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an child was look an the mirror


he look to see an cristal on his chest

an that moment an girl enter

claire:hey brother you okay

jason:yeah i fine

claire:is about the cristal?

jason:i just want to know what it means..i feel something is missing with me

claire hug jason

claire:i sure anything will be fine brother

jason hug her back

jason:thanks sis

next scene show jason an front of blade

jason:{i feel i know that blade..}

jason walk toward the blade and hold it as there was an suddle burst of flames sorround him


as the flames more aroud him as jason use all his strnegh to pull the blade and rising from the ground as it unleahs an burst of power as the flames move aroud and then dissaper as claire cover her eyes and then look back to see her brother..but now he have red hair and eyes as the blades have flames on it 

jason:i..i..remeber now

another scene jason as adult with pyra's ...blade..on his hands

jason:soo i reborn into an new world..i not sure how to feel..i hope dad and moms are okay....but the big issue is

he look pyra sword

jason:if mom's sword is an this means the other blades as well...

an scene show mytrha sword an church as victoria was an front of it

victoria:godess of light please guide us for an better future

she said as the sword shine for an moment

another scene show pneuma sword underground as another scene show jason spar with claire

claire:brother are you really okay i mean

jason:hey don't worry i can control my magic even change the color back to the original besides with the new magic in me i can protect you

claire:i olso plan to protect you as well

jason:good to know

another scene jason read an letter is about the cult of diablos

jason:the cult of diablos...looks like they play behild the shadows..all along maipulate..if they have the blades..only i can stop then...i have to i deal with god want destrution for freedom and pyra and mythra metion that malos who want death of humanity..i won't the cult get away from they actions

another scene was jason an front of alpha who manage to restore her form

alpha:who did to me

jason:cult of diablos

he show the later

jason:they play behild the curtain on the shadow manipulate the information everything you know about the heros the church.was an lied to to get control of the public even have royalty among then...worst mild have even the demon itseft along the heros prisoners to use they power for theysefts

alpha was an shock

jason:i plan to stop then..if you can you live since you free...but olso..i give you the choice to help me...again is you choice i not force you 

alpha:..i want to fight...if there is others like me...i want to save then and make the cult pay

jason:je you took the world out of my mouth

he hold alpha's hand

jason:then welcome to the shadows..alpha...i aegis or you can call me shadow

another scene show jason with the seven shadows

beta:lord shadow we find info of the other two blades you look sword


zeta:we find out one of the blades is on the church hands ..the other ones is hide an another kingdom..we don't for sure..we have limited resources

alpha:soo we plan to expand. shadow garden...but we have to leave to do soo

jason:is okay i plan to leave as well

delta:where to boss man

jason:someone have to pick the blades

gamma:we could

jason:only i have the power you know it

the seven shadows nod

jason:but still

he smile

jason:i gonnad miss all you

the girls smile 

alpha:we know

jason:how about an hug before an see you son

eta:isn't an goodbye?

jason:i mean we gonnad see each other again right?..soo i see you soon is better

zeta:je fair enough..we see you then

the group have an hug

another scene show jason look his blade

jason:even i have the blades i know there is more...just like i am shadows...i need to become one as well

he said as dark aura sorround as he is gone

another scene jason was face his dark seft

shadow:you are soo percistent

jason:you should know..after all you are me..the darkest side of me

shadow:yet you come to the darkness what you plan to destroy me?

jason:you know is not that..i want to fight together as one..besides we always be one you like or not

shadow:how about take control of you

jason:i just keep fight..

shadow:..fine..then again we do get along an the end of the gods dreams..soo what is the treat.terumi or malos resurretion

jason:the cult of diablos need to fill me up about what is goin on


another scene we see jason on the academy with alexia

alexia:there is something an you


alexia:you mild look nice but i can see deep inside there is something dark in you

mutiple scene show jason as his dark aegis form take out cults and monsters alike without mercy

alexia:what you hide

jason:..something i don't to reveal{besides if you only know about that side}

shadow:{yeah she won't live to tell}

another scene jason was face iris an the training ground of the school as the students among then alexia,rose and claire watch

iris:i want you to join the crimson order

jason:why me

iris:you feats speak for theysefts

another scene show jason face badints on his pyra form as well monsters

iris:you face dangerous group of badints not only here even oriana kingdom

another scene jason save orianna

iris:and even rescuer victoria from the templars who betray her

another scene show jason grab mythra sword as his trasform into his mythra form as victoria was an pure shock are the godess chooser one

jason turn to her and extend her hand she victoria take it

another scene show jason face zenon,sir gaint the last one on his dark mythra form

jason:if the cult think they can take me while hurt others..they are wrong..

mutiple scenes jason hang aroud,with sherry,iris,alexia,rose,and the seven shadows

jason:i fight with all i got to protect then

an scene show jason face aurora as he wassend fly as he land and pant

jason:i will not lose

he said as he pull both blades as he focus his energy meawhile the third blace shine as it dissapear as back an the godess trial an magic circle appear an front of jason as the third blade rising suprise everyone as jason look the blade as he fuse his two blades with the third one as jason take the fuse blade as there was an intense glow as it fade everyone was an shock by jason's new form

jason:aurora..i plan to put end to you suffering..soo get ready

an extra scene show jason point his blade at zeta


jason:i have same question for zeta.....why...

jason:why you act behild my back?... and put the others an risk?

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