The Emotions - Ch.6 - The Forms

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Darwin had an idea. If fire was Gumball's anger, then water must be his sadness! If Gumball got sad, he could put out the fire with his water! He ran over and told this to the rest of the family. Gumball didn't notice Darwin running away, since he was so distracted by the mayhem he had caused.

"That does make irrational sense." Anais agreed

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Nicole asked desperately

"No, no I'm not sure. But this is all we got. We might as well try." Darwin stated

Darwin ran back over to Gumball and tried to think of something that would make him feel bad. Then he thought of something.

"Gumball, you know the people in there could've gotten real hurt, right?"

"Yeah.. I know."

"And the other day you also hurt a lot of people with your claws too.. a lot of our friends."

"I know."

Gumball felt tears start to form.

"You even made me very scared and sad too. I can't even put into words how I felt. We felt. Me, Anais, and Penny."

"Wha- what? Did I hurt her too?!"

You could hear the sadness in his voice. You could also hear his voice crack a bit too.

"Ye- yes. Yes you did. Both emotionally and physically."

Darwin hesitated while saying this. He really didn't want to do this to Gumball, but he knew he needed to. He needed to do this to put out the fire, and to see what Gumball's sad form was.. if there was one. When Gumball heard this, he couldn't hold back any of the sadness. Out of sadness and guilt, Gumball started sobbing uncontrollably. Darwin had built up tears in his eyes as well. He hated this. Like they have said before, when one of them cries, they both do. Then, out of thin air, water vapor turned into water droplets, which turned into a full blown stream of water. Darwin stepped back a bit, wiping the tears from his face. Gumball then fell to his knees, still sobbing. The water surrounded Gumball, but made an air bubble so Gumball could breathe. The tail of the creature got very long, getting very thick and taking a ball-like shape at the end. The ears were down, like when Gumball was upset. There was a big droplet of water hanging from each ear as well. Even when this was going on, Gumball was (again) oblivious to the transformation. A group of people have now gathered to where all of this was happening. Gumball couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he hurt the ones he beloved the most. Darwin, Penny, and Anais. Though, this was a lie, (at least Gumball scratching Penny was a lie.. Darwin hoped.) Gumball didn't know that. He was still visible just a bit through the thick layer of water. You could make out that he had his hands on his face. About twenty seconds after the transformation was finished, the water "shell" on Gumball took the same position as the real Gumball. The rest of the Wattersons then came up with Darwin to witness what had just happened. Darwin had forgotten about the plan until Anais reminded him.

"Hey Darwin? Uh.. shouldn't you be doing the plan?"

"What? What plan- OH! Yeah, thanks for reminding me, but I think I will do it once he calms down a bit."

About a minute later, Gumball seemed to calm down. Keep in mind that the fire has just been sitting there. The firemen got there, but they were no help since they were the little marshmallow guys. They just kept melting. Speaking of other people, the group of people from earlier has gotten a lot bigger. These people contained children, parents, kids from school, and of course, news broadcasters. Then Gumball finally said something.

"Are you sure all you said was true?"

Darwin didn't know what the heck to say. Then he noticed the fire getting VERY bad. He then quickly said,

"UH.. YES?" Darwin said very quickly and desperately

A face of intense sadness appeared across Gumball's face. Then his cheeks puffed up. This could just be how the sadness form works, or something else. When Darwin saw this, he thought of this as really bad. The house was already destroyed, so he screamed,


When Gumball released what was inside, it was just water. He aimed for the demolished house, and extinguished the fire. The Wattersons shared a relieved sigh. But as soon as Gumball extinguished the fire, he started sobbing once again. Darwin knew this had to stop, because he saw a water puddle starting under Gumball. He then told his family what he was going to do.

"I'm going to swim into Gumball and try to calm him down."

The Wattersons all said,


Nicole said alone,

"Are you sure you can do that?"

"Well, yeah! It is just water after all.."

Then Darwin took a couple steps back, then ran full speed towards the shell of water that had Gumball inside. He jumped and dived right in, but not before taking in a breath of air. He didn't really need to do that though, since he was a fish. He realized this once he was inside. He was just in the moment I guess. He then located where Gumball was, which was right above him. Darwin then swam up to his brother and tried to calm him down.

"Hey, Gumball, I know you are really upset, but you have to remember that that's in the past now."

"But.. I hurt almost.. everyone I know. We know."

"Yeah, but.. everyone will probably forgive you. After all, it's just a scratch."

"Exactly! Probably. And also, I still scratched them. I hurt you, I hurt Anais, I hurt Tobias, I hurt-"

"Gumball, calm down. After all, the fire could've hurt you very badly. But you are here. Just give me a hug.."

Darwin tried to come close to Gumball, but He pushed Darwin away quickly.

"NO! I am still a danger! But- BUT I NEED A HUG!"

Darwin then hugged Gumball, which made both of them feel good. Then Darwin said,

"Anyhow, what I wanted to say was, I forgive you. After all, it was the crystal's fault."

This one sentence lifted a massive weight off Gumball's shoulders. The first smile in a while appeared across his face. He then hugged Darwin back and simply said,

"Thanks buddy."

He then thought about all the things Darwin had said, and decided that he was right. It was the crystal's fault, everyone will probably forgive him, and it is in the past now. This was when Darwin got placed down onto the street. He didn't know how this happened, but it was done very gently. The grip was smooth and yet a bit prickly. Whatever grabbed him didn't want to hurt him. He looked up to see a green cat-like creature. What had grabbed him was a vine coming from the back of the entity. It had a long tail with spikes on it. It also had leaf wing-like structures sprouting from its back. This was all tied together with a literal vine tied around it's waist. This creature and Darwin shared a smile. It was a genuine, "there you go" smile too. It then used its powers to recreate the house to the way it was before any of this happened. The creature then shrunk rapidly to the size of Gumball. All the Wattersons, except for Darwin, stood there bewildered. They all then ran to the green version of Gumball, and the five embraced.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay! But, what happened to you?" Nicole exclaimed and questioned

Gumball answered in a calm, echoey voice,

"I am too. And to answer your question, it is kind-of hard to explain."

They started walking home, but not before Nicole paid a fine. Gumball, Darwin, and Anais all explained together, adding on anything one of them would have missed. As they did this, Gumball slowly started transforming back into his normal self.

"Are we almost there yet? My feet are sad..." Richard questioned

"Yep, our house is just two houses down. Kids, you can run down to the house." Nicole answered

Darwin and Anais started running down, but Gumball stayed behind. Darwin shouted to Gumball,

"Gumball, come on!"

"Nah, I'm way too tired to run."

"Do you want to climb on my head??" Darwin asked this almost like he wanted his brother to get on.

"Uhm.. sure. Why not." Gumball responded wearily

Gumball then climbed on top of his sibling's head and almost fell asleep. The five then went home, had dinner, and the three siblings went straight to bed. Gumball fell asleep almost right away. Darwin and Anais knew they had to get Carrie or Penny involved. And the date this would happen, would be tomorrow.


Hello! Sorry I haven't been updating, it's just that I've been working on another story at the moment. I also kinda lost interest, but I still want to work on this. I would consider this on hold for now.. I apologize. Have a great day! :3

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