Chapter 1

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It's been a week since the rebels cell Ghost Squad was forced to attack Lothal Imperial Command Center after being discovered. Since then the Ghost Crew has been quiet but the Empire is aware of them.

Currently in the Imperial Command Center meeting room there is a meeting with the assembled leadership of Lothal.

Inside the room there is Imperial Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko, Taskmaster Myles Grint, Minister Maketh Tua, Governor Arihnda Pryce, Captain Tex, Moff Stattata and ISP agent Kallus

Kallus: "So let me get this straight. While Governor Pryce was busy with the Batonn issue of a threat. Commandant Aresko and Taskmaster Myles was busy with foolish errands by the Moff Stattata who didn't pay attention to Captain Tex when he reported that a rebel cell managed to enter the Imperial Command center to steal data and canisters of Elements Zero fuel" he said looking at a data pad of the report including live video of the actions.

Captain Tex: "You got it right Agent Kallus" he said while the three men pale as they realized how screwed they are if Kallus reports this to the Council of Defense.

Kallus: "Well the loss of some Stormtroopers lives and the loss of data including canisters of fuel you three are in deep trouble but I will give you three, two strikes one more and I'm afraid I have to report you to the Council of Defense as in article 58: should any imperial soldiers failed in three strike the council of defense must decide their fate. So be lucky that you three are safe" he said which the three men sigh while Tex and Pryce glare at them.

Maketh: "Um excuse me for speaking out of place but what about the rebel cell?" She said which Kallus sighed.

Kallus: "Empress Vexaia wants to see if this Rebel cell is apart of a larger group but for now we continue as everything is fine for if the civilians of Lothal discover that we are weak they lose their trust in the empire" he said.

Maketh: "I see. Btw I am curious as to why you didn't try to help your fellow soldiers Tex" she said which everyone looking at Captain Tex.

Captain Tex: "Unlike the other soldiers I knew that if I attack then I will die thus I spy to see if I can gather any Intel on the rebel cell and it seems I did as I know that they have two Jedi among them including an ex avenger" he said surprising everyone.

Kallus: "So some of the Justice League and Avengers are still in hiding. I must report this as any former hero of Earth must be arrested" he said.

Captain Tex: "What about the Jedi?" He said which Kallus frowned.

Kallus: "They are to be left alone as only the Inquisitors have the authority to hunt them and Empress Vexaia wants to see if these two Jedi can lead them to the other Jedi" he said.

Governor Pryce: "If that is all I must return to dealing with the threat in the Batonn" she said then everyone leaves.


Currently the Ghost Squad is busy sadly Hera informed them that they are low supplies of fuel thus forcing them to do a deal with the crime lord Cikatro Vizago which Chloe is disappointed in as she was taught by the Avengers that Crime Lords are dangerous.

So for the next few hours the Ghost Squad went on a mission to steal weapons from an arms trader called Amda Wabo whose cargo was at bay Seven thus the Ghost Squad managed to trick Minister Maketa into going to Bay Seventeen while the Ghost Squad headed to Bay Seven.

However the Ghost Squad are surprised to see new models of the banned weapons called disruptor rifle which is non-lethal against organics but effective against disable starships and machines that include weapons.

Jarrus: "Why would the empire or Cikatro need these weapons?" He said.

Gus: "Well from what the data say these rifles can disable ships and machines" he said only for Stormtroopers arrive thus the Ghost Squad fight them as they smuggle the weapons to the Ghost.

Once the Stormtroopers are dead the Ghost Squad escapes but upon arrival at the location on Lothal they discovered that Cikatro Vizago and his droids are being attacked by Stormtroopers thus forcing them to help.

However in the crossfire the cargo of the weapons got blown up which forced the Ghost Squad and the Crime lord to escape.

Yet what both don't know is that Kallus was nearby and frowned as he found a remaining rifle from the cargo.

Kallus: "it was a good thing the rebels didn't get these weapons otherwise they would easily destroy our machines" he said.

???: "Indeed Agent Kallus" a robotic voice spoke which Kallus turned around to see the newest machine model.

Kallus: "Ah Terminator. It was a good thing you arrived as I don't think I could handle these rebels on my own" he said.

Terminator: "It ain't a issue agent Kallus but we must secure these rifles as they will be a threat to my fellow machines" he said.

Kallus: "I agree" he said.


Currently on the junkyard planet the Crime lord Cikatro is having a meeting with a rebel leader John Connor who frowns since the Rebels could have used the new rifles.

John Conner: "What about Plasma weaponry?" He said which Cikatro sigh and show him a cargo of the guns.

Cikatro: "It wasn't easy as these weapons on the Black market are expensive and were well hidden to prevent the Empire from finding them" he said.

John Conner: "So long as the Rebels get these weapons you're fine" he said paying the crime lord who shrugs then leave.

Once John Conner is alone he press a button thus three soldiers arrive which are Ricco Frost, Cynthia Dietrich, and Bangalore.

An: the first two are from Aliens franchise and Bangalore is from Apex Legends.

Ricco Frost: "So what's the plan with these weapons Commander John?" He said.

John Conner: "We give them to the Rebels on the planet Hoth Private. Also what is the situation with the new base on Yavin 4 Corporal?" he said.

Cynthia Dietrich: "So far there is no sign of any Empire near the system but the temple that the Sith repair doesn't have anything important" she said which John Conner frowned.

John Conner: "Damnit I thought the Sith would at least leave anything important for us to use against them" he thought.

"What about the fleets and transport ships on the planet Paucris Major Bangalore?" John Conner said.

Bangalore: "So far the planet is safe and no Empire is in sight" she said.

John Conner: "That's good. Now let's move out Rebels" he said as the three soldiers salute him then bring the cargo to their transport ship.

Nearby is an engineer called Prauf who misses his friend Cal Kestis who escapes after years of hiding from the Inquisitors and joins the Hidden One.

Only for the chief to say he got a meeting with a client which confused him but he went to a building where he saw a cloak figure only to reveal himself.

Prauf: "Cal!" He said hugging his breaded friend who laughed as he returned the hug.

Cal Kestis: "It's been a while since I saw you" he said which Prauf laughed.

Prauf: "Too long. So why did you come back?" He said.

Cal Kestis: "it's the Hidden Path. They decided to join the Rebels and they wanted me to recruit volunteers for joining the Rebels cause against the Empire" he said which Prauf frowned.

Prauf: "You know that I'm not a fighter Cal" he said which Cal Kestis chuckled.

Cal Kestis: "I'm aware thus why I want you to join my crew to be its ship engineer" he said which Prauf smiled.

Prauf: "That I can do" he said then the two men leave to join up with the Stinger Mantis crew which have Dritus, Merrin and Junda.

Nar Shaddaa.

On the planet of the Hutt empire there is a building owned by former Jedi Padawan Petro, who is much older, and turns the building into a Hidden Path hideout.

Currently he is talking to his fellow Jedi Padawans that escaped the Jedi Order.

Katooni: "I can't believe that it has been 14 years since we abandoned the Jedi Temple before it was destroyed by the Sith" she said.

Zatt: "Thankfully we survived but I am worried that we have to fight our fellow former friends that turned to the dark side" he said.

Petro: "I agree however we are helping the Hidden Path and the Rebels so report" he said.

Gungi: "Currently I am helping my people with freeing our home planet but the Empire got the planet tight in their grip" he said through a translator.

Byph: "I managed to get Preigo's Traveling World of Wonder to give us Intel of worlds they visit and inform us on anything important related to the empire" he said.

Ganodi: "I managed to secure a deal with some of the Lanthanite, Caitians, and Orion on helping the Rebels" she said.

Zatt: "I managed to get some technology from the empire junkyard" he said.

Katooni: "And I got Ohnaka to help the Rebels with Intel and resources" she said.

Petro: "Good work everyone as every small victory helps the Rebels to fight against the Empire. Thankfully my connections to the underworld empire and Hutt empire is still going strong" he said.

Katooni: "That good. Also any reports about the Twilight Order?" She said which Petro sigh.

Petro: "It seems that the Twilight Order is control by the Sith and Jedi traitors" he said which everyone went silent.


Currently the new president of America George Sears is in a meeting with Amanda Waller and Ritson about the situation involving the fact that Earth is allowing aliens to co-exist with earth and its colonies

Ritson: "We don't need aliens to be a part of the United States America soil! They should be treated as enemies!" He said trying to make the Anti-Alien Act.

Amanda Waller: "We need a Task Force to deal with the Empire as they prove that we are weak!" She said.

George Sears: "I have only been president for six months and all you two do is argue about the fact that the Empire's new laws about alien equality also affect earth! So let me tell you both now that the Empire is much better than the old Republic as at least they don't hide the corruption of their government or lie to their allies! So I suggest you two leave before I am forced to allow the Empire to arrest you two" he said which both frowns and glares then leaves as George Sears work on paperwork.

Inside a limo.

Currently the two are in a limo talking about the fact that the president won't see their reason that the Empire and its allies are a threat.

Ritson: "Is the Extraterrestrial Extermination Force prepared?" He said.

Amanda Waller: "Yes and we got many supporters like William Traeger, Akihiro Kurata, Kent Mansley, Talos Rucker, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Lex Luther, Stan Edgar and Eric Burke" she said.

Ritson: "Good but what about Sam Lane? I thought he would support us?" he said.

Amanda Waller: "He actually is a supporter of the Empire. Thankfully we got Wade Eiling on our support" she said.

Ritson: "Good we need a military soldier who supports us in getting rid of aliens threats and the Empire influence over America soil" he said as the limo stopped in front of the Cadmus Project building which the two exit the limo and walk on in as two soldiers wearing gray armor salute to them as they enter the building.

As the two walk they see many scientists walking around the building with soldiers following the scientists. However the two arrived at a elevator which they went down to the basement where they arrived in a portal room.

Once the two show the scientists their ID they are allowed to walk on through the portal where they arrived at the secret base on a distant planet within the Unknown regions where the two see a massive fleet of battle Cruisers and Destroyers.

Amanda Waller: "each Cruisers carry a hundred and are controlled by both machines and living humans thus In total we got 5 million of proud American clone soldiers and a million machines thus we got six million in total" she said.

Ritson: "Good and soon the Empire and any aliens supporters will realize the might of the EEF and America human superior" he said.


Currently the Kamino scientists are no longer producing clones soldiers but they are now producing clones criminals that will die for the Empire breeding of Xenomorphs.

However walking through the facility under the city is Supreme Commander Jane Shepard and Master Spectre John Shepard as they are there under Empress Vexaia orders.

An: Master Spectre is the leader rank of a special elite Unit under the Imperial Shadow Proclamation, the Council of Defense, and Empress control called ST&R aka Special Tactics and Reconnaissance which they have extraordinary authority over anything that also means the authority power over the civilians existence in the entire galaxy.

It wasn't long until the two arrived in the office of prime minister Lama Su who is nervous because of the fact that the fact that both Jane and John Shepards are not a joke in the Empire.

Lama Su: "Supreme Commander and Master Spectre what can I do for you two" he said.

Jane Shepard: "Cut the bull. We know that you are selling unauthorized clones to some Replacement Technologies because they pay you. Thus Empress Vexaia sent us to secure your loyalty to the Empire" she said.

Lama Su: "The Empire would still be in debt to me for the fact that my species under my leadership have created the army!" He said in rage as he pressed a button thus causing some clones to rush inside and begin attacking the two as Lama Su escaped.

However both Jane and John Shepard's energy shields block the clones attack and they easily manage to find Lama Su who was about to escape only for several Death Stormtroopers to stop him.

John Shepard: "Excellent work Delta squad" he said as he cuffed Lama Su.

Lama Su: "And who would replace me!" He said only to be surprised when Taun We revealed herself.

Taun We: "I'm sorry sir but you betrayed Kamino by selling unauthorized clones to unknown thus Empress Vexaia convinces the Kamino council and its civilians to vote thus they elected me to be the new Prime minister" she said as Lama Su is pushed into a transports ship.

Jane Shepard: "Farewell Prime minister Taun We" she said as both herself and John leave the planet with their prisoner.

Raxus Secundus.

Currently Senator Avi Singh is in his office reading the latest report when he hears his door open thus he looks up to see that the Bad Batch just returned from their latest mission which involves getting rid of a threat to Raxus Secundus itself.

Avi Singh: "Ah Welcome back Bad Batch. I see that the pirates are dealt with" he said.

Hunter: "Yeah but it wasn't easy as they got nasty creatures from the Unknown regions" he said which Avi Singh frowned.

Avi Singh: "I'm surprised the pirates managed to capture Unknown Regions creatures as they are no joke" he said.

Wrecker: "It wasn't that difficult as we use acid to kill them" he said.

Tech: "although why would the Pirates keep acid bombs is beyond my knowledge of logic" he said.

Crosshair: "Just be glad it wasn't any Proton bombs" he said.

Avi Singh: "Anyway, excellent job Bad Batch" he said which he four men fist bumped each other.

Suddenly a holographic projection of Nala Se appears with Omega besides her.

Nala Se: "Ah good I see that you four are still here. I got a mission for you four" she said.

Hunter: "What's the mission?" He said.

Nala Se: "I need you four to go to the Replacement Technologies space station and return the clones that they bought from the previous prime minister of Kamino" she said.

Tech: "Is it because of the law that prevents Kamino from selling unauthorized clones?" He said which Nala Se nod.

Nala Se: "Yes as the Empire makes it clear that any clones being sold must be known to the Empire" she said.

Hunter: "Understood" he said as the holographic projection vanished while the four men saluted the senator then left.


In the city of Kaon there is a gathering of many cybertronians as they hear of Megatron rallying to make changes to Cybertron itself.

Thus they gather and listen to Megatron's speech about the Decepticons moment.

Megatron: "For eons we, cybertronians, have been slaves to the High Council as they refuse us to change all because they are afraid! Well I say we join the Empire and show the High Council how much the Empire might be! So I say to you now, do you want changes to the Cybertron ways for a better future where we are free to be a part of a greater paradise! What do you say Decepticons? Shall we raise up!" He said which many Cybertronians cheers.


On Yautja Prime Scar also gives a speech to many Yautja but this is different as it is about how soft the Elders are when they refuse their warriors to join the Empire military. Thus he wants to form the Outcast where they will hunt down enemies with the Empire's help and shall be the warriors they always have been for eons.

His speech caused many female and male Yautja to roar in agreement as they joined the Outcast.

An: another 3k! Hope you all enjoy the first chapter.

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