints it cause an explosion take out an few then as the rest got the weapons and look to see jason walk toward him gonnad regret that kill him!

one badint try to slash him but


it was stab from the slime armor on the chest

jason:too slow

he said the badint fell death as another two charge at him as jason focus as from the slime suit he make trhowing knifes and with great forces he trhow then hit the badints right on the head another badint with gun aim at jason an fire just as the bullet were about to hit jason he dissapear an blick

badint:where he go!?

jason:over here

before he could even turn aroud he was stab an the neck from behild by jason's pyra sword as he run toward the badints as he jump high and use the slime armor to make an gaint hammer and slam agaist the unlucky badint who didn't dodge and end up crush an the same time cause an shockwade stun the other badints nearby as jason turn the hammer into an giant ax and make an full spin make an long magic slash cut the badints an haft as jason turn to see another group as he have an idea as he use part of the slime armor and trhow to the badints as it hit the bodies and faces as it was was just an distration as jason have an flame on his hand and lauch it toward the slime trail left as the flames quicky went toward the badints and


an explosion of flames thoses who didn't die by the explosion were burn alive and fell death still burning as jason use his magic to collect the slimes who survive the explosion and return back to his armor as jason jump to avoid an slash as he slan between an group of badints as he use his slime armor to make blades came out from it and stab the badints kill then


there was silence as then an blade was head toward him but it phase trough him as it was an after image as the real jason appear and look the leader with an mitril sword

leader:you soo death you don't know what you face

jason:an person who fail an sneak attack...i know what i doing

he said as the badint swing his sword at jason but he focus his slime on his fist and with an strong punch break the sword leave the leader an shock as jason swing his aegis blade leave an giant cut on the leader chest and kick him away as the leader fell on his knees as he look back to see jason with an slime ball

jason:this is for all the inocent you murden with the cult

he said lauch the slime ball as it enter trough the cut as the leader scream an pain feel the slime move inside his body as jason extend his hand and close into fist


the leader explode an blood as there was an short rain of blood before dissapear

jason:there that should fix the badint problem least for now

he said and walk toward the loot

jason:this slime sure was effetive my magic abilities increase better and my overall abilities as well with more learning and magic control i mild even get my prime strengh an no time

he said as he check the boxes

jason:money,jewels and paiting well i donate the paintings i not into art jewels sell it or donate while the money i keep it it sure mild be useful later on

he said but he feel something magical power one is kinda familar

jason:that is magic overload

he look to see something hide as he remove to see an cage inside it and see

jason:oh my god

an possess person it was an mass of meat with one eye

jason:you must be one the possess ones i guess i was right about the badints and then

he look the posess person

jason:don't worry i will try hard an fix you even if cost my life

he said as he begin to work

the next days jason begin to work an try to cure posess form as an the same time get better on his magic control increase his magic reserved and due to be flesh eater and pseudo aegis it have an lot as right now was an the ghost town and look the possess one

jason:{okay i have enough control to remove the magic overload soo here goes}

he begin to work as he remove the magic overload as it result it became from mass of flesh to human well actually an eft as jason caught her and look at her who was uncosious

jason:i think is the first time i see an eft

he was right he see beastskins,aegis,blades,humans,gods,ect..but never an eft as he look at her he notice one detail

she was naked as jason blush lucky jason put an cover on her as jason sit on top of an box

jason:{well i did i can heal from the possesion that means i can save my sister..but}

he look an the ceiling

jason:{there is more out there suffer the posseion as they odd lifes were torn apart by churchs poison's world...and worst of all no one knows the true..except me...i know what i have to do}

he trough determined what he have to do.............stop the cult of diablos once for all soo the world can be free from they shadow 

jason hear noice and see the girl waking up


she look herseft and then look at jason who was on the slime suit with an hood on

girl:you heal me from curse

jason:you hear anything i said

the girl nod

jason:i see..well now you cure you free to go{i wish to help her but i can't keep an the masion the ghost town is good place but i need to see her regulary}

girl:wait what you mean by curse

jason:well the curse of diablos


jason:you see diablos before die unleash an final trick agaist the heros pretty much curse they descedants the curse affect to girls since the heroes were women istead of men soo every girl who share the blood of the heros will suffer the fate of been turn into...well you know what

the girl was an shock

girl:who who did all this?

jason:the cult of diablos..thoses people were hide an the shadows put scheemes they even have the church to spread lieds and hide the true about the curse soo people either murden the posess ones or sell then to the cult soo they experiment then for they goal..witch is bring the demon to life and use the power for theysefts they do this for years..if you want prove

he give her the letters to alpha who show the cult actions as jason see the girl unleash big amount of aura as her eyes shine he can see she was furious and want revenge agaist the cult and will do anything to get it

jason:{.....that remind me to dad revenge agaist terumi}

he trough an his father who want revenge agaist terumi who destroy his childhood

girl:why you tell me this?

jason:you want the true there it what you plan to do

he said as he notice the girl stare at him with determination

jason:{oh..i can see where this is goin and i in}

he trough as he know what the girl want

girl:i want justice for me and thoses the cult make suffer,but

she look down

girl:i know i have no chance agaist then even i have power ..soo

she said and look at jason

girl:i swear my loyalty my savior

jason was suprise as he trough

jason:{i gonnad help if i want to save more posess girls..and face the cult...well looks like need to become the shadows}

he trough and look the girl with an smile as he unleash his magic and fire aegis power as the girl was suprise by such display of power but olso she can feel the his savior will protect her

jason:good to know because if we gonnad face someone who act an the shadows then..we must became the shaodows lurk an the shadows and hunt an the shadows

he said and extend his hand toward her

jason:now listen once you in...there is no goin back we gonnad face an lot even the world mild turn agaist us..but..are you willing to risk it to save others and stop the cult

girl:yes...i do

jason:very well take my hand and let the darkness embrace you

she take his hands as the slime of jason's armor cover the girl as now she have an bodysuit

jason:{well due to be only an eft the magic is not soo strong soo only an bodysuit will be enough}

jason:now you be alpha my second an commnad

the now name alpha nod

alpha:we must look the other posses ones,obtain funds, and get info of the cult

jason:i have 2 of the 3 stuff we find the posess first but olso get extra money and info


jason:but olso an name for out group

he trough and got an idea

jason:we be call shadow of elysium

alpha:shadow elysium..nice name


he said and walk toward the door


jason stop


alpha:i never know you name can call me shadow as i am the one who lurk an the shadow

he look at her and smile

jason:aegis...the blade of the shadows

alpha was suprise by the name aegis

jason:{jeje cool name for sure}

this mark the begining of the shadow elysium and only will go futher into the horizon

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