The Emotions- Ch.4- The Loneliness

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Everyone was sent home because of the events that happened before, so the three Wattersons got in the car when their father showed up.

"Gumball! How could you hurt your friends, and burn a bus!?"

Gumball was still weary but could talk.

"What? I did?"

"Yes you did, and you know it!"

The thing is, Gumball can't remember anything that happens when he transforms. He didn't know that it was him that burned the bus, but he connected the dots when he saw the damage, him as a fire monster, and everyone saying that he did.

"I know I'm usually the good cop, but you are grounded! Your mother will say the same thing."

"For how long?"

"Two months at least."

After Richard said this, Gumball gave him a salty stare. No one said anything the rest of the way home. Gumball was lost in his thoughts. What is happening to me?! Will I turn into a monster every time I get mad? For the rest of my life?! As he was thinking, Anais interrupted his thoughts.

"Gumball! We're home!"

Gumball slowly walked up the stairs to the front door. He felt a fin on his shoulder.

"Good luck with Mrs. Mom." Darwin whispered.

As he walked in, his mother was standing right in front of the door. She had the same face as when they didn't return the DVD a while back, except even more angry.


Gumball knew this was going to happen, so he obeyed. Nicole found this very strange. Usually Gumball would say something to try to get himself off the hook. When Gumball got into his room, he sat on his bed. After he saw what he had done, he had been holding in all the emotions. He started sobbing for a few minutes. He held his face in his hands. Just as he stopped, Darwin was about to come in to talk about things. As he was about to, he decided to listen in instead. He heard Gumball talking to himself.

"I should be thankful that Darwin was telling everyone that it wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault! It was all the stupid crystal's fault! Now everyone is going to be mad at me, and hate me. I knew I should've skipped that science class. No one gets it. Almost no one is on my side! I'm alone. I bet Darwin is just saying that stuff just to make himself look good.... I am alone."

Then, Darwin heard an eerie noise. It sounded like very faint thunder. Then it stopped after about eight seconds. Darwin took a deep breath and peeked inside. There was no Gumball. The room was barely a room anymore. It was a dark mass. Darkness was everywhere on the walls. Darwin stepped into the room very timidly.

"Uh.. hello? Gumball, are you in here?"

The only sources of light in the room were the window and a yellow light coming from the corner of the room. Darwin looked into the corner that the yellow light was coming from. He saw a purple entity. He thought it was another "version" of Gumball. The creature turned around, hearing Darwin's light footsteps on the floor. The creature had a moon symbol on its forehead and left ear, it still had Gumball's whiskers unlike the fire creature,and it was wearing a cape. Its tail was the thing that held the light, it was almost like an orb of orangey-yellow energy. The most noticeable thing was that there was a little ghost-like being orbiting and snuggling the creature.

"Oh.. hi, Darwin. Why are you here."

It's voice had almost no emotion. Darwin knew this was Gumball, but again, it wasn't.

"I overheard you talking to yourself, and.. I just wanted to check in on you."

"Wait.. you heard what I was saying? Were you eavesdropping on me?!"

"No.. I heard you because I was coming up to check on you."

"How much did you he- ugh.. it doesn't matter. If I get any madder, I might blow the house up."

Gumball let out a small chuckle after saying this.

"So.. uh. What happened? Or- why are you in this.. form?" Darwin questioned

"I don't know. I guess these.. forms, depend on how I feel."

"Well, how do you feel?"

Darwin already knew how he felt, since he was eavesdropping earlier. He just wanted to see what Gumball thought.

"I don't know. I guess I sort-of feel.. lonely."

Darwin simply asked,


"I don't know. I feel like everyone is against me. I feel like they don't understand me, or how this happened, or that I didn't mean any of it.."

As he was saying this, Darwin could tell that he was getting madder and madder as he went on. In the middle of it, Darwin interjected,

"Okay, um, do you want to calm down?!"


Thankfully, Gumball heard Darwin, and calmed down a little bit.

"I just feel like even my own family is against me, like you guys were hiding from me when I was a fire monster. Maybe like- maybe you're just saying that it wasn't my fault to make yourself look good!"

Darwin noticed the Gumball was getting even madder than before. He started forming into the same fire creature from before, but it was even bigger than before.

"Gumball, that's not how it-"

But before Darwin could finish, Gumball had fully transformed into the fire creature. Then, Gumball dashed down the stairs, surprisingly only setting a few pictures and the couch on fire. Darwin then followed behind, having a fire extinguisher with him. He put out all the fires, only to see even more. This obviously startled the rest of the Wattersons.

"AHH! WHAT IS THAT THING?!!" Nicole screamed.

"What?! Why is Gumball the fire monster again?!" Anais asked frantically.

"No time to explain! Just get out of the house!" Darwin said.

The four Wattersons then ran out of the front door, followed by a fire monster that was getting bigger by the second. When it stopped growing, it was about 10 feet tall. Then what followed was an emotional roller coaster. Literally.


Oh neooooooooooo.. A CWIFFHANGER!!! Honestly, it doesn't really matter, since I'm posting the next part as soon as I post this. Anyways I have nothing else to say BYE!

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