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an boy open his eyes as he yawn

???:is morning already?

he said as he get up and look an the mirror

he is jason kagerou the youngest child of the kagerou family an noble family of the outskirt he was look an the mirror as he then look down to his chest to see an cristal on his chest

he have that cristal ever since he was born it was unknow to his family as for why as the record show no one have an cristal and later after an doctor and mage ispect it they conclude is some sort of magic core as they theorize is to have more magic and control on there was not record of something like that but jason's mother decide to keep things an secret as she know if there is whisper about the cristal it will bring the bad company to jason..worst case he be experiment on..but another thing fo jason it feel everytime he look at it he feel like something is an part of him is gone..and try to remeber but he can't why exalty is the missing ad flustared him to the point he can't sleep sometimes at night

jason keep look and sight

jason:what is with you it make me feel soo lost

he wonder himseft until he hear an knock

???:brother you awake?


the door open to reveal an girl

claire kagerou oldest sister of jason,she is been caring to him since he was boring as both siblings get along too well sure they mild argues sometimes but they always get better with each other an the end,olso claire can be..... an little overprotive with jason at times as jason kinda dislike and tell claire at times he needs to defend by his own will istead rely on her but claire always metion as sister is the duty to protect her younger brother it was an thing even some the maids metion they talk like an couple witch embarrsed the due and deny that

claire:i see you up


claire notice the cristal

claire:brother again?

jason:kinda hard no too see it

claire nod it was thing ever since jason have the cristal on his chest an first she was curious about the why jason have that but as years pass by jason feel like something is missing at times when he look an the cristal an point he sometimes let an frustation witch make claire feel bad as he want to help jason but she doesn't know how only support him as best she can

claire:i sure you find the feeling

jason:what if i don't

claire hug jason

claire:don't worry you big sister is always be with you to fill that space

she said as jason smile and hug her back

jason:thanks sis

he said as both stop hug

claire:let's go is time for seccion


he said put an shirt to hide the cristal as both head out the room,the kagerou family have an story as for generation have trained to become dark knights who are expert an magic to slay they enemies,as jason and claire as one of posible heirs of the family

the siblings walk pass by some maids

maid:hey who you think who go better 

maid 2:i bet claire sama

maid:i bet jason sama he sure he got better

maid 3:maybe for the cristal he got better

maid 4:hey don't say know how painful is for jason sama right

maid 3:sorry

maid 4:but i bet is jason who win

yeah turns out the slblings are both prodigies an the family when comes of sword and magic as both are even trough claire is better an magic while jason is good an swordmanshi

training grounds

both siblings have they sword out as both stab an giant crock


as the rocks were cut into pieces as the kids father along with the instrutors clap an the duo as the kids sheath they blades and bow

instrutor:impressive you two you got better since last time

instrutor 2:is amazing both are even when comes to progress

dad:i have to prodigies that is for sure

jason sweatdrop

jason:{he said that because we are the best}

he trough he can tell if one of then didn't meet the other expectations his father aka bald man will ignore that child he knows that because early on his life he strugger to keep up with claire it was later on he train with her an private he keep it up..and less to say after he metion the theme to his mother she beat the crap out the bald man

claire:hey brother how about an duel

jason:i in sis

instrutor:very well is duel it end when one of you can't continue

both siblings nod as both got ready

bald:soo what you think

instrutor:after see then both are good..but they have diferences

bald:witch is

instrutor 2:well claire is good with magic that is for sure but jason is good an the sword to point supass claire's an fact he learn way faster than her

instrutor:while claire sure show great magic power compare to like an balance between thoses two

the bald guy trough it was true claire have an strong magic than jason but jason have an superior swordmanship than claire trough the fromer find odd due to the cristal as the amge who check him serve as core..but he figure because he was still young he can't control the magic well

instrutor:all right...begin!

claire begin to attack as jason defend

claire was suprise jason manage to disarm her as the later grab her blade and trhow back at her as claire catch

jason:round 2?

claire smile

claire:go ahead

both attack as they were even

the bald and instrutors were suprise they are even ground the instrutor can see jason have more edge than claire as he have more experience and know how to make fast and accurate attack

instrutor:{both are even but jason sure have more experience and the movement if prove of that}

he trough it was true when he begin he learn way faster than claire when comes to swordmanship an fact he was the faster person he learn an swordmanship even hear claire how he did it and he answer was"i don't know i just feel what to do like i did this before"like it was pure muscle memory witch is weird how someone soo young can remeber how to handle an sword and to the level jason it requires years of training 


that was the sound of claire's sword bleak after an strong strike from jason's 

jason:the duel is over

claire:yeah{he is soo good an the sword}

claire trough it was true jason's swordmanship was better than claire even to the point he manage to imitate the actions of the instrutor perfecty claire ask him how and he metion"i just feel i know what to do"it suprise him compare to his magic witch was weaker than hers but she can see the pontecial jason can go..and she is happy to see the results

the bald and instrutors clap an the dup as both smile

timeskip nighttime forest

jason:...i won't catch sleep...dammit that thing keep goin

he trough the reason he was an the forest of the family is because again can''t sleep because the missing feeling soo he decide to head to the forest..but he wasn't stupid he carry an sword an case of trouble..soo far he find slimes as it was easy as jason keep goin as he stop and look an the moon

jason:if there is god...or goddess please give me an signal about this cristal

and as the gods hear his call the cristal glow glow..but..i ..i feel something..foward

he look foward

jason:...i know i mild get lost..but an this point..i have to get the button of this

he said run deeper into the forest as he keep goin face some slimes along the way until he arrive the entrace of the cave

jason:an cave?

he said and look the cristal the glow was more intense

jason:yeah no douth is here

he enter the cave unknow to him someone follow him

hours before

claire was walk the halls after go to the bathroom

claire:awww..soo tired

she pass jason's room as she stop

claire:{i guess he won't mild if i sleep with him}

she quielty open the door to find


nothing jason was gone

she look aroud and notice the open window as she look to see the forest

claire:he..go there..i need to find him

she said as she goes to pick an sword and leave the house by the window and enter the forest,luckyly it was easy to keep trail the death slimes make sure of it as she keep goin and see jason

claire:there it is j..

but she see the cristal on his chest glow goin on

she said and see jason move deep to the forest as she follow him all the way to the cave entrace as she see jason enter

claire:i need to go there if something happen to him i won't forgive me myseft

she enter the cave

with jason current time

he keep walk deep into the cave

jason:hmm..nothing yet but the cristal metion is close by

he keep goin walk for an while until reach the end and right there he see an sword stab on the ground

jason:an sword{but i feel soo connect to that blade...blade...i feel i know it..could be}

jason was about to walk untill


jason eyes widen and turn aroud to see claire

jason:sis why are you doing here?

claire:i about to ask the same thing you know is dangerous goin an the woods alone and more night time and then i find out run aroud to this cave you got me worry you idiot!!

she said upset and sad

jason:sorry sis i didn't want to scare you

claire:why you even here

jason:the cristal guide me

claire:guide where

he point the blade

claire:is sword..i never see something like that

jason:yeah but i feel i know that sword...i was plan to take it

claire:wait you can't we don't know what it can do

jason:that sword mild be the only answer i was looking for soo long..if that is the case i willing to risky it

claire:but brother..what if ..something happen to you

she said an tears she really care for her brother and don't wat anything bad happen to her


he hug her

jason:i know you worry but trust me i be fine besides if the cristal guide me it means it have good intention right?

claire hug him back

claire:please be careful


he stop hug her as he walk to the blade as he take an deep breath

jason:here goes

he grab the blade with both hands as an that moment an giant burst of flames sourround jason and move aroud him


jason can feel something on him and on the cristal as he can something inside him about to awake as he add all his strengh as he begin to pull the blade as the blades begin to become intense as the blade cristal glow green along with jason's cristal resonate as jason can feel something is begin to form soo he use all his strnegh and magic and finally pull the sword from the ground as it cause an fire vortex sorround him as claire eyes widen an shock an thoses seconds jason can see memories images,moments anything ..he finally found the thing it was missing...

the memories of his past life as jason aegis son of pneuma

as that happen jason begin to change as the cristal on his chest change along with eyes and hair and then there was an burst of flames as claire an shock to see jason change as the cristal was green,his eyes red along with his hair was red like fire as the flames dance around him as he open his eyes and smile

jason:sis..i..i feel alive..i complete i not longer feel lost

claire was suprise as jason land as the flames dissapear



he said with an smile as claire notice the changes

claire:you sure change

jason:je an small price..but i still you little brother right

claire hug him

claire:of course you dummy

jason chulke as he hug her back

claire:you soo warm

jason:yeah i know

he said smile but look sad....because he know what happen his odd he..lost his life

jason:{sorry i have to go everyone but it was for the best}

he trough remeber what he do an his odd witch cost him

jason:we should return before the maids notice us missing

claire:right but the sword

she said as jason make the blade dissapear


claire:how you

jason:i have question as well i guess is because my new me{more like my odd me return an younger shape}

claire nod as both head back trough the forest

claire:olso you cristal is green now

jason:yeah i see{just like they color}

he said remeber "then" have the same cristal color

claire:soo you not longer feel missing

jason:not anymore...don't worry is long gone..we can have more fun together now

claire smile and hug jason

claire:for real what i do to get such amazing little brother!?

jason:jejeje maybe be an amazing big sister?

claire:of course

jason:okay..but can you let me go soo warm

jason:{oh not again}

he trough as he remeber it was an tendecy back then

jason:come sis let me go we need to move and besides..we have company

the du look to see slimes and wofts

jason:you got you blade

claire:of course


he summor his aegis blade as claire pull out her sword

jason:is time for action


both charge begin to take out jason have no issue at all now he remeber his past as due to be an aegis he collect an lot of data and info of his odd world witch was an ton among then battle experience,tactics and his odd combat arts as he slash mutiple slimes as then lauch an stream of flames to an group of wofts burn then alive as then notice an pack sorround him and pounce at but he react by use an combat art

jason:flame nova!

he activate the combat art as his blade spin aroud him on his own create an flade vortex witch cut and burn the wofts

claire was finish slash an woft as she was suprise what did 

claire:{is that is true power from that sword?}

she said suprise as the power of jason was above anything she see as then focus and block an bite from an woft with her sword but notice an group of more wofts head toward her

claire:{oh no!}

as the wofts were about to pounce on her but

jason:blazing end!!

they were cut by jason's flying spining blade who fly trough the wofts and cut then down as claire see the blade fly back to jason as he caught with one hand

jason:sis you okay!?

claire:yeah i fine thanks for the save

both turn to see the remains of the slimes and wofts look the duo douth about attack

jason:i finish then

he focus his new power into the blade as it was cover an flames as he make an giant fire slash turn the beast into ash as claire once again was suprise

claire:{oh my}

she look to see jason pant and fell on her knees


jason:i.i fine.i just tired i guess i use too much magic{my body is not ready yet...besides i normal human}

he trough it was true jason was an aegis,blade vampire hybrid it was due to that it can withstand an lot of power..but now he is human soo he doesn't have enough endurance as he use too

claire:you can walk

jason:i can..we better move...because

he point the aftermath traces of flames,ash and fire particules were left an the area

jason:someone will sure come here


both begin to walk 

claire:how we explain mom and bald about you new look

jason:we improvise

claire nod  as both siblings keep goin

now jason remeber who he is the question is the former aegis will adapt to this new world..and they dangers?

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