The Emotions - Ch.5 - The Chase

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Imagine this. You were just relaxing on a lovely sunny day. The birds chirping, the trees swaying, and you hear the stomping of a monster. Imagine that, but reverse. You knew something was up, you wait a bit, and all of a sudden, BOOM! A monster comes running trying to annihilate you. And the worst part is, it's your son, brother, or best friend. The four Wattersons were running for their lives from their own family member. The monster took a deep breath, and instead of air there were flames. This nearly hit Nicole and Anais but they dodged it by about three inches. They were running for about five minutes until they reached a house. They tried to turn to their right, but there was a wall. They were cornered. The fiery beast was now just standing a few feet away, ten feet at most. The flames were bigger and hotter than before.

"Gumball, Stop! We talk about everything! Just calm down!" Darwin yelled

The monster only growled in response. It then said in a low, terrifying voice,

"Shush. Don't even bother. How can I even trust you? You're part of the problem yourself!"

This hurt Darwin. He felt a couple tears start to form in the back of his eyes, and then stopped to think of something. Just then, Anais realized that the creature was about to take a deep breath again, just like before. Anais then thought of a plan.

"Darwin, have a plan. We need to duck and run when you see Gumball take in a big breath."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to Mrs. Mom."

Darwin then passed it on to Nicole, who told Richard. As soon as Nicole was finished telling Richard the plan, Gumball said,

"Is there something you would like to share?"

Anais then started throwing insults.

"Yeah actually.. remember when you were trying to pass out and you couldn't?"

"Ummmm.. yes?"

"Do you remember the fact I told you?"

"Uh.. that you need your skull to touch your brain to pass out?"

"And you couldn't. Because you have a small brain."

"SHUT IT!" Gumball snapped

"ANAIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Darwin desperately whispered to Anais

"I'm making him mad so he breathes fire quicker."

"HOW DOES THAT- oh.. oh okay!"

Darwin tried to think of an insult, and came up with,

"Hey Gumball? Remember when you told me to speak my mind?"

"Yes... why?"

You could hear that Gumball was getting angrier by the second.

"Do you remember the insults I threw at you?"


"How did they make you feel?"

"Angry, vengeful and rage.."

"Well.. I meant all. Of. Them."

This was the breaking point. They might not have been the best insults ever, but Gumball was very sensitive and reactive at the time.


Then Gumball took a deep breath, and Anais counted down to when they needed to run.

"Three, two, one, RUN!"

As soon as Anais shouted run, Gumball let a huge burst of flames out through his mouth. The Wattersons ran just in time. The house, of course, was on fire now, and whoever was inside evacuated immediately. Gumball, who was oblivious to the fire, was still looking for his family. When he spotted them, he stepped forward a bit. He saw that they weren't worried about him, but looking elsewhere. He then saw what they were looking at. The fire he had caused was very big and bright, and the firemen were on their way to extinguish it. Gumball had a look of horror on his face, which was still made of fire. The fire from around his body had then entered back into him. It was just plain Gumball. Darwin was the first to run up to him.

"Are- Are you okay?"

The first thing that was said by Gumball was,

"No Darwin. No I'm not."

"What do you mean?"

"Darwin, I JUST MADE A HOUSE CATCH ON FIRE. I'm a danger."

"No, no you're not. You just got a little caught up in your anger, that's all!"

"Do you realize how bad this is?!"

"Yeah but-"

Then Darwin got an idea.

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